US House of Representatives
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Legislative Directors in the House of Representatives got the below email yesterday. HJ Res. 44 would express the Congress’s displeasure at the ATF’s abrupt about face on pistol braces with a de facto ban going into effect on May 31. Here’s the entire language of the resolution . . .

This joint resolution nullifies the rule issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives titled Factoring Criteria for Firearms With Attached “Stabilizing Braces” and published on January 31, 2023. The rule establishes criteria for determining whether a firearm equipped with an attached stabilizing brace that facilitates shoulder fire is a rifle subject to regulation (e.g., registration) under the National Firearms Act.

TTAG is told that, after some dithering, the National Association for Gun Rights and Gun Owners of America pushed the matter hard in recent days when it looked like the resolution wasn’t going to move to the floor as had been promised. That push resulted in the email below.

Those who know expect the resolution would pass if it does, in fact, get a vote in the House. That’s not nothing and would send a message to the ATF. If, on the Senate side, it manages to get to the floor via a discharge petition, it would only need 51 votes to pass. Yes those are a lot of ‘ifs’ and a Senate vote isn’t likely, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

Also, Congress is in the budget process right now and it’s possible — though don’t bet on it — that, if they develop spines and play their cards right, Republicans could defund enforcement of the pistol brace rule…but that would really be drawing to an inside straight. Still, it’s worth keeping an eye on.

Meanwhile, in the courts, things are progressing, as we saw yesterday . . .

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  1. Refund the ATF should be in the current discussion re raising the debt limiAND the FBI

    • “AND the FBI”

      Great idea! Gang members across the US agree with your plan and they certainly appreciate your help enabling their continued violent criminal activity.

      “February 4, 2023
      FBI Cleveland Cartel Gang Narcotics & Laundering Task Force Announces Seizure of 88 Pounds of Drugs Valued at $5.2 Million and the Arrest of Two Drug Trafficking Organization Operatives“

      After all, why should the FBI be allowed to disrupt someone’s profitable business, that goes against the very idea of American capitalism!

      • Gang members that the left wing refuses to stop and prosecute, that’s the real problem.

        Gang members the Obama idiot armed by his bumbling insane desire to make it look like the problem is ‘guns’.

        Gang members… oh wait…the problem isn’t braces, its the left wing facilitating and embolding them.

        • …Also new and future gang members the left is intentionally and illegally allowing into the country. Yeah, they seem real concerned about gang violence, along with the inevitable increase in human and drug trafficking that comes with it.

          Meanwhile, the FBI has been focusing on framing the Regime’s political opponents, like Catholics, pro-lifers, and concerned parents showing up to school board meetings, as domestic terrorists. This comes after a long run of the FBI pushing the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory, then pushing the 2020 Russian interference conspiracy theory to cover for the Puppet. Democrats sure are a gullible/evil bunch.

        • Presently You’ll be able gain Up To from 99000 Bucks A Month! There are no impediments, Be Your Possess Boss, it All depends on you And how much you want to gain each day. Typically a veritable and ensured strategy at no cost to win a gigantic whole of cash at domestic. Connect this right now……

        • “Gang members that the left wing refuses to stop and prosecute“

          Wait a minute, did you not even read my comment?

          You people claim the FBI is a liberal biased organization that refuses to prosecute gang members, yet I post the direct evidence where the ‘liberal’ FBI is indeed arresting and prosecuting gang members for drug and weapons violations:

          “February 4, 2023
          FBI Cleveland Cartel Gang Narcotics & Laundering Task Force Announces Seizure of 88 Pounds of Drugs Valued at $5.2 Million and the Arrest of Two Drug Trafficking Organization Operatives“

          Maybe it’s a translation problem, English as a second language can be very difficult.

          More likely it’s more of that conservative super power of ignoring reality when it does not comport with their delusions.

          “the FBI has been focusing on framing… “

          Now this I would appreciate seeing some specific evidence to support your assertion. Typically when someone is framed it means that a nefarious party is fabricating evidence or providing false testimony in an attempt to illegally prosecute an innocent party.

          So what fabricated evidence or false testimony are you referencing?

        • “Wait a minute, did you not even read my comment?”

          Liar69er, did you say anything worth responding to?

          “Maybe it’s a translation problem, English as a second language can be very difficult. More likely it’s more of that conservative super power of ignoring reality when it does not comport with their delusions.”

          And you wonder why someone wouldn’t read your comment?

          “So what fabricated evidence or false testimony are you referencing?”

          Pretty much everything that comes out of your mouth.

          You demand honest debate from us, but you don’t play by those rules. Therefore, the best response to you is:

          “Suck on it, fuckface.”

      • Exactly. I’m glad you understand the importance of the free market, and individual liberty.

        If drugs were not illegal then selling them would not be a crime. A large number of people, especially minorities, and really especially black people could get out of prison and lead productive lives.

        Drugs could be manufactured in regulated facilities with standard health and safety and quality requirements. They could use standardized ingredients and manufacturing processes which would produce consistent products. Users would know exactly what they were getting and the exact dose they were taking thereby solving the problem of accidental overdose.

        Tax money would flood in helping with all sorts of projects.

        Thank you Miner for finally embracing the universal good of liberty for all. We knew you could get there with your ongoing apprenticeship under the august company assembled here. we’re proud of you son.

        • The primary problem with legalized narcotics is that the guy on the corner or by the school yard will still have better stuff than what the government sanctions and taxes.

          It’d be interesting if every criminal activity arrest above, say, normal traffic speed violations required one to pee in a bottle so an assessment could be made as to whether or not said accused is under the influence of some, shall we say, foreign substance. I’m not advocating such as it’d almost surely violate the 4th Amendment rights of most Americans, but I’d bet the results would be telling.

      • It’s really laughable to see someone like you complain about cartel gangs in America. Since you support open borders. And I hope the republicans continue to ship thousands of illegal aliens to these Major democratic cities.

        It’s forcing the black residents there to realize that illegal immigration is also a black American issue.

        Black liberals are NIMBY just like everyone else. Unfortunately, black people were not listening to congresswoman Barbara Jordan from Texas.
        Who warned back in 1980 about the threat that illegal immigration posed to the black community.

        • “It’s really laughable to see someone like you complain about cartel gangs in America“

          I’m not complaining, I’m pointing out that the liberal controlled FBI is moving forward with aggressive arrests and prosecution of cartel gang members, seizing over $5.2 million worth of illicit drugs in just this one operation.

          Bravo, FBI!

      • Hey Miner,
        Did you check me on that quote you called BS? I left you a link. Here’s another quote from the same page. Page 81 of the document, page 93 from the link.

        According to his handwritten notes, CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”

        How do you feel about the Obama Administration allowing this? How do you feel about your continued support of this witch hunt? Anyone who supports a tyrannical government that uses the power of the state to go after their political rivals is evil. Therefore, if you support this, you’re evil. Prove me wrong.

        • Your willful blindness concerning the actual collusion between trumps administration and campaign with the Russian government is fascinating.

          The most egregious is Trump’s National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn’s concealment of his receipt of tens of thousands of dollars directly from the Russian government, his secret meetings with Russian government officials about which he later lied to the FBI to conceal his treasonous behavior.

          Generally, ‘witch hunt’ describes an investigation into a crime that didn’t occur. But Robert Miller discovered many crimes:

          “Key Findings of the Mueller Report

          ACS > Projects > The Presidential Investigation Education Project > Project Resources > Key Findings of the Mueller Report

          Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress represents a critical opportunity for the legal community to help the American people understand what is in his March 2019 Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election. The following summary presents key findings from the Mueller Report and is intended to help lawyers and other concerned citizens speak and write about the Special Counsel’s findings in an informed manner. The summary was prepared by the Presidential Investigation Education Project, a partnership between the American Constitution Society (ACS) and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) to promote an informed public evaluation of the investigations of Special Counsel Mueller and others into Russian interference in our elections.

          Click here for a downloadable fact sheet.

          This resource is a part of ACS’s Mueller Investigation resources. Click here to see all resources.

          The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

          The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
          Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.“

          To compare this sort of rampant, treasonous collusion with a foreign adversary to Hillary Clinton’s campaign wanting to start a scandal about their political opponent is ridiculous.

          Tell me, how many meetings with the Russian Ambassador did Hillary Clinton have and then later lie about to the FBI?

          Was president Barack Hussein Obama’s national security advisor having secret meetings with Russian government officials and receiving tens of thousands of dollars of unreported income directly from the Russian government?

        • “which he later lied to the FBI to conceal his treasonous behavior.”

          What did he say to the FBI? What exactly was the treasonous behavior? Let’s settle this once and for all. Show me the law against having contact with Russians. There isn’t any! Flynn was a private citizen at the time anyway. Any citizen could do that. Are you saying you support a tyrannical government that will come after you because you visited another country? Are you playing dumb, or are you really this dumb? I think you’re a desperate clinger. You’re clinging to the lie of Russian Collusion because you’re so invested in it, it would shatter your fragile ego to admit you were (and are) this wrong about something.

          It isn’t even a matter of opinion. The FBI didn’t open an investigation based on Flynn showing his face in Russia in December of 2016 for $40k. They opened the investigation in July of 2016 right after the CIA briefed Obama on the fact that Hillary was going to stir up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services! We have the proof of that, yet here you are doing your little dance around the actual facts.

          “Generally, ‘witch hunt’ describes an investigation into a crime that didn’t occur.”

          Yes, exactly Miner! The investigation was the Trump campaign supposedly colluding with the Russians to win the 2016 election! They never found that because it was all a hoax from the beginning. Hillary started the hoax. The Obama Administration picked it up and ran with it. That morphed into the Mueller Investigation as a way to get then President Trump. I have proven that to you, and you close your eyes and cover your ears like a child.

          “To compare this sort of rampant, treasonous collusion with a foreign adversary to Hillary Clinton’s campaign wanting to start a scandal about their political opponent is ridiculous.”

          You live in your own fantasy world! WHERE IS THE TREASONOUS COLLUSION? Point it out to me right now. You can’t because it only exists in your head. The media created a bunch of noise to fool the Low IQ/ignorant/evil Democrat voter like you. Bill Clinton received $500k for making a speech for a Russian bank while Hillary was the Secretary of State. Putin personally called him to thank him for the speech. That’s called laundering influence money. You’re upset about a FUTURE National Security Advisor collecting $40k, but you turn a blind eye to the $500k direct payment, plus the extra millions to the Clinton Foundation for the Uranium One deal.

          Show me the exact treasonous collusion you keep talking about right now. I gave you details on how the investigation was started. Now it’s your turn. Let’s see it. Put up or shut up. A list of indictments, many of which were show indictments that were dropped, aren’t proof of anything. Unrelated financial crimes or process crimes created by the existence of the sham investigation aren’t proof of “treasonous collusion.” Are you really too dumb to understand that? If so, I’ve given you way too much credit over the years.

        • While we’re waiting on my above comment to be moderated…

          “Tell me, how many meetings with the Russian Ambassador did Hillary Clinton have and then later lie about to the FBI?”

          She met with him plenty of times. She was the Secretary of State. Did the FBI ever try to blindside Hillary or anyone in her circle? No, they went out of their way to accommodate her. Read up on the details of the first Flynn interview. Comey even bragged about going completely against protocol to blindside Flynn. Now why would he want to do that?

          “Was president Barack Hussein Obama’s national security advisor having secret meetings with Russian government officials and receiving tens of thousands of dollars of unreported income directly from the Russian government?”

          Was Flynn’s very public dinner with a media company a big secret? Did he fail to show that income on his taxes?

        • I love how you’re able to find treasonous collusion, but the “dream team” of prosecutors with unlimited resources couldn’t find any. If only they had hired you. Or maybe the media just lies, and you’re a gullible fool.

        • “The conversations between Flynn and Kislyak had been intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies that routinely monitor Kislyak,[11] and The New York Times reported that Obama administration officials discovered on January 2 that Flynn had spoken to Kislyak multiple times after the announcement of U.S sanctions on December 29.[31] The Flynn-Kislyak conversation transcript was reportedly viewed by Obama advisers who had been briefed on its content by the FBI with suspicion as possibly a secret deal between the incoming team and Moscow, which could have violated the dormant Logan Act which bars unauthorized U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign powers in disputes with the United States.“


          “She met with him plenty of times. She was the Secretary of State.“

          Correct, and the FBI and other US security agencies were involved in every meeting because at that point she was indeed a member of the current United States administration and it was lawful for her to have those meetings.

          “Did he fail to show that income on his taxes?“

          That would be the least of it, apparently you are unaware that there are laws regarding military personnel contacts with foreign adversaries:

          “The January 2021 memo detailed that Flynn received $11,000 from an entity that appeared to be controlled by the Russian government when he appeared at a conference hosted by Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab, and that he received nearly $34,000 for his 2015 appearance at the RT conference.

          In addition, the inspector general wrote that Flynn received more than $400,000 from Inovo BV, a Dutch company with ties to the Turkish government, for consulting services in 2015. Flynn’s company retroactively registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act in 2017 for its work with Inovo.

          The inspector general wrote the Army and State Department had no record of requests for approval for Flynn to receive the payments.

          The inspector general opened its investigation into Flynn in April 2017, but that investigation had been put on hold as a result of a Justice Department probe into Trump’s first national security adviser. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators in 2017 as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, but he was pardoned by Trump in 2020, allowing the inspector general investigation to proceed.“

          If there are all these criminal acts by Hillary Clinton or Obama, why didn’t Trump’s administration or any Republican controlled Senate investigative committee file indictments against Clinton or Obama?

          Mueller’s investigational he lasted less than two years with 34 indictments, Durwoods lasted 4 years and yet no charges or indictment against anti-Obama administration official.

          Give it up, rumors and innuendo about Obama or Clinton do not equal the hard indictments, evidence and guilty pleas against multiple Trump administration and campaign officials.

        • Miner says: “which could have violated the dormant Logan Act which bars unauthorized U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign powers in disputes with the United States”

          All incoming administrations begin talking to foreign governments. Everyone knows that. How often are people prosecuted for violating the Logan Act? Look that up. Once again, they’re reaching to find something, just like you. You seem to be focused on Flynn. The two activities you listed from Flynn occurred 5-6 months after the FBI launched their investigation based on rumors seeded by Hillary Clinton. Not only that, but they knew(!!) from the beginning that the source of the (false) rumors was Hillary Clinton. If the only problem was Flynn, then they could have investigated him. Instead they leaked rumors from the Steele dossier to the media, then used the media report of their own leak as proof to the FISA court that they needed to spy on the Trump campaign. Then the FBI got caught lying(!!) to the FISA court when they created evidence in order to continue spying on the Trump campaign. None of that is anyone’s opinion. It is documented, objective fact. It isn’t hyperbole to say that’s 100x worse than Watergate. You’re perfectly fine with it because you’re either too dense to understand simple concepts or you’re evil. Which is it?

          Miner says: “and it was lawful for her to have those meetings.”

          Show me how it’s unlawful for anyone else to meet Russians. You can’t because it isn’t illegal. You’re a desperate clinger, clinging to the now conclusively proven fake narrative of Russian collusion. Furthermore, it has been proven that Hillary Clinton began this false narrative, the Obama Administration was fully aware of it, and they proceeded to pretend like it some sort of threat in order to take down their political opponents.

          All of this happened while Hillary Clinton was literally colluding with Russians to interfere in the election. The main source for the allegations in the famous dossier were made by Russian national Igor Danchenko. It was later discovered that the FBI put Danchenko on their payroll as a confidential human source for almost the entire time Trump was in office. Now why would they do that? Democrat Party operative and Clinton campaign advisor Charles Dolan, told Danchenko lies for Christopher Steele to include in the dossier he was hired by the Clinton campaign to produce! The DNC and the Hillary campaign were fined by the FEC for not properly disclosing the funding of this. That’s the same crime they’re alleging Trump committed with Stormy Daniels. Let’s not forget the millions the Clintons received to butter them up for the Uranium One deal. It turns out the Democrats are actually guilty of everything they allege Trump did!

          The Durham report detailed President Barack Obama and his national security team were briefed on how “a trusted foreign source” revealed “a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”

          Miner says: “apparently you are unaware that there are laws regarding military personnel contacts with foreign adversaries”

          Flynn wasn’t in the military you fool. Try again.

          Miner says: “a Dutch company with ties to the Turkish government”

          That’s completely irrelevant. The FBI investigation and the subsequent Mueller investigation were created to specifically investigate Russian collusion, not Turkish collusion. You’re following the media’s lead of creating lots of noise surround Trump to make him appear guilty to people lacking critical thinking skills, like you.

          Miner says: “If there are all these criminal acts by Hillary Clinton or Obama, why didn’t Trump’s administration or any Republican controlled Senate investigative committee file indictments against Clinton or Obama?”

          Top FBI officials did commit criminal acts. Barr declined to prosecute Comey and McCabe. An FBI lawyer was prosecuted and found guilty. The FEC fined the Clinton campaign and the DNC for lying about the Steele dossier payments. As you know, law enforcement and prosecutors are given lots of leeway to investigate and prosecute as they wish without incurring any personal liability. The documented evidence shows the actual conspiracy and collusion was among the Clinton campaign, DNC, Obama administration, and U.S. security state to take down their political opponents. The proper response would be to fire and impeach those responsible. Comey and McCabe were fired. We can’t impeach Clinton and Obama. Well technically we can since Democrats showed us we can impeach people who are no longer in office. I don’t see Republicans pursuing that.

          Notice how I take the time to answer all of your answers and allegations. Now go back and answer mine. You can’t can you?

        • The fact that you believe a retired general officer of the United States Army and past Director of the Defense intelligence agency is permitted to have secret conversations with Russian government officials and then lie to the FBI does nothing but display your abject ignorance of both federal law and the UCMJ.

          Here’s an interesting article that just looks at General Flynn‘s legal exposure for advocating a military coup takeover of the United States government:

          “Most relevant to any potential court-martial for Flynn is current, though challenged, court-martial jurisdiction over retired members of a regular component of the armed forces who are entitled to pay. In this case, Flynn is a retired member entitled to handsome pay by virtue of his rank. He is therefore subject to Court-martial jurisdiction for offenses he commits in that status – it does not matter whether the alleged misconduct happened before he retired or afterward, and it does not matter (for the sake of jurisdiction) that his conduct had no direct military nexus (although it is not difficult to see how commentary by military members or retirees that advocates unlawful usurpation of legitimate rule through military means implicates the very interests the UCMJ is meant to protect).“

          Again, the proof is in the pudding and it’s Donald Trump’s campaign and administration officials that have been sent to prison, not Hillary, not Obama.

          Donald Trump had his own DOJ and FBI appointees at the helm for four years, multiple investigations and yet zero charges or indictment against any Obama or Hillary official.

          A lot of this is just like the Sidney Powell and Giuliani fiascoes, you can talk shit at press conferences or interviews but when push comes to shove in a court of law you ain’t got the goods.

          The hilarious part is, Sidney Powell was general Flynn‘s attorney, remember when she testified in court that no reasonable person should think the things she said were fact, even the Republican said she was full of shit:

          “The Kraken Cracks Under Pressure: Sidney Powell Claims No Reasonable Person Would Conclude That [Her] Statements Were Truly Statements of Fact

          March 23rd, 2021
          (Atlanta) – Kraken lawyer Sidney Powell admitted in a filing in federal court that “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” Powell made the filing in response to a defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

          “In the face of legal action, Sidney Powell admitted that her effort to make millions lying to the American people had no facts to begin with,” said Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. “While the loss of the Senate due to her lies will have ramifications for years, I most sympathize with those who believed her in the first place and who she now considers not reasonable enough to realize she should not have been taken seriously.”

        • And again you only focus on Flynn LOL. I thought Trump was the trader. Remember when you guys claimed that Putin first got Trump elected by meddling in the election, and then controlled him because he had dirt on him? I do. Man, what conspiracy theories. You sure are gullible. If Flynn is still subject to court-martial, then why don’t they do that? Why didn’t they do that? Again, the FBI investigation was launched in July right after Obama gave the green light to go after his political rival based on made up rumors seeded by Hillary Clinton. You’re okay with that. I get it. You’re evil. You love authoritarian governments as long as they’re Democrats. The witch hunt began a full five months before Flynn had that dinner or talked to Kislyak. Why were they “investigating” them and lying to obtain spy warrants if the only thing you can come up with happened months later? You really don’t think these things through. You’re the target demographic of these propaganda campaigns.

          “permitted to have secret conversations with Russian government officials and then lie to the FBI does nothing but display your abject ignorance of both federal law and the UCMJ.”

          Are you saying that current or past members of the military aren’t allowed to talk to a Russian? Current/past/future high level government agents can’t talk to them either? You’re an idiot. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve asked this at least three times now. Show me the statute. Put up or shut up. You can’t show me because it doesn’t exist. It wasn’t illegal to speak to Kislyak. No one ever said it was. And no, I actually specifically said you should never lie to the FBI. Remember? I said it’s best not to even talk to them. If you so much as misremember a small detail, they can prosecute you for it. Again, you avoid my questions and try to add new things to the mix. You’re a fool.

        • Dude, I wanted to let you know I have a detailed reply awaiting moderation, but here’s a teaser just to get you excited:

          “Your comment is awaiting moderation
          “Are you saying that current or past members of the military aren’t allowed to talk to a Russian?“


          Stay tuned, same bat channel, same bat time!

        • Unbelievable, more Republican Russian collusion… And now it’s DeSantis with ties to Russian billionaire gangsters illegally interfering with our national elections.

          I thought you guys said there was no Russian interference with our elections…

          “Ukrainian-American businessman Lev Parnas and his partner were arrested in 2019, accused by the US government of funneling a Russian oligarch’s money into American political campaigns. One recipient of Parnas’ donations — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis“

          Yes sirree, with tge conservative Republicans, every accusation is a confession.

        • Dude, I guess my detailed reply hasn’t made it through moderation so let me try with just some sections.

          Here we go:

          “Are you saying that current or past members of the military aren’t allowed to talk to a Russian?“


          Apparently, you have never served in the US military or held any sort of security clearance.

          I am focusing on General Michael Flynn because his treason is the most egregious, setting aside President Trump‘s guilt.

          First, there is general Flynn’s foreign contact reporting requirements because of his security clearance:

          “Michael Flynn, who recently resigned as President Trump’s national security adviser, has had his security clearance suspended by the Defense Intelligence Agency.
          “General Flynn’s access to classified information was suspended pending a review,” a DIA spokesperson, James Kudla, told CBS News. The suspension took place Tuesday evening.
          Flynn had maintained a security clearance since he was removed as head of the DIA on Aug. 7, 2014. His clearance could be reinstated in the future, pending the results of the review.”

          “Current/past/future high level government agents can’t talk to them either? You’re an idiot”

          Your arrogance is matched only by your ignorance, regarding reporting requirements for a past Director of the Defense intelligence agency with a current security clearance.

          That you would hold the notion that top level US military intelligence officers could chat informally with Russian government officials without reporting the contact to their internal counter intelligence is just hilarious, perhaps you should make yourself aware of the governing law and policy:

        • Dude, here’s part two of my reply:

          You may also want to read pertinent parts of the retired soldiers manual from DOD, in particular page 17:

          “4-3. Employment by Foreign Governments and Concerns.
          The Constitution prohibits retired military (officer and enlisted) from working for foreign governments without Congressional consent. This applies to corporations owned by foreign governments, but not to independent foreign companies. Additionally, Retired Soldiers may work as independent consultants to foreign governments.
          Military Retired Soldiers who want to accept employment with a foreign government are required by law (Title 37 USC §908) to have prior approval of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of their military service. Acceptance of employment without this approval subjects a member’s retired pay to reduction or forfeit by the amount received from the foreign government:

          “All retired commissioned and warrant officers are permanently barred from acting as representatives or agents for anyone other than the United States in connection with any claim, contract, or other particular matter in which the United States is a party, or has a direct interest, and in which they participated personally and substantially while on active duty.”

          Here’s some other interesting information:

          “The Supreme Court has not yet specifically ruled on the military status of retired servicemembers, though it has approvingly noted that they remain part of the Armed Forces and subject to the UCMJ. Federal appellate courts (e.g., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces [CAAF]), however, have consistently held that military retirees possess a military status that makes them subject to military law. In finding such status, courts have highlighted several connections between retired servicemembers and the military: they can be recalled to active duty and, accordingly, serve as a potential source of supplementary personnel; they are entitled to receive special pay and other benefits from the military, which are viewed, at least in part, as retainer conferrals; and they have the right to wear their uniforms and be referred to according to their rank (in certain circumstances).”


          I’m sorry dude, but your continued sourceless blathering and gossip mongering does nothing to support the validity of your bullshit claims.

          The fact is, General Michael Flynn had secret conversations with Russian government officials, didn’t report them and when discovered lied about it to the investigating agencies.

          He’s a fucking traitor, and all those who give him aid and comfort are fucking traitors.

          And we’re rolling up their sorry asses, later this afternoon I’m having a sip out of my fruit jar with a fine eastern Kentucky ‘shine to celebrate Elmer ‘Fudd’ Rhodes’ 18 years in a federal pen for seditious conspiracy, perhaps you’d care to join me? Lift a glass to his conviction and sentencing, and celebrate America!

        • I’ve been busy. I haven’t checked this thread until now. Miner, reporting requirements are not the same as it being illegal to talk to Russians. I read through this. Nowhere does it say that it’s illegal to speak to Russians. He was doing his job by talking to the Russian diplomat. That’s what all incoming administrations do. The only crime they claimed Flynn committed was a PROCESS crime. In other words, that’s a crime CREATED by the illegitimate investigation itself!! Comey bragged about going way outside of the bounds of procedure in order to blindside Flynn. Look it up. He laughed about it in public. You cheer that on because you’re a shallow partisan who’s okay with an Authoritarian government, as long as they’re Democrats. They were, and are, out to get him. You can’t see that because you refuse to see it. Or more likely, you refuse to admit it because you’re the most dishonest person on this site.

          Regarding the reporting requirements, it’s a stretch to say that’s even relevant. Again, we’re left with broad agency interpretation. Having security clearance has nothing to do with military service, so you were wrong to say he couldn’t talk to a Russian because he used to be in the military. Where did you get that? Turn off the MSM, and study their source documents for yourself. The point of the reporting is to mitigate accidentally or intentionally giving a foreign terrorist or intelligence asset information. I’m sure Flynn knows more about that than you do. He didn’t give away national secrets while he was being paid to give a speech for RT. Nor was he doing it while he was doing his job of talking to foreign diplomats, as part of the incoming administration. And of course you have to throw in something new that’s completely irrelevant (DeSantis). All of the noise is for the low IQ lapdogs that are incapable of critical thinking. Be better.

          Responding to your part 2 comment:
          “I’m sorry dude, but your continued sourceless blathering and gossip mongering does nothing to support the validity of your bullshit claims.”

          I can’t respond to that unless you’re specific. What are you talking about? Quote me.

          “The fact is, General Michael Flynn had secret conversations with Russian government officials, didn’t report them and when discovered lied about it to the investigating agencies.”

          You’re an idiot! You really don’t understand. That puts you in the low IQ category. You’re referring to the Kislyak conversation, correct? No one has claimed that’s illegal! The reporting they’re after him about is for the RT dinner and speech!

          “He’s a fucking traitor, and all those who give him aid and comfort are fucking traitors.”

          And what did he do to make himself a traitor? He might have failed to file the proper paperwork for a very public dinner? You keep conflating the dinner and discussions an incoming administration was having with foreign diplomats. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

          Let’s say Flynn was a traitor because he had dinner in Russia and talked to the diplomat. Didn’t both of those things occur in December of 2016? You keep conveniently overlooking this. That means the FBI investigation, which began right after Obama was informed that Hillary was going to create a Russian scandal with Trump, was completely illegitimate. Everyone with a brain knows it was illegitimate. Heck, you aren’t even defending it! If Flynn is the “bad guy” then why didn’t they just investigate Flynn? Why did we need Mueller? The FBI already knew about these things when Mueller came on board. Why Miner? Because it was a witch hunt from the beginning. They were out to rack up as many process crimes as possible. That’s why the entire Mueller “investigation” pivoted to obstruction! They knew there was never any collusion from the beginning. The point was to get Trump. That has now been conclusively proven. You’re a desperate clinger. Your brain has been fried by the propaganda. Or maybe you just aren’t that bright. I personally believe you don’t care because you’re evil.

          “Lift a glass to his conviction and sentencing, and celebrate America!”

          I am absolutely certain that you’re ecstatic about that. The guy that was unarmed, never entered the Capitol, never destroyed anything, and never laid a hand on anyone will spend the rest of his life in prison without the chance for parole because why? Emails and texts? Antifa communicated across state lines to attack federal buildings and police stations. But that’s okay because 2020 Revolution, or something. Meanwhile people committing violent assault, attempted murder, and actual murder (usually with long rap sheets) are either serving less time or no time at all. Why? Because of the color of their skin and because they aren’t Republicans. You celebrate that because you’re a shallow partisan who thinks it’s a win for your “team” (who doesn’t care about you). Here you are cheering on an authoritarian government because they’re Democrats. That makes you evil.

        • I was thinking about this, and I’m still not sure you even understand this. Flynn was never indicted because he lied about talking to Kislyak or because he didn’t get a special permission slip to talk to Kislyak. He was indicted because he supposedly lied about the details of the conversation. The Obama administration was pissed because the incoming administration was going in a different foreign policy direction. You can’t prosecute someone for disagreeing with your policy, but you can try to catch someone in a lie, and make a bunch of noise about it.

          We know what the conversation was about. The FBI has the transcripts. There was never any sort of traitorous activity. It was always about politics. For whatever reason, you don’t seem to be able to grasp that.

        • “In other words, that’s a crime CREATED by the illegitimate investigation itself!!“

          Oh my goodness, somebody should tell the Supreme Court right away!

          You’ve taken leave of your senses, it’s so sad. A crime is a crime, the legislature passes a bill and the president signs it into law. Didn’t you watch schoolhouse rock?

          Just because some elitist college professor calls a crime a ‘process crime’, that does not somehow make it invalid.

          And regarding general Flynn, you’re completely ignoring the document I linked.

          General Flynn had a current security clearance, as such he was required to report every contact with a foreign government official, he failed to do so regarding his conversations with the Russian Ambassador by intentionally misrepresenting the nature of the conversations.

          When questioned by the FBI, he intentionally lied about the content of his conversations with with the Russian ambassador.

          Furthermore, he received $33,000 from RT, a Russian government owned media outlet, which he failed to report as required.

          For your edification I linked the retired soldiers handbook which shows no general officer, active or retired, may engage in business dealings with foreign governments without congressional approval.

          Not only did General Flynn not seek congressional approval, he concealed the entire transaction and then lied about it to the FBI.

          You can try your pretzel logic, but it will not prevail.

          These charges were brought against General Flynn by prosecutors with decades of experience, a trial was held presided over by a judge with decades of experience, your MAGA bullshit does not somehow invalidate the federal jurisprudence system.

          “He was indicted because he supposedly lied about the details of the conversation“

          Dude, I understand in the conservative right wing world, lying is perfectly acceptable as long as it advances your cause.

          But when it comes to America’s national security, we don’t compromise our ethics for political expediency, liars are engaging in conduct unbecoming and will suffer the consequences when their lies involve national security matters.

          “In the agreement, Flynn pleaded guilty to one felony count of “willfully and knowingly making materially false statements and omissions to the Federal Bureau of Investigation” about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, “in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2).”[95] In the Statement of the Offense to which Flynn agreed, he said he falsely denied that on December 29, 2016, he had asked Kislyak that Russia “refrain from escalating … in response to sanctions that the United States had imposed against Russia”[96] and falsely denied that on December 22, 2016, he had “requested that Russia vote against or delay” a pending United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements.[29][97] The Statement of the Offense also noted that Flynn had filed Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) documents on March 7, 2017, with “materially false statements and omissions” regarding his work for the Republic of Turkey.“

          Again I suggest you review this document in order to learn more about responsibilities of senior intelligence officials.

        • Miner says: “Just because some elitist college professor calls a crime a ‘process crime’, that does not somehow make it invalid.”

          But I never said a process crime is invalid. This is another one of your famous straw man arguments. You have no point so you debate an imaginary argument. I said the crimes they’re holding up as “look we got the Russian colluders” are process crimes which were created by the existence of the investigation itself! If the FBI had followed their normal procedures, instead of being out to get anyone connected to Trump, then those crimes wouldn’t even exist. Look up Comey bragging about getting Flynn. He laughed about ditching protocol. If all you have from the years long Russia investigations are process and unrelated crimes, then you have nothing related to Russian collusion. Everyone with a three digit IQ understands this. Now add in our current knowledge that shows us they always knew the investigation was illegitimate from day one. It was the Obama administration, Hillary campaign, DNC, and the deep state vs their political rival. You’re happy with that. You love authoritarians as long as they’re Democrats.

          Miner says: “When questioned by the FBI, he intentionally lied about the content of his conversations with with the Russian ambassador.”

          Yes, exactly. The CONTENT of the conversation. You were saying he lied about having the conversation. It wasn’t illegal for him to speak to Kislyak. If it was, then they would have gone after him for that.

          Miner says: “He was indicted because he supposedly lied about the details of the conversation“

          Dude, I understand in the conservative right wing world, lying is perfectly acceptable as long as it advances your cause.

          Lying is wrong. That’s why no one here likes you. All you do is lie. I’ve recently stated two times that of course you should not lie to the FBI. Now it’s three. Do you understand me this time? Read slowly. The FBI was asking a question they already knew the answer to. They didn’t do that to protect America’s national security. They did that to try to get Flynn with something. You’re either being dishonest, or this is completely going over your head. Maybe Flynn lied about the content, and maybe he didn’t. People sign plea agreements when they’re innocent because they might not have the resources to fight it. Flynn has stated that he had bad legal representation. He was concerned about funding the legal fight. Flynn retracted the plea. The DOJ later said they could not prove in court that Flynn lied, so the DOJ withdrew the charge. He was never found guilty of that.

          Either way, there was ZERO traitorous activity. The FBI has the transcripts of the conversations with the Russian diplomat. If there was any sort of proof of traitorous activity, we would all know by now. The media made it sound like Flynn was a traitor just by speaking to Kislyak or showing up for a public dinner. And you fell for it! The propagandist media exists for low IQ lapdogs like you. Furthermore, if Flynn was subject to any special military-related restrictions, then they are welcome to hold him accountable for that. The entire reason we’re having this conversation is because you are desperately clinging to the legitimacy of the Russian Collusion investigation! Once again, the FBI opened their investigation into the Trump campaign FIVE MONTHS BEFORE FLYNN TALKED TO KISLYAK OR HAD THAT DINNER! You’re trying to justify that investigation where the existing administration (Obama) used the power of the state to attack and spy on his political rival based on a known made-up conspiracy seeded by heir-apparent Hillary Clinton. Then, they kept it up until they got the Mueller Special Counsel. The FBI already knew it was a hoax when Mueller came on board. The FBI even lied to the court so they could continue to spy on political rivals. It doesn’t get anymore corrupt than that! That is 100x worse than Watergate. Obama is worse than Nixon. You are here trying to defend an authoritarian government! Your only argument is well, Flynn is subject to these special military rules. Okay, then why didn’t they get Flynn for that back in 2016?? Do you know better than they do?

        • Miner, there’s something you need to consider which you seem to have overlooked. In defending the legitimacy of the Russia investigations, you have continuously pointed to Flynn as a source of treasonous behavior. After hashing this out, we’re left with a dropped process crime of supposedly lying about the content of a conversation, and some special military-related rules that you believe Flynn may be obligated to follow. What if Flynn was never in the military? Would it still be treasonous behavior? According to you, all he did wrong was commit the process crime (which was later dropped) and disregard a special military rule that required him to report certain things. How can that be treasonous behavior if a citizen could do the exact same thing without breaking any laws or regulations? You never considered that, did you? If all we’re left with is a failure of reporting to the military, then why didn’t they pursue that instead of keeping an FBI and then special counsel investigation going, when they knew from the beginning it was based on rumors (lies) seeded by the person running against Trump in the 2016 election? That was election interference, and then extremely disruptive to the new administration, with help from a Russian national no less. That was literally Russian collusion. Anyone who cheers that on fits the definition of evil. Are you okay with that?

        • “Either way, there was ZERO traitorous activity”

          Your claims are just ridiculous.

          Conducting unreported discussions with Russian government officials, and then lying about their content to the counter intelligence investigation is treason my friend.

          “That was election interference, and then extremely disruptive to the new administration, with help from a Russian national no less. That was literally Russian collusion“

          Now there’s a startling admission from you, thank you! Yes indeed, Donald Trump Junior and Jared Kushner‘s meeting at Trump Tower was indeed the very definition of Russian collusion:

          “In his June 3 email to Trump Jr., Goldstone wrote:

          Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

          The Crown prosecutor of Russia[a] met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

          This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin.[19]
          Trump Jr. responded:

          Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?[19]“

          “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump… “

          Case closed.

        • “Conducting unreported discussions with Russian government officials, and then lying about their content to the counter intelligence investigation is treason my friend.”

          Lying to the FBI is perjury. Failing to file the proper paperwork is an administrative matter. By your own words, he only had to supposedly report the activity because he was in the military at one time. If he wasn’t ever in the military, then he wouldn’t have to report it, and there would be NOTHING ELSE WRONG WITH IT. If the only difference in the conversation is whether or not you previously served in the military, then it can’t be treasonous. It’s an administrative matter of filing the proper paper work. They were welcome to go after him for that, but they didn’t. Look at yourself. This is what you’re clinging to. They didn’t need the Mueller Special Counsel because Flynn messed up an administrative filing. Let’s pretend they actually believed Flynn was a double agent. If that was true, they would have been obligated to brief the Trump campaign. This is covered in the Durham Report. You should read source documents instead of relying on the propagandists to inform you.

          “Case closed”

          LOL and again you change the subject! I see you’ve given up on Flynn. The FBI and the Mueller team had the same information you have, yet there was never any collusion. They thought they were getting dirt on Hillary, but it was a setup. The meeting was about lobbying the Trump campaign against the Magnitsky Act. It’s very interesting that the Russian meeting with them, Natalia Veselnitskaya, met with Fusion GPS (Steele dossier) directly afterwards. It’s funny how no one ever mentions that.

          According to Mueller, the derogatory information about Hillary Clinton at issue in the Trump Tower meeting could have been an illegal in-kind foreign contribution to a political campaign. The prosecutor, however, declined to charge it out of an abundance of caution and magnanimity. To be sure, Trump Tower was amateur hour. By contrast, the Clinton campaign did not merely accept a dubious Russian offer of help; it actively solicited derogatory Trump information from foreign sources, then channeled this “opposition research” into government intelligence channels — with a resulting disinformation coup for Moscow.

          Let’s pretend you’re a serious person, instead of an evil liar. You would be upset that Hillary colluded with a Russian and a Brit to seed rumors (lies) about Trump colluding with Russians! Tell me how upset you are about that.

        • Your “case closed” proof of Russian collusion amounted to so much nothing that the indictment happy “dream team” of prosecutors with unlimited resources didn’t even bother going after it! If only they knew about you! You would’ve gotten them. I’m sure of it! You should go to law school. Do you find it odd that they didn’t use the derogatory information on Hillary that they got from that Russian agent? It’s almost like that meeting was for nothing. Hmm…

        • Official DOJ summary of the Mueller report findings:

          “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

          That was over 4 years ago Miner. Give it up. It’s too bad they didn’t know you existed with your special evidence they didn’t know about.

          Fusion GPS met with that Russian lawyer both right before and after the Trump Tower meeting. She got her “derogatory information” (which was nothing noteworthy) from … wait for it … Fusion GPS! Weird, huh? 18 months into the Mueller investigation, that Russian lawyer asked why the Mueller team never(!) contacted her. Now why would they avoid talking to the “Russian government agent” (giving out Fusion GPS talking points) when she’s the central figure of the famous Trump Tower meeting? Try using your brain for a change and thinking about that one.

      • An appeal to the last boot-licking Fudds out there, I suppose.

        Nobody left or right likes the FBI or the war on drugs.

        • Wrong. Democrats overwhelmingly trust the FBI. It’s funny, considering how anti-police the Democrats have become. They want to dismantle and defund the local police, yet they want much more funding for federal law enforcement. Now why would that be? Hmm…

          2022 poll: “How much of the time do you think you can trust the FBI to do what is right?”

          Most of the time
          Democrats 53%
          Republicans 28%

          Just about always
          Democrats 17%
          Republicans 4%

          Democrats understand that federal law enforcement works for them, not the people.

      • The question is, why is the FBI doing counter narcotics? The budget for DEA in 2021 was 3.28 billion dollars. Shouldn’t the agency tasked with counter narcotics be doing the actual work? Instead of the FBI half-assing all their varied mission purposes how about we cut their funding down to their core missions, bank robbery, kidnapping, white collar crime , and actual domestic counterintelligence against foreign entities.

      • Pffft, the FBI USED to fight organized crime. Now the FBI is organized crime. They are a corrupt arm of the DNC.

      • miner, now you’re claiming to be a hard core conservative anti drug warrior?

        In spite of the damage that the ‘war on drugs’ has done to the minority community?

        Your fascism is showing.

        • Their principals allow only one principle: Use falsehood, diversion, and misrepresentation at every opportunity.

        • No, I’m pointing out that the FBI does indeed arrest and prosecute gang members, contrary to what everybody on this list is claiming.

          Personally, I think the federal laws regulating cannabis should be removed, no question about it.

    • Are you looking for a job of your choice??? Can’t find the job you want even after visiting different websites? Considering your needs, we have organized our website with all categories of jobs, visit this link now…..

      • Hey Minor Irritant, so now you’re going to push how effective the fbi is at going outside of their realm and stopping drug deals in Cleveland? Gee, wouldn’t it be more effective for the shit to not be allowed to come across the border unfettered inthe first place, by having an effective patrolled border? And maybe border patrol doing the task that they are being paid for? Lemme guess…. rayciss.

    • so fucking what. they can pass virtue signaling resolutions until the cows cone home. that isn’t gonna keep you out of cuffs if you don’t register them & get caught.

    • Are you looking for a job of your choice??? Can’t find the job you want even after visiting different websites? Considering your needs, we have organized our website with all categories of jobs, visit this link now…..

    • Schoolhouse Rock didn’t prepare us for this. “I’m just a meaningless virtue signal” wouldn’t have been as catchy I guess

    • Republican party = Fail Army

      WTF with waiting one week before deadline?
      Nothing but a showtune for us rubes.

  2. Gun Control is really popular with the democRat Party just like it was popular with Jim Crow Gun Control democRats…Sounds like a democRat Party Gun Control family tradition because it still is.

    • Bet the measure regarding bump stocks barely passes the house and dies in the senate.

  3. “That’s not nothing and would send a message to the ATF.”

    Please excuse me, I’m laughing myself silly, here.

    Ohhhhhhhh, the dreaded ‘sternly worded memo’, eh?

    That’ll teach them! 😉

  4. This site and Bearing Arms are the two gun sites I visit most. The lack of understanding of how government works on both is absolutely astonishing.

    All for show, won’t get even a committee vote in the Senate, and we’re done. Whole post was pointless.

    • “The lack of understanding of how government works on both is absolutely astonishing.”

      Re-read my comment just above, you Leftist fascist.

      That ‘resolution’ was worth zero-point-zero… 🙁

      • Fortunately for their audience, Bearing Arms only allows VIP paid members to comment. And I don’t see Liar69er paying to spread his manure there when he can spread it for free here.

        • “Bearing Arms only allows VIP paid members to comment”

          It’s just a grift, hilarious!

          You pay for the privilege of speech, and they laugh all the way to the digital bank.

          So much for the American ideal of ‘free speech’ and the ‘open exchange of ideas’, it’s all about the paid echo chamber, fascinating…

          If it’s anything like TTAG, poor folks won’t be missing much, just a bunch of ego boosting gun-bragging and same-sex insults by closeted ‘shooters’.

        • “If it’s anything like TTAG, poor folks won’t be missing much, just a bunch of ego boosting gun-bragging and same-sex insults by closeted ‘shooters’.”

          Liar69er, is that why you’re here?

          Why are you here?

        • “Why are you here?“

          As a patriotic service to my fellow citizens, I enjoy bringing the light of historical accuracy to the discussion.

          I come from a bygone era, when dissenting viewpoints were encouraged and citizens engaged in robust yet respectful dialogue.

          The golden days of yore when folks could engage in witty repartee without the need for juvenile name-calling or same-sexual innuendo insults.

        • “As a patriotic service to my fellow citizens, I enjoy bringing the light of historical accuracy to the discussion.”

          Really, Liar69er?

          Miner49er May 16, 2023 At 11:30
          “ …miner49er. Not a word of truth“

          Would you be kind enough to be specific about what I’ve posted that you believe was untrue?

          Miner49er May 19, 2023 At 14:33
          “Now list the SOLELY PROCESS CRIMES“

          Nice doublespeak, a criminal offense is a criminal offense, there is no such classification as a “process crime”, you’re just spouting bullshit.

          Man with no name May 19, 2023 At 15:35
          Even Wikipedia has a definition of “process crime” —

          In United States criminal procedure terminology, a process crime is an offense against the judicial process. These crimes include failure to appear, false statements, obstruction of justice, contempt of court and perjury. Process crimes are sometimes a basis for a “pretextual prosecution”, in which prosecutors bring process crime charges against a defendant in order to punish them for another crime for which a conviction is more difficult to obtain.

          “I come from a bygone era, when dissenting viewpoints were encouraged and citizens engaged in robust yet respectful dialogue.”

          Miner49er May 21, 2023 At 11:57
          Now hush up, you’re going to spoil all this fine entertainment!

          It’s all about the Jewish space lasers mounted on the Italian election satellites being controlled in low earth orbit by Hugo Chavez.

          Jade Helm is REAL!!!

          Pull the other finger, Liar69er.

        • Crime, process crime, after all, what’s in a name?

          A crime by any other name would still be a crime, if you violate an act of the legislature signed into law by the president, you’ve committed a crime just like any other.

          And I’m sorry you don’t enjoy my sparkling wit, to stay with the wisdom of old Bill S. here’s another great quote:

          “Many a true word hath been spoken in jest“

          Stay salty!

        • “Crime, process crime, after all, what’s in a name?”

          Liar69er, you stated:
          Nice doublespeak, a criminal offense is a criminal offense, there is no such classification as a “process crime”, you’re just spouting bullshit.

          That’s a lie. I proved it:
          “These crimes include failure to appear, false statements, obstruction of justice, contempt of court and perjury. Process crimes are sometimes a basis for a “pretextual prosecution”, in which prosecutors bring process crime charges against a defendant in order to punish them for another crime for which a conviction is more difficult to obtain.”

          You lied. Then you lied about lying. You’re a habitual liar.

        • “there is no such classification as a “process crime”

          Nope, under US Code there is no crime classified as a ‘process crime’.

          Sure, you can call it whatever you want, but under federal law there are three categories of crime; felony, misdemeanor and infractions:

          “Federal felonies are divided into five categories: A, B, C, D and E. A crime that’s a Class A federal felony is the worst, with a maximum prison term of life in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000. A Class E federal felony involves a prison term of more than one year but less than five years and a maximum fine of $5,000.

          Federal misdemeanors, on the other hand, are divided into three categories: A, B and C — with A being the worst. A Class A federal misdemeanor involves a prison term of one year or less, as long as it’s more than six months, and a maximum fine of $100,000. A Class C federal misdemeanor involves a prison term of 30 days or less, as long as it’s more than five days, and a maximum fine of $5,000.

          What is an infraction?
          An infraction is a lesser offense — also known as a “petty offense” — which might carry the punishment of a fine but not jail time. That’s because an infraction, such as a violation of an administrative regulation, isn’t considered a criminal offense that is punishable by serving a jail sentence.“


          Just like a ‘blue law’ the term ‘process crime’ is not any sort of official designation, it is just a bullshit way so-called ‘law and order’ conservatives try to avoid Justice.

          But you go right ahead, the next time you appear before a judge for failing to answer a subpoena or not producing documents as directed, tell the judge he can’t do shit because it was just a ‘process crime’ and see how far you get.

          Man, I really feel sorry for you, you just seem so oblivious to reality.

        • Liar69er, you’re still lying.

          The label “process crime” virtually defines itself, which may explain why the literature so rarely makes an effort to articulate its definition. The adjective “process” naturally refers to the
          procedures of criminal justice. Accordingly, “process crimes” comprise those criminal offenses with content addressing acts that interfere with the procedures and administration of justice.
          Thus, for example, Professor Chris Sanchirico, in his two influential articles on what he terms “detection avoidance,” refers to “process crimes like perjury or obstruction of justice.” He also equates “process crimes” to “evidence tampering,” intending to refer to a secondary form of liability that is derivative of a primary offense.

          Manufacturing Crime: Process, Pretext, and Criminal Justice

          That said, prosecutors must refrain from criminalizing behavior when a merely tenuous nexus exists between an individual’s alleged obstructive acts and the obstructed proceeding. “The exercise of federal government power to criminalize conduct and thereby to coerce and to deprive persons … of their liberty [and] reputation … must be watched carefully in a country that values the liberties of its private citizens. Never can we allow federal prosecutors to make up the law as they go along.”

          “Man, I really feel sorry for you, you just seem so oblivious to reality.”

          Tell you what — I’ll accept the scholarly works of law professors over anything said by a lying liar such as yourself. You constantly demonstrate that you have no credibility; when caught in one of your numerous lies, you double down and lie some more. Nothing further that you post on this forum can be trusted.

          I don’t pity you; rather I have contempt for anyone who twists the truth as you do. As a default position, I’ll automatically assume that you’re being untruthful any time that I see your user name at the top of anything that you post.

  5. The NAGR and GOA pushed hard but with the Fudds in the NSSF and the NRA pulling back and giving A-grades to RINOs who vote and even HELP WRITE the compromises WITH the anti-gun democrats we know this really has little chance of going anywhere.

    Thanks Larry Keane and Wayne LaPeepeehead…you are really “helping.”

  6. I continue to be impressed by the results of having fewer republicans in the House. Everyday is a new fight. That’s just the way it is.

  7. Republicans sure are tough when they don’t have real power. Remember how they did this same thing with Obama Care? Then they got some real power, and changed their minds.

  8. …if they develop spines and play their cards right, Republicans could defund enforcement of the pistol brace rule…

    …that isn’t a win for us. It would be low-hanging fruit for some future anti-2nd-A administration to grab, and the squishes in Congress aren’t going to stand up for people who are breaking the letter of the law, even if the law is BS.

  9. If Republicans cared about getting rid of gun control, their presidents would have just fired everyone at the ATF.

  10. 40 million? A guy I know went to the smith who does his builds and custom work to see if he’d make his factory SBR compliant, whatever it takes, and the builder turned him down. Dude told me he acted like he didn’t want to touch it with a 10-foot pole and usually takes on everything.

  11. The whole thing is idiotic. Obviously, braces are stocks. If the ATF meant to control SBRs, they should never have been approved.

    The real problem is that SBRs (and suppressors) shouldn’t be Title 2 weapons.

    And, of course, deprivation of property without due compensation.

  12. Pistol brace ban,,,,LOL.
    Oh my gawd a pistol with a stock on it, why, why, why, it’s almost as deadly as a rifle with a stock on it.
    I still say the reason stocks on pistols are banned is because an artillery model p08 with one looks just to damned cool and the Americans were jealous.
    — Is it okay for illegal immigrants to makensale booze without paying the U.S. gov its dues? I think it should be.

  13. After May 31st, why wouldn’t all these evil criminals with braced AR15s just switch them for stocks since they are evil criminal felons then anyway??

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