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“Like any community, there is going to be advocates of (gun rights) and those disparaging of it. What I tend to try and fight is the hypocrisy of my industry. On one hand, seeing people who won’t hesitate to run billboards and posters with actors glorifying guns and portraying it in the most unsafe way possible in their movies, but taking a strong stance against it. That is what I do not appreciate.” – Joe Mantegna in Joe Mantegna defends the Second Amendment, talks gun history [at]

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  1. let’s see how his career goes now that he has bitten the hand that feeds him. . . . . I think he is great, but those who bankroll society will have a problem with him now

    • He hosts an NRA sponsored showed called “Gun Stories.”

      He has probably already achieved outcast status.

    • Joe has been a 2nd Amendment supporter for a long time now, many years in fact. And he does not appologize for it, he is a class guy.

      • Joe Mantegna may not be a hypocrite about how he feels about guns, but he is a hypocrite. I feel this from personal experience.

        I was on his Facebook page and a few people started bullying me because I’m autistic and have PTSD. The next day, I found out I’d been blocked from commenting on his page. I was really heart broken at the time, but now I realize he’s just a horrible person. Luckily I’m not one of those people that refuse to watch an actor because I don’t like them. I really love Criminal Minds and miss Mandy Patinkin being in it. Mandy Patinkin is a much better human being. He’s also much better actor and an amazing singer.

  2. I almost want to say he’s a hypocrite himself since he’s in that shlw Criminal Minds. I feel that show almost glorifies serial killers and is creepy in general. Maybe I’m wrong but that is my opinion. Heck the show and it’s characters seem to mirror a lot of archetypes from other shows like NCIS.

  3. I already liked gun stories with Joe Mantegna, but now I like it even more.

    p.s. favorite episode so far…classic american doubles. if I ever win the lotto I’m having copies made of the invincibles for my collection (the originals should stay in the museum).

  4. I agree with him, I also have an intense disdain for hypocrisy (bad personal experiences). That’s why I like actors who aren’t hypocrites, people like Brad Pitt, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis.

    Was disappointed to find out that Mark Wahlberg is anti-gun, especially after seeing him in “2 guns”.

    • Marky Mark is a convicted felon and prohibited person. You can watch him commit more felonies on the DVD extras of the Shooter.

    • Wahlberg is also a felon, when he was a teenager he beat a man so badly that he went blind. The guy just hates what he can’t legally own.

      • I checked up on him. 20-25 times in trouble with the Boston PD.

        Far worse than me and I am in the eyes of many people a “lost cause”.

    • Joe Mantegna may not be a hypocrite about how he feels about guns, but he is a hypocrite. I find him personally more of a hypocrite about his stance on people with disabilities.

      I was on his Facebook page and a few people started bullying me because I’m autistic and have PTSD. The next day, I found out I’d been blocked from commenting on his page. I was really heart broken at the time, but now I realize he’s just a horrible person. Luckily I’m not one of those people that refuse to watch an actor because I don’t like them. I really love Criminal Minds and miss Mandy Patinkin being in it. Mandy Patinkin is a much better human being. He’s also much better actor and an amazing singer.

  5. What a great guy. I may have to finally pony up the bucks for the channel package with the Outdoor Channel. I really don’t want to pay for even more channels I won’t watch though.

    • Do what many of us have done, go to the outdoor Channel website and send an email asking if they would provide a paid streaming version online or Netflix or Hulu. The response I received is they are thinking about it. The more people ask, the more likely they will offer something online.

      For my cable network it is $20/month to get the one Channel I want bundles with 49 other channels I would never watch. $240/year is more than I am willing to pay.

  6. Criminal minds doesn’t glorify serial killers so much as it glorifies the FBI. “What’s that, Reid, there’s a killer with multiple mental disorders all of which you’ve diagnosed while somehow divining his exact location just in time to save his latest victim… 20 times in a row?”

    • Don’t forgot about using the FBI data base to get all the killer’s infomation… DNA, personal interests, last known clothes worn, favorite ice cream, etc.

  7. I’m perfectly fine with the hypercritical clowns glorifiying guns. Like it or not, it brings people over to our side.

    There are business which cater to people who want to shoot the guns from their favorite movies and video games.

    Just let the Hollywood hypocrites shoot themselves in the foot, figuratively of course, not literally, guns are icky.

  8. How many Hollywood types have posed for NRA posters? Tom Selleck even is on the Board of Directors. Yet how many of them are willing to step forward in public? Selleck got burned 15 years ago and never speaks about guns in public. The incident I believe sent a message to the celebrity types. In todays world anyone who speaks out for traditional American values is destroyed. We lost.

    Google uo Friends of Abe. It is a group of conseervative Hollywood folks. It remains a secret organization because they fear for their livelyhoods.

    • Since you can Google it, it’s not really a”Secret” organization. Secretive, perhaps since they guard their membership list.

      • LOL…secretive is the operative word….only a few folks speak of membership to it.

  9. Joe is NO hypocrite. He is a hero. And he’s already achieved a lot in his career. It’s not like he’s going to be a breakout romantic lead at 66…and how many years has Criminal Minds been on? Duh indeed.

  10. With the liberal Hollywood elites; it is guns fro me and none for thee. Actually, all the gun play by Hollywood and the video gaming industry is partially responsible for the greater interest in guns. I would say Obozo and DiFi have spurred interest in gunsl as people always want the proposed forbidden fruit.

  11. Joe Mantegna deserves respect for taking a public stand that is Pro Second Amendment. Personally, I kind of like “Criminal Minds”, and my wife loves it! Sometimes it seems a bit too contrived for my tastes, but then so do 90% (being generous) of the other ‘Cops and Crime’ shows on TV. Remember Jack Webb’s “Dragnet”? That show was probably the most realistic Cop Show ever on TV, so realistic sometimes it was borderline boring. “Just the facts Ma’am, or Sir…just the facts.” All TV shows are just contrived, escapist fantasy, so I prefer the ones that are up front about it and make minimal or no pretense about reflecting “reality”…whatever the heck THAT is.
    To wit, “Mountain Monsters” is a favorite. Watching those “Sons of West Virginia seek the Truth” is just too hilarious…they never catch anything, never really get a good look at any of the “Monsters” they chase and never have to apologize to the “locals” they make promises to about putting an end to whatever monster’s reign of terror (and fail), but they do build some awesomely interesting “Traps” and I sure have learned a lot about trap-building…NOT that any of the traps ever trap anything. It’s kind of like a classic “Looney Tunes” cartoon with live actors. Though it’s a wonder none of them ever shoot each other as they blunder about in the dark and no cameraman gets attacked or eaten…
    I never would have guessed West Virginia was so chock full of “Monsters”, nor did I guess Moonshine is such a powerful hallucinogen…and “Wild Bill”? They broke the mold for sure after that “Ol’ Marine” was cast…”Hooo-Yah!”

  12. I also liked him in the show Joan of Arcadia which was cancelled too soon after two seasons.

  13. Good on you Fat Tony.

    And screw Jim Carrey. Accepts paycheck for Kick Ass 2 then bitches about how it glorifies guns. God damn hypocrite.

  14. “What changed? It wasn’t the firearms laws, it was people”

    No, Joe, it’s the firearms laws. For example, the unconstitutional “Assault Weapons Ban,” which turned millions into criminals by fiat, and the unconstitutional “Gun Free School Zone” thing, which gave the psychopaths target-rich safe zones.

    That, plus the dumbing down of the schools and turning them into socialist propaganda mills, and the rise of the Fourth Reich in general.

  15. Joe has been a long time supporter of the Second Amendment.
    From celebrity sporting clays, to arguing why he should carry a 1911 on criminal minds.
    Anytime a celebrity or other person with influence supports the Second Amendment, I’ll shake their hand and thank them.

  16. Mantegna did some practical pistol competitions back in the day and still shoots trap and skeet. He’s never been shy about being a gun guy (check his FB page) and it certainly hasn’t hurt his career so far. And Mantegna’s performance is the single, solitary reason why “Godfather III” isn’t considered the worst movie since “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls.”

  17. Is it just me, or does he look like he’s entirely awkward and uncomfortable holding that pistol?

  18. YES…check out Joe’s Facebook page! You’ll like him even more. I was shocked how pro-gun he is. It’ll put a smile on your face.

  19. It’s too bad Dan didn’t mention the interview Joe did with Handgun Radio in the text. It was a great listen and he talked about all his 2nd Amendment stuff, as well as how he influences his character’s firearms choice. It was I believe.

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