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“On a personal note my experience with the original long gun registry shook me to my core. My father took his single shot shotgun to the local police to be registered. But soon after, the police arrived at our door and demanded his single shot shotgun. During the great depression my dad put meat on the table as a hunter of grouse and rabbits. Wild game and corn meal were our staple foods when meat was very expensive as were other normal staples beyond our means for a family of six. My dad was a Canadian citizen who had never been in trouble with the law or with anyone. He provided for his family under stressful circumstances. And the police never explained why they had confiscated his single shot shotgun when his two oldest sons were serving in the war effort with one son in the merchant marine and the other in the Canadian Tank Corp. My dad’s only comment about this seizure was, ‘Never trust the politicians.'” – Erno Rossi, Registry didn’t work before, doesn’t work now,

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  1. We don’t need gun control, we need politician control, and ladies and gentlemen it’s coming because we the people have had enough.

    • No, it’s not. There is food, shelter, entertainment, water, and power; and if you can’t provide it yourself, welfare will to keep you content. No matter how upset people may be, or how many liberties they lose, they will not risk anything or even vote so long as life is relatively comfortable.

      Politicians are going to keep shrugging everyone off but the lobbyist; he writes the checks, the money buys the ads, and the ads keep the very small percent that do hit the polls voting against the other guy.

      • Bread and Circuses will satisfy the populace.
        The Republican and Democrats will reign supreme as the lobbyists will provide them with the funds to advertise their names and propaganda in the brains of the masses.

        • The day that those checks they write are no longer worth anything, it’ll happen. That day is coming. Its an inevitability.

  2. “never explained why they had confiscated his single shot shotgun when his two oldest sons were serving in the war effort”

    Government does not consider itself a servant of the people nor a partner with the people. Despite how government treats and uses the people, it is easy for government to get sheeple to join up to support, serve, fight, and die in a cause for the government by playing into the emotions of the people. When will they ever learn?

  3. I hate to be paranoid, however, I believe registry leads to seizure, no other reason for it. However that’s just me.

  4. Ah, yes there was another registry before the one we got rid of last month. I must say I was not aware they actually confiscated guns under that old wartime registry.
    The registry that remains in Canada, the handgun registry, was implemented in 1934 (rings a bell?) for the openly stated purpose of confiscation should the communists stir up too much unrest. Back then they didn’t bullshit people and tell them it’s to save the women, or whatever.

    Registration of ANYTHING can only serve 2 purposes: taxation or confiscation.
    “They” usually make registration free to encourage compliance…

    • If it saves just one Communist…

      Registration of ANYTHING can only serve 2 purposes: taxation or confiscation.
      “They” usually make registration free to encourage compliance…

      Hit the nail on the head with the hammer for that one.

  5. This is from one of my local papers. Never would have expected an article like this to be in it.

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