What you see above is the Remington Arms corporate response to the CNBC investigation into the Model 700, and the alleged defects and safety problems with the product.

Talk about your “smoking gun.” Literally. On one side – corporate giant General Electric RCA NBC CNBC, a news organization known for their bias and gotcha reporting fairness despite being the property of a Fortune 500 mega-corporation. On the other side, Remington, a giant in their own right, within the world of firearms.

For the last 10 months CNBC has been conducting a deep cover investigation into reports of problems with the venerable Model 700. Tonight, they reveal their report in Remington Under Fire: A CNBC Investigation.

Now I prefer to keep my powder dry and reserve my opinion until after I’ve seen all the evidence (unlike that exploding vehicle thing that sister network NBC rigged back in the day). But from what I’ve seen so far, it doesn’t sound as if CNBC exactly put their brain trust to work on this. If they have one. Anybody that’s gonna stand around with a loaded rifle, bolt closed and finger on the trigger is just asking for trouble. But that’s kind of the point in tele-journalism. They don’t say “If it bleeds, it leads” without just cause.

So rather than to continue to speculate on this story and who’s right and who’s wrong, TTAG will watch the special tonight (so you don’t have to) and get back to you Really Soon Now with the Truth About Remmington. And CNBC.


  1. I'm watching, and it looks pretty bad for Remington when the 98 yo man who designed the damn thing complains about it.

    • Donal,

      My name is Kevin and I am doing web work directly with Remington. We encourage you to view our side of the story at http://goo.gl/8Dgf.

      I hope this helps clear up some confusion.

      Thank you for your time.

      Kevin Conlon

      • After I was told about this, the first thing did was pick up my Remington 700 and start doing my best to make it trick. Well after about 2 hours of playing, I decided mine simply will not. Not bad for a rifle that is 25 years old. Before any one ask, yes I did have it unloaded with a head space gauge inserted. The only way I did the 700 to trick was to lighten the pull on the trigger to (what an normal person would think was unsafe) about 1.5 lbs. So in my mind, the 700 is ( as with any fire arm) only as safe as the person handling it.

  2. New Joisey is well known as being "top-heavy" with jews…..that's wtf it's called "Jew Jersey"….so……is this sort of mis-carriage of justice against a law-abiding gun-owner only to be expected?

    wtf is it with jews and guns?

    if they don't like the US Constitution and its various amendments, then, wtf don't they go and live in Israel, eh?!?

    • Actually Israel has less constrictive gun laws…. pick any US city and try to walk down main street with an AR15 on a sling. Israelies can.

  3. I own a Remington model 700 BDL in 30-06 cal. I have owned this weapon since about 1971, I have spent many a day in the north woods of Minn with this rifle and can only recall one instance when it fired with no cause. That I attribute to being careless with the safety. The rifle is one of the finest I have ever owned and have enjoyed many trips to the range and always amazed at the accuracy. Out of the huge amount of these rifles produced, I would think that there would be an occasional problem. I think that if asked my brother Marines will say it is bad ass. Lot of bad guys taking dirt naps because of it and the reliability.

  4. Hello,

    My name is James Drouin, and the statement above is not a statement of opinion, it’s a statement of fact. And here are the facts:

    On July 14th, I bought a Remington R-25, series 60032, serial number RD015127.

    In the following week, while attempting to sight in a scope, I found the rifle was shooting an estimated 2 to 5 feet to the right of center at 50 yards, beyond the scope’s ability to adjust. Eight rounds of OEM ammunition were fired through the rifle during the sight-in attempt. The local range’s gunsmith confirmed the scope mounting was not an issue and stated the problem likely lay in the barrel or the barrel’s mounting into the upper receiver, and recommended I contact Remington.

    I contacted Remington repairs, described the problem, and was sent a return authorization tag to return the R-25. They received / booked the R-25 into their system on August 2nd.

    I again contacted Remington repairs ~August 10th and was informed the diagnosis revealed the foregrip and barrel had both been misthreaded into the upper receiver, that repairs were not possible, and that Remington would be replacing the R-25 with a new manufacture, currently then in production. After multiple phone calls, I was given an estimated return / delivery date of two to three weeks.

    I asked why a new rifle couldn’t be supplied from current inventory and was informed that was against policy and couldn’t be done. No offer of refund was made, nor did it occur to me to ask.

    I again contacted Remington repair on August 31 for a status and was informed the estimated return / delivery date was another two to three weeks. I asked what the refund process was and was informed that it would take longer for me to get a refund than receive the new R-25.

    It has now been 10 (TEN) weeks since I paid ~$1,200 for a badly manufactured, badly quality assured, highly unsafe R-25, and no one at Remington is willing to step forward and say ‘we made a mistake and we’re going to make this right’ or even provide a date when the replacement will be effected or even make the most rudimentary attempt to contact me – the customer – with a status report.

    So, the next time you decide to purchase a new xxx from Remington, be sure you search on-line for customer reviews. Take the ones praising the manufacturer with a large teaspoon-full of salt – IMOP they are shilling for the manufacturer – and balance the likelyhood you might become a victim of a manufacturer who markets poor quality and highly unsafe products, with a customer (dis)service department that takes that term to an entirely new level.

    If any reader would like documentary evidence of my claims, please feel free to email me at [email protected], and I’ll willingly send you e-copies of the documents.

    James Drouin
    Houston, Texas

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