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We reported on Monday how former President Donald Trump’s selection of U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio was a good one as far as the Second Amendment is concerned. Of course, the real way to tell whether that analysis is accurate or not is to see what gun-haters are saying about the selection.

From Everytown for Gun Safety to Moms Demand Action to Giffords to the Brady Campaign, gun-ban groups seem to hate Vance as much as they do Trump. And that’s a good sign for those of us on the freedom side of the Second Amendment debate.

“Gun violence impacts Americans from all political stripes. Donald Trump’s pick for vice president has a record of undermining the gun violence prevention movement,” said head Mom Angela Ferrell-Zabala. “We refuse to accept gun violence as the status quo, and our volunteers are already mobilizing voters and working to elect gun sense champions up and down the ballot.”

Not to be outdone, Everytown President John Feinblatt also had to weigh in on the Vance selection, as well as the failed assassination attempt on Trump.

“Despite Trump and Vance’s failed records on gun safety, the Trump-Vance ticket must take a serious and clear-eyed look at common-sense gun safety measures if any chance of ‘unity’ is possible,” Feinblatt said Everytown. “As Saturday demonstrated, no one—not even the former president—is safe from gun violence. Now is a moment for true reflection and bipartisan action on gun safety that reflects the will of the vast majority of voters.”

Of course, Feinblatt didn’t mention how gun control would have stopped the shooting. It’s just more pie-in-the-sky wish in one hand, shit in the other from those with no real solutions.

Citing Vance’s endorsement by the National Rifle Association during his race for the Senate, the folks at Giffords also were frustrated that Trump had made him his running mate.

“Despite what you heard tonight, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have promised the gun lobby they would repeal President Biden’s popular, bipartisan gun safety law that finally criminalized trafficking guns to violent drug cartels,” said Emma Brown, Giffords executive director. “Last weekend’s horrific assassination attempt demonstrated that no level of security can guarantee anyone’s safety—not even a former president’s—when dangerous people have easy access to weapons of war. Republicans and Democrats alike are concerned about gun violence in this country, yet Donald Trump and JD Vance have consistently put gun industry profits over the safety of American communities. We owe it to future generations to keep this pair out of the White House.”

Even the Brady campaign got in on the Vance bashing. And they continued the trend of blaming the gun not the gunman, insinuating that the response to the Trump assassination attempt should be more restrictive gun control laws.

“Just days after their party leader was shot and hundreds of others across the country killed and injured as a result of guns, Republican leaders failed to offer any solutions to the rising crisis of gun violence,” said Brady President Kris Brown. “Instead, they used the RNC—an event that millions of voters tun into—to mock Trump’s gunshot injury, brag about irresponsible gun ownership and give away AR-15s.”

With increased reporting that President Joe Biden might step out of the presidential race, making it anyone’s guess who the Democrat candidate would be, Brown made it clear that he’s in favor of anyone but the pro-gun candidates on the Republican ticket.

“This week reaffirmed what we’ve known all along: Safety is on the ballot in November,” he said. “Guns are the number one killer of youth in America. Do we want leaders who will stand up for the well-being of our kids and communities? Or do we want leaders who will continue to ignore gun violence—even as more than 300 people are shot every single day in this country?”

Yep, gun-ban groups hate J.D. Vance with a passion. And that fact makes me like him even more.

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  1. Gun ban groups hate him.
    Neocons and neolibs hate him.
    Globalists hate him.
    Warmongers hate him.
    Wall Street hates him.
    Mega donors hate him.

    All the right people hate him.

    I really hope this is the end of the country club, war profiteering, token opposition bullshit republicrats we’ve had to put up with for so many decades.

  2. Whatever the number is of people shot every day, the fact is that they are shot by DEMOCRATS.
    How about we prohibit the ownership of guns by Democrats?

  3. The Republican ticket has been solidly endorsed by those who believe in exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, that’s plenty good for this voting citizen.

  4. “We refuse to accept gun violence as the status quo”. So the left votes in AGs who in turn release all those aspiring valedictorians back onto the streets. And they wonder why we call them left-tards.

    • At least some people appear to be waking up. Word is that some young, prominent “influencers” are switching support from Biden to Trump. I heard this before the assassination attempt. I’m not sure if that is from some sort of understanding of the situation, or just jumping from a sinking ship. Either way, it can’t hurt.

      Van Jones said that Amber Rose’s speech at the convention was the most damaging to Democrats. He seems to be in tune with that sort of thing, so I believe him. In her speech, she said that she had previously believed the lies about Trump.

  5. Let us remember that Trump is hardly a true Second Amendment defender. He has no problem with Red Flag laws and was okay with the ATF claiming a bump stock was a machine gun. That the NRA backs Vance means not too much, as the NRA has been on the wrong side of gun control more often than anyone wants to know. Ever notice how the NRA doesn’t have its long and glorious history on their website? It is because they have backed all major destructions of the Second Amendment starting in the 1930s and especially during the 1960s. Remember, they were okay with Clinton’s “assault rifle” ban. Not to mention, a cool $2 million of hard-earned money from members pumped to their illustrious leader, LaPierre. I used to be a member a long time ago, but when they rebuffed Jeff Knox (unsure on first name) for reforms, etc. I left a long time ago and never looked back.

    • The NRA is useful as a straw man for the left to focus their attention on while FPC, GOA and others get the real work done.

      It’s worth keeping them around if only for that purpose.

      • Oh I agree Wha. I gotta random call from an NRA gal & promptly hung up. No plans on rejoining but they “seem” to be putting some effort into “reform”. We’ll see…TRUMP/VANCE 2024!

    • Your choices are Trump, Biden, RFK, Jr., or that lib guy (who used to work for Obama) that wants open borders and draggg* queen story hour. What’s your point?

      *avoiding moderation

        • You can’t say drag (plus) queen without getting caught in the moderation filter.

          The only actual choices are Trump or Biden of course. If anyone is still bringing up the bump stock thing at this point, I have to wonder about the motives.

          • Supporters of the fascist left always show up at election time to try and convince us that we’re supporting the wrong dude.


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