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(AP Photo/John Minchillo)
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The best way to win a gunfight remains to avoid one. We would all do well to remember that good guys sometimes don’t come out on top when the lead flies. Such was the case in Louisville where Jason Spencer, 30, was walking with his new bride after returning from their honeymoon back in 2017.Β  As they walked, a pair of armed robbers announced a hold-up, and Mr. Spencer pulled a gun in self-defense. He shot 15-year-old Travon Curry, but the two predators shot and killed him.

The duo were arrested, but pre-trial motions and delays have finally ended with a plea bargain from the two murderers. WDRB has details of the plea bargain . . .

Two men charged with murdering a man walking with his wife near Cherokee Triangle in 2017 pleaded guilty to amended charges of manslaughter Friday.

Travon Curry and Thaddius Thomas Jr. were supposed to stand trial March 1 for robbing and shooting Jason Spencer as he and his wife were walking on Everett Avenue near Cherokee Triangle on Nov. 3, 2017.

Spencer was killed only 10 days after getting married.

Instead, Curry pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter, robbery, receiving stolen property, wanton endangerment and possession of a handgun by a minor. His recommended sentence is 18 years in prison.

Thomas pleaded guilty to the same charges plus tampering with physical evidence. His recommended sentence is 19 years.

Neither man will be able to request probation and must serve at least 85% of the sentence before being eligible for parole.

Exercising good situational awareness always ranks as the most desirable way to avoid resorting to deadly force in self-defense.

And when life gives you a life-threatening crap sandwich and forces you to take a bite, carrying a concealed gun is clearly the best thing you can do. After all, even a marginal gun on your person beats the best gun in your safe at home.

Good training and tactics also help, as does efficiency of movement. But the best thing is to avoid it altogether if you possibly can. Stay safe out there.

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  1. You cannot promise that you will prevail. But if the fascists do not allow you to arm yourself then you cannot win. Period.

    If you do not have a gun then it is not a gunfight. It’s just a murder.

    • Someone will be along to harp on how that never happens in civilized countries and be roundly mocked soon. With that said awareness availability ability and aggression all help

        • Didn’t we have a similar poster a few years ago that also either had a account hijacked or some kind of mental breakdown followed by a few months of calm before the current one?

    • In our household you mess with one of us you mess with all of us. The bride should have had hubby’s back.

      • Or the hubby was in the role of having her back and protecting her.

        Goes both ways. No need to kick the dead, Debbie.

        • Haz here is quote you should memorize and recite, trice, whenever you feel the desire to unleash one of your inane comments.

          ‘Tis better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

      • Debbie spot on, was thinking the same.

        The husband might(?) be alive today had that been the situation.

        Good to know you share that important role.

  2. The stats show over and over again resisting a robbery and trying to shoot it out usually ends up with the good guy getting blown away.

    Remember it matters not how good a shot you are or how fast you draw because when the bad guy already has his gun pointed at your head the advantage lies with him and he will not hesitate to pull the trigger. Remember too that the average person has never killed anyone so he often hesitates that one fraction of a second that usually gets him killed.

    Of course the greed monger Far Right who squeeze every penny that passes through their hands so tightly it screams for mercy would rather be gunned down in the street rather than un-clutch their hands to let loose of the first penny they ever made.

    Often time just carrying a gun will get you killed by the police or even having that card in your wallet that says you are a concealed carrier. Cops go nuts and panic when they suspect you may be armed even in an innocuous traffic stop as Fernando Castile found out when he even told the paranoid Moron untrained cop he was armed. He sealed his own death warrant.

    In another case a man was gunned down (according to the cops) for legally carrying a gun while being black. A panicked store clerk saw his gun when he bent over and called the cops who were waiting for him and his girl friend to exist the store. When he walked out into the parking lot they gunned him down without warning. To the cop the only good black man was a dead black man.

    In another incident a black man picked up a bb gun off the shelf that was not in a box at a Walmart Store and a panicked customer called the cops who gunned the man down as he walked down the isle with it.

    In another case a young mother was carrying a striker fired gun with no safety in her purse. Her 2 year old toddler in the shopping cart reached into her purse, pulled out the gun and blew her head off instantly.

    In another case a loud mouth right wing Mother constantly yelling about the heavenly feeling of carrying a weapon had her toddler in a car seat reach forward and pull out her Glock 45 and shoot her in the back while she was driving. It was a miracle both survived.

    In another case a cop in Chicago came home dead tired and threw his Glock down on the bed while he was undressing and his 4 year old girl snatched up the Glock which has no manual safety and accidentally blew her own head off.

    Yes the sick and sadistic paranoid far right do not realize that actually most people are shot and killed by someone they know, usually residing in their own home, not in a robbery or break in.

    • dacian,

      The stats show over and over again resisting a robbery and trying to shoot it out usually ends up with the good guy getting blown away.


      • According to Kleck’s β€œPoint Blank: Guns and Violence in America” – the leading authority on the subject of compliance:

        1. Any form of resistance, except with firearm, carries with it an injury rate of 52%.

        2. Resistance with a firearm carried with it the risk of injury of 17%, but use of a firearm early in an encounter carries with it a risk of injury of 6%.

        Overall, in Kleck, you have a minimum of a 25% chance of being injured if you comply, but you are 4 time less likely to be injured if you have your firearm and are prepared to use it.

        Take away here summary: compliance may still result in injury (which includes death), resistance without a firearm carries a 52% chance of injury (which includes death), resistance with a firearm lowers chance of injury (which includes death) to 17%, resistance with a firearm early in the encounter further lowers risk of injury (which includes death) to 6%

        If you are armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 25%?
        if you are not armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 52%?

        Compliance or not, resistance or not – is not a decision one needs to make. The answer is already provided, non-compliance via firearms resistance offers the best chance of less injury.

        • little d, Fernando got himself killed by repeatedly reaching for his gun after the cop told him more than once not to. Might have had something to do with the large amount of weed him and the girlfriend had smoked previous to the stop. And yes, that is in the public record of the trial. Nice try, but again, a fail.

        • Plus dacian, you seem to be having problems with basic math.

          Its ~94% that survived due to defensive gun use. Resisting without firearms carries with it an injury rate (which includes death) of 52%.

          I see what your problem is now though, you didn’t pass third grade.

        • dacian the DUNDERHEAD It is funny how your “studies” don’t take into account all the times where the good guy with a gun overcomes the bad guy. I have a hunch you are rooting for the bad guys.

      • to booger brain

        Most of this researchβ€”and there have been several dozen peer-reviewed studiesβ€”punctures the idea that guns stop violence. In a 2015 study using data from the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard University reported that firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns versus those with the least. Also in 2015 a combined analysis of 15 different studies found that people who had access to firearms at home were nearly twice as likely to be murdered as people who did not.

        and then collected details about them and their deaths from local police, medical examiners and people who had been close to the victims. They found that a gun in the home was associated with a nearly threefold increase in the odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance.

        While victims actively resisted in only 7 percent of the robberies studied, those incidents accounted for 51 percent of the deaths.

        Most of this researchβ€”and there have been several dozen peer-reviewed studiesβ€”punctures the idea that guns stop violence. In a 2015 study using data from the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard University reported that firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns versus those with the least. Also in 2015 a combined analysis of 15 different studies found that people who had access to firearms at home were nearly twice as likely to be murdered as people who did not.

        and then collected details about them and their deaths from local police, medical examiners and people who had been close to the victims. They found that a gun in the home was associated with a nearly threefold increase in the odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance.

        While victims actively resisted in only 7 percent of the robberies studied, those incidents accounted for 51 percent of the deaths.

        Hereis another very lengthy in depth study (not the Harvard).

        • dacian, once again with your biased and debunked studies.

          Its ~94% that survived due to defensive gun use. Resisting without firearms carries with it an injury rate (which includes death) of 52%.

          That’s the problem with your studies, they didn’t actually restrict their data to defensive gun use. For example, they counted all the incidents in their data set that used other than firearms and it biased and slewed the numbers and its the reason they have been debunked.

        • to Booger Brain

          quote————-That’s the problem with your studies, they didn’t actually restrict their data to defensive gun use.——–quote


          I gave you more than one study. The facts found was that out of all the robberies studied you were way more likely to be injured or killed if you resisted. Its that plain and simple and no amount of nut case lying is going to change the facts.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Tour studies are full of donkey dust. First they start off with the idea that they are going to prove that guns are bad, bad, bad. Do yourself a favor and go to Europe? Please? We don’t have any room for a Lefty who is trying to disarm us for the sake of gaining control over the population.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Castile did not follow police directions. If he had, he’s be alive today. Get that through your thick skull.

    • dacian recites from his list of talking points, “The stats show over and over again resisting a robbery and trying to shoot it out usually ends up with the good guy getting blown away.”

      Many of us would be cool with those stats, if they were true. Some of us would rather die like men, than live like worms. Dying in your feet is better than living on your knees. Have a crummy life, and afterlife, with the rest of the prey animals, dacian.

      • to the Fake cowardly dacian who steals other peoples identities.

        In reality you are panicked when it comes to handing over 1 penny in your wallet because to you the only thing worth living for is blind greed and profit. It is why you would rather save a penny in taxes and then go bankrupt over health care because you do not support Universal Health Care.

        Shooting it out has nothing to do with your survival or manhood its just plain greed.

        • β€œβ€¦to the Fake cowardly dacian who steals other peoples identities…”

          This from the one who is giving poor Alfred a bad name.

        • Bro, when your argument devolves into ‘not wanting to literally get robbed at gunpoint makes you greedy’, maybe it’s time to log off.

          Yes, there is a chance you give someone your wallet and walk away alive. Yes there is also the chance you fight it out and lose. There is also the reality that always complying emboldens criminals and actually causes more crime in the long run since the consequences are never realized.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. There you go again. For some unGodly reason you think that it is government’s job to take care of your rotten arse from cradle to grave. This is not Europe. Get us to it.

        • So this evolves into Universal Health Care ? ? ? WTF !
          Walt – He’ll Love London- You’re not to resist a robbery. And they know it!

    • If that was true, Dacian, then the bodyguard industry should not be thriving at all. Yet even antigun celebrities know the value of protection with a firearm. But they just outsource that to people they value far less than themselves.

      To beat the proverbial dead horse, we will wait until every anti gun person renounces police/bodyguard protection.

      • He must be into sadomasochism, necrophilia, and bestiality because he’s constantly flogging a dead horse.

        • Heh… Beating a dead horse- I get the necrophilia and the bestiality- buhbuhbutt… how does sado-masochism come into play? ;>)
          Either this…. individual is a twisted one… of is having us on for his own amusement. T’would be best to greet his insolent foolishness with The Sounds Of Silence…

    • Lol you are such a pompous pseudo intellectual. I was absolutely shocked to learn you were a leftist.

      Greedy right wingers…..Right leaning folks statistically out give leftists to charity by a huge margin. They also tip better.

      • The only reason it seems the right gives more to charity is because that includes the thousands of denominations of church contributions.

        In point of fact, most churches whatever the denomination, are of dubious value to society.

        Fred Phelps comes to mind, or the fundamental church of Latter-day Saint

        American taxpayers subsidize the polygamist for millions of dollars every year to their sister wives and children, they call it β€˜bleeding the beast’.

        I call it welfare fraud in the name of Christianity.

        • In other words, when Miner49er does not like the charity, charitable giving is not really charitable giving, er, I mean charitable giving doesn’t count toward charitable giving. Or something.

        • Miner managed to pack an amazing amount of logical fallacies into a relatively short comment. I’m impressed with his efficiency.

        • Minor MINER49ER What you call it is immaterial. Churches do a lot of good in the neighborhoods of our country. You Lefties think that it is government’s job to do what you should be doing, i.e.: contributing to charity. But the fact of the matter is you wannabes are to damn cheap to do what you should be doing and expect the rest of us to pick up your end of the log.

        • To Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

          quote——————–Minor MINER49ER What you call it is immaterial. Churches do a lot of good in the neighborhoods of our country. You Lefties think that it is government’s job to do what you should be doing, i.e.: contributing to charity. But the fact of the matter is you wannabes are to damn cheap to do what you should be doing and expect the rest of us to pick up your end of the log.——————quote

          Churches you ignorant cheap ass Moron can not even begin to address the needs of people who are in need of food, clothing, shelter and child care.

          Your screaming about Churches doing it all are diversion and mask to hide your own cheap stinginess when it comes to supporting Federal Government programs that are the only ones that have the money to address such serious and monumental needs.

    • This from the person who will never experience risk because they haven’t left their house in years. Safely fortified in the basement, err “Revolution Command Central” leader bunker.

        • Despite his preference for other civilized nations, he refuses to move there. In his mind he won’t change. The USA must change for him.

          There could be other reasons.

        • Our Illustrious Dear Leader has had a special area of the Mud Hut basement set up all comfy ‘n stuff so he feels more at home away from home…

    • “”The stats show over and over again”

      funny you NEVER link to said stats
      and even if you did link to one, bets are HIGH you could not find even 2 more that agree!

      show your work little boi!

    • @dacian
      Ok, you have now announced that you will be a victim and allow whomever to take whatever from you hoping they let you live unharmed.

      Am I misunderstanding? Do you intend to fight or comply?

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD Your stats are horse pucky! The fact is that most of the time the good guys come out on top due to the element of SURPRISE. Your long dissertation is so full of Lefty rhetoric is is as useless as you are. I cited numerous cases where the good guys came out on top. Of course you dismiss those. Gee, I wonder why? Well, not really. We all know you are a anti-gun radical who claims to have extensive knowledge about firearms but can’t seem to tell us the firing sequence of a cartridge.

      As to your nonsense about the police, if the good guy properly identifies himself starting out to the police and he complies with their instructions, he will not only survive but will not get hurt by the police. The problem is that some people think that the police will automatically think you are a good guy.

      In short, DUNDERHEAD, do us all a favor and go to Europe on an extended vacation. Ah, make that permanent for the good of the country.

      • Hey β€˜man’, have you noticed that no one replies to your posts? Please understand that’s because no one cares what you have to say. SoπŸ–•πŸ€‘.

        • Hey, dacian the DUNDERHEAD, with anew fake profile, people have responded to my posts. Maybe you should pay closer attention. Of course you would have to come out of your caccoon.

          Have a good day, dacian the DUNDERHEAD.

      • “As to your nonsense about the police, if the good guy properly identifies himself starting out to the police and he complies with their instructions, he will not only survive but will not get hurt by the police.” >>>> Exactly !
        BLM was founded on a Lie and perpetuated the lies to the tune of Millions !

      • A paid vacation to Ukrainia via Kiev International Airport might be in order for the latter-day Dacianus Ridiculae.

    • That is precisely OPPOSITE what the FBI publishes repeatedly, every year in fact. Since you can check that as easily as anyone else, that makes you a liar, as opposed to mistaken or misinformed.

  3. You can do everything right in a gunfight and still die.

    The more you know about gunfighting, the less you will want to be in one

  4. “Take away here summary: compliance may still result in injury (which includes death), resistance without a firearm carries a 52% chance of injury (which includes death), resistance with a firearm lowers chance of injury (which includes death) to 17%, resistance with a firearm early in the encounter further lowers risk of injury (which includes death) to 6%.

    None of that matters.

    “We choose truth over facts.”
    – J.Biden

  5. darcydodo…You are one paranoid democRat and that makes you a meal waiting for criminals. Save yourself from your demons…Rid yourself of the guns you boast about owning and keep Gun Free Zone Signs around you at all times.

    When are you going to shift gears to motor vehicles and use driving accidents to advance your insanity?

    Accidents, crime etc. are not even a drop in the bucket when compared to the racism and genocide atrocities attributed to Gun Control. A Gun Control nazi like you knows that but such facts don’t fit your narrative so your lips are sealed…Ain’t dat right?

    • If I could buy him for what he is worth, and then sell him for what he THINKS he is worth, I’d be a billionaire by the end of the week. Thanks d, always good for a laugh !

    • remember when Joe Biden (veiled) threatened law abiding gun owners with nukes and F-15’s.

      BIDEN: “Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government… If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

      • Typical Biden Plagiarism, Biden has never had an original thought. Eric Swalwell “And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.”

      • Booger Nose Brain you are a laugh a minute

        quote————-remember when Joe Biden (veiled) threatened law abiding gun owners with nukes and F-15’s.———-quote

        Biden spoke the truth. Revolutions take a lot of money, even the ones fought centuries ago. Our own ill begotten American Revolution only succeeded because France spent millions bailing out the sorry ass of the incompetent George Washington who would have lost and been hung by his dirty balls eve the French hand not intervened in the war on our side.

        You Moron you are tracked each day 24 hours around the clock by the Government. They use the black box in your car, your cell phone, your credit cards and there are security cameras as numerous as grains of sand on the beach. Tell us again of your day dream fantasies of a revolution. You are a laugh a minute.

        • Aren’t you the one who wants a revolution from antifa and blm?

          You can’t have a revolution without execution. Your “Caravan of Death” will be very busy dispensing Social Justice to the masses.

  6. Good guys with guns do not always win, it just works out that way sometimes. But having the means of firearms for self-defense keeps over 2 million people annually from being killed.

  7. “But having the means of firearms for self-defense keeps over 2 million people annually from being killed.”

    Well, maybe not. Brother-In-Law told me that the CDC and FBI are wrong on that statistic. Both are valid sources for other information, but when it comes to guns, they get it entirely wrong. Something about how stats developed that show guns saves lives are the result of Trump supporters embedded in both agencies, and they escape notice by the real scientists and experts at CDC and FBI. And the Trumpers are so powerful regarding guns, that the CDC and FBI dare not try to cover up the Trumper statistics, remove the data from websites, or attempt to fire the Trumpers.

    All this is why legislation needs to be passed into law allowing CDC to do gun research that proves guns are a public health threat.

    Orange Man Bad.

    • I had a guy who’s sister told him that a girlfriend told her that a woman at Starbucks told her that a cashier at Walmart said “hey, over 2 million people can’t be wrong but it turned out to be a Trump plot manipulating Clinton’s and Obama’s CDC and FBI ’cause racism and McDonalds Big Macs”


      • “…Trump plot manipulating Clinton’s and Obama’s CDC and FBI ’cause racism and McDonalds Big Macs” ”

        If Big Macs were made with real mozzarella cheese, I would be inclined to believe someone who eats Big Macs.

    • Surely you jest. FBI stats got back at least to the late 1950’s demonstrating the efficacy of armed defense of self and loved ones from armed attack. It’s never pretty and life-or-death decisions have to be made correctly in less time than it takes to light a cigarette. Been there, did that, not proud of it and certainly not happy about it. May God bless and keep you from ever being in that position.

      • “Surely you jest.”


        Just relaying what BIL told me about CDC/FBI statistics regarding the number of DGUs.

  8. Trying to outshoot a drawn gun is a very dangerous move. Trying to outshoot more than one is almost suicidal, especially if you aren’t wearing body armor.

    but I need someone to explain to me how two people who rob and murder someone in the street manage to avoid the appropriate murder charge.

  9. “but I need someone to explain to me how two people who rob and murder someone in the street manage to avoid the appropriate murder charge.”

    Conviction rate is a measurable component for prosecutors. Do what is best for the conviction record. Juries are risky.

  10. When I am armed out in public, I have more options available to me if an armed robber, psychopath, or terrorist comes calling. More options is always better than less options.

    If an armed robber gets the drop on me and has a knife or firearm against my body, I will buy some time with feigned compliance–looking for any opportunity where something distracts my attacker and opens a window of opportunity for me to draw and shoot. On the other hand, if nothing distracts my attacker and he/she comes across (as best as I can guess) that he/she will not physically harm me when I comply, then I will probably comply and hope for the best. Whatever I end up doing will be a “game time decision”.

    • Continued; sooner or later, my assailant must either turn his back or escalate his assault. I would be waiting for that moment, minutes or hours away, to attempt to drawandfire (one word), win or lose. I do not intend to be tied up or disarmed while I am alive.

      • “I do not intend to be tied up or disarmed while I am alive.”

        Oh, you naughty boy. You nattering nabob of negativity. Just run away, and let the criminal crim another day.

  11. We have a legal self-defense update, thanks to the ‘Tylers’ at the Zero Hedge that some may find interesting :

    “Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other ‘Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes’ For Calling Him A Murderer”

    “TUCKER {Carlson}: “Will you be suing any news organizations?”

    KYLE RITTENHOUSE: “We’re looking at quite a few, politicians, athletes, celebrities, Whoppi Goldberg is on the list, she called me a murderer after I was acquitted… So is Cenk [Uyhur] from the Young Turks.”

    Bankrupt them, Kyle… πŸ™‚

    • Geoff,

      Assuming that Kyle’s attorneys are willing to go the distance, I suspect that Kyle will ultimately end up collecting north of $100 million in total from all of the celebrities, athletes, news outlets, and politicians.

      Disclaimer: if his lawsuits go before a jury and the jury is allowed to consider the details of his self-defense event, trial, and acquittal, he may not collect anywhere near as much money–owing to the fact that many jurors may despise Kyle’s NON-CRIMINAL actions and decide to screw him over anyway and deny his monetary damages.

      Saying it another way, some jurors may hold the position that, while his actions were legal and therefore not criminal, he nevertheless deserves to be put through the wringer for being uppity and bringing a scary-black rifle to a “peaceful demonstration”.

      • But that irrational fear did not help convict him, so I would discount the possibility to the point of never mentioning it, because is is unfounded and even silly.

      • In my career in law enforcement as both a police officer and as a Corrections Sergeant, I have had three matters I personally turned over to the FBI and they bungled all three. The FBI could not find a fart in a telephone booth with a fart detector.

  12. Good guys never win gunmfights. . Ther yah go.
    Come get my GUNS, you , you ,..whatever it is trying to deprive me my right to be free, and I’m not talking about just GUNS, yah sons a bitches, I’m talking about the way it is and they way your pushing it.
    Oh BTW, yah fcked up
    Way too many veterans

  13. The book “Left of Bang” covers the Marine Combat Hunter techniques for identifying anomalies in one’s environment and acting before the Bang. It is saving Marines’ lives in dangerous environments, and can save yours in your own environment. Get the book, take a course, practice, practice, practice the skills.


  15. “Plea bargains are a cancer on the β€œjustice” system.”

    With law, winning is all that matters; justice is merely an unintentional side effect.

    (but there really were actual benefits to plea bargains in some instances).

  16. All this talk about statistics is designed to change my mind about a life threatening encounter?
    I will take my own chances and defend myself. I might get killed, shot or otherwise injured, but at least I did something! As a retired L.E. officer and an Army veteran, I have actually been shot at. When this happens, the best course of action is to take action. You may get hurt, however you have a much better chance of living. Just my opinion.

    • Yes. Agree. I also retired from LE a few years ago and I’ll take my chances and training every day of the week and twice on Sunday to “statistics” that don’t tell the whole story at all.
      Let’s go Brandon.

  17. Give them your wallet. Your life is worth more than a few calls to your credit card companies and a trip to the DMV.

    Most phones these days are worthless without your fingerprint or face ID.

    • I will happily give them my wallet, my phone, and my $50K watch, I see no problem since I plan to shoot them in the back and retrieve all those before walking away. No problem.

      • LarryinTX….shooting anyone in the back will result in your wallet, phone, $50K watch, home, all bank accounts, cars, and first born child being split between a lawyer and the “victim’s” family. Big talk, small walk, dumb and dummer decision, but it is your decision. That’s what makes the Darwin Awards so hilarious. Thank you for your pending contribution. Looking with great anticipation of reading about your incarceration in Dallas Morning New.

  18. In a gun fight, good guy or bad guy, all it takes is a little dumb luck to win. Not partial to betting my life on being the one with the extra edge in the dumb luck category. I agree with best way to win a gun fight is to avoid a gun fight. In our litigious society, even the surviving winner loses in a gun fight. However, in the event that a gun fight is absolutely unavoidable, that’s why I practice my gun survival skills. I find the more I practice, the luckier I am.

    • OH…MY…I’m in the Ammoland “Moderator Review” que…….aka Ammoland Censorship que. Must have practiced just enough for it to be my lucky day. Pray tell, how is Ammoland Censorship any better/different than Big Tech Censorship. Just pondering for a friend. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

    • β€œIn our litigious society, even the surviving winner loses in a gun fight.”

      Survival skills includes preparing oneself for all foreseeable threats- that’s why I joined CCW Safe.

      Check them out at (affiliate #C19345780).

    • I probably agree, depends on how far you plan to go to avoid a gunfight. I do not intend to lock my doors and hide inside for the rest of my life. If we can agree that “avoid” means to leave the area of threat when one becomes apparent, fine. If we can agree that it means staying home when there is a riot going on downtown, great. But if it means never again take a walk in the city park on a lovely spring day, then no. That is why I carry.

  19. Even with insurance, one is in for a bad ride…….time, stress, major risk, liability, Libturd prosecutors, uncertainity of your future, maybe have to move to avoid personal threats…ala Rittenhouse’s E-ticket joy ride…..a bad day….more likely bad year or more….dead ahead. Again, only way to win a gun fight is avoid a gun fight. That’ as good as it’s gonna get.

    • In your “However, in the event that a gun fight is absolutely unavoidable” paradigm- the winner of a gunfight is the one who’s still standing and able to keep fighting. That’s what I train for, and why my skill set includes professional legal representation by CCW Safe.

      Life is hard- prepare to win.

    • We have to consider where we are, as well. I understand that in Chicago fewer than 2 in 100 shootings ever even have an identified suspect, in that situation, you holster your gun and walk away, you do not need any help, why call 911? Is not appealing for assistance the entire reason for the 911 system? If you are in the wilds of Utah, 30 miles from a camera or a police car, why not let the coyotes take care of the investigation?

  20. @LarryinTX
    “He *IS* the faux president!”

    Effectively true, but Biden still holds the official office of President.
    (Do you really think he has risen to title of “faux”?”

  21. @StLPro2A

    “…Charlie McCarthy style.”

    I like your reference. Wonder how many people know about Charlie McCarthy, or Edgar Bergen. Or that the real achievement of Bergen was to do ventriloquism on the radio; long before TV was available. Ventriloquism on the radio.

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