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Quote of the Day: World’s Smallest Violin Edition

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments


“[T]he thought that we could not translate that [Newton school shooting] horror into reasonable… I mean, really reasonable… gun safety measures that were supported by the vast majority of the American people is for me something that I take personally as a failure and something that I think we as a society should take as a failure, a glaring failure, that I hope will ultimately be rectified.” – Attorney General Eric Holder in Outgoing AG regrets gun control failures [at examiner.com]

0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: World’s Smallest Violin Edition”

  1. Hey Eric I have a real failure for you… under your watch there was an ATF operation that was fast and furiously letting guns walk across the border. You armed hardened killers… that is a real failure your political hack.

  2. It used to mean something when we accused them of “waving the bloody shirt” but it seems now they have no shame in admitting it.

    Just like they don’t understand what actual “common sense” is I think this may even be lost on them now.

    • He really made it clear that he was actually joyous at news of Sandy Hook, “whoopee, now we can have some GREAT violations of the constitution, the suckers will never notice.” Thus his childish whining at losing such a wonderful opportunity.

  3. Yeah, well about 99% believe in complying with subpoenas, mr. “In contempt.”. Because they’re reasonable… I mean REALLY reasonable.

  4. What he is really saying is he thought the “vast majority of the American people” were ignorant enough to believe gun control BS.

    • Rather, the vast majority were told over and over again that the vast majority…

      See how that works? Start with poorly-worded survey, add poor sampling model, shake a bit, pour out paraphrased survey results that mislead the vast majority into believing something that was not true to begin with.

  5. Touting popular support (real or fictional) should never help a position. Budweiser is the most popular beer in the US. McDonalds is the most popular chain restaurant in the US. Parking ass in front of the TV is the most popular past time in the US.

    Claiming a thing to be supported by the vast majority is a red flag that it’s likely stupid.
    Does Holder want his rights and liberties to exist at the whim of popular opinion? I don’t.

    • What’s really ironic is that at one point in our history, the “popular opinion” would have kept someone like Holder from holding any office whatsoever or even going to a good school. Would he have preferred the U.S. give into popular opinion during the civil rights battle era?

      Popular opinion is just that – an opinion and not something to base policy decisions on.

      Good Riddance.

      • And hunting witches was once popular.

        Given that gun control zealots promote murdering gun owners, I’d say we have become the equivalent of 21st century witches.


        Witchfinders: A Seventeenth-Century English Tragedy

        In a remote corner of Essex, two obscure gentlemen, Matthew Hopkins and John Stearne, exploited the anxiety and lawlessness of the time and initiated a brutal campaign to drive out the presumed evil in their midst.

        By the autumn of 1647 at least 250 people–mostly women–had been captured, interrogated, and hauled before the courts. More than a hundred were hanged, causing Hopkins to be dubbed “Witchfinder General” by critics and admirers alike. Though their campaign was never legally sanctioned, they garnered the popular support of local gentry, clergy, and villagers. While Witchfinders tells of a unique and tragic historical moment fueled by religious fervor, today it serves as a reminder of the power of fear and fanaticism to fuel ordinary people’s willingness to demonize others.

    • “Does Holder want his rights and liberties to exist at the whim of popular opinion? I don’t.”

      Flawed as it may be, this remains the very reason I am so glad we have a republic, rather than a popular democracy.

    • Does Holder want his rights and liberties to exist at the whim of popular opinion?

      No. He wants *YOUR* rights and liberties to exist at the whim of what *HE* claims is popular opinion.

  6. Speaking of ‘rectified’, maybe you should take that violin and shove it up your @ss, you hypocritical piece of hoplophobic sh*t. How many guns did you put in the hands of cold blooded cartel killers? You succeeded in politicizing the LAW, and in so doing, completed FAILED all of us. Go home and bury your head you race-bating, game playing disgrace.

  7. “The thought that we could not translate Holder’s criminal acts into a reasonable prison sentence is something that I think we as a society should take as a failure, a glaring failure, that I hope will ultimately be rectified.”

  8. I am sorry, but I cannot believe anything this guy says. He is a poster child for government corruption, and I have to believe that one day he will pay for his crimes. Obama will pardon him, this I am sure, but considering Obama set the tone for avoiding Constitutional constraints by changing the language of an event (can we say “Military Kinetic Action”.), perhaps a future leader will invalidate the pardon because of some technicality.

  9. There is nothing “reasonable” about setting the path for banning all semi-automatic weapons from civilian ownership.
    If Holder had his way, the only pistol that would be legal is a Thompson single shot competition pistol in .22LR.
    The only “legal” rifle would be a single shot bolt action or a muzzle loader no larger than .22 caliber. In other words, not that different from Mexico. Holder wants the line between law and outlaw to be wiped away just as it is in Mexico. So does Kay Hagan.

  10. So much failure, it must have been hard to pick only one. How about sending the gun to the Mexican cartel that killed an American federal agent. Or being held in contempt of Congress. Even the Washington Post realized he was a disaster years ago: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/eric-holder-obamas-albatross/2011/10/10/gIQA5u8IaL_story.html

    They predicted his demise in 2012 but don’t realize just how politically astute Obama is. Maybe Obama kept him so he wouldn’t always be the least popular person in the room.

  11. Holder’s crusade against election integrity efforts is just as bad. He just used an expert witness to say that blacks are unsophisticated, uneducated voters who aren’t attuned to the issues, so they can’t be expected to register to vote before Election Day or to even find their own precinct number.

  12. no matter how well intentioned, the days are over where we are going to let the Federal government assume undelegated powers because “they say so”.

  13. The other day I was the third officer on scene to a stabbing at a high school. The attack was premeditated and the victim was stabbed ten times and nearly died, and it was only through luck he survived. After the kid was in custody and the victim on his way to the hospital, the first thought that ran through my mind was “If only the teacher had been armed…”

    Holder and those of his ilk can piss off. The reality of the world is the only thing that will effectively stop a violent aggressor is force. Disarming law abiding citizens is the most asinine notion prevalent in our society today…

  14. Better hope the “Not-Democrats” take control of Senate and House November 4, because Holder may be Obama’s prime candidate for Supreme Court Justice, should one of them retire or croak in the next two years.

  15. I left the military in 93 and never wanted to fire another small arms weapon the rest of my life….that is until Newtown. The appalling response of our legislators and the failure of leadership by Holder convinced me to purchase a weapon. Not for self defense but as a form of speech against this administration. The continued disregard of elected officals to restrain citizens right of lawful self defense….I now own five.

    • Addicting aren’t they Mk10108? Once you own one, you realize that you’re not just owning a weapon, but a guarantor of freedom. You start realizing what firearms ownership means – Liberty. Soon after you begin to see that responsible firearms ownership exposes you to a whole differnt world of thought and you realize one just isn’t enough to ensure your freedom and liberty. So you buy more, because it’s your right and because there are misguided individuals who want to take that away – “for the children.” For me it’s almost civil disobediance. I now have over 40, of varying types and function. Scary black rifles with shoulder things that go up. Evil commie “assault” rifles that spew 1000’s of bullets per minute. High capacity magazines and “silencers”. I have them all now, where as like you years before, I never had an interest or thought I’d ever want them. But as long as Holder and his ilk continue to try, I’ll continue to buy. Hmm, I think I just invented a new catch phrase.

      • @Mk10108 said:

        Not for self defense but as a form of speech against this administration.

        @The Original Brad said:

        So you buy more, because it’s your right and because there are misguided individuals who want to take that away – “for the children.” For me it’s almost civil disobediance.


        I can totally relate!

      • Hey, I *wanted* an AR-15 or M-16 ever since I spent the day blowing up an 800+ round can of 5.56 in Vietnam. I never bought one because I realized how much I could spend in ammo each year, at the rate of 800 rounds every time I went out! That ended when Clinton’s ban was in the works. I said “they wouldn’t dare”, and the day Clinton signed the AWB, I was at my LGS at 8:30 (they opened at 9:00), bought an AR-15 carbine, cost twice as much as the week before. I now have 2 lowers and 3 uppers, plus an .300 blk SBR and silencer. I would STILL not own one, if these jackasses hadn’t decided my rights did not matter. Mostly, the ones I own and may own are dedicated to the idea of battling tyranny. But, they are fun, too, in the meantime. Not as expensive for ammo as I expected.

  16. In a sense, though not the one he intended, he’s right. It is a shame that common sense reforms, supported by the majority of the American public which agrees with the 2A, were not implemented in the tragic, teachable moment that was Sandy Hook.

    In its aftermath, we really should have designated school teachers and staff to serve in an armed response capacity on campus. We really should allow all other lawful concealed carriers, whether school employees, parents, students, visitors, etc., the freedom to carry on campus.

    Perpetuating the myth of the gun free school zone only emboldens would-be killers and endangers the community. That’s a high price to pay for advancing a socialist agenda and fostering further and far reaching dependence upon government.

    • Close, but no cigar. CC license should be a required prerequisite for any school position, including janitor. First, that precludes hiring felons. “Teachers’ workdays” should include a required trip to the range.

  17. It should be titled “quote of the day: It should have been a harmonica edition”.

    Because this felon should already be in federal pmita prison playing his harmonica of shame while being traded around for ramen packets and fritos.

  18. When Newtown happened I knew that these little dictator loving fascists would make a play to destroy the 2A. I hope his failures continue in the future…

  19. “[T]he thought that we could not translate that [Newton school shooting] horror into reasonable… I mean, really reasonable… gun safety measures that were supported by the vast majority of the American people is for me something that I take personally as a failure…” OOOOH, that is SOOO sad!

    Save this film clip so you can settle back and watch it over and over again with a nice cuppa hot tea and your handy tin of Schadenfreude Mints (available for $2.95/tin from McPhee.com!).

  20. Au contraire, AG Eric “My People” Holder; there have, in fact, been some truly reasonable gun law changes since Sandy Hook. More and more states are legalizing, and more and more schools are allowing – even encouraging – faculty and staff to carry firearms while at school.

    The fewer schools that are “Gun Free Zones”, the fewer mass shootings that will take place at schools. So: job well done!

  21. Every time I look at his picture, I can see clearly how he got a law degree, and the main reason he was appointed AG. What a flaming moron. In one more sentence, he could have mentioned his very reasonable gun control legislation, and just how it would have prevented that horror at Sandy Hook. He is a liar and an imbecile, like his boss. Completely unqualified for his job.

  22. You’re still playing that harp Eric…
    How sad.
    It seems almost as if you use the dead bodies of children as an excuse to pass ineffectual legislation.

  23. Sure. This coming from the AG who is even less popular than the least popular president since WW II. Right. America won’t sleep a wink tonight.


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