“You will recall the incident of the beating of the black homeless man Sherman Ware on December 4, 2010 by the son of a Sanford police officer. The beating sparked outrage in the community but there were very few that stepped up to do anything about it. I would presume the inaction was because of the fact that he was homeless not because he was black. Do you know the individual who stepped up when no one else in the black community would? Do you know who spent tireless hours putting flyers on the cars of persons parked in the churches of the black community? Do you know who waited for the church-goers to get out of church so that he could hand them flyers in an attempt to organize the black community against this horrible miscarriage of justice? Do you know who helped organize the City Hall meeting on January 8, 2011 at Sanford City Hall?? That person was GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.” – from a letter to Turner Clayton of the Seminole County NAACP written by “a concerned Zimmerman family member”



  1. Zimmerman has indeed done more good for his community than is widely let on. But don’t forget that Martin was observed like Santa Clause with a sack of women’s jewelry ready for distribution to good boys and girls. Martin? That name rings a bell! Same legal counsel, Crump, for the family, same Jesse and Al marching after his death. Same nationwide press. Same waiving of a childhood photo instead of a recent one which might (!) show him a bit more hood-like. A different Martin, same cast of characters. See for yourself: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/04/02/Trayvon-Martin-Case-Repeats-2006-Playbook-for-Martin-Lee-Anderson. Bubba hmm Mau Mau.

  2. Its a shame Mr. Zimmerman has to rely on our political system instead of our legal system. He’s screwed, regardless of the facts.

  3. Just like with antis, facts and logic are nothing to race-baiters, opportunists, spineless politicians, and the drooling mobs that follow them. He could be Mother Teresa reincarnated and no one will care. If anything upsets their precious victim mentality, they ignore it.

  4. See, it’s amazing how far in advance Zimmerman planned the murder of Treyvon Martin. Trying to protest the inaction of the Sanford PD, mentoring teens, becoming friends with the Oliver fellow. He’s an evil genius, he’s taken deliberate and premeditated actions to provide him cover from charges of racism when he was finally able to do what his darkest desire actually was — kill a black person.*

    *Predicted second-line response of the liberal commentariat.**

    **The first-line response is predicted to be “Yawn.”

    This does not fit the narrative, therefore, this is not news. Only that which fits the narrative is “news”. It would be truth in advertising if the “Nightly News” was just renamed the “Nightly Narrative”.

    • Laugh. Exactly. “One narrative? Fine. Two or three requiring reconciliation with the facts as they emerge? What are you trying to do, give me a headache?”

  5. So where’s “La Raza” when it comes to Zimmerman’s defense? Or does “The Race” look the other way when it comes to half-breed “White” Latinos? Frankly, the driving force behind modern racism are the race-baiters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black Panthers, the Democrat Party, La Raza etcetera. They are no different than the white supremacists and far left socialist NAZI party (and yes, NAZI’s are NOT right wing, they are SOCIALISTS). Dr. MLK Jr. was absolutely right when he said that you should be judged on the content of your character rather than the color of your skin, but there’s no graft in believing that when you need to fire up your base and keep the dollars, and votes, rolling in…truly sad, outrageous, and pathetic!

  6. That’s very damning to the crowd that claims he was just prejudiced against blacks. (Running the gamut from “he just thought he was suspicious because he was black!” to “he was looking to kill a black man that night!”)

    I’m going to bet the major media outlets will thoroughly fact-check this, of course…

    As for the incident, here’s a link to a news story about the case:


    Here’s a bit of irony:

    In the public meeting there was a frank admission from Sanford police.

    “Bottom line, we didn’t do our job that night,” said Cpt. Jerry Hargrett of the Sanford Police Department. Now seven officers, including a sergeant and a lieutenant, will face an internal review for not making an arrest after suspicion of a felony.

    Multiple ways to take this: The Sanford police have a history of not doing their job and didn’t do it in the Zimmerman case OR the Sanford police remember Mr. Zimmerman and that explains the leaks and the push for indictment.

    OR, the police learned their lesson after that case and were attempting to do their job correctly.

    • “I’m going to bet the major media outlets will thoroughly fact-check this, of course…”

      Yeah, they’ll fact check it so thoroughly it will never see the light of day again, because it doesn’t fit the narrative. It will remained “unconfirmed” and therefore unreported.

  7. The Anti-Zimmerman camp is too deeply invested in this at this point, no one is going to admit they were wrong. Many are saying this is Obama 2012 material and will energize the black vote in some way. Others see this as a gun control opening. One thing is for sure, that smiling man in the photo will have a tough life ahead of him no matter what happens.

    • Anyone from NYC can see this is a replay of Tawana Brawley, with Sharpton merely replacing Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason with new-found “civil rights” lawyers intent on fanning the racial flames….

      • In the Tawana Brawley case, Sharpton was proven to be a lier IN COURT, and still did not back down from his slanderous comments on who he thought committed the crime. Never expect a retreat or an appology from the “good” Rev. Al Sharpton, no matter what the facts may say, no matter what the evidence proves. His business is the creation of hate, of anger, of unrest in a community. In my opinion, the man has no soul.

  8. The ‘half-life’, meaning the time it will take to fade out (or be ‘faded out’) has just been cut by a factor of 10. The usual race narrative is collapsing faster than a cheap lawn chair in a high wind.

  9. Let Fox News get a hold of this. they’ll find a way to verify and report. Then, after about a week, CNN will get on board with the news flash. It will be too widely acknowledged to not report.

    • New headline: “Community Organizer Kills Obama’s Son”
      Meet our first Latino President, George Zimmerman! Extra bonus: his opponents can’t label him as soft on crime!

  10. So Zimmerman’s a “White Hispanic”, because his mother was white. This reasoning makes President Obama a “White Black”.

    Ya gotta get the important things straight, before we worry about silly stuff like “evidence”, or “fair trial”.

  11. 1. Hopefully there is video, photographic or other evidence of Zimmerman’s work on behalf of Sherman Ware. Maybe it will be shown at the Zimmerman family’s press conference.

    2. @glitchus, not only ‘Where is La Raza?’, but especially ‘Where are Hispanic politicians?’.

  12. I could care less what the blogs, news and talk radio hosts say about Martin or Zimmerman in their attempt to spin this thing one way or another.I am tired of hearing about this person thinks this, or has this new insight into Trayvon’s suspension, or Zimmerman’s former run-ins with the law.It doesn’t matter if Zimmeran was Jesus born again and Martin was the very picture of Satan himself; all of it is bullshit.

    Does it matter that Zimmerman passed out fliers? Does the act of passing out fliers negate his actions on the night he shot Martin? No. However Zimmerman’s lawyers and family wan to to spin this, they can’t get away from the fact that Zimmerman profiled Martin the night he shot him based solely on his appearances. There is a 911 call with Zimmerman’s voice describing Martin as, “suspicious, like he’s up to no good, like he’s on drugs or something, [there’s] something wrong with him.” Based on the color of Martin’s skin, the clothes Martin was wearing, and the way Martin was walking Zimmerman falsely judged Trayvon martin to be a criminal in the act of committing a crime. Then, In an attempt to help police stop the criminal threat, Zimmerman exits the vehicle and follows Martin to prevent the suspicious criminal from getting away, because according to Zimmerman, “they always get away.”

    That is the very picture of profiling, and this case Zimmerman profiled wrong. Was it purely racially motivated, who knows, but to think that race did not play a part is ridiculous. Say what you want to about either of their pasts, that is inconsequential, what matters is that prior to shooting Martin, Zimmerman falsely reports Martin as suspicious and calls him a criminal based on his own assumptions and the appearance of Martin.

    • Yeah, only white Hispanics should be called a criminal based on assumptions!
      (Especially if all of those assumptions are proven false)

    • See… now, above is the classic example of an earlier comment that correctly suggested that this type of daming information will have no effect on those with some kind of vested ( or stubborn ) interest in continuing to perpetuate the *racist Zimmerman* yadda-yadda-yadda. The FACTS are that NBC aggressively edited its version of the interaction between Zman and the 911 dispatcher to the extent that it nearly reverses what really happened…it was the dispatcher who pressed Zman to specify Martin’s race. The FACTS are that ABC’s murky video of what it alleged to be proof of Zman’s lack of injuries is nothing short of fraudulent…untampered tapes do show the nature and extent of his injuries, consistent with Z’s and eyewitness’ accounts of the incident. The FACTS are that Zman’s weight is 170 lbs, height 5’9, Martin 6′ to 6’2″, 160 lbs., giving lie to the narrative that a 240 hulking heavyweight had assaulted a mere wisp of a boy happily stuffing Skittles into his cherubic mouth as he was “!!!stalked!!!” by Zimmerman. And yet, with even these facts…we’re still hearing the shrill screeches of “!!!profiling!!!” and “!!!racist!!!”…sigh…

      • Do any of your examples matter to the facts of the case? No, Zimmerman did profile Martin to the police, he called him suspicious, up-to-no-good, and looked like he was on drugs. We know Trayvon was not up-to-no-good, he was returning from a store. As far as the reports that have been released and the assertions of Trayvon’s parents; Trayvon was not on drugs at the time. Until I see a coroner’s report stating that Trayvon was on drugs or alcohol I will have to assume he was sober, his previous possession of a pipe with resin isn’t relevant to the night he was walking home. Zimmerman profiles Martin, he made a police report full of his incorrect observations. That is what matters, not the bs the news and blogs drag up.

        • We all know profiling of any kind is a bad thing. Far better to harass an 80 year old grandmothers at the airport than to cast aspersions on any particular group.

          Zimmerman’s community has been victimized by criminal activity over the past year. The perps were all black. While it may be true that next perp could be Asian, white or Hispanic the odds are he (yes, most likely a male) will be black. You do know that there was a black-on-black murder in the immediate vicinity this week don’t you?

        • All that matters is who attacked who first and continued the attack when the struggle was taken to the ground.

          It’s not illegal for private citizens to profile anyone for any reason.

          If the state doesn’t find evidence enough to build a case against Zimmerman, Zimmerman walks.

          I find it curious that the funeral director said he saw no marks from a fight on Trayvon, the enhanced video clearly shows significant injuries on Zimmerman, and the witness named John saw Zimmerman screaming for help and Trayvon on top of him.

          I also find it curious that two experienced detectives who have conducted countless interrogations could not trip a cooperative Zimmerman, who was giving up information without legal counsel (stupid thing to do, btw), up on his version of events.

          All this combined with witness statements, crime scene investigation, a reenactment and FURTHER investigation after that lead me to believe that Zimmerman just may be telling the truth. We’ll see.

          • Zimmerman isn’t saying anything, his father and his lawyer are. Just like Casey Anthony’s father spoke up her about what happened to his grand daughter. My point is that you can’t trust the people who have a duty to use any tactic hat they can to win your case.

            • Zimmerman isn’t saying anything since he has to be in hiding due to the New Black Panthers having a bounty on his head and there being a twitter account set up to broadcast any location he is spotted at so that someone can kill him.

            • Wait a second here. So we should not believe George Zimmerman’s Dad because he is his dad? Interesting since your earlier post “…and the assertions of Trayvon’s parents; Trayvon was not on drugs at the time.” states that you believe Trayvon’s parents.

              Why do you feel Trayvon’s parents are trustworthy but George’s are not?

  13. This story sounds almost too good to be true. And if something sounds too good to be true, it usually isn’t. I’m skeptical.

      • I’m saying the letter from ‘a relative’ that says Zimmerman tried to help out the victim in the Ware case is not documented (the Ware case itself is quite well-documented.) If the writer can come forward to be interviewed or if a member of the community states that they remember the flyers etc. then the event would be useful as evidence of Zimmerman’s non-racist mentality. Until such supporting evidence comes out, you or I or anybody else could have written that letter and made the whole thing up. And could have done so to try to support Zimmerman or to have it come out as fake in order to tarnish Zimmerman. So yes, I am expressing my predjudice against trusting anonymous statements, even though I understand why the writer might need to claim anonymity. The case is all about race politics and the individuals are just pawns. Truth is an early casualty.

        • He sent a copy of the flyer with the letter, which would be useless if he was lying, so there are many people who know if he’s lying, and at least a few of them must have some balls and sense of justice to come forth and tell us they remember him.

    • Honestly, this isn’t that relevant. I don’t think Zimmerman has any racism in his heart.
      But he made a bad decision getting out of his vehicle. He put himself on a collision course with a scared, or hotheaded, or both teenager. They scuffled, and he shot him. He didn’t stop any crimes from being committed that night.. he just triggered an unnecessary armed confrontation.
      Did Trayvon make a bad decision? Possibly… but he wasn’t armed. This site, and most responsible armed citizens hold gun owners to a higher standard of behavior than unarmed teenagers. Zimmerman didn’t follow it at all and demonstrated poor judgement. Very bad decision.

      • He was following a suspicious person at a distance with the cops on the way. It’s what you would expect a responsible neighbor to do. It was in no way inviting an attack from Martin, especially if he had his back turned and going toward his vehicle, and Martin confronted him. If that’s what happened, then Martin is entirely to blame.

  14. I could care less what the blogs, news and talk radio hosts say about Martin or Zimmerman in their attempt to spin this thing one way or another.I am tired of hearing about this person thinks this, or has this new insight into Trayvon’s suspension, or Zimmerman’s former run-ins with the law.It doesn’t matter if Zimmeran was Jesus born again and Martin was the very picture of Satan himself; all of it is bullshit.

    Does it matter that Zimmerman passed out fliers? Does the act of passing out fliers negate his actions on the night he shot Martin? No. However Zimmerman’s lawyers and family wan to to spin this, they can’t get away from the fact that Zimmerman profiled Martin the night he shot him based solely on his appearances. There is a 911 call with Zimmerman’s voice describing Martin as, “suspicious, like he’s up to no good, like he’s on drugs or something, [there’s] something wrong with him.” Based on the color of Martin’s skin, the clothes Martin was wearing, and the way Martin was walking Zimmerman falsely judged Trayvon martin to be a criminal in the act of committing a crime. Then, In an attempt to help police stop the criminal threat, Zimmerman exits his vehicle and follows Martin to prevent the suspicious criminal from getting away, because according to Zimmerman, “they always get away.”

    That is the very picture of profiling, and this case Zimmerman profiled wrong. Was it purely racially motivated, who knows, but to think that race did not play a part is ridiculous. Say what you want to about either of their pasts, that is inconsequential, what matters is that prior to shooting Martin, Zimmerman falsely reported Martin as suspicious and calls him a criminal based on his own assumptions and the appearance of Martin.

    • Get your assumptions in the right order, at least…

      Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

      Dispatcher: Ok, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

      Zimmerman: He looks black.

    • Does the act of passing out fliers negate his actions on the night he shot Martin? No.

      If it turns out to be true that Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating his head in, does Zimmerman’s profiling negate his need for self defense? No, but that’s the way you’re trying to spin this.

      what matters is that prior to shooting Martin, Zimmerman falsely reported Martin as suspicious and calls him a criminal based on his own assumptions and the appearance of Martin.

      No. That’s what the media tells you is all that matters, and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. What matters is whether or not Martin was beating Zimmerman right before he got shot; to a lesser degree, whether Zimmerman instigated the confrontation; whether he did in fact lose sight of Martin on his way back to his truck or if he actually tried to apprehend Martin. Too many facts are not known by the rest of us. All we have is spin right now. Try not to get dizzy.

  15. I could care less what the blogs, news and talk radio hosts say about Martin or Zimmerman in their attempt to spin this thing one way or another.I am tired of hearing about this person thinks this, or has this new insight into Trayvon’s suspension, or Zimmerman’s former run-ins with the law.It doesn’t matter if Zimmeran was Jesus born again and Martin was the very picture of Satan himself; all of it is bullshit.

    Does it matter that Zimmerman passed out fliers? Does the act of passing out fliers negate his actions on the night he shot Martin? No. However Zimmerman’s lawyers and family wan to to spin this, they can’t get away from the fact that Zimmerman profiled Martin the night he shot him based solely on his appearances. There is a 911 call with Zimmerman’s voice describing Martin as, “suspicious, like he’s up to no good, like he’s on drugs or something, [there’s] something wrong with him.” Based on the color of Martin’s skin, the clothes Martin was wearing, and the way Martin was walking Zimmerman falsely judged Trayvon martin to be a criminal in the act of committing a crime. Then, In an attempt to help police stop the criminal threat, Zimmerman exits the vehicle and follows Martin to prevent the suspicious criminal from getting away, because according to Zimmerman, “they always get away.”

    That is the very picture of profiling, and this case Zimmerman profiled wrong. Was it purely racially motivated, who knows, but to think that race did not play a part is ridiculous. Say what you want to about either of their pasts, that is inconsequential, what matters is that prior to shooting Martin, Zimmerman falsely reports Martin as suspicious and calls him a criminal based on his own assumptions and the appearance of Martin.

    • Soooo… your position is that judging someone to be a risk of criminal behavior based on their actions (as you call it, “profiling”) is wrong.

      Have you read any of the other parts of this site?

  16. The whole “racism” issue has came about due to the Sanford PDs handling of the case -“southern justice”- and Zimmermans own words on the 911 tape. A person can have racial issues yet act on what they perceive to be an injustice to that race, I see this time and time again along the border. Listen to what Zimmerman said, he decided because he saw a black youth he did not know the kid was up to no good because of other encounters he had with black youth, then added his own opinion about the kid, “he is acting funny,” “He might be on drugs” “they always get away!” Sorry but thta is classic profiling and yes it is partially based on race.

    The actual issue is what actually happened After Zimmerman ignored the Dispatchers request and left his Vehicle and what Martin was thinking

    Based on the 911 tape and Zimmermans statements there is a reasonable argument thta Zimmerman was the Aggressor; by following Martin without contact and then leaving his vehicle to pursue him It can be said that those actions would constitute an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. This is codified in FL statues.
    What this means is that when he met up with Zimmerman and the physical altercation started Martin was actually standing his ground and defending himself.

    Everyone seems to ignore this along with the fact that if Zimmerman had simply pulled up next to Martin, identified himself as Neighborhood watch and asked what Martin was doing , the encounter would have ended right there.

    From where I am sitting it looks like Zimmerman was the one whose actions escalated the situation to the point where he felt justified in using lethal force and that is very problematic for the lawful firearm owner

    • He went out there trying to be Robo Cop! He should have stayed in his car like the dispatcher told him to! Now he has to suffer the consequence. He was wrong! Rip Trayvon Martin. Let This not happen to another child, or anyone.

      • He wasn’t in his car when the dispatcher said to not follow him. If you had the opportunity to hear the WHOLE dispatch call instead of what the media pieced together to make you think happened you would know he wasn’t near his car when told not to follow.

    • Hey maybe I can hang around your neighborhood casing the joint and when you do something about it I can complain about your prejudice against white dudes. Trayvon came looking for a fight from a concerned citizen, and oops it turned out that citizen was armed. Better luck next….oh right there is no next time for him. Maybe a lesson there for other precious “Trayvons” not to bash people’s heads into cement after you case their neighborhood.

        • Fantastic retort. Now run along as the adults discuss the fact that 3% of the population commit 33% of the violent crimes. Yes that’s AA’s between 15-30. I think he was profiling, but in the real world that’s known as “experience”.

      • How was he casing the neighborhood? He walked to a store and then walked back to the house he was staying in. According to Zimmerman’s father Zimmerman was returning to his car when he was punched in the face, and father’s never lie for their children, just ask Casey Anthony’s father. So who was really looking for a fight, the guy who called in a suspicious police report with no evidence to support his claims, or the kid who got shot for confronting the guy who had been following him and reporting him to the police?

        • “So who was really looking for a fight, the guy who called in a suspicious police report with no evidence to support his claims, or the kid who got shot for confronting the guy who had been following him and reporting him to the police?”

          Umm, I would say that the one who called the police for them to handle the situation was not looking for a fight, the one who confronted the guy is. If someone is “looking for a fight” they are not going to call the cops so that they show up at the fight. If there was no evidence, which there clearly is, the police would not have been in route to investigate the suspicious person.

    • Since you seem to know what happenned you’d better get down to Sanford and give your statement to the police.

    • In which reality does ‘standing your ground’ include jumping someone and pounding their head into the pavement? Not this one.

    • Have you even seen the actual transcripts of the 911 call? Based on your comments, I am guessing you did not. Zimmerman did not even mention race, not until the 911 operator asked whether the person was white, black or hispanic. And, he wasn’t even sure he was black…. This little bit of the 911 call has been edited by media outlets, to go with their stories of this being racially-motivated.

      As for being the aggressor….following a suspicious person, while on the line with 911, with the intent of seeing what the person was up to, would not make him an ‘aggressor’. On top of that, when you further consider the fact that he turned around and headed back to his vehicle when he lost sight of Trayvon Martin, you could not consider Zimmerman an aggressor. Quite the opposite. Trayvon Martin became the aggressor when he confronted Zimmerman and assaulted him. Martin could have simply continued to his father’s house and all this would have been avoided. Martin had a cell phone, he could have called 911, but he didn’t. Only Zimmerman called 911.

    • Do you know that the tape was misleadingly edited by NBC? That Zimmermann described Martin’s suspicous conduct without any reference to race? That Zimmermann only mentioned race when he was asked by the 911 dispatcher whether the individual was white, black or Hispanic?

      Do you know the timeline of events? That Zimmermann lost contact with Martin for five minutes until Martin re-appeared to confront him? That Martin could have easily walked to the house where he was staying during those five minutes?

      The fact is you don’t know much and your opinion is worthless.

    • Instructor instructs us on how to read the newspapers, watch tv and accept what they say hook, line and sinker. He/she also instructs on an incorrect interpretation of “standing your ground,” which does not include commencing an assault simply because you feel threatened. There is, of course, no evidence as yet publicized to support the inference that Zimmerman was the physical aggressor.

      If Instructor’s interpretation is ignored it is because it is for sheep not thinking people.

    • How many times does it have to be pointed out that to be the aggressor means you have to be the one who started the physical fight via a physical act?

      You cannot physically attack someone for simply following you in the state of FL.

    • “he is acting funny,” “He might be on drugs” “they always get away!”

      Where in there does he say that he makes those observations/assumptions based on race? I presume that by ‘they,’ he’s referring to the criminal(s) that have been involved with the recent string of robberies and have been getting away. Do I think he jumped to some conclusions, yes. Do I think he was in the wrong to leave his vehicle looking to confront the individual instead of wait for the police, yes. If that’s what he did I don’t know if SYG really applies, but I haven’t seen any evidence (factual or anecdotal) to suggest that any of his actions were based on the race of the person I was observing.

      • He wasn’t following Trayvon to confront him – he was just trying to keep him in sight until the cops got there. When the dispatcher said ‘we don’t need you to do that’ Zimmerman was already out of his truck walking. Very soon after that he lost sight of Trayvon and turned around, walking back to his truck. That’s when he says Trayvon appeared and confronted Zimmerman.

    • “Based on the 911 tape and Zimmermans statements there is a reasonable argument thta Zimmerman was the Aggressor; by following Martin without contact and then leaving his vehicle to pursue him It can be said that those actions would constitute an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. This is codified in FL statues.
      What this means is that when he met up with Zimmerman and the physical altercation started Martin was actually standing his ground and defending himself.”

      That is a total joke of a post.

      Zimmerman can follow anyone he wants, it’s perfectly legal. If you think he was guilty of violating Florida law then cite the statute. You pulled that out of your butt.

      It’s impossible to invoke “stand your ground” if someone is not doing anything violent. Initiating violence is not self defense. There seems to be no evidence that Zimmerman initiated violence and plenty of evidence, including eyewitnesses, that Trayvon did.

    • If you listen to the tape, Zimmerman is already out of his vehicle and walking before the 911 operator says “We don’t need you to do that.”. Twelve seconds later the wind noise stops, presumably so has Zimmerman.

      Zimmerman BEHAVIORALLY profiled Martin, unfortunately the profile of “casing a joint” and “walking around with Bluetooth headphone while talking” can be very similar. If Zimmerman thought race was important do you think he would have brought it up without prompting?

  17. Instructor: assuming evidence not presented I see. Your interpretation is no better than anyone else’s. And I’m not sure who made you the authoritative voice on the interpretation of Florida law, but it doesn’t seem to match up with those who actually practice there.

    Ah, well, you’ll have your “narrative” in the face of any actual facts and evidence, won’t you?

  18. I saw this elsewhere (though not the details).

    Why is this so hard to believe?

    Nobody is giving a rat’s ass about Zimmerman’s character except to dig up the “dirt” and distribute an old mug shot.

    So that’s what “everyone” knows.

    It’s not a competetion about who has the most good points. It’s what are the facts.

    If there is evidence of Zimmerman’s activity on behalf of the homeless guy, good.

    As for the rest about his activities that night, unless you have the complete file on what Z said he did and what the evidence is, chill.

    As the public we simply do not have enough of actual evidence. We have lots of ill informed media babble and outright propoganda. And we are not a DA or grand jury.

    • The point is that this previous voluntary effort shows historical character that rebuts the claims (primarily made by media, not demonstrated with facts so far) that he acted with intent based on race. It’s more of a rebuttal to things that are based on media driven emotions, not a rebuttal of facts. It’s PR.

  19. I just unleashed my lazy fingers and went over to the Zimmerman family member’s letter to the local NAACP guy.

    If you haven’t read it? You need to. It has the sense and ring of a true accounting to it. No hyperbole. Clear descriptions. The additional heartbreak is that, assuming the description is true, there are blacks in leadership in that area who *know* George Zimmerman for his involvment in the Ware case.

    Damn. Life is complicated.

  20. The simple fact is the the blacks are going to see it their way and everyone else is going to have an opinion based on media reporting (which they admit is racist) , on what Obama says (his comments have trivialized the death) and on a fear of black riots if blacks don’t get what they want.

    There will be no justice and no truth.

    • The truth is that a white Hispanic killed a black black. And if Zimmerman’s father wasn’t a white white, then George would have been reported as a “white skinned” Hispanic. Because it had to be racial, ya see, or the media wouldn’t be able to sell soap, the racial arsonists wouldn’t be able to sell hate and this shooting would be sorted out in accordance with the law. And we can’t have that.

  21. I am confused by the “White Hispanic” description. Are there “White Asains”, “White Indians” or even “White Blacks”?

    • I had never previously heard the term White Hispanic until after it came out that the claims that this was a case of a white man shooting a black man could not be true since GZ is Hispanic. I guess a Hispanic man did not have the same sellability to the media circus.

    • I agree it is a pretty stupid term for the msm to use. If somebody is 50% hispanic they are normally just referred to as hispanic. I wonder, since Obama is 50% black and 50% white, does that mean the NYT should refer to him as white black?

    • Hispanic is an ethnic description. White, Black, etc is a racial description. There are Hispanics that have blond hair and blue eyes. There are Hispancis that look as dark as anyone from Uganda. Then there are those in between. Spainish sailors got around alot.

  22. Re: The Zimmerman Turner Clayton Post. It will continue to be circulated. The facts: January 11 is a Saturday. There are no meetings held in Sanford on Saturdays. The town’s meets can be found on Google: http://www.sanfordfl.gov/right/audio-citycommission.html No meeting that day. January 11, 2011 was the Day Gabrielle Giffords was shot. As I told a friend on FB, would this site make up stuff. Yes. Did they? I now say yes as I gather anyone can post anything.

  23. Calling someone a “coon” is about as racist as it gets. I hope to God that I never cross paths with George Zimmerman….

    • I haven’t heard any proof that he did though. Early reports had zimmerman saying all kinds of things, but they were usually shot down under subsequent reporting. Can you actually provide a link to the 911 tape where you can clearly hear zimmerman saying the word coon in reference to Treyvon. I havent heard that in any report yet that was not manufactured by one of the leftist race baiters.

      • Re: The coon comment. You Tube has a posting of someone running the tape through some sort of voice analyzer, and I hear nothing. Not even anything close. I played that post twice and played the original tape three times. I don’t think it is there. And if it is, so be it. Prove it to me somehow.

  24. As for who was eager for a confrontation, when one guy has another guy pinned to the ground, has broken his noze, and is pounding his head against the pavement (all verified by independent witnesses), it is pretty clear that the guy on top was eager for a confrontation, since at that point I suspect the guy on the bottom would be more than happy to let the guy on top get up and leave. So it is at least clear that Treyvon was not some completely innocent guy minding his own business once the fight started, he was winning, and Zimmer was in danger of getting a pretty bad beating.

    We dont know yet whether Zimmerman had a role in starting the fight as well, other than following Treyvon. And personally, I dont pound peoples heads against the pavement just because they followed me, especially if they are neighborhood watch, and have a legit role in finding out who has legit business being in the neighborhod. My inclination would be to ask the guy why he was following me, and if he said he was neighborhood watch, I would tell him I was not intending to cause any trouble, and was just visiting a resident I knew, and was passing through, and would leave soon, and politely ask them to stop following me.

    Now if we hear some proof that Zimmerman threw the 1st punch, or even got in Treyvons way so he could not continue walking away from the neighborhood, or confronted him face to face and said something very offensive to start the fight, that might change things, and justify a manslaughter conviction. But I have seen zero evidence of that so far.

    Definitely the remarks from prominent black leaders about Zimmerman shooting down a completely innocent person like a rabid dog are complete BS. Treyvon might have been innocent at one point, but once he started beating up on Zimmerman, he forfeited any claim of complete innocence, even if Zimmerman was also partly guilty.

  25. Oh, I really do not think Zimmerman was as evil as he was stupid. Sounds like martin was stupid as well. Stupid X Stupid = Stupid Squared.

  26. Nothing I have read from those who know George indicate that he is a racist. Only those with an agenda, anti-gun, anti white, etc. go with the flow and convict him without any proof. I go with innocent unless proven guilty.

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