“If you’re not a felon, you’re a so-called legal good guy with a gun. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people out there have anger issues or other issues of impulse control or histories of reckless or violent behavior. When the door is open to so many people to carry guns legally, it only takes a relatively small number of those who aren’t such good guys.” – Daniel Webster, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, quoted in The Solution To America’s Gun Violence Isn’t More Guns [via huffingtonpost.com]


  1. Please kind sir, show me the data where people with concealed carry licenses are more likely to commit felony homicide than the general public.

    • The data is out. It is the liberal/regressives, or those that vote Democrat, (mostly Muslim) that flip out and end up committing mass murder.

      It is what I said before, it is the “liberal pussies”, (from the “Troy Rising” John Ringo SciFi series) that when they do flip out and commit mass murder, they target helpless and defenses people in a GFZ, and when someone shoots back, they usually immediately shoot themselves in the head; like I said, liberal pussies.

    • If it saves just one life …

      If a few people abuse their R2K&BA, then the right must be restricted for all. We would never do that with any other civil right but we have to do it for this one, … because … well, guns.

      • Yes.. I have long said “saving one life is a good thing, but how many die to do it.”

        • “If it saves one life, it’s worth it”

          Except it doesn’t. Where, except a mental ward, does the lack of guns save any lives? Pretty much all mass shootings occur in GFZs. Makes me wonder whose life they’re worried about saving. Are they worried about the lives of the innocent, or the lives of their killers? Because they only life that’s safe in a GFZ is the person who goes into one with a gun intent on killing.

          I know, preaching to the choir and all that.

  2. This is exactly why I think anit’s are so against people carrying guns, because they are unable to control their own anger and don’t understand that normal people are able to be mad with out going into a catatonic rage.

    • It’s a good thing there will be so many armed people around, to respond when or if someone in that small minority of angry and impulsive people actually does do something dangerous.

    • 99% of antis arguments can be attributed to projecting.

      If I had a gun I’d lose control and shoot someone/myself, so nobody should have a gun.

      • Oh, yes. My husband’s rabidly anti-gun ex-wife, a raving liberal, very righteously says that if she had a gun she would shoot everyone she didn’t like every day, so nobody should be trusted with a gun. She’s been known to hit people with her car, so I believe her. Also very glad that she lives so far away.

    • Some people just seem to worship the evil power and glory of the Temper Tantrum.

  3. Please kind sir, show me the data where people with concealed carry licenses are more likely to commit felony homicide than the general public.

    • Facts don’t matter my Cossack friend. ‘Feels’ and emotions *do*.

      Look at the language he uses – “Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people out there have anger issues or other issues of impulse control or histories of reckless or violent behavior.”

      I *suspect* they are laying the groundwork to make any time someone ‘looses their shit’, gets in a screaming match, etc- to make them a prohibited person…

      • Expansion of the “prohibited-person” definition is absolutely the goal. They’re already trying that commie shit in Cali, NY, and now nationally in the House. They’re not going to open a new frontier in the fight against freedom, they’re just going to slowly grow their grip on its throat into a stranglehold.

        • And following expansion of the different types of Catagories.
          Making the “best” use of the ones they got to keep people from being able to carry. Over policing, and making sure to have crimes be felonies no matter how serious.. or even better make it a federal offence which is an automatic felony.
          .. Even accidentally importing the wrong version of fish for a pet store.

    • It’s just another Huffington puff-piece, as though they’re trying to say: “I’ll Huffington Puff, and I’ll blow your house (of guns) down.”

    • And I don’t have any to spare. Every visit to the Puffington Host kills another brain cell I can’t affrord to lose.

  4. Stupid and impulsive people exercise their First Amendment Rights each day. We don’t restrict fundamental Constitutional Rights because some among us don’t use them correctly. If we did, they wouldn’t be freedoms.

  5. Last time I checked it was Totalitarian Despots who favored punishing people for what they “might” DO or what they “might” THINK or what they “might” SAY.

  6. Yes, well the whole point of having a concealed carry permission slip is so that people with “anger issues”, many of whom do not have nor give a good goddam about government permission slips, can be dealt with effectively while you wait for the police to show up and fill out the reports.

  7. There have been more acts of violence this year perpetrated by disheartened Bernie Boosters than by the “good guys” with guns.

    I’d argue harping onto this irrational fixation towards such a statistically small minority (criminal acting “good guys”) may be a sign of mental and emotional instability. All these antis should be registered and background checked repeatedly. Their phobia and paranoia makes me feel unsafe.

  8. This total tool thinks that somebody who’s deranged/angry enough to turn to a weapon over a minor incident will be deterred somehow by words on a page. Judging by the state of Chiraq, Drillinois and Bodymore, Murderland this sentiment is naive at best.

    • I know right. Flip that argument to immigration and watch them stumble over themselves.

      • I do love how we can do this now, and they have no answer for it without looking like hypocritical douches.

    • We still out number them. They have been encouraged to think we are soft targets.
      We aren’t and oddly enough the people that they would kill first, if given a choice, the peaceable heritics living in this country [our “good neighbors”] don’t have to be either.

  9. If a person who has an issue with impulse control, violent tendencies,, inablity to cope in society, Democrat failure phycosi. Then you have a very high probability of being a felon and will be excluded. Armed society is polite society

    • Except this isn’t class – its a free country of sovereign adults. The “teacher” in this case has extraordinary restrictions on what policies he can or cannot enact.

      • Agreed, but “in class” is the key phrase. That is where many Americans begin their statist training. 14 or so years of it then you graduate from high school but the mentality does not drop the day someone turns 18. That is why so many students in college have 0 qualms about trampling on the Bill of Rights on campus: it is all they have seen in school.

  10. So what he is describing is not a good guy with a gun, he’s just labeling everyone as potential criminals and violent offenders

    In his mind we should treat all people as criminals because they could one day become angry and violent. Great political party to be a part of….

    • I think Democrats are already registered, we just need to go round them up.

  11. The John Hopkins Center for the Promotion of Gun Control Laws – working hard to discredit John Hopkins’ medical research reputation since, well, forever…

    • As pretty much EVERY prograd run foundation blowing the inheritance left by their betters of the 19th & 20th century.

      Ford, Rockefeller, etc.

    • It’s not the medical research part of the university, rather this group is a part of the School of Public Health, aka the Michael Bloomberg School of Public Health. (When you donate a billion dollars, you get to have the school named after yourself–and apparently get to direct its policy as well.) The school trains biostatisticians and participates in biostatistical research.

  12. “Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people out there have anger issues or other issues of impulse control or histories of reckless or violent behavior. ”

    Little Danny Demagogue is a fine fear-mongering fellow. Let us not love our neighbors, let us fear our neighbors, our relatives and our shadows. He sings the sweet siren song of anti-civil rights bigotry and intolerance with such passion!

  13. My retort when unsupported guesses are presented is to ask, “Since we already have an estimated 300,000,000 firearms in possession of Americans, and you state perhaps millions of people have anger control issues, why aren’t there more murders and injuries with guns?

  14. Given this guy’s work situation it is clear that he is Bloomberg’s paid boy. I won’t click on a HuffPo article any more but if the potential for violence is in everyone, what exempts the military and especially the police from being disarmed? Oh yes, it’s the all-knowing government. They really do look forward to “1984”. I read somewhere else that it is being revived for modern times.

  15. I’m convinced that these people don’t understand their own words. Once again I’ve heard them say that millions of people out there have poor impulse control and are ready to kill me at the drop of a hat. So I should disarm?

    • Exactly. Every time there’s a mass shooting g un sales go up because people are reminded that there are some seriously deranged people out there and the government can’t/won’t protect us from them. If they want to convince people to give up their ar ms they need to try to fool them into believing they don’t need them anymore.

  16. I’m sure it was just simple oversight that he didn’t see the published FBI data that CCW permit holders are 9 times less likely to commit violent crimes than the general public and 3 times less likely than sworn police officers.

    Just missed that one.

    Totally an accident.

  17. Classic projection. “I have fantasies of killing so EVERYONE does”. Most CCL holders are the most investigated and scrutinized bunch in AMERICA. The statistics are startling how law abiding they are. And MOST aren’t dumbocrats or violent Bernie bots…

  18. It only takes a few Islamic extremists in a group of refugees, it only takes a few illegal immigrants who are gang members, it only takes a few Bernie bots with guns, it only takes a few doctors performing rogue late term abortions…But a liberal would never see the hypocrisy in any of those. For the thousandth time we all say in unison, if gun owners were as violent as the anti-gunners claimed, there wouldn’t be any antis left because they’d all have been murdered by a gun owner.

  19. When the door is open to so many people to carry guns legally, it only takes a relatively small number of those who aren’t such good guys.

    Experience shows the opposite. Where carrying is common, it only takes a short time to put down any who go bad. Take, for example, the Congressional Baseball shooting. On the other hand, where armed responders are few and far between, one bad actor can cause unimaginable carnage. See the 2011 Norway attacks, or the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

  20. “Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people out there have anger issues or other issues of impulse control or histories of reckless or violent behavior.”

    Some of those work at John’s Hopkins and are getting paid to shove tyranny up your a_ _.

    Gird your loins.

    We didn’t ask. Hell, we don’t trust any of those F’ers to solve the problem, they should just stick to the other things that they are bad at.

  21. The answer is obviously to disarm democrats.

    They shouldn’t be able to vote, let alone be able to own firearms.

      • That would be nice. The libertarian policy of defending the left has been counter productive, they defend the people who in turn continue to attack us.

        They should be deported to Siberia. After all, the constitution is just an ancient document written by privledged white racists so they should have a problem with that.

  22. If you run with his view, think of all those cops, soldiers, and security guards who could go off at any moment… my goodness, I shudder…

  23. Paid concern troll is concerned. The best thing antis could do right now is make PSAs to Democrats telling them that violence is bad and to seek mental help.

  24. Millions of people are at the edge of violence, and he wants to really piss them off by stealing their guns… Once more proving they don’t really believe the bullshit they’re saying.

  25. 325,000,000 people at least as many guns. 30 people are killed by someone else with a gun each day. 11,000 a year including cops shooting bad guys and defensive homicides by “good guys” with guns. With so many guns and so many armed people America’s should be proud how well we control our emotions. Our gun crime rate just isn’t that bad. Over the last decade millions of more guns in the hands of good guys and the crime rate decreases. Libs lost this one.

  26. Johns Hopkins should be working on a fix to the problem of Healthcare “Professionals” murdering an American every 72 seconds or so. That’s over 40 times the number of folks murdered by firearm discharges.

  27. If you’re not a felon, you’re a so-called legal good guy with a CAR. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people out there have anger issues or other issues of impulse control or histories of reckless or violent behavior. When the door is open to so many people to DRIVE CARS legally, it only takes a relatively small number of those who aren’t such good guys.” –

    Fixed it.

  28. So his position basically is that if you want to be able to use a gun protect yourself from harm, you should have to get a permission slip. If, on the other hand, you want to use a gun to rob a liquor store, go for it. So this dude is actually FOR Constitutional Carry… but only for criminals.

  29. When you start allowing for exceptions to inalienable Rights, you have no Rights at all ! The exceptions will continue to grow until no one has Rights and totalitarianism reigns. I’ll take my chances with an armed society, THANK YOU.

  30. “…millions of people out there have anger issues or other issues of impulse control or histories of reckless or violent behavior…”

    And last I checked armed bodyguards and law enforcement officers are people too.

  31. Yes there are many people who have anger managment issues. Most never go beyond verbal explosions.
    . . The ones who go beyond are well known by LEO records.
    . . Guess who a supermajority of muderers are.. And most of the rest are members of a household that has such a well known person in it.

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