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“Any legislator who votes yes for (constitutional and campus carry) bills, in the guise of increasing safety — should vote to allow concealed carry on the floor and in the gallery of the state House and Senate. You know. More good guys to counter the bad. Why reserve all this wonderful safety only for the rest of us?” – Allen Johnson in More guns, fewer permits: What could possibly go wrong? [via]

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  1. Absolutely. What legislature doesn’t allow their own to carry? If so, they need to change that immediately, and make sure the public is subject to the same rules they are.

    • Soooo…
      That was sarcasm from him, right?
      Kinda like the old line about lawyer jokes: lawyers don’t think they’re funny, and no one else thinks it’s a joke…

      • It should please you all to read that I clicked the link to see that this putz did indeed get debunked, insulted, excoriated and exposed for the bigot he is in the comments.

    • I’m not OK with using the term “allow” in the same sentence as a natural, civil, and Constitutionally protected right.

      • While that event was extreme and unfortunate, it seems the only real issues were two:

        1. Only one of the two men involved had a cane (or any other weapon), and
        2. No one else in the chamber bothered to intervene.

        How many people were wrong in the event? All of them.

  2. He’s right and doesn’t appear to know it.

    Even a blind squirrel get’s the occasional nut.

  3. Non sequitir. When the legislature is in session there will be metal detectors at all entrances as well as armed guards on the floor and pretty much everywhere. That said, I’m ok with unlicensed carry in the peoples’ houses.

  4. I’m actually not sure I trust the demoncrats and rinos with as much as a metal spoon… Period, not just in government buildings. As long as I can carry to protect myself from their kind then I’ll agree they can have their rights too.

    • Sure, but to say “I’m okay with my political allies being armed but not my rivals” validates the democrats’ game, the same one that’s been played since gun control was sword control.

  5. The proper response to that is “Absolutely! You draft the bill and I’ll co sponsor it!”

  6. I’ll sign that petition right now! Where’s the pen? Where do I put my name? I would LOVE to be able to legally exercise my freedoms in out Nation’s Capital again!

  7. Ah, yes, another anti-self defense argument from utility. Have you ever noticed that it is the pro-self defense people who argue from principles (not exclusively, but at least frequently)?

  8. “Giving citizens the right to carry a concealed firearm without a background check and without training on the legalities of when a firearm can be used is foolish and dangerous,”

    There we have it. The 2nd is not a right pre-existing and protected by the Constitution. It is a right granted (and taken away) because we the People are too foolish and dangerous to be trusted with such dangerous objects.

    • And Gman in Indiana a mile east of my home no training is required for lifetime cc AND open carry. Not to mention constitutional carry in other states. Even in Chiraq the local democrat aldermen can carry in City chambers… a gun for me but not for the peasants.

  9. I absolutely agree with Allen Johnson.

    The state legislatures that already respect the Second Amendment have proven to be as safe, or safer, than those that don’t.

    • Sure, you can always find those few that are dangerous because of carelessness, stupidity or those with malicious intent, but it is an abomination to restrict the rights of the many because of the actions of the few that are careless or just plain evil.

      This would mean all of our rights are held hostage based on the tyranny of the few; whether those tyrants are in public office that look with contempt upon the many, those few that are dangerous because of inattention or carelessness, or the tyrants that are the common criminal or mass murderer in the street.

      • Whoosh.

        You must have missed the point about I agree with carrying in the Capitol.

        I just wish people would clean up their act so we don’t get these incidents thrown in our face.


    • “She later explained that the gun was tucked into the back of her waistband, and fell to the floor as she removed her backpack and took her seat.”

      Would that be a ‘Reverse Mexican Carry”?

      • No. She’s been watching too many episodes of Homeland. Carrie carries that way. It’s idiotic.

  10. An old quote about the US Congress before the War Between The States: “…the only congressmen who didn’t carry a knife and a revolver were those who carried two revolvers.”

    We really need to reinstate that!

  11. “…should vote to allow concealed carry on the floor and in the gallery of the state House and Senate

    First, who are you to ‘allow’ me anything? You are neither my parent nor my spouse so check your privilege before it gets you in trouble.

    Second, what makes the Floor and Gallery of the State House so different than anywhere else? What is so special about the place that the presence of a firearm causes you such alarm?

  12. Allen Johnson. Editorial Page Editor of the Greensboro News and Record, currently owned by Warren Buffet and with an editorial page to the left of the New York Times. He was ripped apart on the local comment page. I have to admit, I am ambivalent about permit-less carry, having spent plenty money and time on training and the permit class, but fully understanding “shall not be infringed.” I don’t worry about blood in the streets. I am concerned about negligent discharges or people who carry and can’t aim the weapon for beans (yes, I know, like NYPD). A few years ago at a permit class in a different state I watched a lady attempt to shoot a lightweight revolver and her lack of both accuracy and confidence was downright scary. Wrong gun for her, no training or practice before the class. On the other hand, she was interested enough in self protection to take the class, and if she were ever so concerned about her safety as to draw the weapon, who would be so stupid as to argue with an LCR, whether or not she had a permit?

  13. “That means no training required, as state law currently requires.” Mr. Johnson is wrong right out of the gate. There is no training required to get a pistol (purchase) permit. Nor is there training required to get a concealed carry permit. There is the requirement that you take a class from a licensed concealed carry instructor. The licensed instructor has to take a “train the trainer” class. He is supposed to “teach” his students from a thin document commonly called the “red book”. He does not have to issue the book. He more often than not presents a lecture for 4 to 8 hrs presumably based on the red book. He is supposed to have the student take a test on the red book subject matter. He is supposed to witness the student shoot a proficiency score in a range practical that includes drawing from concealment. Some of these licensed instructors do not require their students to draw from concealment or even shoot the range practical at all. At no time does the licensed instructor have to “TRAIN” the student how to carry or shoot a gun safely and accurately. The course is all about the state laws regarding deadly force and the murky waters of what constitutes concealed carry in this state. It never ceases to amaze me the people we elect to do a job that have absolutely no clue what they are talking about or doing. If being an elected official was a real job with a boss, most would get fired in short order do to stupidity and incompetence.

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