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Sisk Rifle, c Nick Leghorn

It’s Saturday. Dan is scouting Austin (future TTAG command central). RF is exploring something called Real Life. To tide you over until I can write up some of the stuff I have on hand I present you a picture of a gun we’ll be reviewing this week. Built on a Surgeon action and using a unique milled aluminum chassis that is fully adjustable, Charlie Sisk’s rifle is a thing of beauty. And Charlie himself is that kind of awesome old man who runs around south Texas in his Cessna 182A (and lets writers take the wheel!) and has an elevated shooting tower in his backyard. Just because. Stay tuned.

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  1. Nice. Is that the aftermarket stock y’all reviewed from SHOT show? I like it but it dosnt look very erogonamic in terms of the (pistol?) grip. Id like to try it out though.

    • Remember if you have to ask you can’t afford it… So don’t ask just withdrawl all your 401 and all your savings and hand it over at least you’l have to coolest rifle on the range line 🙂

  2. Thank you for this post! Charlie Sisk is a legend, and it is heartening to see a post about a traditional bolt action hunting / precision rifle. The other fine boltgun that I remember reading about on your blog is the superb Gunwerks long range rifle. This is not to argue with your focus on Modern Sporting Rifles at all – they are the guns most under attack both from ogres like Bloomberg and Feinstein, and jackwagons like Cuomo and Biden, not to forget a coalition of political goons who would rather that no one other than their lackeys own guns. But, there is a great American tradition in building exquisite sporting arms – rifles, shotguns, custom handguns, fine muzzleloaders and much more. I can assure you that even the most fanatical Modern Sporting Rifle buffs would not look askance at posts about fine guns, if you wrote about them. I can’t believe that you are unaware of their existence. And, if, indeed, you are, I would be happy to send you regular information as well as introduce you to many fine artists who happen to be my good friends, both in the USA and overseas. Good shooting, gentlemen!

      • I’ve corresponded with Joseph Szecsei who invented the double bolt since the 1990s. It is an amazing design and I understand that a new catalog with some new variations on prototypes that were not previously featured in the Fuchs line will be offered now. You won;t find a nicer person than mr Szecsei to talk to – his website is:

        He has also built a bolt action drilling in 500 J x 500 J x 223 Rem for his personal use, but that is not offered through the Fuchs shop. 😉

        • Meh, it’s a cute marketing gimmick for the ignorant of history, nothing more.

          “6 shots in 20 seconds” is a touted on his website like it’s somehow an achievement. Maybe with a break-action shotgun…

          Many WWI riflemen achieved over 30 rounds per minute (or 10 rounds in 20 seconds) all hitting a 12″ target at 300 yards with a .303 Enfield.

          It was called a “mad minute”. Look it up and learn something.

  3. I used to live in Austin before I moved back east, and I am in Austin now for SXSW. Between TTAG moving in and the mild spring weather I wonder why I left.

  4. Good thing he’s been lucky, ‘cuz he certainly ain’t smart…

    This is the guy who has had test barrels consistently break off and then doesn’t immediately run to the metallurgist and forensic lab. Let alone start running FEA and CFD programs. Instead he starts doing a rain dance and dowsing for answers. Perhaps he can put it to a random vote on his Twitter feed…

    I’m not saying that he doesn’t make a functional firearm, but since he has demonstrated that he doesn’t even understand the basic science of the materials he works with, it’s pure luck. Obviously, so is buying one of his guns.

    Sanctioning incompetence does not make the world better. Rather, it has gotten us to where we are.

    Oh yeah, a Cessna 182A? My grandfather flew one of those as a middle-aged man. And I’m pushing 50. Talk about primitive stone-age throwbacks….

    • I had attempted to post an explanation of why those barrels were breaking off on him, and TTAG’s comment system ate it. It was on the long side, with an attempt to simplify the physics that are happening in the barrel to the readership of TTAG. I didn’t keep a copy, so I’m not going to re-enter it.

      Long story made very short:

      He should try –

      1. Going to a heavier bullet.
      2. Going to faster powder.
      3. Shortening the barrel or changing the resonance of the barrel.

      BTW, a FEA or CFD analysis won’t show the whole story where nitrocellulose propellants are involved. They’re useful, but they won’t show why the secondary pressure spike happens. They might show what happens when that secondary pressure impulse rides forward in the barrel and smacks the bullet in the rear as it’s travelling down the bore… but we already know the result of that: the barrel steel fails.

      • You’re right, FEA and CFD alone won’t definatively answer the questions, but combined with a competent metallurgical failure analysis, they’d tell the tale.

        As I’ve said (indirectly) about a million times, it’s not important that you yourself can figure out the answer. What is important is that you are smart enough to assemble a team that can.

  5. Looks like a fairly basic custom long-range bolt, of course the suppressor if it’s real limits accuracy and distance. I shoot a Sako .338 so nothing in bolt actions really impress me anymore.

    • Exactly. .338 Lapua is an excellent round and was accurate to a mile in a Sako over a decade ago.

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