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Remington Adds Three New Performance WheelGun Loads in .38 Spcl, .45 Colt

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Press release:

Consistency, Accuracy and Iron Clad Reliability, The Remington

Performance WheelGun Ammunition Line

Lonoke, AR – Remington adds new loads to Performance WheelGun Ammunition.

Remington Performance WheelGun ammunition features high-quality components and Remington Kleanbore priming that will not rust or corrode barrels. Available in traditional revolver and lever gun bullet styles – the LRN (lead round nose), TMWC (target master wad cutter) and Lead SWC (semi-wad cutter) bullet styles offered are ideal for casual shooting, target practice and training. For the legendary performance and quality that wheelgun and lever rifle owners demand, Remington Performance WheelGun delivers.

New 2018 additions:

0 thoughts on “Remington Adds Three New Performance WheelGun Loads in .38 Spcl, .45 Colt”

  1. IMHO the semi wadcutter type of bullet is as good as any other type in these low pressure, low velocity rounds. I’m not at all convinced that hollow points are reliable out of a snubby j frame. I’d rather have a flat tipped lead bullet in full weight for that gun.

      • There’s no reason not to. We get into habits and I aquired the semi wad cutter habit decades ago. When I was reloading, also decades ago, some folks used to load hollow base wad cutters backwards in the case to form an ash tray like hollow point. I don’t remember why, maybe accuracy, but I quit doing this after my first trials.

        And then I moved into magnums and spent a few decades chasing horsepower. Now I’ve come full circle and prefer the non magnum rounds. Of course, I don’t live in big bear country.

        • True for a typical WC intended for target use. You can get hard cast WC intended for bear that stick out to max cartridge length. The downfall of WC is that they are as aerodynamic as a brick. At personal defense distances, it’s not going to matter.

    • I’m kind of infatuated with the SWCHP or as Buffalo Bore refers to them, ‘Deer Grenades’. Although BB likely uses a harder alloy than you’d use in a .38 special. Beyond that, I think the only reason for fully jacketed hollow points as opposed to semi-jacketed hollow points is that they (probably) won’t jam your semi-auto.

    • I don’t disagree, but at $.87 a piece, they are not that bad. The cheapest I can find (if I could still order over the internet) is $.67, and those are weak “cowboy” loads of 255 gr. RNFPs. The “high” velocity rounds from people like Buffalo Bore generally run about $1.50 each. I have a Lee Loader, but I really need a single stage press.

      • The best single stage you can buy is probably like $350 tops. I just use the Lees though, I’m looking at a row of 6 of them right now.

      • Or you can get Hornady LnL progressive press for $400 and spend a lot less time at the bench. I found it to work great for pistol ammo. (I reload 9mm, .40 SW, .45 ACP, .38 Spl., .357 mag. and .44 mag. on it.)
        I bought a single stage press later, for sizing my cast powder coated boolits, trimming brass and swaging crimped primer pockets. I use it mainly for hand loading my rifle rounds. Except for plinking .223 rem. They get cranked out on the LnL to keep up with my son’s shooting.

  2. Are there a lot of Cowboy-Action types who are so devoted to authenticity that they’re using corrosive ammo made to original specs via traditional methods?

    • Absolutely, in terms of black powder (or substitute), but not to original specs. Part of the fun is all the smoke. Most load to the equivalent of 28 gr fffg for muzzle velocities of 650 to 750 fps. Just as in other competitive shooting sports, rounds are down loaded to reduce recoil and increase speed. The case holds 40 gr, and the US Army load was 35.

    • Really. “Performance” is entirely meaningless. But what they really mean (from the web site) is: “For competitive and target shooting applications.”

    • Buffalo Bore standard pressure rounds are $40 a box, and the +P 325 gr rounds are about $86 for boxes of 50. (These are rated at MV 1325 fps and ME 1267.)

    • All ammunition is expensive. To reduce costs I started ordering on line foreign made ammo. Even that can be expensive. A good friend of mine reloads .45acp with quality components but I can beat his savings by buying large quantities during sales.

      I shoot once a week when I can, usually one hundred rounds of .45acpfor a cost of about $30. Can you imagine the cost of someone shooting two or three times a week.

  3. LOL – the whole performance thing about this hardly “new” ammo is ridiculous. That is just a new box for old ammo that some folks still have need of. It reminds me of the old car adds talking about Corinthian leather or a wide track Pontiac. The whole article/release is pretty stupid, such as boasting about non-corrosive primers; when is the last time an American ammo maker used corrosive primers? This is just good ole fashioned ammo that still has a place with some of us, but it does look a little expensive.

  4. Is ‘wheelgun’ the new ‘buzzword’? Should we start calling a chair a ‘quad-rester’ because it has four legs? When you walk into a qun store and talk like that we holding back laughter to get your $$$


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