Screen capture by Boch via Twitter (MacKenzie Kelly mkelly007)


George Soros continues to get his money’s worth out of the “progressive” prosecuters he’s funded. In Austin, security video shows a man, angry over a breakup, show up at the bar where a woman he’d broken up with works. When she rejected his advances, the man pulled out a pistol and tried to shoot her. Thankfully, two heroes jumped him and thwarted his efforts to woo her with gunfire.

Police then took the would-be killer, Gavin Rush, into custody. Not long afterwards, the Soros-backed Austin district attorney Jose Garza (the Jose for DA campaign slogan has a nice ring to it) released Mr. Rush on $40,000 bail…or an out-of-pocket payment of $4,000.

The story has since gone viral, both for the heroism of the good Samaritans (one of which is now deaf in one ear) and for the “affordable bail” given to the alleged attempted murderer.

Austin, Texas prosecutor and social justice warrior Jose Garza. Image via

From the NY Post:

A crazed attorney from Austin, Texas, was caught on camera allegedly trying to shoot his ex-girlfriend at the bar she worked at on Saturday, police said.

Gavin Rush, 41, is out on bond after he allegedly stormed into the Anderson Mill Pub with a gun around 11:30 a.m. Saturday and approached his ex, who was behind the bar, according to arrest records obtained by KVUE

One of the customers who tackled Rush, who wished to remain anonymous, told KVUE that rewatching the footage of the incident makes him “just want to throw up.” 

“I don’t remember doing this, but I pushed his hand up and the gun went off,” he told KVUE. “Then we started flying backwards. I turned and grabbed him around the neck and another shot went off…”

Kudos to the heroes who saved the bartender’s life. They’ll probably never have to buy another drink at that establishment again. One of them lost hearing in his left ear as a result.

Screen capture by Boch via Twitter (MacKenzie Kelly mkelly007)

The story goes on to explain the quick release of Mr. Rush, despite a previous domestic violence case against him in 2017. That was dismissed after Rush completed an anger management program.

The anger management counseling apparently didn’t take.

Rush was charged with a second-degree felony, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon family violence. An emergency protection order was issued against him, and he was soon back on the streets after making a $40,000 bond, KVUE reported.

“For $4,000, you can get out, go home, watch Netflix after trying to murder your ex-girlfriend — are you kidding me?” one of the customers said.

Local leaders have also spoken out against how quickly and easily Rush was released from custody. 

“This particular case seems to be one where the courts have failed this victim,” Thomas Villarreal, head of the Austin Police Association, told Fox 7.

Gavin Rush
Courtesy Austin Police Department

But maybe Rush would have been safer if he’d stayed behind bars. On Monday he was found dead.

From Fox News . . .

A Texas attorney caught on video allegedly pulling out a gun and trying to shoot a former girlfriend at the bar where she worked before being tackled by two patrons was found dead Wednesday, days after being released on bail.

The Austin Police Department told Fox News Digital that officers found Gavin Rush dead around 4:25 p.m. after receiving a request to conduct a welfare check. A police spokesperson did not say how Rush died. 

“The death is not considered suspicious and investigation is still ongoing,” the department said. 

At least his ex can now sleep soundly.


  1. With few exceptions, they should declare open season on lawyers, including most prosecutors and Judges.

      • I don’t care (much) if fudd there shoots his, but leave mine the hell alone, after digging me out from under a $100,000+ hospital bill.

        As a matter of fact, that saintly legal eagle arranged for my new carry piece with his outstanding negotiating skills…

  2. The chances of finding a lasting, loving relationship with an attractive male or female bartender is slim. Sadly not having the sense it takes to know when to move on created a whole bunch of drama the good folks of Texas could have done without.

    • “The chances of finding a lasting, loving relationship with an attractive male or female bartender is slim.”
      what? cringeworthy.

  3. So why didn’t the state attorney generals office arrest him on carrying a gun in a bar. a/??? Sob is dead now so that’s more than he would have gotten thru the legal channels. May Satan have fun and torment his soul !

    • Rush was charged with a second-degree felony, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon family violence.

      …and not attempted murder.

      Something weird was going on with the charging decisions.

  4. When the article said that attacker was dead a few days after posting bail, I wondered if his intended victim had decided to proactively eliminate her attacker before he succeeded on a second attempt.

    What else should an intended murder victim do when his/her attacker posts a small bond and walks out of jail? Wait around for the attacker to try again? Go away to some remote location hundreds of miles away and hide for the few years it takes before her attacker’s criminal trial?

    I can tell you this much: going about your business–even armed–seems like a sure way to die if your stalker, who already demonstrated that he/she is determined to murder you, is out free in society.

    Unless your stalker is a complete moron, he/she will likely sneak up behind you and simply stab/bludgeon/shoot you when you cannot see it coming since he/she failed the direct assault the first time.

    • We don’t know, but I hope he took himself out rather than rot in a Texas prison cell 🙁

      Either way, he’s gone, and good riddance…

    • That was my first thought, but they said the death wasn’t suspicious. Maybe the victim had someone talk him into getting boosted.

    • Austin city police find man shot in the back of the head.
      Futher investigation revealed it was unintentional suicide.

  5. The death is not considered suspicious and investigation is still ongoing,

    “REALLY”? Let me guess, “After taking time to reflect upon recent life choices, Mr. Rush came to the conclusion that he was a worthless POS and subsequently placed two 9mm projectiles in his brain housing group through the back of his head.” “Mr. Rush will not be missed.”

    • “…and subsequently placed two 9mm projectiles in his brain housing group through the back of his head.”


      I seriously doubt even Jerry Miculuk is that fast on the second shot…

      • I seriously doubt even Jerry Miculuk is that fast on the second shot…
        Suicide with a shot to the back of the head?

        You all must have missed the veiled reference to Clintoncide aka Arkancide? Inferring that it MIGHT have been “assisted” suicide…

      • My brother in laws sister shot herself in the back of the head, or so the cops said.
        Her Xboyfriends bones are laying in the bottom of a mine shaft in Pitcher Oklahoma.
        I think the strain of her death was to much for him to bear.

    • They are. Once charged with domestic violence(a misdemeanor)your gunm rights are gone forever.
      Are you one of those that think laws keep someone from breaking the law?

      • No, once *convicted*. A hateful spouse/partner could accuse you, get you charged, while still innocent. Don’t ask me how I know.

    • Good point. Cutting off their arms makes it harder to batter their current partners, and make it easily recognizable to any potential partners what they are.

  6. If he was black his bail would’ve been set super low and he’d be back out on the street! Oh wait wrong article. My bad.

  7. I just love a happy ending. But Texans should be aware that in TX.
    1. It’s still a misdemeanor to kill a lawyer.
    2. It’s a felony to hunt them in a baited field.
    “Baited fields” for lawyers include: a. Any liquor store, and
    b. Any BMW dealership.

  8. liberatards are a threat to America. They are domestic terrorists and need to be treated as such. #fucktheleft

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