Remington Bushmaster Sandy Hook Rifle
In this Jan. 28, 2013, file photo, firearms training unit Detective Barbara J. Mattson, of the Connecticut State Police, holds up a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, produced by Remington Arms and the same make and model of gun used by Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook School shooting, for a demonstration during a hearing of a legislative subcommittee reviewing gun laws, at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, Conn. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)
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By Dave Collins, AP

The families of nine victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School have agreed to a $73 million settlement of a lawsuit against the maker of the rifle used to kill 20 first graders and six educators in 2012.

Remington, which made the Bushmaster AR-15-style rifle used inĀ the massacre, also agreed to allow the families to release numerous documents they obtained during the lawsuit including ones showing how it marketed the weapon, the families said Tuesday.

The families and a survivor of the shooting sued Remington in 2015, saying the company should have never sold such a dangerous weapon to the public. They said their focus was on preventing future mass shootings.

Messages seeking comment were left for Remington and its lawyers Tuesday.

Adam Lanza's entry point into Sandy Hook Elementary School
Adam Lanza’s entry point into Sandy Hook Elementary School (courtesy Connecticut State Police)

The civil court case in Connecticut focused on how the firearm used by the Newtown shooter ā€” aĀ Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle ā€” was allegedly marketed targeting younger, at-risk males in marketing and product placement in violent video games. In one of Remingtonā€™s ads, it features the rifle against a plain backdrop and the phrase: ā€œConsider Your Man Card Reissued.ā€

Remington had argued there was no evidence to establish that its marketing had anything to do with the shooting.

Bushmaster man card advertisement

The company also had said the lawsuit should have been dismissed because of a federal law that gives broad immunity to the gun industry. But the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Remington could be sued under state law over how it marketed the rifle. The gun maker appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case.

The case was watched by gun control advocates, gun rights supporters and gun manufacturers across the country because it had the potential to provide a roadmap for victims of other mass shootings to circumvent the federal law and sue the makers of firearms.

Adam Lanza

Remington, one of the nation’s oldest gun makers founded in 1816, filed for bankruptcy for a second time in 2020 and its assets were later sold off to several companies. The manufacturer was weighed down by lawsuits and retail sales restrictions following the school shooting.

Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old gunman in the Sandy Hook shooting, used the rifle made by Remington and legally owned by his mother to kill the children and educators on Dec. 14, 2012, after having killed his mother at their Newtown home. He then used a handgun to kill himself as police arrived.

Lanzaā€™s severe and deteriorating mental health problems, his preoccupation with violence and access to his motherā€™s weapons ā€œproved a recipe for mass murder,” according to Connecticut’s child advocate.

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      • The only way to roll this back is to start using chevy, ford, toyota, etc for all vehicle accidents. Sue restaurants and grocery stores for deaths related to heart disease, diabetes, etc.

        Fight stupid with stupid until these fools realize what they have done.

        • The way they market cars showing drag races and speedy driving it should make it easy to sue a car manufacturer using the same precedent. at least in CT.

        • ā€œThe way they market cars showing drag races and speedy drivingā€œ

          You are delusional, no automobile company airs commercials showing people ā€œdrag racingā€ on public highways. And ā€œspeedy drivingā€ is perfectly lawful, as long as the speed limit is not exceeded.

          ā€œAlcohol companiesā€

          Please advise which ā€œalcohol companiesā€ have conducted marketing campaigns showing underage consumption of their products or consumption while operating a motor vehicle on the highways or other illegal behaviors.

          Face it, bushmaster made a bad marketing decision and chose to feature their product in violent video games where criminal behavior was the norm.

        • Miner,
          Have you ever seen commercials for alcohol companies? Almost all of them are marketed to young people. You could say they’re pushing their product on a vulnerable population.

          I’ve seen plenty of sports car commercials showing someone driving fast. It gives the disclaimer of a closed course, but how often do sports car owners only speed on a closed course? We all know what the marketing is about. You can lie to yourself if you want.

          This is a serious question. List the ways that Bushmaster showed their product being used in an illegal manner.

        • hummm miner of holes
          I seem to remember MANY hundreds of car commercials of cars ‘carving up canyons” at high speeds.
          yep they do market cars for “speed’ with one little warning “Filmed on closed road” Like your average person can get roads closed to drive on for the day?

        • Car companies all have fine print disclosures in the commercials and marketing that says something along the lines of done on professional course with professional drivers, do not attempt, etc…

          Media spinning this as gun manufacturers are liable, but this really is an indictment on Remmington’s marketing fuck up. This is the same as the Joe Cool camel marketing that was argued that it targeted kids.

        • “an indictment on Remmingtonā€™s marketing fuck up”

          Murder is illegal. The man card silliness isn’t saying go commit murder in order to be a man. The marketing doesn’t even show anyone being shot does it? Is it not up to the buyer to use the product in a legal manner?

        • ā€œAlmost all of them are marketed to young peopleā€œ

          Not to children, just to young adults who are lawful consumers of alcoholic beverages.

          ā€œIā€™ve seen plenty of sports car commercials showing someone driving fastā€œ

          Driving fast is not illegal.

          Bushmaster weapons are featured in COD, where the only goal is to kill as many people as possible, in the shortest time possible, without any consequences.

          Adam Lanza spent hours rehearsing his attack using call of duty, a first person shooter game that is used by the United States Army to train soldiers.

          Bushmaster knew, or shouldā€™ve known an attack was a possible outcome of their reckless marketing campaign.

        • ā€œThe marketing doesnā€™t even show anyone being shot does it?ā€œ

          Yes, in call of duty the players kill hundreds if not thousands of people during their ā€˜playā€™, using bushmaster branded weapons.

        • Miner,
          Killing fictional enemies in a video game isn’t illegal. It isn’t illegal to have your product licensed in a game like that. Did Bushmaster have control over the game? You seem to be fixated on the game. Why aren’t they being sued?

          Murder is illegal. Bushmaster didn’t kill anyone because they licensed their product in COD. Do you know how many people have played games like that without murdering people? If the marketing caused him to commit murder, then where are the other people going on murdering sprees with their Bushmasters?

        • “start using chevy, ford, toyota, etc for all vehicle accidents”

          you don’t understand. the purpose of the lawsuit is not to bring justice, but to obtain a tool to use against you. if you start suing other manufacturers, they’ll just turn it into another tool to use against you. the problem is not the law, but the people behind all this driving these outcomes.

        • The problem with that, Derek, is that suing car companies is a good way for globalists to bankrupt all the car companies. And thus, getting Americans out of their cars for good. This has been a goal for years and forcing Americans to walk everywhere. For “Climate Change” of course. And since they have had no luck getting people to buy electric vehicles, suing the car makers out of business is another way of doing just that. Kind of like getting rid of the Second Amendment: Just sue the gun makers out of business and voila! End goal accomplished.

        • Miner youu took the preceding statements about car ads then added your own falsehoods to them and presented them what was said. Your a lier and anyone who gives even a cursory examination to the original post can see that. So to sum up you are a lier any a stupid one at that.

        • Miner49er

          Good lord you are such a bloviating little liar, if you aren’t making huge and fallacious leaps of logic like “man card is code for mass murder” you’re outright lying. Lanza played a lot of Call of Duty but he didn’t use it to prepare for the killing, he was just a shut-in nerd addicted to video games. HOW would a game where you move with keys, aim with a mouse, and respawn when you make mistakes and die prepare you for any sort of real-life attack? A game like that teaches you nothing about actually shooting guns or using real-life tactics. Why would he even need use a game where the enemies are armed adults to prepare for an attack on 6 year old children, and WHY would he even NEED to? Post your source on this claim or take an L, because I can’t find a single article or document saying he used CoD to “prepare” for the attack.

          Nor does, as you falsely claim, the military use CoD as training. It’s not even a remotely realistic simulation of a gunfight, the closest to that would be something like Arma III and it’s still nothing alike real life. The “video games” that the military uses aren’t computer FPSes like Lanza played, they’re virtual ranges or shoothouses where you use a modified gun and even then that’s not the primary method of training. The vast majority of it is real-life range time or force-on-force training because that’s the only way to ever actually get good at it

      • PCLAA needs to be expanded to include civil suits. The marketing ā€œloopholeā€ needs to be closed.

      • Remington did not agree to this deal. It was the insurance lawyers following the Remington bankruptcy. Who knows. Maybe Soros, Bloomersshortypants, OBummer, Xiden (naw…he’s not cognizant enough) and/or their ilk funded/facilitated/pushed the settlement to set anti-gun manufacturer precedent. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes?

        All that’s certain…..Liberals hate guns and man cards……

      • “This sets precedent for all shooting victims to sue manufactures. ”

        Perhaps not. The matter is “settled”, not a court verdict. That might mean there is no “precedent” established.

    • WHO settled? There is no “Remington”. GONE bankrupt, out of business, sold off all assets.

      Did Remington’s former (spineless as are they all) insurance company settle/buy off the families?

      How much are the slimeball ambulance chasing prog lawyers skimming off? 75%?

      • You know the insurance settled. It’s cheaper to pay off the victims instead of continuing with the very expensive litigation process. The bottom line is the only thing that matters to the insurance company.

        • ā€œItā€™s cheaper to pay off the victims instead of continuing with the very expensive litigation processā€œ

          Thatā€™s ridiculous, they settled for $73 million, an amount that exceeds by 10 times the maximum possible litigation costs.

          They settled because they knew they would lose.

      • “How much are the slimeball ambulance chasing prog lawyers skimming off? 75%?”

        possibly all. “their focus was on preventing future mass shootings”, so money is no object except to the lawyers.

    • Why are we mentioning the SCUMBAG killer’s name and posting his photo? Talk about a goddamn loser. Why are we making him famous?

      No mention that this is the “old” Remington… as I understand it, at least.

      • Remington will recover any real monetary setbacks not covered by ‘insurance’ along with potentially ‘raised’ future premiums simply by raising future firearms prices. It’s a vicious circle of Carnivore Capitalism, and predatory blood thirsty lawyers.

        Remington is a ‘Bidniz’ not a 2/A Constitutional Patriot. Big Bizpower elite doesn’t two shits in the litter box about your 2nd/A gun rights. They’ll just hire private contractors if it ever got bad. Their only ‘bottom line’ is the Profit level for their shareholders and their attendant bonuses. Wouldn’t surprise me to see some fifty k double rifles and custom engraved skeet guns, but But No AR’s in their executive management gun cabinets? Also, if you checked their company political campaign donations, they probably donate to both parties, like almost all other ‘big’ businesses do.

        Good thing we have an even more important case to worry about with the Irwin/CRS Firearms Auto Key Card case where the privately retained Defense Attorneys will take it all the way to a jury because they get paid accordingly. I just made another donation to their fund me page.

        • If there was a Remington still in existence, the would have to sell several hundred thousand firearms to cover that payout.

      • Couldnā€™t agree more about not using the cowardly little bedwetterā€™s name.

        This rifle was stolen from his Mom. Was she trying to ā€œget her man card reissued?ā€

        Poor woman back in 2012 maybe thought you canā€™t just identify as whatever sex you want, no card required. Weā€™ve made so much progress now. /sarcasm off

        • “This rifle was stolen from his Mom”

          hush. facts are irrelevant in tribal warfare, “who” is all that matters.

    • Not one thin dime should have been paid by Remington.
      I am not impressed by their advertising optics though. I guess they bought peace.
      On the other hand the school district should have paid for negligence in security.

    • don’t look for logic in all of this…emotion played a major role…the courts aren’t supposed to function that way…..but sometimes it happens….Remington, as it turned out…proved an easy, convenient target in an anti-gun state….

  1. One simple answer to stop all school shootings, arm the people and get rid of no gun zones! If there were people armed at this school this would have never happened. How many more will die before people wake up??

    • IIRC, the first 2 killed at the school were the principal and some manner of a counselor who saw the boy coming on surveillance and went to stop him at the door, which was of course “locked down” while right beside a wide expanse of real purty glass, one shot and it collapsed into tiny pieces, two more and they were no longer a problem for him. I thought at the time that if one had an AR and the other a 12-ga pump, the story would have stopped there. Somebody should have been sued, but it was not Remington.

    • You know what stopped school shootings? Remote learning. From 6 March 2020 to 16 September 2020, no school shootings. Schools were closed or online.

    • Generally speaking public schools would rather “feel safe” than be safe.
      They don’t give a shirt about real safety.

  2. The gun industry is pro business; they make business decisions, not principle decisions.

    The danger here is that the door is now open to crushing lawsuits based not on the product, but the advertising of the product. The argument can be made that, every advertisement is a clever attempt to persuade “at risk” teens” to fulfill dreams of retribution through the purchase of firearms.

    Remington bolstered the power of “the shoutdown” long used by radicals to silence opposition.

    The bottom line reasoning of the plaintiffs is that Remington intentionally wanted “at risk” persons to have firearms in order to kill people who tormented the “at risk” persons. That Remington had discovered an under served market (crazy people) that represented massive new profits.

    • quote—————–The bottom line reasoning of the plaintiffs is that Remington intentionally wanted ā€œat riskā€ persons to have firearms in order to kill people who tormented the ā€œat riskā€ persons. That Remington had discovered an under served market (crazy people) that represented massive new profits.————quote

      Yes Remington did indeed target the crazies as well as the far right paramilitary lunatic fringe and it worked out financially big time for them until it all blew up in their face with Adam Lanza.

    • Yep, you nailed it. It was likely far cheaper to settle than to continue to fight the lawsuit. And I agree that it’s probably only going to embolden future lawsuits against the industry.

      • If it costs more than $73 million to battle this in court we have much bigger problems than attacks on the 2A here.

        • Dev, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t know of many problems bigger than an attack on my civil rights.

        • The ‘settlement’ doesn’t reflect court costs or lawyers fees that much in an insurance case. Defense Attornies handle the case on a contract amount, not a percentage of the settlement like the dense lawyers get. But had it gone to trial and the judge or jury didn’t like evil black guns they could have awarded 200 million in damage and punitive amounts in a trial, which might exceed the insurance company’s policy liability limit and come out of Remington’s pocket. So that -in terms of money out of profit’s expenses–would have ‘encouraged’ Remington to ‘cave’, again, because Big commerical Biz does not lose any love for your preservation of your rights.

          We can fix all of this insidious caustic erosion of the 2nd/A if we take back the House and Senate, NEXT NOVEMBER! Then we very SERIOUSLY deliver the Consent and Command to our newly elected legislation to Call for Brandon step down and retire or be impeached, and the first item of law making to then REPEAL THE 68 GCA, THE NFA ACT, AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS VIOLATING GUN CONTROL.
          Otherwise, this will ‘Nevaahh’–as they say down South– End for any good for anybody.

    • ā€œThe argument can be made that, every advertisement is a clever attempt to persuade ā€œat riskā€ teensā€ to fulfill dreams of retribution through the purchase of firearmsā€œ

      Exactly, and thatā€™s why you donā€™t see Chevy or Ford showing their product with teens behind the wheels engaging in criminal behavior.
      You donā€™t see dodge or jeep paying for a product placement in GTA in order to boost sales to adolescents.

      Do you see the purchaser getting his ā€œMan Cardā€ when he buys a Dodge Viper or a Kaw Ninja? No because that would be irresponsible, pandering to the weak minded in search of mindless power to give their empty life meaning.

      • Did the shooter buy the gun based on marketing, or anything for that matter? Didn’t he just take whatever was available? The marketing had nothing to do with it.

        • Thanks to Adam Lanzaā€™s crazy mother, he was immersed in bushmasters militaristic advertising practices.

          He was also a video game player, where bushmaster paid for product placement so that Adam could use his fave cosplay M16 to murder innocent citizens on the screen, a rehearsal for his future actions.

        • “Thanks to Adam Lanzaā€™s crazy mother, he was immersed in bushmasters militaristic advertising practices.”

          Explain what you mean by that. I don’t see the connection.

          If you’re saying that the video game is responsible for turning him into a killer, then why aren’t they suing the video game? Was it a game about killing children?

        • He didn’t buy the gun. His mother did. And he murdered his mother to get access to the safe where the guns were stored.

        • “Explain what you mean by that. I donā€™t see the connection.”

          What I like about you….. To Dude. ā™„

          For years now you have been faithfully answering every piece of agitprop I post.

          It’s like you can’t see my propaganda no matter how much you stare. I like that.

          I also like that no matter how many times I ghost you when my argument falls apart, you always come running back for more on the next post.

          But what I really like is that you reply as if I was coming from a place of honesty, when most other posters have already correctly deduced I am nothing but a licentious partisan slut. A flagitious chicken molesting spawn of lamentable genetic material.

          You’re a peach dude, and I know I’m a day late, but here is my Valentine to you… ā™„ Always stay as mine… Miner49er’s favorite whipping post. ā™„


        • LOL
          Sometimes questions aren’t really meant to be answered. They’re meant to be food for thought. I haven’t given up hope on Miner49er.


        • ā€œlicentious partisan slut. A flagitious chicken molesting spawn of lamentable genetic materialā€œ

          I am continuously surprised by your comprehensive grasp of the language, sadly thereā€™s no intellectual content however.

        • Huntmaster,
          Exactly, which is why this case is weird. There is no way the marketing had anything to do with the shooting. It would be a stretch, but maybe the families could argue the case if the shooter went out and specifically obtained a Bushmaster rifle after viewing their marketing.

          I think the legal team started with hey we’re going to sue them. Then they researched until they found a way to do it.

        • MinorIQ,

          “I am continuously surprised by your comprehensive grasp of the language, sadly thereā€™s no intellectual content however.”

          Except for the part about “comprehensive grasp of the language”, a near-perfect description of your average post, MinorIQ.

          You are arguing that a psychotic, mentally-unbalanced mass murderer was influenced by “marketing” of a gun . . . he didn’t buy. He killed his own mother (clue #1) and stole it.

          You remain too stupid to insult. Go pound salt in your @$$.

      • God……. you’re mindless rambling and distorted reasoning are a classic example of the mindset that needs to be removed from the gene pool…… you’re a very sick individual….. seek help

      • Hey moron, the us military has there own first person shooter game called America’s army, they don’t need cod and don’t use cod.
        Nice bs your trying to push.
        And no Manufacturer is paying to get there products in vid games as game designers will do research as they look for realism.
        More lies and bs from you.

        Keep proving your ignorance over and over.

        • When I was in the military we didn’t use “Games” we had miles gear. We used blanks and trained. Live rounds were for the range or combat. All Strictly planned and monitored.

      • Granted I haven’t seen every Remington or firearm company ad in existence, but so far none have shown a teenager with an AR-15 using it in an illegal manner. Which is moot point anyways, because the mother bought the firearm and he killed her after stealing it.
        It’s alright, you can admit your thought exercise made no sense.

    • And gun manufacturers are barely allowed to advertise in the public media anyway. Other than gun websites and NRA magazines…I guess they can at lots of disclaimers “please use responsibly, for target shooting and lawful use only, any suicidal or homicidal thoughts please get help…” etc

      Note even if they had cool looking army guys with rifles or “get your man card back” in ads, if anything the ads show a paramilitary/swat look, it’s quite the jump to conclude you should go murder children at a school. Maybe go to war or join the police.

      • “…if anything the ads show a paramilitary/swat look, itā€™s quite the jump to conclude you should go murder children at a school.”

        Know your enemy. The theory is that “at risk” teens get all amped up at seeing military weapons and gear as making someone look/be really cool, with cool looking guns. These “at risk” teens are always looking for ways to look cool, also. Then, the “at risk” teens get access to really cool guns and gear. But then, there are no really enemy military forces to fight with, so the “at risk” teens go find the first target they run across, or maybe plan a campaign, and go shoot up a mall, or school. None of this would happen without really cool firearm advertising, which is intentionally targeted to “at risk” teens.

        Now, if that broke your brain trying to follow the reasoning….that is what you are up against trying to deal with the anti-gun mob.

        • Blame the gun makers instead of the person (s) pulling the trigger!! Total Bull! Makes as much sense as a man crashing through a parade of people, and his car was to blamešŸ¤Ŗ

  3. I hope this opens the flood gates for endless corporate lawsuits.
    Hammer the auto makers, alcohol companies, drug companies, hospitals, tech companies and media outlets. Every one of them has made or sold a product that either directly or indirectly caused, facilitated or encouraged a harmful action toward thousands of individuals if not tens of thousands.

    If we’re gonna clown we may as well lean into it and clown down as hard as possible.

    • True Shire-man and they have already been sued as well in the past and recent past but they did not have the Federal Law that protected them like the Gun Industry did. At least until now.

      • federal law applies to more than this industry, and is still in place. the precedence is for the state of connect the dots.

      • Federal law prevents junk lawsuits designed to financially bankrupt the firearms companies.
        But it also protects all manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits.
        But knowing that does not fit your narrative.

    • ā€œEvery one of them has made or sold a product that either directly or indirectly caused, facilitated or encouraged a harmful actionā€œ

      Thatā€™s not the issue, it was all about the criminally negligent marketing, Profits over people.

        • Donā€™t worry, big Pharma pays for their negligent marketing and operations.

          ā€œNEW YORK, Dec 16 (Reuters) – A federal judge overturned a roughly $4.5 billion settlement that legally shielded members of the Sackler family who stand accused of helping fuel the U.S. opioid epidemic, a decision that threatened to upend the bankruptcy reorganization of their company, OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma LP.

          U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon said in a written opinion on Thursday the New York bankruptcy court that approved the settlement did not have authority to grant the Sacklers the legal protection from future opioid litigation that formed the linchpin of Purdueā€™s reorganization.

          Purdue said it would appeal the decision.ā€œ

          Letā€™s compare, $73 million settlement compared to the proposed $4,500 million settlementā€¦

          Yep, itā€™s not just the arms industry that is held accountable for their negligent marketingā€¦

          And if you think Pfizer pharmaceutical has harmed you, file suit, itā€™s your right.

          And in my opinion, laws limiting your ability to sue are clearly unconstitutional, they limit your right to ā€˜petition the government for a redress of grievancesā€™.

        • Miner you idiot the case you bring up has nothing to do with why people are turning on pfizer now. If you weren’t running on the missing half of biden’s brain you would know the laws regarding litigation of vaccine cases are a completely different.

      • These companies addict, poison, maim, and kill millions of people every year — and reap billions upon billions in profit from it. But they don’t sell guns and their marketing campaigns are “safe,” so it’s okay. Got it.

        • ā€œBut they donā€™t sell guns and their marketing campaigns are ā€œsafe,ā€ so itā€™s okay. Got it.ā€œ

          No, pharmaceutical companies have had to pay out literally billions in judgments and settlements because of their negligent practices.

          Are you that unaware of current events on the legal front here in the United States?

      • @Miner49er

        ā€œThatā€™s not the issue, it was all about the criminally negligent marketing, Profits over people.”


        This was a civil matter, a lawsuit over basically marketing. Its was not a criminal matter. There was no criminal action that could be bought against Remington here. It was a lawsuit and not a criminal trial. There was no “criminally negligent marketing” or “Profits over people” for Remington.

        The nine families streamline their case into a single claim: That Remington violated the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act by marketing the AR-15-style rifle to civilians. They bought the case, Remington just defended against it. The defense by Remington was about defending against the claim, it was not about “Profits over people” or a criminal charge.

        The claim of the families for their lawsuit was not proven or shown to be true. Remington is not held liable as there was no judgement by the court or a jury that held them liable.

        The families wanted to settle and they did. In end the families case was about a payday.

        This is not to say their loss was not real and they were not grieving, and intentionally set out to make this about a payday. But if you settle a lawsuit you are literally saying (in plain language) “yep, will take the money.” The families of nine victims of the Sandy Hook decided their family members were worth at least a payday of $73 million (“yep, will take the money”).

        There comes a time in many lawsuits where a law suit you bring simply can not be won for the bigger prize. The families had not proven their claim, just saying it and showing a bunch of stuff implying it and tugging at heart strings is not proof. Sandy Hook was a horrible thing, but he lawsuit had reached the point where the families had to substantiate their claims with proof Remington intended to violate what the families claim, they couldn’t prove it. If the families continued or Remington continued the families would have lost and gotten nothing. The amount of Remington insurance coverage would have let Remington continue and go for a win but it would have cost millions more.

        Remington could have the same victory by settling for less than those millions more to continue. That Remington victory either by a outright win or settling would not be held liable for violating the marketing claims of the families.

        Remington was not responsible for the misuse of this firearm. How could they be? Remington didn’t supply the firearm to the kid, the kid stole it from his mom and shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home.

        This was a troubled kid. A report issued by the Office of the Child Advocate in November 2014 said that Lanza had Asperger syndrome and as a teenager had depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, but concluded that they had “neither caused nor led to his murderous acts.” But the report went on to say, “his severe and deteriorating internalized mental health problems … combined with an atypical preoccupation with violence … (and) access to deadly weapons … proved a recipe for mass murder.”

        Remington is not responsible for mental health defects of people who misuse rifles they stole.

        There was no criminal activity or negligence here on part of Remington. There was no contributory negligence here on part of Remington. There was no intent to commit any violation of law either criminal or civil on part of Remington. And in the end Remington is not liable and the families accepted a settlement payday of $73 million.

      • Yeah, MinorIQ, that “criminally negligent marketing” really made a difference . . . for a gun the perp didn’t buy. He killed his mother and stole it, you absolute retard.

        Do you ever listen to yourself, like . . . when you comment?? That is such a bomfozzlingly brain-dead argument, I am slightly shocked even a nitwit like you would attempt to use it. Nah, actually, I’m not. After all, you are the uneducated nitwit who believes that Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution supports “across the board” gun control.

        You remain too stupid to insult. I would say I’m disappointed in your level of idiocy, but I never had much hope for you, anyway. Go micturate up a cable, you Leftist/fascist troll.

    • the liberal courts will just throw out every thing you just mentioned….
      You cant see that already??….
      There’s only one way to stop this treason and attack on rights…… the tree of liberty is thirsty šŸ™‚

    • You forgot pharma. I’m betting that there was some pharma involved in this (and many other) mass shootings if not most of them.

      • Andrew,

        I don’t know if you are right, or not. Strangely (he says, with tongue firmly in cheek), the data on that is not made generally available. Quelle surprise!!!

  4. Yes, Lanza bought stole that rifle because of the great marketing from Remington.

    Makes as much sense as drop kicking a squirrel because I saw someone eat an orange once.

    • Ah yes, the old ā€œMurder your parentā€ loophole. Between that and the ā€œGun Showā€ loophole itā€™s a miracle there is anyone left alive in the USA.

      • according to gun-control advocates dire predictions around rivers of blood in the streets the population of the United States reached zero in 2007.

    • A kid crazy enough to murder his mother in order to use her guns to kill grade schoolers is not going to be deterred by any law you can even imagine, unless it involves throwing away a key or pronouncing him dead.

  5. “Marketing” is a crime, free speech is protected, except for “marketing”.

    So many holes in their argument, and Remington caved.

    I’m now saddened that I own Remington products.

    • @ AR Libertarian

      They didn’t “cave”.

      There were tons of holes in the other sides arguments, there was no evidence against Remington.

      The lawsuit had reached a point where it would have cost Remington a lot more to eventually win and they would have. It was better they get out then, rather than spend about a couple hundred million more to take it to a win. It was a business decision, and that’s what businesses do.

      • “I feel like there has to be more to this story”

        there is – who is behind it all, and where they get all their money from.

        but can’t talk about that ….

  6. Gun companies will now advertise their wares for use in sport and hunting. It will be interesting to see if this lawsuit will affect advertisements with a distinct self-defense angle. It may even have an effect on how firearms look and feel; the military appearance may be toned down in favor of a sporting appearance. The industry will likewise try new advertising venues.

    I think the industry will survive with a little creativity. Which companies survive is the question.

    • ā€œGun companies will now advertise their wares for use in sport and huntingā€œ

      Exactly, rather than the criminally negligent marketing they engaged in by purchasing product placement in violent video games.

      • Hey, MinorIQ,

        How many ads for firearm companies have you actually seen?? And how many of them showed people engaging in illegal behavior? Or are you just lying again, as usual???

        You ought to enlist Tipper Gore in your campaign to persecute firearms manufacturers and video game developers . . . you two apparently share an authoritarian Leftist/fascist mindset.

        Your Leftist fantasy about blaming gun manufacturers apparently hits all your “feelz” buttons. Let’s see . . . would that mean that McDonald’s should be liable for “reckless” advertising for showing relatively healthy people eating their (distinctly unhealthy) burgers?

        Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, MinorIQ.

      • I remember seeing the rifle pulled out of the trunk of his car on TV and remember the reporter saying that only 2 handguns were used inside the school

        • No, you were misremembering what you saw.

          Adam went into the school with the bushmaster, he left the shotgun in the trunk of the car where it was later found and removed by the police.

      • Perhaps Infinity Ward should have been sued over their Call Of Duty series?

        These days kids play Phantom Forces via Roblox.


  7. If Lanza had to shoot his way in through a window that’s because the school recognized a legitimate security threat requiring the locking of doors; as such it is the school who is negligent in failing to provide armed guards at each point of entry.

  8. Detective Barbara J. Mattson holding the rifle. Cause, can you really trust a person that has a porcupine on their head?

    • Amazingly stoopid for Remington to cave. That lanza boy murdered his mom. How is that ” marketed” to his defective brain? Oh well. Why didn’t the aggrieved parents sue Sandy Hook school for lack of security??? Always the gat-never the shooter.

        • “itā€™s always the gun donchaā€™noā€¦..after all,ā€¦theyā€™re so ā€œickyā€ ”

          Wow, man. You livin’ on some other planet? “icky”? “icky”?

          Get a grip: guns are evil, wicked, mean, bad and nasty. Like, really.

          And dumb.

  9. Wonder why the Sandy Hook school was almost immediately erased, and yet Columbine stands as a tribute to the fallen. Me thinks Sandy Hook was a Obama/ATF scam, red flag event. Kinda like Mandalay Bay….How did the hard drive remove itself from shooters computer in a room locked from the inside? Nobody has ever answered that question.

    • ā€œMe thinks Sandy Hook was a Obama/ATF scam, red flag event. Kinda like Mandalay Bayā€¦. ā€œ

      If you truly Harbor those delusions, and own lethal weapons, I fear for the safety of your family, friends and neighbors because your grasp of reality is rather tenuous.

      • @Miner49er Based on your previous nonsensical ramblings on previous posts, your reply is non-sequitur. Go away.

        • Careful he may hit you with an ad hominem and follow up by moving the goalposts to show how his argument works.

        • ā€œCareful he may hit you with an ad hominemā€œ

          Yeah, when they donā€™t have an intelligent response to my comments, they accuse me of everything from idiocy to sexual deviance.

          No problem, itā€™s just wordsā€¦ And itā€™s actually quite entertaining.

        • No, MinorIQ, we don’t ACCUSE you of idiocy, we simply point out your idiocy when you (reliably and regularly) show your @$$, and make a fool of yourself on this blog. We ACCUSE you of being a Leftist/fascist, because you are.

          Get it straight, son.

        • Miner MINOR49er Regret to inform your sorry posterior but the whole case involving the Sandy Hook people has no basis in fact. There is absolutely NO correlation between the incident and the Remington advertisement. You anti-gun radicals played to people’s ‘heart strings’ rather than present a real case showing any liability on the part of Remington Arms.

          This case should have been dismissed long time ago.

          You Lefties are not interested in “justice”‘ you are only interested in disarming the American people one gun at a time.

      • S tf u you insufferable baboon…..
        Do the world a favor and go play with yourself in your mommy’s basement… pos

    • Well, MB, that’s quite perspicacious of you in a certain way, depending upon how you meant that. And of course, Miner 49er probably doesn’t know that there are a plethora of other ‘suspicious’ questions about these kinds of shootings or mass killing events. Most presented by verifiable sane, objective, intelligent and experienced researchers and criminal investigators, not to mention tons of scientists and experts.

      Everything From 911-where to this day they can’t explain the replica construction demolition of building 7 down the block which was not touched by an airplane or debri-which just happened to contain some extremely important G records that certain deep state actors would not appreciate getting outed, and radio communications monitors picking up seriously ominous messaging nearby at the time. And also the seriously suspicious ‘death’ of a deputy working the ground level rescue op at the OK City debacle, and noticing certain extremely surprising ‘equipment’ remnants that wouldn’t be consistent with an on the street fertilizer truck explosion, near structural inside damage shortly after he reported it to feds on the site? And so on and so forth.

      The lone perpetrators are the easiest to manipulate especially if they have mental issues and are on drugs. Advanced hypnosis works very well for mind controlled missions with special drugs. If Hollywood Spy movies depicted what ‘they’ can really do with people, advanced tech, and illusion/delusion tactics, people wouldn’t watch them because they’d be too hard to believe? But they’ve been working on ways to perfect them for decades.

      After all, just because they can’t be ‘proven’ to be a false flag or Set-up events right now is only because of a couple of factors that people aren’t aware of because they don’t read books on pertinent details. And it Doesn’t mean They’re Not false flag or criminal agenda operations. It just means that they’re not proven to be yet? Sure they’ve censored and tried to ‘disappear’ many books and resources but they’re out there if you can do forensic research, which not many can.

      Remember what’s going on right now with Killary and the Durham criminal investigation? It took Durham over three years to get to the bottom of their investigation that ‘somebody’ tried to criminally frame the sitting fucking POTUS (Trump) with a collusion with Russia plot! Fox just ran a sound bite montage of all the news pundits that called Trumps accusation against the G all a lie by and after the first year or so it didn’t go anywhere except the Clinton people continued and managed to turn it all around and reverse it back to Trump to use it to spread propaganda against Him?

      And then it happened, Durham finally got concrete evidence that the Clintons paid their lawyer, to illegally spy on Trump, a lawyer who now working in the Biden administration as the NSA advisor to work on pumping up a false flag op by Russia, or some other such obfuscation with the hope that Putin does, indeed, launch an all-out Headline assault which would dominate the MSM long enough to take the heat off Killery until they can conjure up another obfuscation and evasion move…! This time Durham apparently not only has the Bull by the Balls, Durham might have the Cow by the c..t?

      Remember grasshoppers…

      First, A government can get away with anything if they cannot or won’t be held accountable. It’s like how they get away with violating and depriving you of your 2nd/A rights, which they should be criminally charged for under 18-USCC 241-242, When the Brandon administrations Federal Justice Dept. REFUSES TO PROSECUTE anyone who is helping them with their Gun Control agenda.

      And secondly, If it’s really an evil black flag or treasonous or heinous criminal act and they get busted out from a whistle blower, secret witness, lucky investigator, etc….

      They just kill them and make it look like an accident or suicide. or they disappear them without a trace and you become a cold, lonely, missing person’s case file. Like that young Democratic Party staffer who seemed to ‘know too much’ about something that could ‘hurt’ Killery in her Potus ambitions. He was ‘Robbed’ and shot dead while walking to his girlfriend’s house. Only the Robber(s) ‘forgot’ to take his wallet and money, and, of course, were never caught! Even before there was JFK Jr. Some of you might not know that he had serious ambitions to run for the same Senate Seat, (and would have defeated anyone, especially her in a primary) that Killary had her eye on? Knowing her past ‘history’ of too close for comfort to the unfortunately deceased going way back from Vince Foster to her old home state politics where Billy was a young Guv. (see the ‘Clinton Chronicles’ if it’s not completely disappeared by now except in its old 8track form somewhere in private hands)

      I didn’t follow the Sandy Hook case that much at the time except watching a strange video camera clip from above the school that showed 2 men running away into the woods from the school during the incident. Can’t recall if it was an outside roof camera scanning the playground or a chopper video? And it’s suspicious to me that the mother was killed. That’s not typical of a whacked-out kid, and I think She took him out practicing shooting together? And wasn’t she a former cop? Several 2+2+2+2’s in that one.

      And the only reason to raze and level a crime scene so quickly as they did at 911, the OK City disaster, and other places is to thoroughly ‘sanitize’ a crime scene. Otherwise the longer you poke at it, the more something, anything might jump out and scream at you with damnable evidence.

      Anyway, The Truth is Out there. IT does not go anywhere. Only evidence and witnesses and principals and info sometimes move around. Especially with the big cover-ups. Which are getting harder to keep covered up when trying to evade intense penetration efforts of modern forensic investigations. So don’t let his/her comment bother you. 49er probably still thinks that Oswald was the sole Kennedy Assassin??? AAAGGHAHAHAAAAHA!

      • You are very wrong. It is very typical. A kid in SC killed his father before going to a school and killing a student. The original spree sniper at the Texas Tower incident killed his mother and wife before beginning the shooting.
        The place needed to be destroyed.

        • ā€œAdvanced hypnosis works very well for mind controlled missionsā€œ

          You are getting very sleepyā€¦

          ā€œDurham finally got concrete evidence that the Clintons paid their lawyer, to illegally spy on Trumpā€œ

          You might want to access a more reliable news source than Fox, and perhaps actually read Dunhamā€™s court filings.

          Frankly, Iā€™m certainly interested in this ā€œconcrete evidenceā€ you speak of, could you please provide specific details.

        • Miner MINER49ER have you bothered to read Durham’s filings? Or are you just blowing more smoke up our arse?

      • ā€œwatching a strange video camera clip from above the school that showed 2 men running away into the woods from the school during the incidentā€

        Yes, you are delusionalā€¦ Sad.

        ā€œAnd wasnā€™t she a former cop?ā€œ

        Where do you guys get this stuff, itā€™s hilarious!

        For most here, it seems speculation = research.

    • ā€œFreedom group owns the R brand.
      George S is a major holder in Freedom Group.ā€œ

      Stars above, you wack jobs see George Soros behind every blade of grass.

      You know of course, thatā€™s total bullshit.

      ā€œAn old rumor has once again resurfaced alleging that Cerberus–the private equity firm that owns Freedom group, a holding company that in turn owns a number of firearms manufacturers, including Remington, Marlin, Bushmaster, and DPMS–is in some way tied to George Soros.

      This rumor is completely false and baseless.ā€œ

        • Steve Feinberg is is a prominent Republican. Dan Quayle (ā€˜memba him?) is a senior executive with the firm and Donald Rumsfeld an investor. John Snow was Secretary of the Teasury under Bush and held other positions under Nixon and Ford.

          Have you ever heard of the Bilderberg Group?? Republican puppets and democratic puppets work towards the same goal.

          Once again, time to laugh at Whiner49er.
          Total moron!

        • “Hilarious, Iā€™ll bet everyone of you was Duped by Donald Trump”

          You mean like when he said his campaign was spied on and set up with Russian collusion?…Oh wait.

        • to Dud Brain the hypocrite

          quote——————–Dude February 15, 2022 At 12:49
          What Hillary did makes Watergate look like a walk in the park. Who did you vote for?———————

          Of course Dud Brain (the hypocrite) you made no mention of your Lord god the jack booted Herr Drumpf being exposed this week destroying hundreds of documents by flushing them down the toilet. Since he had half a dozen fireplaces it makes it even more laughable that he could have been such a moron to not have used them instead. I am sure you would have done the same.

        • “exposed this week destroying hundreds of documents by flushing them down the toilet.”

          You’re telling this story. I only have two questions: which specific documents, and who witnessed the flushing?

        • Dude, I imagine your news source is Fox or Newsmax, etc. so you might want to check some other outlets to find out exactly what is happening with the Durham (non)-investigation.

          ā€œBut now Durham has spoken on his own. He has indicted a cybersecurity lawyer named Michael Sussmann for allegedly making a single false statement in a conversation in 2016 with then-FBI General Counsel Jim Baker. The allegedly false statement concerned not Trump or Russia, but whom Sussmann represented when he brought Baker some information about an alleged electronic connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank. (Disclosure: Baker is a personal friend and former colleague at Brookings and Lawfare.)

          The indictment is, in other words, far removed from the grave FBI misconduct Durham was supposed to reveal. Very far removed. In fact, it doesnā€™t describe FBI malfeasance against Trump at all, but portrays the FBI as the victim of agitprop brought to it by outside political operatives. It describes the FBI as diligently running down the leads it had been fed by these operatives and then, well, dropping the matter when it learned they had no merit. The misconduct it portrays is an alleged lie by Sussmann that is, at best, wholly peripheral to the substance of the allegations Durham was supposedly peddling.ā€

        • to Dud Brain

          quote———–Youā€™re telling this story. I only have two questions: which specific documents, and who witnessed the flushing?———-quote

          Turn off Fox News and watch any of the accredited news programs. It has been broadcasted all over the entire world.

          Where do you hide out all day in a cave??????

          By the way Trumps own staff pulled documents out of the clogged up toilet and pieced them back together. They are now testifying before the investigation committee.

        • “Dude, I imagine your news source is Fox or Newsmax, etc. so you might want to check some other outlets to find out exactly what is happening with the Durham (non)-investigation.”

          You mean the other outlets that pushed the Russia Collusion lie for 3 years, and then dropped the story when it was revealed to be a hoax? Though they occasionally trot out someone like Christopher Steele to let him say hey, it might be true! or James Comey to say that well, he can’t prove it didn’t happen. Or paying disgraced former deputy director McCabe, who was caught lying under oath, to be a contributor? Those outlets? Are you shitting me?

          As far as the Fox or Newsmax comment, I know you lefties like to concentrate on the big names like Fox (just like you concentrate on the NRA,) but there are other good journalists out there that were all over the Russia lie from the beginning.

          You should skip the commentary and go directly to the source. Horowitz’s report on the FBI making a seriously long chain of oopsies is especially enlightening. The MSM zeroing in on the fact that he didn’t prove any malicious intent or partisan behavior is hilarious. Go read the report. The FBI would have to be comically inept to make that many “accidental” mistakes. They knew there was no collusion before Mueller was brought in. At best they thought they would be able to catch Trump in something else. Remember how they tried to pivot to obstruction? At worst, they knew they could smear the President, make him less effective, and lie their way into getting elected and controlling the House. The Russia scare had reached it’s peak by the midterms.

          Your link is from last year. Here’s a newer one.

        • dacian,

          In other words, you have no idea what the documents were or who the witness was. Why can’t you admit that? And again, with the Fox News comments. I’m asking for a link to whatever you’re reading, and you aren’t giving it to me.

        • Dude brain you are really demented

          quote———–In other words, you have no idea what the documents were or who the witness was. Why canā€™t you admit that? And again, with the Fox News comments. Iā€™m asking for a link to whatever youā€™re reading, and you arenā€™t giving it to me.————quote

          Turn on your damn TV they have been discussing it all damn week or move your fat fingers across the key board and look it up You will not because you do not want to know that Trump is a criminal.

          And here is just one link of dozens and its from the New York Times one of the most respected news papers in the U.S. which I am sure you will dismiss with the wave of your hand saying “do not confuse me with the facts” I will not believe the truth no matter what.

        • In other words, you have no idea what the documents were or who the witness was. That’s all I’m asking for.

  10. This agreement is one of the saddest moments is the history of our nation; in regard to firearm related lawsuits, and settlements. The only responsibility for what took place, lies in the mind of the dead shooter, the dead mother, the father, and others that failed to acknowledge the deteriorating mental condition of the deceased shooter. When do the leaders of our nation, stand up and take action that makes sense? The cesspool of insanity destroying the USA,
    needs a thorough cleansing.

    • What happens when so called defenders of the Second Amendment provide standing for Gun Control by their failure to define Gun Control by its history of racism and genocide.

      That’s what keeps the firearm under the microscope while Gun Control and its long history of rot continues to skate by without a scratch.

      History confirms Gun Control should be seen no different than slave shacks, nooses, lynching, concentration camps, gas chambers, swaztikas, etc.

      Until Gun Owners get off their history illiterate politically inept behinds and properly define Gun Control by its history each time the words Gun Control pops up expect Gun Control to continue skating on by without a scratch.

    • Serious question here, Daniel; if you had a child who is dangerously insane, what do you think you could do about it, to keep yourself and your neighbors safe? Because I can’t think of anything. Unless you have the funds to get enough lawyers to get him committed and then pay for a lifetime of lockup, which almost no one does, there is nothing you can do, and trying real hard might get you murdered in your sleep, as she was. And although I never heard, I’d bet the nutbar had something to do with his parents not being together. Taking him on a long trip in the woods and coming home alone is the only solution I can see, and someone may not believe that he decided to continue on without you.

      • ā€œif you had a child who is dangerously insane, what do you think you could do about it, to keep yourself and your neighbors safe?ā€œ

        Maybe some kind of law that would allow you to notify the authorities and have them remove any lethal weapons that might be in his possession?

        That seems so tough to do and what would we call it?

        Maybe something like, I donā€™t know, a ā€˜red flag lawā€™?

        No, we could do anything like that, that would just be sillyā€¦

  11. Remington was in the right and should have never settled a case where clearly Gun Free Zones Signs held the doors open for the perp.

    Plaintiffs claimed Remington is responsible by advertising to criminals. Exactly who and what do Gun Free Zone Signs advertise too? That would be Criminals.

    It was Gun Free Zone Signs that led gullible parents to leave their kids in the care of Gun Free Zone Signs and defenseless school personell.

    The same firearm should have been available to end lanza’s rampage. Instead all the defense the victims were allowed to have were the Gun Free Zone Signs advertising “Come on in the pickings are easy.”

  12. The person who bought the rifle used in the shooting was the killers mother and she bought it for herself and not for her son. She was killed with the rifle at her son’s hands. Remington should have fought this case to their last corporate breath.

    • The crime started with a Savage .22lr bolt action rifle. Bushmaster was just the stolen weapon, along with Sig and Glock, but Remington made the scary AR so they had to pay.

      I guess Iraqis and Afghanis can go after the US arms manufacturers for making the tanks and Hummers that were stolen by ISIS or the Taliban and used against civilians? I mean Mexico is trying the same thing with the cartels use stolen/smuggled US made guns so sue US gun makers….

  13. quote————–The gun maker appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case.

    The case was watched by gun control advocates, gun rights supporters and gun manufacturers across the country because it had the potential to provide a roadmap for victims of other mass shootings to circumvent the federal law and sue the makers of firearms.———-quote

    More vindication of my prior statements that even Trumps hand picked radical far right Supreme Court justices are not the pro-gun people the Far Right imagined them to be.

    To recap: The courts have traditionally been very hostile to the Second Amendment because it is a threat to their absolute power over the people and Congress.

    I think it is unlikely Remington will survive this huge payout. It will probably once again declare bankruptcy for the final time and unfortunately the victims probably will never receive a dime in compensation.

    • darcydodo…Where’s the first dime from the coffers of the democRat Party that has been paid to victims and families who were subjected directly or indirectly to slavery, segregation, lynching, the kkk, Jim Crow, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities attributed to the democRat Party?

      How about you opening your wallet? After all you are a huge democRat Party lint licker therefore you share all party liabilties with interest. PAY UP.

    • It was only the far left which imagined any Trump appointee was other than an outstanding choice, honorable and fair.

  14. avatar obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in a gun-rights hell state like New Jersey)

    Looking at this picture… :

    …I just bet my obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in a gun-rights hell state like New Jersey) looked just like that at age 20 or so…

    *Shudder* šŸ™

  15. Holy sheeiit I agree with you that the courts have been hostile towards the 2A…

    I will say the plaintiffs dont deserve a payout from Remington, as Remington is not responsible for his actions.

    • to Greg

      quote—————-Fuck them, it was a complete hoax.—————quote

      A Far Right Talk show host made the same idiotic and demented statement, got sued and lost. Obviously the jury agreed with the parents of the victims of the massacre.

      • dacian,

        “Obviously the jury agreed with the parents of the victims of the massacre.”

        The jury didn’t agree with anyone. They settled, so its not going to a jury.

        But now we know the families of nine victims of the Sandy Hook decided their family members were worth at least a payday of $73 million.

        • Would you rather be a grieving parent, or a millionaire grieving parent? The legal teams are the real winners here, as usual.

        • to Booger Brain now totally insane

          quote————But now we know the families of nine victims of the Sandy Hook decided their family members were worth at least a payday of $73 million.————quote

          Anyone who would believe that the grieving parents were doing this for money is one sick mthr fker.

        • dacian,

          happens every day in law suits. If their case were so sound and they had all this evidence they claimed, why didn’t they just go on and drive the nail in the coffin on the case? They get to a point where they know they are going to lose eventually if the other side can go on and they signal to settle.

          The family literally settled that their grievance for their family members was worth at least a payday of $73 million. What do you think a lawsuit settlement is? Its literally settling for what you think your harm was, or what you can get, in a monetary amount.

          So now we know the families of nine victims of the Sandy Hook decided their family members were worth at least a payday of $73 million.

          Remington settled with them, avoided paying a few hundred million more to go for the win, and Remington not held liable as a result.

      • darcydodo…With the mountains of slander and libel you bring to this forum you should be sued into oblivion.

        Taking the blame off a murderer of his own mother and innocent children and laying it on the doorsteps of a firearms manufacturer is gutless.

        You and your Gun Control ilk set the victims up. It does not matter what the perp used the victims were defenseless not by their choice but by the choice of ratbassturds like you.

        • ā€œTaking the blame off a murdererā€

          I donā€™t think anyone is taking the blame off of Adam Lanza, whatever blame that would apply given his mental illness.

          The point is, bushmaster owns a piece of the tragedy because of their irresponsible and criminally negligent marketing.

      • To Dud brain

        quote————–Dude February 15, 2022 At 12:27
        Would you rather be a grieving parent, or a millionaire grieving parent? The legal teams are the real winners here, as usual.————quote

        Dud Brain that is the sickest post I have ever seen you make. It makes any sane person throw up all over his shoes. That was really depraved.

        • What is depraved or sick about that? Which would you rather be? I don’t want anyone to die or suffer, and I’m not calling for it. The lawyers were the real winners here, and everyone knows it. Stop trying to compensate for your sick comment about wishing the federal police had unloaded automatic gunfire on unarmed protesters. Now THAT is SICK! (And deep down, you know it)

        • to Dud Brain

          quote————- Stop trying to compensate for your sick comment about wishing the federal police had unloaded automatic gunfire on unarmed protesters. Now THAT is SICK! (And deep down, you know it)————–quote

          No Dud Brain a completely different event and situation. We had armed people yelling they were going to commit murder and overthrow the government. That is treason and attempted murder and they should have been gunned down with machine gun fire.

          And do not lie between your teeth as usual and say they were not armed. The police did indeed arrest people who were indeed armed and one planted a live bomb to blow people up.

          Try again Dud Brain you a complete ass of yourself as usual.

        • dacian the stupid,

          Well, since it makes “sane” people throw up, apparently you escaped without emesis. Instead, you substituted verbal diarrhea. How’d that taste, anyway?

          You are too stupid to insult. Go pound salt in your @$$.

        • “We had armed people yelling they were going to commit murder and overthrow the government.”

          Oh, okay. What are their names? What were their weapons? Should the police always kill people that give death threats? And should they always use automatic weapons to do so? I’ve had a death threat made against me and my family. Should the police kill the guy that made it?

          Let’s be specific here, as you try to weasel your way out of calling for murdering unarmed protesters. You never said they should have killed only the “armed people calling for murder.” No, you said the Capitol Police had automatic weapons, and they should have used them on the crowd. I immediately called you out on it. You even had the hindsight of knowing that the protesters didn’t kill anyone, and you STILL fantasized about the federal police unloading automatic gunfire into a crowd of unarmed protesters.

        • to Dud Brain

          quote———You even had the hindsight of knowing that the protesters didnā€™t kill anyone,———–quote

          Another one of your blatant lies. I never said that. Several cops died both directly (by violence) an indirectly (suicide) because of the riots and many more were seriously injured. One lost an eye. Several other people in the crowd died that day and they may or may not have been killed by the protestors. Either way the rioters were responsible for their deaths.

        • “Several cops died both directly (by violence) an indirectly (suicide) because of the riots and many more were seriously injured. One lost an eye.”

          Wait a second. I thought you had changed your story to only open automatic gunfire on the “armed” protesters that were calling for murder? Are you saying they should have included these other protesters in their sights as well? Which protesters were responsible for those deaths, and how were they responsible? What cops died by violence? How do you know the suicides were the result of the protesters? This should be interesting.

        • Are you talking about the fake news story of the fire hydrant being used against that cop that died from something else? Even the usual fake news outlets had to quietly make corrections about that one. Of course it was long after Nancy & Co. made a big production about him being “killed by the protesters.” And that’s why they run the fake stories. People will still believe it after they retract it.

        • Uh…I meant fire extinguisher. A fire hydrant would be a difficult weapon to wield, even in a fake news story.

  16. Remington is the scarificial lamb of the Gun Industry being slaughtered by their Private Equity overlords to set precedent that Firearms Companies will settle lawsuits.

    Their not stupid, this is on purpose.

    Gun manufacturing should be decentralized and done at home in order to get around those trying to deny you of your unalienable Right to Bear and Keep Arms.

  17. So they can sue for the marketing…I need a lawyer to sue the covid vaccine industry for their marketing policy?

    • Pharma hasn’t advertised the vaccines because they legally can’t advertise something that’s under EUA.

      The ads you see/hear pushing vaccination are all from various .gov agencies or NGOs. Mostly the former rather than the latter.

    • Lol employer. Yeah no re Dacian, now Miner on the other hand may have some money backing his posts based on the timeframe he is active and the patterns of what he zeros in on but could also be a retiree with a bug up his ass on normal people owning guns.

      • ā€œa bug up his ass on normal people owning gunsā€

        Nope, I own many firearms, including a RRA AR 15 pistol and a colt SP1 I bought when I got out in 1983.

        I believe firearms training should be mandatory in high school, and I believe that people should be required to take both classroom instruction on rights and obligations of firearms ownership and carry as well as proficiency demonstration on a live fire range before being allowed to carry lethal weapons in public spaces.

        And Iā€™m a progressive, just like Teddy Roosevelt and Smedley Butler.

        • “…just like Teddy Roosevelt and Smedley Butler.”

          LOL! Rest assured, you’re nothing like those men. They’d weep if the could see the creatures that call themselves progressive today.

          Peak clown achieved.

        • and Woodrow Wilson, and Huey Long???

          Yes, MinorIQ, “Progressivism” has a rich history . . . of insanity, bad public policy, corruption, racism, and general f***tardery. Obviously, it suits you well.

          Independent thought, however, apparently is more difficult for you.

        • “I believe firearms training should be mandatory in high school, and I believe that people should be required to take both classroom instruction on rights and obligations of firearms ownership and carry as well as proficiency demonstration on a live fire range before being allowed to carry lethal weapons in public spaces.”

          “Should” being the operative word here. I believe this as well, but the 2nd doesn’t say anything about training. A wise person learns how to operate his equipment and should listen to whoever instructs him – that doesn’t make it law to do so.

        • To the deranged Lamp that went out in his head

          Yes progressives like Franklin Roosevelt gave us Social Security, Medicare, aid to education, school lunch programs, aid to dependent children.

          As a mater of fact Paul Ryan who was left fatherless went to college on Social Security money and after the bastard got his degree and went to Congress he tried to take away Social Security benefits from everyone else after he had gotten his piece of the pie. A typical selfish asshole Republican. He admitted he was even trying to screw his own mother out of Social Security benefits if he would have succeeded in privatizing it. You cannot get any lower than that.

        • “And Iā€™m a progressive, just like Teddy Roosevelt and Smedley Butler.”

          I’m going to need to clarify this statement.

          It’s true that progressives today act more like RE-gressives.

          That’s why I am also a card carrying full blown Marxist.

          And despite mentioning Teddy Roosevelt, I actually don’t like, as most Marxist don’t, America.

          Hate the Unions too.

        • ā€œThatā€™s why I am also a card carrying full blown Marxist.ā€œ

          Yeah, more bullshit from Fake Miner.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, I have some bad news for you. Social Security was NEVER intended to be a “retirement” for older Americans. It was ONLY meant to AUGEMENT the retirement money that they saved.

          Franklin D Roosevelt like you was a regressive. Not a “progressive”. He did not bring us out of the “Great Depression” as you Lefties claim. What brough us out of the :”Great Depression” was WWII and the spending that resulted from that and the aftermath of WWII.

          You people quite frankly are thieves who arse to damn lazy to make it on your own so you want us to do it for your sorry posterior.

          Miner MINOER49ER you are just another anti-American slime ball just like dacian, the DUNDERHEAD.

      • Damn wasn’t expecting quite that much of a defensive response guess the nerve was close by on my shit flinging.

        • ā€œPaul Ryan who was left fatherless went to college on Social Security money and after the bastard got his degree and went to Congress he tried to take away Social Security benefits from everyone elseā€œ

          Yeah, more typical hypocrisy from the conservativesā€¦

          ā€œHey, Iā€™m on the lifeboat now, time to pull up the rope!ā€

        • Don’t panic, MinorIQ, no one is going to take away all your “free shit”. You and dacian the stupid will get to continue sucking on the public teat.

    • You understand this, and I understand this, yet people here incessantly engage it just as if it was a real, live commenter that could be reasoned with. Why does this keep happening? Why are people so bound and determined to try to convince a completely closed mind that it just might possibly be mistaken? It’s like trying to convince the Sun not to set in the evening. . . I’m confused.

      • ā€œWhy are people so bound and determined to try to convince a completely closed mind that it just might possibly be mistaken?ā€œ

        Because I believe in my country and society, and I believe that many good citizens have lost their way and fallen under the sway of a authoritarian wannabe dictator who has used their fears and prejudices to delude and confuse their thinking.

        • “authoritarian wannabe dictator who has used their fears and prejudices to delude and confuse their thinking.”

          Like forcing people to inject an experimental drug or lose their job? Like trying to give the IRS access to everyone’s bank account? Like dividing the country by falsely claiming that it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated? How about dividing the country by falsely claiming concerned parents are terrorists or people perceived to belonging to the rival political party are white supremacists?

        • Does your unicorn fart rainbow Skittles, too??

          The authoritarian you seek is the semi-vegetable occupying the fake White House set, serially groping children, and babbling inanely. Or, perhaps, that botoxed, corrupt, idiot troll wielding the Speaker’s gavel.

          Apparently, Leftist/fascists can “recognize” authoritarian behavior everywhere . . . except in another Leftist/fascist.

          If you actually watched the antics of Schumer, Pelosi, and senile Gropey Joe, and you are accusing ANYONE else of authoritarianism, you really ARE too stupid to insult.

        • And that’s what happened to you, isn’t it? You ARE a deluded Leftist, aren’t you? You HAVE fallen in thrall of a wannabe authoritarian dictator named ‘Biden,’ have you not?

          You are also one of those upon which time should not be wasted.

        • Miner MINER49ER Thanks for confirming what we already suspected. You are a traitor to the US and the Constitution.

  18. ā€œallegedly marketed targeting younger, at-risk males in marketing and product placement in violent video games. In one of Remingtonā€™s ads, it features the rifle against a plain backdrop and the phrase: ā€œConsider Your Man Card Reissued.ā€

    And there you have itā€¦ irresponsible, bordering on criminally negligent marketing.

    Intentional product placement in violent video games is just rehearsal for the week minded among us.

    And the idea that one can ā€˜reclaimā€™ their masculinity merely by the purchase of a lethal cosplay M-16 is repugnant to any reasonable person.

    • minor49iq…You must be outraged over the perp who used a vehicle to plow down people attending a parade in Wisconsin. Why all those car ads on TV showing drivers speeding, drag racing and spinning around should be more than enough evidense to sue the vehicle manufacturer. Far far more than what you cite for holding Remington accountable and not the perp.

      You and darcydodo would fit right in with Salem Witch Hunts.

      • ā€œWhy all those car ads on TV showing drivers speeding, drag racing and spinning aroundā€œ

        First, you donā€™t see car manufacturers with TV ads showing people ā€œdrag racingā€ in their product.

        And the advertising firms are always very careful to ensure that there is no criminal behavior evident in their automobile ads.

        You donā€™t see Budweiser, ripple or Smirnoffā€™s advertising underage consumption of their product or consumption while operating a motor vehicle on the highways.

        Unfortunately, bushmaster was too interested in profits to consider responsible advertising practices, rather they were chasing the Almighty Dollar without regard to the safety of society.

        • I vaguely remember a Bushmaster ad in Teen Vogue, or was it Tiger Beat, wherein it was put forward to innocent teen minds that a Bushmaster AR was JUST the ‘thing’ for attacking an elementary school and killing some children. It had a full-color graphic of a gaunt, wide-eyed crazy wielding a new Bushmaster as he charges into a school building. The TV version of the ad played on MTV, as I remember, and had really cool, driving music. . .

          No, on second thought, I never saw anything remotely resembling this. It never happened. No American firearm, nor any other firearm, has ever been marketed in this manner. Not even close.

          I must be missing something.

        • ā€œAs Electronic Arts prepared to market ā€œMedal of Honor Warfighter,ā€ the latest version of its top-selling video game released in October, it created a website that promoted the manufacturers of the guns, knives and combat-style gear depicted in the game.

          Among the video-game giantā€™s marketing partners on the website were the McMillan Group, the maker of a high-powered sniper rifle, and Magpul, which sells high-capacity magazines and other accessories for assault-style weapons. Links on the ā€œMedal of Honorā€ site allowed visitors to click through on the websites of the gameā€™s partners and peruse their catalogs of weapons available for purchase.

          ā€œIt was almost like a virtual showroom for guns,ā€ said Ryan Smith, who contributes to the Gameological Society, an online gaming magazine. After Smith and other gaming enthusiasts criticized the site, Electronic Arts disabled the links.ā€œ

        • Okay. So where’s the criminal part? Was that the game the Sandy Hook shooter was playing? I don’t see Bushmaster mentioned.

        • Hereā€™s a bit more info on Adam Lanzaā€™s direct connection and the shady connection between electronic arts and the product placement issues.

          And, as TTAG notes, these violent video games are the best advertising venue the firearms manufacturers have these days, and itā€™s very effective. But the video games donā€™t focus on showing lawful and reasonable use of firearms rather itā€™s kill as many as possible, as fast as possible, without any consequence.

          ā€œBut according to Farago, founder of The Truth About Guns, the rise of first-person, warfare-centric video games has proved the most natural and fertile territory for the industry to tap and nudge new interest in its merchandise. Titles like the popular “Call of Duty” series, Farago said, are luring new gun enthusiasts to real-world shooting ranges where they seek out opportunities to fire the same high-powered, military-style weaponry that they encounter in video games — often under very specific brand names.

          “Video games are the most effective advertisements there are for firearms,” he said.
          Steve Johnson, editor of The Firearm Blog has cataloged some of the many real-world guns that appear in the Activision game “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” — often with familiar name brands like Remington clearly printed on the body of the guns.
          When the game debuted last year, it grossed $1 billion in sales in just 16 days, according to the company.
          Several gaming sites have also noted that firearm product placement in other games, including “Medal of Honor: Warfighter” from Electronic Arts, is common.

          Just how these placements come about is unclear. Multiple calls and email messages to Electronic Arts were not returned. Queries to Activision were referred to an outside spokeswoman, Cassandra Bujarski, who said on both Tuesday and Wednesday that no one from the company was available to field questions on the gun branding in its games, or whether the company was concerned about suggestions that their game is creating a market and enthusiasm among young people for high-powered weaponry.
          Bujarski did suggest, however, that as with clothing manufacturers and other companies whose products appear in modern video games, game companies typically pay licensing fees to the product trademark owners. Paid product placements by product manufacturers are uncommon.
          She could not elaborate on why Activision would pay to depict specific brands and models of real-world guns. Remington did not return calls or emails.
          Press reports, meanwhile, have suggested that the Connecticut shooter, Adam Lanza, was a “Call of Duty” enthusiast, prompting new calls on Capitol Hill Wednesday for investigation into the effects of video games on children.ā€œ

        • I still don’t see my question being answered here. Where’s the criminal behavior? Do we have proof that the shooter used a Bushmaster in a game, and only chose the Bushmaster rifle for that reason? Would he not have chosen that rifle if it was a Colt? Is it still illegal to murder people?

        • If Medal of Honor and Call of Duty worry you, you should check Phantom Forces in Roblox. First, it is FREE so there is no financial bar to entry. And it has a very large range of weapons and attachments for improved performance.

          This is what kids are playing online today.

        • Nice job, MinorIQ!! Your heroine and role model, Tipper Gore, must be so proud. When you’re done falsely reviling firearms companies, are you planning to refight Tipper’s battle over objectionable lyrics???

          I’m sure it is very convincing to a weak mind, such as yours, to deny agency and blame all your problems on the “criminally negligent advertising” of firearms manufacturers, etc. God forbid that MinorIQ actually take responsibility for HIS OWN mental issues. Blame it on Remington!

          Everything is always someone else’s fault, isn’t it, MinorIQ?? Grow up, child, and take some responsibility. Like, for instance, take responsibility for the senile, child-groping, serial liar and plagiarist that is supposedly occupying the White House.

          Ah, but no more mean tweets!! I do miss getting gas for $1.89, though, and food on the grocery store shelves, and prices not rising at 40 year high levels of inflation, but . . . damn! No more mean tweets!

          MinorIQ, there is a difference between naive and deluded. Learn it.

        • sounds like some smart-ass young exec had a “bright idea” while sitting around the conference table……

      • And did Dee Snyder give Tipper Gore a right royal rip in the hearing.

        They didn’t know Dee studied to be a lawyer before taking up music.

      • Well, since he killed his own mother to STEAL her gun, I can confidently say that marketing had nothing to do with it.

        So, Lanza shoots his mother, opens the gun safe, sees a Daniel Defense AR and says, “Guess I can’t go kill a bunch of kids. This isn’t a Bushmaster.” RIIIGGGHTT!! That “marketing” argument is an argument so stupid, only MinorIQ, or dacian the retarded, could make it.

    • Miner MINER49ER There is only one rather glaring problem with your version. There was NO, REPEAT ZERO evidence that the advertisement has a lick to do with the Sandy Hook incident.

      This was a GROSS miscarriage of justice from start to finish.

    • that sort of advertising would seem to be directed at the immature types….[trying, but failing… to think of a previous example]…..but linkage to the actual event would seem specious, at best…a winnable case they chose to bail on….probably for financial reasons

  19. and to think that all the left had to do to FINALLY get their way was kill a few unarmed children..

    good to kno.

  20. remington brand needs to go the way of the dodo bird…we will never know the truth about the false flag of sandy hook..all investigative reporting was banned in the USA..

  21. That is a HARD backstab.
    Now there is blood in the water.
    And SCOTUS refusing to uphold the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) is effectively rendering a law null and void from the bench, without it being unconstitutional.

    • that didn’t happen.
      read it all again.
      i will allow you to skip dingdong, fartknocker, antmanbee and bev3’s posts.

  22. The true crime was the mom left weapons unsecured around her deranged son and she knew he had problems. How many times has this been repeated? Parkland shooting is just another where no one did anything. The Parkland school system, the police, and the FBI knew the kid was a problem. They had lots of evidence and warning signs. Our firearms community is always the go to target of any blame, but it should not be this way. It is always the criminal to blame. If, a drunk driver kills someone in a car crash it is not the cars fault for the crash that killed someone it is the drunk driver. Just blame the object or tool used in the crime the anti-2nd Amendment side says to progress their point of view and not the criminal. Remington just wanted the case to go away. Now, the anti-2nd Amendment side will claim this as a victory and be used in other states.

    • ā€œThe true crime was the mom left weapons unsecured around her deranged sonā€œ

      Actually, it is theorized the guns were locked up in the gun safe and Adam shot his mother in the head with a 22 LR while she was sleeping in order to gain access to the key.

      ā€œThe Stamford Advocate leads with this: “Investigators found a trove of evidence … seven journals and drawings, three photos of dead people covered in plastic and possibly blood, and a huge cache of ammunition scattered through the home. … A gun safe and a military-style uniform were in his bedroom. Among other items in the home: three samuarai swords with blades ranging from 13 to 28 inches, 10 other knives, both X-box 360 and Sony Playstation game consoles and handwritten notes with locations of various gun shops.”

      Adam and his mother frequented the LGS in his area, why none of the sales personnel at the gun shops ever said anything is unknownā€¦

        • “OANN, why would I go there?”

          Yeah, MinorIQ, that whole “learn something” thing is your kryptonite, innit?? Heaven forbid you should open your mind a slight amount, and let something other than Leftist/fascist dogma invade your otherwise virgin head.

          Keep f***in’ that chicken, MinorIQ.

    • Will not exactly be theirs to sell. Marlin is under Ruger now and would likely be a good option and would need to look into where the others went. Whatever the case they are bound to be better than the freedom group edition I ended up with (Rustington meet bluing kit)

      • Remington used to make a quality product…not so sure anymore….I seem to recall Bushmaster focusing primarily on after-market products before getting into the firearms themselves…got a couple of their “arm-guns” around here someplace….

    • I’m afraid that that ship has sailed. Historic ‘Remington’ died years ago, but simply hadn’t been properly buried; It kept rising from the grave to haunt the living, making believe that it was still alive like some sort of zombie. It’s now not just merely dead, but really most sincerely dead.

      The new ‘Remington’ is ‘RemArms,’ and is busy (well, not ‘busy,’ but ‘semi-occupied’) making poor-quality copies of a limited number of antiquated Old Remington designs.

      Feel free to buy virtually anything else. You’ll be better off.

      • John,

        I own an older model Remington 700 in .308. The rifle is a tack driver, out to at least 800 yards (used to be able to reliably ring steel at 1000, but the eyes aren’t that good, anymore). GREAT rifle.

        I haven’t seriously considered a “Remington” product since I bought that. Their quality control sucks, and they appear to do literally NO R & D. Sad to see a formerly quality firearms manufacturer fall so far, but . . . they suck.

        • yeah, the old stuff was pretty good…my 760 would match my SAKO for accuracy…took it to Wyoming and was the only guy in camp with a pump…but I filled both tags while some of the others did not…

      • John in AK Other than your OPINION what do you base your OPINION on?
        I won several Remington rifles and shotguns. Never had a problem with any of them.
        I just love my Rem 870. One hell of a pump action shotxgun.

        • Instead of just emotionally going on a rant, have you ever considered actually reading, and then COMPREHENDING, what someone writes?

          I repeat: ‘Historic Remington’ died years ago. Remington products of later manufacture were poorly assembled and of dubious quality. So far, ‘RemArms’ products have proven to be equally poorly finished and of dubious quality. They rely upon antiquated designs of dubious safety. There are better products on the market today.

          And I base my opinion on decades of experience with Remington products as a factory-trained armorer, working on hundreds of police-grade Remington firearms. I own several.

          I am also intimately familiar with Remington’s obscene dismissal of its inherent built-in, serious, deadly safety issues, in particular with the Walker trigger and the Common Fire Control, issues which, ignored for decades, finally resulted in Remington’s fully-justified demise at the hands of numerous plaintiffs in civil suits. Both the 700 and its siblings, and the entire line of guns using the Common Fire Control, should’ve been recalled and modified; Instead, millions remain in circulation and pose a constant danger to the unwary.

          I know Remington far better than most.

          And now you know.

        • John in AK. Pure unadulterated HORSE PUCKY. I “comprehend what your OPINION. It is poppycock at best. Your claims are YOUR VAULTED OPINION. I again have owned plenty of Remington Arms firearms. The new company has yet to put much on the market and you still come out with this crapola.

          I own a Remington 700 in 308 and it works just fine. Like most rifles it has to be CLEANED properly. Most problems with the 700 are due to POOR maintenance by the OWNER. The extractor problem is rather common in many bolt action rifles, not just Remington.

          Remington has produced over 5 million 700’s and you bemoan a few lawsuits? Please. Get a grip on reality. Your Opinion, is just that, YOUR OPINION.

        • bought a cheaper version pump in 30-06 at walmart…looked like a Remington…but the groups were lousy…

        • the 870 used to be the “gold standard” for police work…but lately Mossberg has stolen much of their thunder…..r

        • frank speak I beg to differ. Since Remington went banko, you are hard pressed to get an 870. When a police department needs a replacement they have to get what you can get on the market. Hence Mossberg getting in on the market

          The NY State Police, the NYS DOCCS still use the 870 as does all of the police department here in Oneida County, NYS.

  23. Does anyone have a link to something “official” setting out the terms of the settlement? Like others, I’m interested in exactly “who” (old Remington, new Remington, insurance?) settled this and other terms. Was this settled in bankruptcy court where the $73 million is funny money that will get paid out at pennies-on-the-dollar, or is someone actually going to fork over that much cash?

    • Not “official,” but I did find an NPR article that says the money is coming from the insurance companies. So I guess that’s actual cash and not funny money.

      “According to Koskoff’s law firm, Remington’s four insurers have all agreed to pay the full amount of coverage available, which is the $73 million total. The gun-maker filed for bankruptcy in 2020, and its assets were sold off.”

      • Maybe the insurance companies fear bad public relations if they don’t settle. They probably made a calculation on future profits. Insurance companies are very good at making calculations.

      • So it’s not Remington that settled but rather Insurance Company XYZ settled?

        So TTAG is pushing a false narrative that is harming our side?

        • @ doesky2

          “So itā€™s not Remington that settled but rather Insurance Company XYZ settled?

          So TTAG is pushing a false narrative that is harming our side?

          The insurance companies act on behalf of Remington (their representatives), so it is actually Remington even if the money comes from the insurance companies.

        • .40 cal,

          Technically correct, but practically not the fact. The whole “settlement” business is fraught. A company will typically accept any settlement within the coverage limits – why not, they’re not on the hook. An insurance company does a more in depth analysis. I have NO idea what the policy limits were for Remington, but I’ll be you any amount you want to name that they were higher than $73 million. The insurance company weighed risk of loss, etc., against the policy limits and agreed to take this number. The insurance company could give a flying f*** about “the firearms industry”.

          For Remington, even assuming they wanted to avoid a bad signal to the plaintiffs’ bar, if the insurance company wishes to settle, and Remington says “no”, they can always take the position “we advised you to settle, at our expense, and you said no. You’re on your own, now, Chief.” They do it ALL the time.

        • an unusual case that is not likely to be repeated…but still harmful in terms of the perception it projects….

  24. Why sue Remmington? Because suing the ahole actually responsible would net zero for all those grieving families lawyers.

    • clearly an anti-gun stance was at work here….and was lauded in the liberal press as a victory for the gun-control crowd…

  25. This settlement has just paved the way for people to sue Chevy, Toyota, or Ford if a drunk driver plows into a crowd of pedestrians! Or Boeing is another terrorist who flies a jetliner into another building. Inanimate objects are not responsible for the actions of their user. It was a wrong decision, and we will all suffer because of it.

    • @Darren Gilbert

      “This settlement has just paved the way for people to sue Chevy, Toyota, or Ford if a drunk driver plows into a crowd of pedestrians! Or Boeing is another terrorist who flies a jetliner into another building.”

      No it doesn’t. The protection under federal law that protects them from being sued due to misuse is still intact.

      In March 2019 : The defining point where basically the federal law is upheld that protects the gun industry from most liability when firearms are misused. The lawsuit originally included wrong death type claims so the whole thing was thrown out. But the lawsuit is allowed to proceed for wrongful marketing (which is not covered under the federal law). The Connecticut Supreme Court overrules part of the 2016 state Superior Court decision that threw out the lawsuit, which only preserved the familiesā€™ grounds to sue Remington for unlawful marketing under Connecticut law, not wrongful death claims.

      The case is outlined here >

      • “No it doesnā€™t. The protection under federal law that protects them from being sued due to misuse is still intact.”

        The current settlement wasn’t due to a lawsuit over “misuse”, but over misleading/deceptive advertising that led to the Sandy Hook event. All companies and corporations are potentially subject to law suits for deceptive/misleading/false/fraudulent advertising/marketing. (except the favored big pharma companies involved in covid vaccines – special government protection exists).

        • Sam, Pure Unadulterated HORSE PUCKY. This “settlement” was due to adverse publicity, and a wrong decision not to review this matter by the Supreme Court.

          There is absolutely ZERO proof that any advertisement had anything to do with the incident at Sandy Hook. FACT: The man stole the AR (Bushmaster M-15) from his mother after he killed her. FACT: There is no reasonable correlation between the incident and any advertisement by Remington, bottom line. This case should never have been settled.

  26. If the marketing caused him to commit murder, then where are the other people going on murdering sprees with their Bushmasters? Was he the only person that saw their marketing?

  27. Leftists state and leftist jury if it had come to that. People who would decide based on feelings and emotions – not laws, facts, and logic. So Remington decided to settle. I bet a lot of companies, firearm manufacturers and others are looking real close at this an re examining their marketing strategies while a lot of lawyers are looking at ways of cashing in with other industries. Dodge commercials make me want to get a Hellcat and do 170 MPH on the way to the grocery store so I look cool and the chicks want me. In the mean time expect firearm prices to continue to increase.

  28. “because it had the potential to provide a roadmap for victims of other mass shootings to circumvent the federal law and sue the makers of firearms”

    whatever you’re going to get, get it now.

    ‘course, most likely it’ll never be anything but a toy.

  29. ā€œstart using chevy, ford, toyota, etc for all vehicle accidentsā€

    you donā€™t understand. the purpose of the lawsuit is not to bring justice, but to obtain a tool to use against you. if you start suing other manufacturers, theyā€™ll just turn it into another tool to use against you. the problem is not the law, but the people behind all this driving these outcomes.

    ā€œThis rifle was stolen from his Momā€

    hush. facts are irrelevant in tribal warfare, all that matters is who wins and who loses and who pays.


  31. In 1946, Reynolds launched an ad campaign with the slogan, ā€œMore doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.ā€ Theyā€™d solicited this ā€œfindingā€ by giving doctors a free carton of Camel cigarettes, and then asking what brand they smoked.

    • Yep, and finally tobacco companies have been held responsible for their criminally negligent marketing and have paid billions in judgments and settlements.

      The gun industry needs to quit whining theyā€™re being persecuted, any corporation that harms the public is liable to be sued.

      It is our constitutional right to ā€˜petition the government for a redress of grievancesā€.

      Why would anyone want to take this civil right away from Americans, I thought you guys were all about preserving civil rightsā€¦

      • Yeah, it’s nigh-on criminal to expect the plebes to actually think about what they buy/use/consume. They need “smart” people like you to tell them what to do.

        MinorIQ, you couldn’t be any more fascist if you tried. You won’t be happy until everyone does what you want, your way. You are the quintessence of a Leftist/fascist, and you don’t want anyone to have any personal agency, so long as you’re around to tell them what they “should” do. In case it has escaped you, I despise idiots like you, who purport to tell everyone else what they should do “for their own good”.

        Go clean your room, MinorIQ, before you try to “fix” the world. I’m betting the world fixes itself before your room gets clean.

        You are too stupid to insult. Go pound sand in your @$$.

        • ā€œRemington isnā€™t the government, what are you smoking dudeā€œ

          so what? Do you not understand the basis for the entire jurisprudence system of the United States of America?

          It is our constitutional right to ā€˜petition the government for a redress of grievancesā€™.

        • Yeah, MinorIQ, just like it’s our constitutional right to “keep and bear arms”, but you don’t believe in that, either.

          You have a mighty peculiar notion about what our “rights” consist of, child. Of course, having an internally consistent world view would require some actual thought, and that’s beyond your abilities, so I guess I shouldn’t bitch about your inability to get your s*** straight.

          Leftists – if it wasn’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

  32. Soros must have been generous yesterday. The idiots are back with a vengeance. And minor had almost faded back into the oblivion from which he came.

    • Yeah, but his hiatus hasn’t done him any favors, Gadsden. Previously, his arguments, while deluded and ahistorical, were at least presented with a modicum of literacy. Now, he just posts stupid attempts at sarcasm. He’s definitely deteriorated . . . and he was in no position to do that.

      He’s less of a total d-bag of a troll than dacian, but that’s akin to being the world’s tallest midget. We tend to get a particularly stupid class of trolls around here. Folks on the site keep telling people to ignore them, but I prefer to follow Alinsky’s rules – humor and mockery are powerful weapons. And dacian, MinorIQ and the nameless, brainless troll are EASY to mock.

      • they’re here to annoy you in the hope it will sway some thinking…we do it to them they do it to us

  33. The State Trooper holding the rifle is dykey looking, but she has a reasonably impressive pair of 38 Long breasts.

  34. Personal attacks on the trooper are beneath a gentleman.
    Mentioning SOROS and old myths are imbecilic.

    I fail to understand the legality of this- many of us thought Remington went bankrupt to shed the lawsuit. Remington was gone, new company rose up, ammo and firearms split up.

    So how did the lawsuit even stick? Did the new guy buy the company with liability intact?
    Dont get.

    • You know, physical therapists all recommend wearing some sort of wrist support when one is waving such a huge Virtue Signaling Flag so vigorously. We wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself, now, would we?

    • ā€œPersonal attacks on the trooper are beneath a gentleman.
      Mentioning SOROS and old myths are imbecilic.ā€

      How refreshing, thank you.

      And I believe the purchase agreement probably did include a transfer of liability.
      In any case, the insurance companies paid the settlement and I believe it was their policy limits.

      • MinorIQ,

        Tell us you know NOTHING about M&A transactions, tort liability, or insurance, without SAYING you know NOTHING about M&A transactions, tort liability, or insurance. NO ONE buys a company or assets subject to a major lawsuit, and assumes the liability for the outcome. Insurance coverage can ONLY be transferred with the express consent of the insuror – and they rarely, if ever, grant such consent. If I buy the assets of a company, I do NOT automatically assume liablity for prior acts (the only way that happens is by contractual assumption of such liabilities or “alter ego” or successor liablity, which is so rare, and under such limited facts, that it is nonexistent, for all practical purposes).

        Please limit your embecilic comments to subjects (like firearms or the Constitution) that you are only MOSTLY deluded about. Do not venture into areas where you are wholly ignorant. You look like even more of a fool than usual.

        • Iā€™ve never professed to be an attorney.

          Evidently, you arenā€™t familiar with this case. Perhaps you should research Remingtonā€™s attempt to declare bankruptcy in Alabama, and the families intervention into the case because the bankruptcy deal would have let Remington off the hook for the lawsuit.

          And no matter what you say, the insurance companies are paying off.

        • No shit, insurance companies are paying off. The insurance companies for the “original” Remington company. As you mentioned, the judge in their bankruptcy case made sure their liability insurance was maintained.

          This isn’t rocket surgery, MinorIQ. And no, you are not a lawyer. You don’t even play one on the Internet. You occasionally make a weak attempt at punditry, and that never ends well, for you.

          I would suggest that you limit your comments to things you actually know something about, but that would mean you would be devoid of subjects to comment on . . . Hey!

          MinorIQ, don’t comment on subjects you know nothing about. I would say “it’s been great ‘debating’ with you’, but . . . it hasn’t. You won’t be missed.

  35. Can we get fresh antis in here, Miner and Dacian spending all day spewing shit is actually not enjoyable to read or interact with.

    • Oh, MinorIQ and dacian the stupid are being annoying, nonsensical, stupid and deluded???? Must be a day ending in “y”. In other news, water is wet, the sun rises in the east, and Joe Biden is a senile, creepy, stupid liar and plagiarist and serial child-molester.

    • This website has become, sadly, ‘All Dacian, All Minor69er, All the Time!’ Every article finds them in there, plugging away. Every comment has one or two or three or four from one of them, gainsaying what another has said simply to gainsay it, in an avalanche of words that boggles the mind. The whole site has become an unfunny, unentertaining version of the Monty Python ‘Argument Sketch.’

      And nobody in charge seems to care. Why is that?

      • “And nobody in charge seems to care. Why is that?”

        And what should whomever is in charge do? Copy the leftists and ban people, thoughts, words, access because TTAG should only be a forum where people live in an echo chamber, safe from any disruption?*

        Banning one screen name doesn’t prevent the same person popping up with a different one. However, one possible deterrent might be converting TTAG into a subscription venue. How about that?

        *Full disclosure: I operate between 83% and 87% of the screen names appearing on TTAG. (Strych9 disagrees; he says 94% of statistics on the internet are made up).

      • I truly believe they employ them to get more traffic. Look at all the extra responses they generate… even though it does drive off decent posters (I am not one). Between them and this format I hardly ever come here anymore.

        Sam I would ban the IP but I guess thats pretty easy to work around also

  36. Not that I want to give anybody any ideas… but… how come the ammo manufacturers weren’t sued, or at least named as co-defendants?

    • “…how come the ammo manufacturers werenā€™t sued…”

      Maybe they needed the monetary victory to set precedent, and provide funds to go after the ammo manufacturers for enabling the illegal marketing of the Bushmaster.

    • It would be pleasant to have a ‘block’ feature, wouldn’t it? Suddenly, Dacian, Minor69er, and others would simply disappear, returning to the sordid oblivion from whence they oozed. What bliss!

      • ā€œWhat bliss!ā€œ

        It has been said that ā€˜ignorance is blissā€™.
        In that case, carry-on!

        • If it gives you some small satisfaction to believe that those of us here who detest your very existence are ‘ignorant,’ it’s no loss to any of us.

        • John,

          To maintain his false sense of superiority, MinorIQ has to invent a head-narrative that only ignorant rednecks disagree with his shite. He has never entertained the notion that he is wrong or deluded, because that concept would fry his tiny brain.

      • “It would be pleasant to have a ā€˜blockā€™ feature, wouldnā€™t it?”

        Next best thing is the “delete” function (if you primarily use the email option). If you go to TTAG website and scroll the comments, yeah, you have to scroll through the good, bad, and ugly.

        Alternatively, if people simply ignore the “usual suspects”, it cuts down on how many comments they post.

    • ā€œBan Miner49erā€œ

      Putin is so proud of you, authoritarians everywhere rejoice that America will let you spew your fascist nonsense.

      If you were a true American, you would know that encouraging people to speak their mind regarding government policies is the very foundation of our freedom, as enshrined in the first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.

      • Yeah, freedom of speech is right up there among . . . compelled vaccination, “vaccine passports” and lockdowns. It’s in the Constitution, right MinorIQ????

        How come you can find “fascism” on the right when there isn’t any, and totally ignore REAL fascism on the Left? Oh, yeah, because you’re a lying hypocrite of a Leftist/fascist.

  37. “But the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Remington could be sued under state law over how it marketed the rifle.”

    Perhaps I’m in the minority here but I see ^this^ as the key phrase in the whole thing.

    1. Sucks for residents of Connecticut since this sets a bad precedent for gun sales in your state. Eastern California, anyone?

    2. Sucks for the entire US because the SCOTUS refusing to hear the case sets, at least for now, a precedent that state law trumps federal law with regard to nationwide commerce. A court so open to the Commerce Clause having an interpretation so wide you could pass Jupiter (the planet, not the god himself) through the hole created decades ago and that court declines to disallow Connecticut’s law to reign supreme? Odd, that.

    3. Interesting the can of worms this opens for state-level gun laws being used in several states to bankrupt gun manufacturers nationwide. All that need happen is a few blue states with large populations allow the launch of such lawsuits and bye-bye gun industry in all 50 states. Which, by the by, may lead back to Point #1 where gun manufacturers simply won’t do business in a variety of states because of this.

    Of course, that doesn’t matter since Lanza stole the rifle in question and blue states would almost certainly allow for a lawsuit where people were harmed by a gun stolen in another state that lacks Connecticut-style tort laws.

    Whatever, you’re a in a post-constitutional “republic” that’s headed down the drain anyway. Try to laugh about that a bit since there’s not much else you can do. Might as well crack jokes while standing in line to visit the hangman, eh?

    • The Constitution always has been more of a set of guidelines and suggestions for Government, not a set of finite and discrete rules for Government to follow. Over and over again, in matters large and small (Whiskey Rebellion, Civil War, Great Depression, Great Society, it never ends) the Constitution gets ignored when it’s inconvenient for those in power who wish to remain in power.
      It will remain so as long as people can be ordered, just for example, to remain in their homes, wear soggy disease-ridden cloth over their faces and mouths, and get unknown fluids squirted irrevocably into their veins, and not question any of it because somebody ‘official’ told them to do it.

      • My point wasn’t so much about the Constitution as it was about the politics.

        Since 1942, if memory serves the Feds have lost on these sort of regulatory topics twice. It’s odd for SCOTUS to allow a state to assert supremacy here and for the court not to at least consider the case since it’s not really about the Constitution per se, but rather protecting the court’s prerogative to review such issues and set the rules.

        Especially in light of the fact that this goes against the way the court historically comes down.

    • Dec. 14, 2012 : Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings happen.

      December 2014 : The families of nine people killed in the Sandy Hook shooting file a wrongful death lawsuit against Remington. At the time legal observers said the lawsuit was unlikely to proceed because federal law protects the gun industry from most liability when firearms are misused.

      March 2016 : The lawsuit becomes one of the campaign platform issues in the Democratic presidential primary between Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Sanders supported the federal law, Clinton, who voted against the law as a senator, said it should be repealed.

      October 2016 : The State Superior Court throws out the lawsuit against Remington. The families appeal to the Connecticut Supreme Court.

      March 2018 : Remington files to reorganize its finances under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, in part due to bad debt Remington took on when investors left the company after the 2012 shooting. In 2012, Remington had net sales of close to $1 billion.

      March 2019 : The defining point where basically the federal law is upheld that protects the gun industry from most liability when firearms are misused. But the lawsuit is allowed to proceed for wrongful marketing (which is not covered under the federal law). The Connecticut Supreme Court overrules part of the 2016 state Superior Court decision that threw out the lawsuit. The ruling preserves the familiesā€™ grounds to sue Remington for unlawful marketing under Connecticut law.

      November 2019 : The U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear Remingtonā€™s petition. The refusal sends the case back to State Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis who threw the lawsuit out in October 2016.

      February 2020 : The nine families streamline their case into a single claim: That Remington violated the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act by marketing the AR-15-style rifle to civilians.

      June 2020 : The families want to to grill Remington executives about its internal affairs, this takes center stage in state Superior Court. Judge Bellis sides with the families and denies Remingtonā€™s motion to protect its executives from discovery questions Remington considers invasive and improper.

      July 2020 : Remington again files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, this time in federal court in Alabama. Remington doesnā€™t list the Sandy Hook lawsuit among its creditors, the families object to this and accuse Remington of attempting to escape liability. The families send a legal team to Alabama to fight Remingtonā€™s bankruptcy sale.

      September 2020 : The federal judge in Alabama overseeing Remingtonā€™s $159 million bankruptcy sale assures the families that some of the sale proceeds will be dedicated to keeping Remingtonā€™s insurance intact.

      July 2021 : During a routine exchange of pretrial data turned over by Remington, lawyers for the families claim they found 18,000 random cartoons and 15,000 irrelevant pictures of people go-karting and dirt-biking. The story is picked up by news organizations across the country. this stays in the national headlines for weeks.

      July 2021 : One week after the ā€œrandom cartoonsā€ story goes viral, two of Remingtonā€™s insurers offer each of the nine Sandy Hook families a $3.6 million settlement. Remingtonā€™s two other insurers are not part of the offer.

      September 2021 : News that Remington subpoenaed the academic, attendance, and disciplinary records of five children killed in the 2012 shooting makes national headlines. Lawyers for the families say in court papers they had no explanation for why they were being subpoenaed.

      September 2021 : Judge Barbara Bellis rejects a request from a Sandy Hook denier from Wisconsin interested in intervening in the lawsuit. The Wisconsin man in a separate case was ordered to pay the father of a victim for claiming the childā€™s death certificate was a fake. Attorneys for both the families and Remington objected to the Wisconsin man intervention. Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis ruled that the interests alleged were insufficient to allow the man to be brought in as a party, and that he had no standing in her court. Settlement starts being considered.

      Feb. 15, 2022: The families announce a $73 million settlement with Remington. It is formally announced at a news conference in which representatives of the families spoke about their relatives who died, along with attorney Josh Koskoff, who presented information from the case against Remington. The case will not go to a jury, no jury no judgement, no judgement then Remington not held liable.

      Feb. 15, 2022: TTAG publishes their article and dacian has an orgasm over it and gets his panties all wet and gooey. He gets the party balloons and noise makers out and starts celebrating thinking this signals the beginning of his desire of tyranny for the United States.

      • Thanks for the recap and the conclusion. I figured it had to be a little more complicated. It seems that Remington was worried about giving out access to some of their internal communications. On the surface, it seems like they didn’t have very good legal representation. I’d like to hear some legal commentary on the trial and how their marketing was possibly illegal on the state level.

        Perhaps the existing federal law doesn’t protect firearm manufacturers as much we think.

        • “On the surface, it seems like they didnā€™t have very good legal representation.”

          That actually depends on who was calling the shots financially. Remington was not about 2A principle, but doing business (hopefully profitable business). The actual owners of Remington remnants are not staunch 2A defenders, either. The entire matter was a business calculation, not a constitutional principle. The plaintiffs completely bypassed PLACAA, the defendants needed to calculate the likelihood of a worse financial outcome if they lost at trial

      • ā€œNews that Remington subpoenaed the academic, attendance, and disciplinary records of five children killed in the 2012 shootingā€œ

        Were they going to argue that the kids were stupid or a disciplinary problem, with the unspoken inference that they were ā€œlife unworthy of lifeā€?

        That was a naked attempt by Remington to intimidate and intentionally cause emotional harm to the families of those children.

        For that one action alone, I am fine with the settlement, perhaps it should be even more.

        It is regretful that no actual human will be imprisoned, even though actual humans made these outrageous decisions.

      • also to be noted a little more closely – September 2020 : The federal judge in Alabama overseeing Remingtonā€™s $159 million bankruptcy sale assures the families that some of the sale proceeds will be dedicated to keeping Remingtonā€™s insurance intact.

        Even then in September 2020 the families were thinking about a settlement payday. They wanted the insurance to stay intact because they knew that’s where the money would come from.

        • The insurance settlement is the key part to zero in on. No matter what happens, and how much money they pay out, they make sure they will make a profit, and get that back.

          I paid homeowner’s insurance for years. A tornado ripped through my yard. It picked up my trampoline and brought in down like an axe on a tree. A smaller tree blew over and hit my house. My damages weren’t much. They gave me a check to fix the damages. Two months later, they sent a letter explaining why they had to raise my rates. They made it sound like they were raising everyone’s rates in the area (there were multiple tornadoes that day). I found out they only raised rates on people that required an insurance settlement. The money I had already paid them was meaningless. They intended to get that settlement back, and then some, by raising my rates. That’s how insurance works.

          Next up, expect all insurance rates for the firearms industry to go sky high (if they can even obtain it). No one but the commie sheep believes that corporations will eat those extra expenses. The extra cost will be passed on to the consumer.

    • Frankly, I am surprised that no one has used the ā€˜attractive nuisanceā€™ doctrine as a basis for a lawsuit against cosplay M16s.

      For the same reason youā€™re required to have a fence around your swimming pool, you should be required to safely store your weapons.

      • MinorIQ,

        Can you EVER stop showing your @$$ in public???

        Define the doctrine of “attractive nuisance”, and explain how it applies. This would be funny as hell, if you have the stones to attempt it.

        Your attempts at parsing out legal doctrine are flat-out laughable. You are the epitome of the phrase “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. You have little knowledge (of anything), and you might aspire to being dangerous, but . . . you really aren’t. OK, have to give you credit to this extent – as long as there are morons out there like dacian the stupid, any argument, no matter how half-assed, that supports their existing prejudices becomes gospel.

        You are officially preaching to the choir. If that feels good to you, you have mental issues beyond my capability to diagnose. Try actually thinking, chump.

      • had a couple of insurance company people come out to inspect my property ….they said I needed a new garage roof…so I replaced it with what I would later find was sub-standard work…I then received a notice saying they were raising my rates because they said my property was now worth more….definitely not “In good hands” with these people…..

  38. Luckily, the real test of PLCAA is still going on as Mexico vs Ruger and S&W. Mexico is asking for $10B, which nobody can afford to settle. In the past, antigun groups and lawyers have sent victims’ families on senseless cases and abandoned them when they lost. The families would declare bankruptcy to avoid paying hundreds of thousands to the companies they victimized. When Mexico eventually loses, it can’t claim bankruptcy to avoid paying Ruger’s and S&W’s legal fees.

    Going directly to the SC was also silly. They should have tried Federal District and Circuit first. The SC takes a couple percent of the cases submitted, and rarely do they take a direct appeal of a state court decision.

    • After Mexico loses that lawsuit, how about suing Mexico for allowing drugs to flow through their country and into the USA? The damages would have to be for much more than $10B.

      • Yes, I think countries should be held to a higher standard, they have the law enforcement and military resources to prevent the drug trade yet because of graft and corruption they took no action.

        Of course, there may be unintended consequences to this sort of philosophy.

        Did Purdue Pharma in the Sackler family ship any opiates to Mexico?

        And what about the criminal marketing engaged in by the America cigarette manufacturers, did they have any victims in Mexico?

        He who sues first, wins.

    • ā€œGoing directly to the SC was also sillyā€œ

      They thought that Trump had successfully packed the court with conservative justices who would ignore the legal issues and decide along conservative lines.

      • Yeah, God forbid we actually read the damn Constitution, and pay attention to what it says. If that happened, all your Leftist/fascist nonsense would die a rapid and well-deserved death.

        Unfortunately, all of the “conservative” justices you rail at . . . aren’t. If we actually had an “originalist” or “textualist” SCOTUS, you Leftist/fascists would s*** your drawers.

        That you think you are smarter than the Founders speaks VOLUMES about both your over-inflated ego, your narcisim, and your level of delusion. You can achieve your utopia easily, MinorIQ – simply move to Cuba or Venezuela. PLEASE!! We need Leftist/fascist, uneducated idiots like we need more senile, child-groping, lying, plagiarizing pedophiles in the White House.

  39. He Stole it from his mom..
    He was under age to Buy!!
    This Is FUBAR!! What a bitch move.. frustrating to see Remington Cave in to crap like this! That jackass lawyer needed Fired! Why wouldn’t supreme court hear the case, where’s the appeal?
    Good by gun makers, hello Socialism..

    • ā€œHe was under age to Buy!!ā€œ

      But just like Kyle Rittenhouse, it was perfectly legal for him to possess the weapon.

      Strawman purchase to circumvent purchasing laws or theft to avoid purchasing laws, itā€™s all the same.

      • “. . . it was perfectly legal for him to possess the weapon.”

        Are you freakin’ retarded, MinorIQ????? A weapon he KILLED HIS MOTHER to obtain??? Perfectly legal????

        You really are too stupid to insult. You may be too stupid to breathe. Do you, like dacian the stupid, have an homunculus on your shoulder to remind you to inhale???

        Good GAWD, what a nitwit you are.

    • The sad fact is, Ralph, with the make-up of the U.S. Supreme Court today, DC v Heller would not have passed. The gods-in-robes sitting up there now are not going to take a serious, 2nd Amendment case, because then they would actually have to take a side on this contentious Amendment. If they DID rule, they would so water a 2nd Amendment victory down, to as to make it obsolete. Even more sad is, I think (just my own opinion), that these gods-in-robes would just as soon eliminate the 2nd Amendment altogether. So if they can get blue states to systematically eliminate the 2nd one state, one gun/ammo manufacturer at a time, so be it. The end goal will still be the same.

  40. @Donna Crispen
    “Blame the gun makers instead of the person (s) pulling the trigger!! Total Bull! Makes as much sense as a man crashing through a parade of people, and his car was to blame.”

    We are talking about law here, not common sense, justice, or fairness. The “Twinkie Defense” is a real thing. The Sandy Hook lawsuit is a variation of Flip Wilson’s “the devil made me do it.” (same as “Twinkie Defense”)

  41. @John in AK
    “If that is the case, then it is pointless to remain here. Enjoy your alter-egos to the utmost.”

    Kinda disappointed about two things:
    – that you decide to abandon the forum (your comments are worth reading)
    – that you missed the gag about screen names.


  42. public sympathy played a large role in this….doing something to assuage the pain those parents felt…both from the actual event and then the credibility attacks….

  43. @frank speak
    “yet the left does this all the timeā€¦”

    Indeed, but what’s the “win” for us, adopting the “ban”/cancel tactic? There are other, more powerful means for fighting the left. Those are the tactics we should be adopting.

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