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“Last November, the House passed a bill that, as Gail Collins put it in a column, requires ‘states with strict gun regulations to honor concealed-weapon carry permits issued in states where the gun rules are slightly more lax than the restrictions on who can dispense ice cream cones from a truck.’ It’s a race to the bottom. New York would have to allow someone with a Florida concealed-carry permit to tote a hidden gun around Times Square.” – Andrew Rosenthal, Out of State Guns, The New York Times

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  1. “New York would have to allow someone with a Florida concealed-carry permit to tote a hidden gun around Times Square.”
    And? Relax, Chicken Little. They’d still have to comply with New York law whilst toting in New York.

    • How do you mean they’d have to comply with NY law? The New York qualifications, in some cases, would disallow the guy from concealed carry, so his very presence violates the NY law.

  2. Well, there is some potential good from this. If this were to become law (not an ice-cube’s chance in H*ll but let’s dream) New York City might become so upset they would a) possibly begin to understand how the rest of us feel about having liberal crap stuffed down our throats by them; b) get so upset they would secede from the union and save us the trouble.

  3. Florida allows New Yorkers to drive in Florida on their NY driver’s licenses, and I think that poses a bigger threat to life than Florida gun owners in NY.

    • Ha-Ha! Too true. And New Yorkers would say the same thing about New Jersey drivers. It is accepted among New Yorkers that New Jerseyans can’t drive.

      • Except REAL New Yorkers don’t own cars – they take the subway everywhere or have their servants go get things for them.

    • Florida allows New Yorkers to drive in Florida

      The real danger is that Florida allows Florida drivers to drive in Florida.

  4. New York leftists offended by Constitutional rights? Say it ain’t so.

    Of course, like any good narcissist, they’re staunch supporters of the Constitution when it applies to them.

    • The Constitution does not say anything about concealed carry. You’re already stretching the thing as it is, but now to claim the right to conceal carry, you’re going too far. Or, is that another one of those inalianable, god-given rights?

  5. On the whole issue of forced concealed carry among states IE national reciprocity I am against it. While being a second amendment supporter and advocate, there is another amendment that kind of rules this out. It’s the tenth amendment. However I do fermly believe the second amendment is my concealed carry permit as well. I guess I am just confused on the whole issue.

    • I see where you’re going with that, but I don’t think it works the way you think it does. The tenth states:

      “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, NOR PROHIBITED BY IT TO THE STATES, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

      Emphasis mine. Quite simply, the 2nd prohibits infringment on a right. States’ rights are not at issue, here.

    • The 2nd Amendment already handles it. You forget that the right to keep and BEAR arms is part of the Constitution and thus is a right on the FEDERAL level. This would be the first case in history where the Federal government would actually be using it’s power appropriately.

      • +1.

        Well, maybe not the first time. There have been other times, like . . . .

        Help me out here.

        • Well, there was…wait, no. Hmm…what about when…no, that’s not it, either. But when the…huh. Sh!t, Ralph. That’s a stumper.

  6. More people visiting NY from out of state have been killed by NYC muggers, drunk drivers, and restaurant food poisoning than NY residents will ever, even remotely, suffer from the threat of out of state concealed carry holders.

    More people from around America (outside NY) have been and will be killed by unarmed NY residents driving on their roads than will NY residents be harmed by out of state cc holders visiting their state.

  7. I like the way the VA gun shop business card is added to the story to create the impression VA is arming NYC thugs like ATF armed the Mexican gangs. Classy.

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