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“A society in which honest, law-abiding citizens are disarmed by their government is a society in which the gunman is king.” – Rep. Tom McClintock, R-CA, speaking in support of HR 822

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    • I second this comment. With politicians like this in Kalifornia how is it that the laws are so screwed up for law abiding citizens to purchase and enjoy their 2A rights?

      • Because, sadly, they are the minority. To apply to be a resident of California, you have to take an ignorance test before you can move here. If you’re too intelligent, they kick you out. Smart people are harder to force into slavery.

  1. Tom McClintock is a very responsible conservative congressman and Constitutionalist. He’s tough on spending, earmarks, and lobbyist sponsored bills.

    Supporting him help protect the 2nd amendment.

    Here’s his website.

  2. Unfortunately, Tom McClintock is only one of a handful of Conservatives in California. Darryl Issa is another. However, the California legislature has been controlled by the Democrats for the last 50 years. It is now in the hands of the Marxist-Leftists. Do not fret though, there are a tremendous amount of gun owners in CA! MOLON LABE!

  3. Sorry, couldn’t get past the “lawfully issued permits” thing.
    Why is it that the 2A doesn’t require lawfully issued permits again?

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