Sorry to drop the F-bomb on the Lord’s day of rest, but there it is: retired Los Angeles County sheriff’s detective and writer Richard Valdemar’s [above] assessment of Mexican drug thugs’ opinion of U.S. law enforcement efforts. The legal Arizona immigrant says the drug cartels are tooled-up with military-grade weaponry, and they’re not afraid to use it. “This militarization—and the apparent end to the taboo against killing American law enforcement—requires a strong response to stop incursions at our border,” Valedmar told “Instead, he says, we erect signs warning citizens about traveling on heavily trafficked federal lands, or we close lands to the public because of the danger . . .

To the cartels, that’s weakness,” Valdemar says. “They already think we’re decadent, soft and unmanly. Then to cede parts of our own country only encourages them to be more violent. They think we’re fucking punks.

Clearly, the Obama administration has continued the Bush administration’s weakness on border security.

In fact, Obama’s minions have supplied the cartels with weaponry (via the ATF’s abortive Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious). And they’ve singularly, spectacularly failed to up their game (i.e. change tactics) to reflect the rising tide of violence spilling over into the U.S.

The recent murder of Border Patrol Agent Terry is a perfect case in point. We now know for a fact that Terry’s team fired non-lethal beanbag rounds at a gang of rifle-wielding drug thugs. The question about the rules of engagement are ongoing, but check this from

[Ron] Colburn is one of the founders of the 27-year-old BORTAC unit [Border Patrol Tactical Unit] and one of its first agents. He also served as a BORTAC team leader on numerous tactical missions, including some in the rugged Peck Canyon smuggling corridor . . .

Colburn says BORTAC agents typically fire nonlethal devices, simultaneous to shouting for their targets to drop their weapons. This could be beanbags or flash bangs, which explode and emit a disorienting bright light, allowing agents to move in and make arrests.

Colburn says that the challenge phase occasionally doesn’t work, and the bad guys open fire. In this case, terrible luck intervened, and a bullet found Terry, making him the first BORTAC agent killed in the line of duty.

“You either try to gain surprise and intimidate your suspects with less-lethal devises first, or you use no force at all,” says Colburn. “Those are your choices.”

WTF? Time for a major rethink on U.S. border security, from legalizing drugs to a massive show of military force on our border to the rules of engagement when confronting the bad guys in the field. Of course that would require leadership on the issue, of which the President of the United States has proven himself incapable.


  1. We-ell, it seems that the Mexy drugthugs aren’t as stoopid as we thought. They certainly got our number. While our border cops are firing beanbags against an invasion force, these latter-day Pacho Villas are toting automatic weapons. What’s next? Maybe POTUS will hire the Kinghts Who Say Ni to keep our borders secure. Here’s my suggestion: place a billboard-sized nude picture of Janet Napolitano at every possible border crossing with a warning that all Yanqui women look like that. If that doesn’t keep the Sinaloas out of America, nothing will.

  2. People who live in big cities think we should never harm anyone. People who tend to grow up in the country and on farms know that violence is a part of life. Spanking teaches kids a lesson, killing wolves teach other predators to stay away. Same for these scumbags.

    • Spanking teaches kids a lesson,

      Yep, the lessons are that you can never trust authority figures and you should always be able to defend yourself.

      • You know, I gave up Liberals for Lent. But I’m gonna have to make an exception for you asinine comment, there. I’ve had to spank my daughter, um…I think twice in her life. Twice. Neither time, was she abused. Neither time did it so much as raise more than a brief red mark on her little fanny, that faded before bedtime. In short, she wasn’t hurt. Period. It was the IDEA of spanking of which she was afraid. It became a huge deterrent in her life. I have but to raise my eyebrow, and she realizes it’s time to stop doing whatever she’s doing and toe the line. I don’t think I’ve had to raise my voice to her more than once or twice, either. Now it’s not JUST because of spankings. It’s because I’m CONSISTENT, with both rules and punishments. When I set limits, I also set expectations for rewards and punishments. Then I’m VERY consistent with the outcomes.

        That is the antithesis of our border policy. There is no consistency. There is no punishment for breaking the law. And there is no expectation of any real action we’d take when they get caught.

        If you think spanking doesn’t work, you either don’t have kids, or you suck as a parent.

        And if we’d just shoot the drug smugglers and reward our agents instead of prosecuting them, we’d reduce the incursions and violence to zero in short order.

    • I lived in Washington, DC, I voted for Obama, and if the border patrol were to institute a “shoot-to-kill” policy instead of this infuriatingly pointless catch-and-release, I would quit my job right now and join the border patrol, in the full knowledge that it might cost me my life. Wolves and illegal immigrants are just too different to use for comparison though . . . but let’s not develop that tangent.

  3. More force from us will be met with more force from drug cartels. Where will it end? Small yield nuclear devices? Think the “bad guys” can’t buy those?

    Let’s just put everyone who uses drugs in jail. That’s been working well so far. Wait, what?

    Time to start thinking the unthinkable folks. If someone wants to use drugs, let them decide whether it’s a good idea or not. Not mommy government.

    • Illegal drug smuggling is not the only reason USA needs control of its borders– far from it.

  4. End the war on drugs? But that would solve most of the problems overnight. That’s too much drug money to loose out on .

  5. It’s ok to swear when your dealing with morons. I’m always tempted to swear when the trolls piss me off, but I try my best not to let these fools get to me.

  6. “You either try to gain surprise and intimidate your suspects with less-lethal devises first, or you use no force at all,” says Colburn. “Those are your choices.”

    Worst policy ever when dealing with heavily armed thugs.

  7. The so-called “War on Drugs” created more multimillionaires than the Internet ever did, or could. If drugs were legalized tomorrow, street crime would drop by 75% and the Mexican drugthugs would be picking produce for a living. Oh, and President Calderon would be broke.

  8. It funny that people who keep saying border safer than ever all seem keep come from one place Washington DC wich miles way neariest Mexican border crossing. Here coulp President Obama who refuse go to border see what happing there in state happening . Than there Janet Napolitano who be know as Pinko ever time she speak about Mexican border swear you can watch her nose growning like Pinko ever call in for goverment hearing on subject.

  9. They have no problem with Border Patrol agents in the body count, let’s make it 10 cartel perps for every agent dead… If that doesn’t work, 20 per agent..

  10. I’ve previously posted elsewhere that, IMHO, the US Army should set up an exclusionary zone at the entire US-Mexico border. Any unarmed Mexican citizen caught crossing gets put on a bus to the nearest city to their crossing point within 12 hours. Any armed person or non-Mexican citizen is committing espionage, and gets summarily executed.

    It seems that the current Geneva Conventions do not allow the summary execution of spies any more. Nonetheless, espionage is a death penalty case, and a military tribunal could make the trial occur very quickly.

    I believe in very lax standards for legal immigration. I also believe in ending all welfare and birthright citizenship if both parents are here illegally. If a company employs illegal workers, every person from the direct supervisor to the CEO and board of directors gets at least 6 months in jail. Make the non-work incentives to hire illegals go away, and give free bus tickets back to Mexico, and the pressure on the border would end post haste.

  11. Valdermar is kookoo…..

    Valdemar claims the following cities as having been infiltrated by the Mexican drug cartels: Lynwood, Bell Gardens, Hawaiian Gardens, South Gate, Huntington Park., Vernon, Cudahy.
    Drug cartels set up phony businesses to launder drug money, usually used car lots, used tire shops that serve as a “front” for their operations.
    Valdemar says it all starts when a small business, like a restaurant, is purchased by someone with drug money from Mexico, who sets up shop and starts inviting the city fathers to come for complimentary or discounted meals.
    Then invitations are extended to local police and other government officials, until the business operator is well established, with powerful friends.
    Drug money is used to send out smear campaign literature to destroy reputations of incumbent city council members and to finance the campaigns of challengers whose goal is to get a majority voting block on the city council.
    Once the drug cartel controls the city council, they fire the city attorney, city manager and start giving out contracts, like the trash collection contract, to their cronies.

    WTF???? This guy is a delusional…no wonder he moved to Bullhead City!

  12. umm i hate to be a troll but according to a Google search bullhead city is very very north Arizona in fact its practically Nevada.

  13. I’ve been reading Valdemar for a several years. Love his stuff, even though I’m not associated with LE. And he’s right on.

  14. I am an environmentalist, former DC resident, I voted for Obama, hunting disgusts me, and I agree enthusiastically with this article.

    My time in Central America taught me that the rule of law is not respected there, and is the source of that region’s weakness. No wonder USA-based latinos seem universally to be apologists for their illegal trespassing . . . it is their cultural background.

    The urge to rant is great, but i’ll just say this:

    If we can’t secure our border against millions of chubby latino trespassers, how hard will it be for a few Iranians to slip across with a suitcase bomb? If China had this problem, they would take care of business– and I wouldn’t blame them. Wars are fought and won for a reason– to cordon off resources for the victor.

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