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“I’ll jump through all the hoops I did before, and hopefully I’ll get a permit. I imagine there will be a run on the Sheriff’s Department.” – Ed Peruta in Ruling clears way for concealed guns  [at]

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  1. “A split 9th Circuit panel ruled that self-defense in itself is good cause enough.”

    Its ridiculous that there has to be a ruling to come to that conclusion.

    • This is the 9th circuit. They’re as left and liberal as it gets. When even they agree with us it’s a time to celebrate. We have more to do. But for the first time in my life I see more change than hope.

        • Not yet. I’m going to let the bugs get worked out of the system first. I’ve made it this long without. A short time more won’t be much.

        • ROHC. What I always carry in the house. An airweight j frame in a pocket holster. Once the permit comes thru I will probably stash a Sigma in the glove box as a back up.

          I will have to get serious about a decent holster for my Mak. It’ll get carried on occasion.

      • The cynical side of me thinks that it’s not so much that the Ninth Circus agrees with us, but rather that they reluctantly acquiesce to the current SCOTUS decisions that bind them.

  2. California finally recognizes that non millionaires, movie actors or politicians have a right to protect themselves.

  3. I caught this in the story, which I hadn’t heard before, and it’s great news:

    While many sheriffs have taken Gore’s wait-and-see attitude, the sheriff in Orange County decided to begin issuing permits under the new guidelines immediately after the court’s February ruling. Since then, the department there has issued 1,860 permits to citizens who cited self-defense as their primary reason for wanting to be able to carry a concealed weapon, Orange County officials said Wednesday. The department hired 15 retired deputies to help with the demand.

  4. “With the department’s current resources, Gore said it could take a one to two years to get through the backlog.”

    At best this seems like a cry for more money, at worst it’s the department being a soar loser and dragging its feet. Even worse, they are not even going to issue them until they get further clarification from the courts.

    In short, I smell a rat. I suspect further legal and political pressure will need to be brought to bear.

    I suspect, the agency is just waiting for the state legislature to pass another arbitrary law to undo or at least curtail this latest court decision. The fight is never over!

    • I don’t see a rat, I see something far more mundanely bureaucratic. They didn’t know if the ruling was going to stand, so they accepted the applications and stacked ’em in a corner. Now that it looks like it’s gonna stick, they (he, the sheriff) has to figure out how to handle them. Previously, because the applications were so rare (and more rarely approved), they were likely handled by one person, and that may have only been in addition to that person’s other duties. So when he says “one to two years,” he’s likely looking at it from the point of view of that. “This is how long it would take if our one person went at the problem.” It’s a staffing issue.

      • I don’t buy it. Orange County abided by the ruling, albeit semi-official, found the resources, and has issued hundreds of permits already.

        San Diego is just making up excuses to continue violating the Constitution and hasn’t even begun to make preparations for the inevitable. Pure. Foot dragging. There’s a special place in Hell for those petulant little pigs.

    • I think Matt in FL has it exactly right – I saw in an excerpt I posted elsewhere in this thread that the Orange County Sheriff – who DID start issuing in February – brought in (according to the article) 15 retired deputies to process the applications, resulting in 1800+ permits being issued. It’s an incremental manpower issue. Now, the WILLINGNESS and/or the BUDGET to apply the extra manpower are totally separate issues, and without those, it will take a long time just to work through the current backlog. Which might result in more legal action (a permit delayed for years is a permit denied).

  5. You can count on the California Sheriffs to hold up applications.
    Here in Florida as in most places its a 90 day deal or less.
    The 90 days being the FBI doing a finger print search more or less.
    Im sure we don’t get the speedy computerized checks.

    • @Jay, when I applied for my FL permit (as a nonresident, I applied by mail), I received it by return mail. Yeah, it was that fast. Ya gotta love the Gunshine State.

    • Florida did it first and did it right. Run the apps through the state department of agriculture. Keep the big, macho law cop shops out of it. They’ll just whine and cry and deny on whim for no longer being the Chosen Ones exclusively allowed to carry a firearm.

      Yes, I understand the FL dept. of agriculture does have an office of law enforcement. However, it has a very narrow jurisdiction and does not at all define the department as a whole the way the law enforcement element does a sheriff’s department or a state police agency. By probably any measure applicable, Florida’s dept. of agriculture does an outstanding job carrying out their legal mandate.

  6. BTW the poll (scroll halfway down the page to submit your vote)- is currently 4337 YES (90%)
    for “self-defense a good reason to be issued a permit”.

    Gore is an able politician. He was re-elected with no opposition last time. I hear the department is well-run. San Diego County is a moderate-right group of citizens served by a similar common-sense Board of Supervisors, and the County is solidly in the black, thanks to years of fiscal prudence and careful good governance. Pretty sure the Supes dont want Gore to waste any more taxpayers money on this.

    I’d like to believe Sheriff Gore will issue permits as soon as the mandate is listed. The clerks and committee there were doing a good job before, of following the process and guidelines, and I’d like to think they will do so again, without drama, under the new good cause of self defense.

    There are 1600 permits on file that were put on hold, post the first decision, until the mandate stayed by Harris request for intervention, was decided, and per one post by a lawyer on the Baker case, the normal time frame for the mandate to be “un-stayed”, and promulgated as such, is seven days.

    Hopefully this next week the Sheriff will have an update on his website laying out the process.

    What happens in the 9th is anyone’s guess, given the majority is appointed by Dems, but since Peruta was about San Diego, this permitting process moves on, regardless of the other cases that might be brought en banc, or requested for cert by SCOTUS.


    I hope I am misreading this, but checking the San Diego Sheriffs website, I see a change, and if I am using my browser info window properly it was modified today Sunday:


    The issue of whether the State, the Brady Center, and/or CPCA and CPOA can intervene in the case has been settled – they cannot. However, the issue of whether or not the full Ninth Circuit will review the case en banc remains unanswered. The full court can accept a case for en banc review even if none of the parties make such a request – only time will answer that question.

    Therefore nothing has changed for us, we will continue to process applications as we have been doing. Others that wish to place an application in abeyance may do so in person, not by mail. Should the decision be upheld, we will contact the applicants in the order applications were received.”

    Scrolling down, the four reasons for good cause do not include “self defense”.
    I fear the SD Sheriff or his counsel has decided that until en banc review is decided in other cases, that no permits for self-defense will be issued.

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