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This video rant gets off to a bit of a slow start but ReverendBurn soon lives up to his name, burning with rage at “everybody with an opinion” about the George Zimmerman verdict. Needless to say, ReverendBurn doesn’t “do” irony. Personally, I love the bit where he asks “Why do you care about anything?” That is, of course, the logical extension of his philosophical enquiry into this tragic homicide. God bless the First Amendment. And the Second, obviously.

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  1. Check this out, from Time Magazine, no less. In this short article the author role-plays with the races switched.

    All will agree that this is a reasonable reconstruction of what likely happened that night in Sanford, Floridaā€”except with the races changed. So: how many people would think [the black shooter] should spend his life in jail for murder ā€“ even though he started it?

    • Objection! Zimmerman didn’t “start” anything. Leaving the vehicle is legal and it’s non-threatening. He was under no legal or moral obligation to listen to the non-emergency dispatcher. But, he did, and started to return to his vehicle. Martin was the one that initiated the second encounter. Martin went from a conversation to simple assault to assault and battery.

      • Agreed, but the race switch is still an interesting angle. I don’t know how Time let that article get published.

        • It’s mental masturbation – if the races were reversed, but everything else was exactly the same, there never would have been a trial. The PD and local DA would have done the investigation, ruled a good shoot, and no Hispanic groups would have taken to the streets screaming “COVER UP!! The cops is RACIST!!!!”

          But since the “victim” was black, well, you know the rest…

        • Hearsay? Overruled…. It’s already part of the record as evidence. There’s no evidence to support an assault or attack, initiated by Zimmerman. There is however, evidence of an assault on Zimmerman, but none on the decedent. What does that simple evidence give you as a conclusion? Don’t make anything up, don’t guess, just connect the dots. It’s simple….

      • How do you know who started it? All the witnesses started watching at the end of the fight. Perhaps we missed you on the witness stand with your knowledge.
        For all anyone knows Zimmerman pushed or punched Martin first, and Martin was in the process of cleaning his clock.

        • And if Zimmerman was, at that point, screaming and trying to get away, and Martin was preventing him from doing so, and Zimmerman was in fear of death or great bodily harm, you are still left with justifiable use of force.

        • Right, because everyone is calm and rational in a fight. Best solution is always avoid a fight if possible. We know Zimmerman didn’t, and probably Martin didn’t either.

        • Simple, no receiving wounds on the decedent, other than the bullet hole. The defendant, on the contrary, head wounds, broken nose, etc. Based on the simple evidence, you can’t draw anything else. Anything else is fabricated and make believe, or that is to say, theory. The evidence points to a very simple, specific story. That, combined with his statement and the statements of ear/eyewitnesses, corroborate that simple conclusion.

        • Bruce, don’t be a dork. All logic and evidence points to a 17 year old angry hot head who is enraged that a ‘creepy cracker’ watchman is following him, so he coldcocks the out of shape dude who is trying to get away. Zimmy knew the cops were on their way so it would have been insane to throw a punch at the more fit Skittle popper.
          Wise up.

        • Bruce you are not allowed to guess, your imagination has no place in a court! Your opinion must be supported by evidence.

  2. Zimmerman wasn’t a Mexican and Trayvon didn’t get shot in the face, otherwise I guess he makes valid points…

    Someone needs to fill him in on the fact that liberals hate white people though. They hate us so much that they were willing to call George Zimmerman a “White Hispanic” (which I think would be a more accurate term for a Spanish Conquistador than the very ethnic Senor Zimmerman).

    White people have done some crazy stuff over the years, but the idea that contemporary people are to blame for the sins of people who may or may not have been their ancestors is ridiculous. Yet that is the kind of thinking that opportunistic, amoral liberals feed to desperate and impoverished black people. It works too, so many black and liberal people just wanted to ignore the fact that it is not unheard of for a 17 year old jock to get himself killed trying to be macho.

    It is sad and I think everyone should feel sorry for Trayvon, I think even Zimmerman does. The thing is you can’t assault a man for asking you what you’re up to and nobody anywhere has shown anything that indicates George Zimmerman was a racist who profiled Trayvon. They were running on pure innuendo and assumption like it was their gospel. I still fear that we are on the precipice of mob rule.

    • A conquistador, if I’m not mistaken, is considered a Spaniard, as is anyone from Spain.

      An “Hispanic” denotes the mixed races that resulted from the intermarriage of the Spaniards and the Indian tribes they intermarried with.

      If anyone wants to correct that, I will entertain the information.

  3. I’m not spending 5 minutes of my life watching some random YouTube video of a fat guy sitting on a couch unless someone else gives me a good reason why I should. And “he’s angry” doesn’t count as a reason.

  4. Thank you for that, ReverendBuns – Hamburger buns, honey buns, hot cross buns, morning buns, cinnamon rolls, donuts.. Mmmm donuts.

  5. It matters to me because I could be George Zimmerman, he didn’t do anything much different than I would have done it.

    • +1. That is the only reason I became interested in this case is because one day it could be me. Anyone who carries should have followed this case for that very reason.

      • I carried at work and almost everywhere else throughout my working years. Each time I had occasion to need a gun just having it was enough to secure the situation, but you can’t always count on luck. I wore out a lot of holsters in that 50 years. My ex wife and my daughter were saved by the little snubby that was my daughters high school graduation present and I insisted that she carry in her car. She really would have preferred my Super Blackhawk, LOL

  6. He looks like he could eat Zimmerman and have Trayvon for desert. Again, if Obama is black how the hell is Zimmerman white? Obama is not a white African American guy. They do exist and are from South Africa. They called him black from the start. Also, Trayvon is not a kid. He was 17. Many courts have convicted 17 year olds as an adult. He could of easily walked away. But, he had to prove he was a thug and get some street cred. This should go as a warning to all those who want street cred…don’t try it in a state where one can carry concealed.

    • Exactly, that’s what Trayvon Martin was doing outside that night, searching for that ever-elusive street cred! He went out in his dark colored gang-banger hoodie with his 9mm can of whatever it was and his high-capacity bag of skittles looking to puff out his chest and jump some unsuspecting passerby. Little did he know that when he picked up that piece of concrete and started launching it at the soft spot on George Zimmerman’s skull, that GZ would not be a victim of his thuggery!

      • You’re a little mixed up with that sarcasm bud. With guys like Trayvon, it all starts when you confront them. Before that he could be cool as a cucumber. They are testosterone driven and don’t back down, they escalate back at you for daring to question them over anything.

        It is not a “black” thing so much as it is a teenage wannabe thing, but there is no shortage of it among young black men. You also can see it among middle aged men at the beach when they’re drunk and bikers, among others. It gets a lot of guys killed and maimed.

        We’ve all seen the materials by now, stuff that the government tried to suppress, that shows what Trayvon’s internal dialogue sounded like. You’re only fooling yourself by pretending he didn’t wanna be hard. He had his grill to wear over his teeth, pics of that busted ass S&W Sigma for regulatin’, talk of splitting up weed and so on… he was a teenage wannabe and when Zimmerman approached him, whatever he said, something clicked and Trayvon went berserk.

        Liberals seem to think Trayvon had a right to beat George Zimmerman? Where exactly is my right to beat a man into the pavement for bugging me enumerated? Is there a special version of the bill of rights for young Black men? Can I use it too if I get a tan? Darker than Zimmerman’s, obviously…

        • Iā€™m so glad that both you and George Zimmerman had Trayvon Martin all figured out. Itā€™s nice when we can cast large nets over people. Thatā€™s always worked out so well.

        • Is casting a large net over people better or worse than casting a net over large people?

        • Matt in FL, it depends…

          It starts to get really complicated. Take the guy in the video, 1 large net.. 2 medium sized nets.. 3 small nets?
          What kind of manpower are we really talking about here. I’m just mad that I watched the whole video. 5 minutes I can never have back…

      • Grande, we see it every day, in the ‘”hood” if someone “disses” you it is reason to attack them physically. THIS IS NOT the way things are done in civilized societies.

        • Swampsniper, who is this “we” you speak of? Do YOU live in the “hood”? Nobody uses the term “diss” anymore BTW, what is this.. 1987? Seriously guys?

        • Lol! -1 Street cred. Here Charlie, let me help you out a littleā€¦

          Why you dissing on my homie, Grande?

    • Truth be told, the Prez is half-white. Why can’t people deal with that? A friend of mine, now dead, was in prison for weed, and he bought into the “one drop” (of black blood makes a black man.)

      I said, “Henry, I never heard such a load of crap in my life.”

      Rest his soul.

  7. What I think is scary is all of the idiots screaming to remove the stand your ground laws in all states.

    • Self defense and SYG were on trial with George Zimmerman, in spite of what Corey claims.

  8. Ask these same people if OJ was “not guilty”

    The msm has not asked that question of those that wanted GZ convicted.
    I would assume that would shut them up.
    Or not.

    • OJ did it, but the case against him was tainted by evidence-tampering by the LAPD.

      Our justice system believes it’s better ten guilty men go free, than one guilty man be convicted.

      If you don’t buy into that, find another one you like better.

  9. No better way to start the day than to watch a fat retard preach apathy and exemplify how white privilege makes it difficult to understand that an extensive history of abuse, subjection, slavery, discrimination and bigotry can make people a little bit touchy and and rightfully concerned about justice.

    I also love the glaring and obvious contradiction of being told not to have an opinion…in a video detailing a fat retards opinions.

  10. The Zimmerman family is an all American blend of African, Caucasian and Native American genes. George’s brother is gay. George probably even voted for Obama. What the Hell else do the liberals want, was George expected to blow a whistle, pee his pants and die in the grass too?

    • George’s brother is also very smart and well-spoken; that’s what I saw first. Later, I thought he may be gay, but what’s it to me?

      • The Zimmerman family seems to be a very normal and decent bunch of people. The men stay with their families and actually help raise them. I would love to meet Uncle Jorge, wow, a Command Sgt. Major. If you know the army you know what that takes, integrity and balls! The lapel pin Uncle Jorge wears indicates a Legion of Merit Award.

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