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Quote of the Day: Standing Athwart History Yelling ‘Stop’ Edition

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments


“It used to be that you would hear young brothers saying, ‘I need this [handgun] to be safe in my neighborhood.’ Now I am hearing more adults say it. Rather than deal with the realities to stop the violence, we play into the fear.” – Rev. Michael Pfleger in High-crime and cop neighborhoods tops in concealed-carry permits [at suntimes.com]


0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Standing Athwart History Yelling ‘Stop’ Edition”

        • You sound like quite the authority! We need to get you to the Vatican immediately, so you can provide the entire Christian faith with the breaking new evidence that will finally put their illusions to rest!

          Oh, wait. You don’t have any.

          By the way, I’m a devout Catholic and I think this guy is a pompous windbag. What does faith in God have to do with it?

        • What’s your basis? Science? You mean the science that still has yet to disprove his existence, or even prove how, exactly, the universe was created?

        • @Ben, @doesky2:
          The singularity theory (a.k.a. “big bang”), which is a “theory” in the same way that gravity is a “theory”, is accepted by every credible scientist on the planet. The physicists who theorized it a century ago made predictions that must hold true for the theory to be correct. Every one of those predictions that science can now measure holds true. Space-time did not exist before the singularity. Nor does it exist outside of the finite expanse of the universe.

          This theory does not require, but also does not preclude, a creator being.

          As for the idea that science must disprove the existence of any god, you have that backwards. The person making a claim that something exists must provide the proof. I could claim Santa, Thor, and the Easter bunny exist, but I have no proof. Are you responsible for disproving it, or am I responsible for proving it?

          @Paper Street
          Your absolute atheistic statement without any evidence is just as flawed as an absolute theistic statement. It’s also in poor taste here. If the theists aren’t slinging insults first, then there’s no reason for you to sling them.

      • Hey Frank, I’m pretty sure nobody on this forum is inclined to take orders from the likes of you or anyone else about what we will or will not talk about.

    • You better watch it, or the Angry Jewish SkyDaddy will cast you into a lake of burning sulfur where you will suffer for all eternity.*

      *Because he loves you.

    • “He believes in an invisible man in the sky. Enough said.”

      If that were true, he wouldn’t be allowed to be a Catholic priest.

  1. Bet anything this fake Reverend is packing heat himself or his bodyguards are. Like most liberals, I would assume he is a big hypocrite and you should do the very opposite of what he says.

    • At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn he’s Chiraq’s go-to guy for anything from a zip gun drop piece, to a full truckload of RPGs. Best prices in the Midwest!

  2. Buying into fear? More like buying into reality. Remember the sage advice given to many of us children of the eighties: “it’s dangerous to go alone!”

  3. This putze does more to aggrivate and instigate than I do by quietly going about my own business each day with a CCW.

    Actions speak louder than words.

  4. I hate how guilty white liberals go into the hood and scream “…gimme the gun, TREY!!!” It’s such condescending horsecrap.

  5. “Rather than deal with the realities to stop the violence, we play into the fear” by getting concealed carry licenses and handguns.

    Why does this have to be an either-or thing? Let’s get handguns for the now, since we all acknowledge the neighborhood is dangerous, and at the same time work towards damping the problem … which history suggests will be a generational effort.

  6. I encourage Illinois residents to click the link to the Sun-Times article. It has an interactive map showing CCLs issued by zip code, and permits per 1,000 residents in each zip code.

    Looking at the “hot spots” in my own area, it’s hard to make heads or tails of it.

    • I am 1 of 5 in my zip. I guess I’m my own hotspot as I live in a large downstate county. My zip isn’t that large population-wise although it does include a town of 450. I live on the farm.

  7. ‘Rather than deal with the realities to stop the violence…’

    No one ever asks the obvious follow up question to leftist statements like this, ‘If you know how to stop the violence why don’t you share the solution with the rest of us?’ Does he believe that when a punk with gang tattoos pulls out a gun and points it at you that you can sit down with him and have a prayer session and he’ll forsake his wicked lifestyle? Or does he think if the men with guns and badges come around and take more money from the wealthy and give it to the unions so it can be funneled back into the Democratic party it will convince young punks to give up the crime and drugs? Seriously, what is the solution? And how is this going to work immediately so that there’s no need for self defense in the meantime?

  8. The progressive christian has the Lord on speed dial. Just as he has the police on speed dial. As a leader in progressive Chicago the police will respond to his call in seconds. Just ask mayor Rahm or Rev jackson.

  9. My brother is a priest and an Obama supporter. He wants the country rid of guns. But when he was teaching at a catholic high school in a rabidly anti-gun state, he saw skunks in the school lawn. So he found a .22 rifle in the basement and dispatched it, point blank. Someone (probably a fellow priest) called the cops on him. He talked his way into a “please be careful” warning that a young black non-priest would have never gotten. And he remains unreformed. The hypocrisy of many clergy is astounding.

    • Most clergy I know have an inclination that it is somehow better to be a victim than ever defend oneself(and do harm to another in the process), because even if you die, you will be in Gods hands in heaven now so it’s nothing to worry about.

      … I wouldn’t call myself a Christian, but I was raised as one and I have a general belief in a higher power. Not sure I know what that entails, and I’m not sure if there is an afterlife, but I enjoy this life so I am in no hurry to let some twerp who decides to take it out on me send me to meet my maker(or maybe not) prematurely.

      • I’ve known a good dozen RC priests who would not defend themselves, but would act to save others — one carried a .357 in a special lower compartment in his travel communion set. One talked a robber down with questions about the man’s plans (“Do you have an escape route planned? Do you have a safe place to go?”) while others left the store. This being St. Louis back a few decades, by the time the police arrived the priest had the robber’s gun and was taking him to the priest’s church to acquire new clothes, food, and transportation to a state where the robber’s skills could get him a job, even connecting him with a priest at the destination, and when the priest told the cops everything was fine, no one was hurt, he was taking care of it, they just said, “Yes, Father”, and went on their way.

        Come to think of it, there was a Lutheran pastor/priest in Miami who stepped between a gunman and apparently intended victims. When the recent Cuban refugee realized his gun was pointing at a man in a collar, he dropped the gun, dropped to his knees, and blurted out (in Spanish) “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned”. Fortunately the pastor knew the Roman Catholic ritual in Spanish, and shortly thereafter the repentant criminal was riding in the pastor’s car to go turn himself in — and two years later, out of prison, the man joined that church as a very faithful member.

    • like Obama, skunks are mostly Black with a little White thrown in. Tell your priestly brother he is a racist. 🙂

  10. I would call this the “accidental truth” edition; if I read it right, Pfleger has just described the gun-control movement almost perfectly: They can’t or don’t want to deal with the actual causes of crime and violence (ie individuals choosing to adopt a criminal and violent lifestyle, for whatever reason), so they play on fear. The only part he left out is where they attempt to transfer the legitimate fear of criminals into the irrational fear of inanimate firearms.

    • +1
      Which means: I was going to say the same thing, roughly, but you said it perfectly. So I’m not going to repeat what you said.

  11. High-crime and cop neighborhoods tops in concealed-carry permits.
    Most high crime areas have all sorts of gun control and are for all practical purposes non-issue.

    • True that.
      And if you live in a high-crime neighborhood in Chicago, you’re probably poor with little money and no transportation (to the nearest gun store which is at least several miles away).

      That’s part of what makes this newsworthy. The people in those neighborhoods need to scrape together funds for the gun and ammo, take the training class (~$250 and likely far from home), and apply for the CCL ($150 non-refundable).

      It’s a huge economic hurdle for them to jump (by the Democrats’ design), yet they’re doing it in droves. It’s THAT important to them.

    • Wow, is that off target! A liberation theology priest would be urging blacks to acquire military weapons in order to defy the oppressive establishment.

  12. “It used to be that you would hear young brothers saying, ‘I need this [handgun] to be safe in my neighborhood.’ Now I am hearing more adults say it.”

    This is what I was referring to a few days back when I disagreed with a comment that guns are getting stigmatized like cigarettes were stigmatized.

    Adult Black attitudes on guns for self-defence are changing far faster than White attitudes, and most decidedly In our favor.

    And I hypothesize our current President is the driving force in this sea-change of attitude in Black self-defence.

    They’re trying real hard to brainwash the public that guns are the new cigarettes.

    And it’s backfiring right in their face.


  13. Breaking! Again-fadder pflegma sues 3 area gun shops. Thank GOD black folks are “getting it ” in Chicago. The disconnect is staggering as the overwhelming majority of CC holders in the city will continue to vote in their slavemasters. Sad to state but there is little alternative in Chiraq…where you gonna’ get that cushy job if you don’t dumbocrat?

    • I would suggest they review the costs the plaintiffs in Aurora CO got hit with when they sued Lucky Gunner, et al recently. . . . . nothing says screw you faster as a community advocate as suddenly being responsible to explain to the families of homicide victims that you sold them a bill of goods and now they owe $$ on top of it. . . . As I recall, IL also has certain pre-emption statutes. Interesting to see how this plays out. Maybe the good “Father” (wasn’t he kicked out?) will change his tune when he owes cash to the municipalities.

  14. Interesting discussion among mayors on NPR yesterday. All the data points to community service workers in violence prone areas being MUCH more effective than any gun-control measures. Chicago’s violent Englewood neighborhood was mention. No deaths over July 4th unlike previous holidays. New Orleans mayor made similar observations.

    Bottom line: Gun control doesn’t work. Violence prevention does.

    Will be interesting to see response by Bloomberg, etc. Tragic when the facts don’t support one’s agenda.

  15. I’m sure that Fr. Pfleger is nostalgic for days when guys like him were buggering the altar boys.

    Good times, eh Rev?

  16. I hate to say this but I believe that Matthew 7:22-23 will be the desperately sad reality that Michael Pfleger will face when his lights go out.

  17. I helped teach a firearms class for a local church earlier this year. 25 new gun owners attended the class. The church has a security team made up of conceal carriers, and they believe at leave 50 church attendees carry every Sunday. The preacher carries a Sig. I bet l know which congregation will survive the next holocaust.

  18. He has a classic case of Target Fixation, and is an ongoing source of pain to his Bishop. He needs to concentrate entirely on why he was ordained.

  19. I like to think there are a number of rational people in the comments of TTAG, but after seeing stupid close-minded religious rants rather than focus on the up-side of firearm discussion it appears I am the deluded one. Put away the hate, geez, we may need to rely on each other to survive!

  20. If the RC church hadn’t had to spend so much settling sex abuse cases, they could build good housing for the poor and even provide jobs. Those would be positive steps toward reducing violence.

    Of course, reducing government red tape and idiotic regulation — especially of the redundant and overlapping sort that drives business out of the country — would also help reduce violence; that oppression generates an atmosphere of resentment and anger that contributes to explosive tempers.

  21. “Rather than deal with the realities to stop the violence, we play into the fear.”

    Wow! He can come right out and speak the words with his own lips, and still not understand?

    Realities of violence? Reality is violence! It’s human nature! Someone, somewhere is gonna want to do it! Frustrate them with an impossible entitlement attitude by constantly telling them they deserve everything for free, but someone else is responsible for why they don’t have it… They lash out, they have to. The normal cycle of failure, learn, work to better yourself is broken in their minds. They turn to minimalistic tendencies to achieve their entitlements.

    Stop feeding that BS. Stop turning people against each other for political gain… Let them fail. Stop giving them handouts. Let them experience hardship. Let pain be the teacher if they won’t learn any other way. The only true enemy is the one depriving them of the natural cycle…

    The Vote Plantation. Run away! Democrats use Carrot instead of Stick now, but it’s the same outcome… Baited into a trap instead of whipped into it…


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