Chicago Shooting crime scene

A shooting attack on two Chicago police officers last month marked the 19th time already this year that a suspect turned loose on pretrial release attempted to kill or killed someone while awaiting their court date, according to a report at

Derrien Johnson was on pretrial release for two felony gun cases when he fired several shots at a passing police car on June 3. After reviewing surveillance footage, police recognized Johnson and arrested him. He has been charged with two counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm toward an occupied vehicle and manufacture-delivery of marijuana.

Liberal Chicago prosecutors have been turning dangerous criminals loose instead of holding them until their trial date for several years. And in September of last year, Illinois eliminated cash bail entirely, resulting in dangerous criminals like Johnson being turned back onto the streets. has been reporting on the trend since back in 2019 when Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans publicly stated concerning the city’s catch-and-release initiative, “We haven’t  had any horrible incidents occur.” Following that statement, the news site has kept track of killings and attempted killings by suspects while on pretrial release.

What the media outlet has found should be concerning to all Chicago residents—even police and prosecutors. Here are just a few of the incidents reported over the past five years.

In May 2019, Kyrell Pittmon shot Mutasam Sulieman in the back of the head in a contract hit that was arranged through recorded jailhouse phone calls by one of the men Sulieman was prepared to testify against. At the time, Pittmon was on electronic monitoring for a gun case, and he was one of at least 13 people charged with first-degree murder in 2019 while on bail for a felony.

Just before Christmas 2020, James Armstrong shot three women, killing one. Armstrong was the 55th person accused of killing or shooting—or trying to kill or shoot—someone in Chicago while awaiting trial for a felony in 2020. The crimes involved at least 70 victims, 36 of whom died.

According to further records, in 2021 at least 73 criminals out on bail were accused of killing or trying to kill someone in Chicago. In 2022, the number topped 79, and in 2023 the total was more than 36.

As the news site points out, the actual numbers are much higher. According to city data, since 2017 Cook County prosecutors have approved charges in less than 5% of non-fatal shooting and 33% of murders.

While these murders and attempted murders might not seem like “horrible incidents” to Judge Evans and city prosecutors, it’s unlikely those living in Chicago’s besieged neighborhoods see it that way. I’m sure the families of the at least 119 citizens murdered since 2019 by those flaunting the city’s catch-and-release justice system since don’t see it that way either.


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  2. These poor justice impacted persons were just killing people for school books.
    Further punitive measures will only serve to “keep them down” as the saying goes.

    • I can’t wait to see what happens to Chicago, mostly in terms of how the city talks about it, when we hit that CRE “wall” at the end of the year and over $1 trillion (nationwide) in CRE loans have to be refinanced.

      Places like Chicago will be very high on the list to not be given refinancing options and shit like this is a large part of why.

      • Demtard convention 2024 coming up. Look up 1968 1968 democratic national convention. Close the gates and LET IT BURN!

        • I’m aware of what happened in ’68.

          I’m also aware that knowledge of this is a big part of why there’s such a 3-way fight over Biden staying or going at this point.

  3. just being in Chicago nearly gets, or will get, a lot of people killed. Chicago did not earn the title ‘Murder Capital USA’ because its an environment of kindness and love and cute cuddly puppies.

  4. I waiting for the Dims convention. It’s going to be entertaining and they’ll get to experience the epitome of the society they want for us.

  5. News flash “Chicago Mayor Blames Spike In Violence On 9th Century Chinese Monks Who Invented Gunpowder” (Babylon Bee).

  6. Gang in gang violence. This ain’t cowboys and Indians here. No good guys in white hats or noble chieftains.

  7. The only way the issues in Chiraq will ever be solved is with elimination of 55 people. Understanding which 55 is the important part.

  8. If you thought things couldn’t get worse than they were under the previous mayor, you’d be wrong.

    Things can, pretty much, always get worse. Even in a place like Zimbabwe or Venezuela.

      • Even worse if you happened to be there from time to time. And yet worse than that if you were stuck there.

        Ask me how I know.

        • Family, work, or other? Had a few classmates from Rhodesia and South Africa who ended up over here after some brutal farmhouse incidents. Was always funny when they would tease the more diverse sociology teachers about being less African than they were.

          • Mix of the first two.

            I’ve spent a decent amount of time in most of the countries in Southern Africa. More in Central America but that’s a different kettle of fish.

            Anyone who was actually born in Rhodesia has what amounts to one of the best senses of humor in the Anglosphere IMHO, though they have a bit of a crazy streak.

            The guys doing anti-poaching operations in recent years are similar except that they’re completely out of their tree.

            • I worked with a white Dutch south Africaner in the early 1990s.

              Things there weren’t that bad back then. Until the ANC took over. Recently, it’s degraded so much the electric utilities no longer string wire outside the cities, it just gets stolen. Whites have basically moved into compounds where they can watch each other’s backs….

  9. Not all that long ago I frequented an auction on far north Clark St(Direct Auction 7220 N. Clark). Made hundreds of thousands buying & selling. That neighborhood used to be relatively “safe”. Not now. So did the Gold Coast & NW near Harlem. The whole dang city is a shooting gallery. I can’t imagine moving to Chiraq (or going to)unless I owned an armored truck & a controlled a small army. If you’ve never been to Chiraq now is too late!😧

    • I wouldn’t exactly call Rogers Park “Far North.” I used to use Runge’s Auto for mechanical work rigjt.around the corner from there when I was too busy to work on my own vehicles back when I lived in Chicago.

      • As far as the city is concerned, that’s far north. As you know a couple of blocks north is Howard Street & north of that you’re in Evanston.

  10. I wait with happy anticipation for the sokialist-democrat’s convention beginning on August 19th. I’m sure Chiraq will out do itself with all those well meaning visitors in town.

    • It’s going to make the ’68 Chicago convention look like the Macy’s parade for those old enough to remember.

      • Oh I remember. I was 14. The happy folk & Hamas lovers are havin’ a party next month😀🙄

    • “I’m sure Chiraq will out do itself with all those well meaning visitors in town.”

      There won’t be any problems, look how they handled Philadelphia in 2016, heavy steel fencing surrounding the convention center and hotels, busses running between them, there will be *heavy* armed security and no mixing of the locals and conventioneers in town…

  11. This is the logical result when you support the release of criminals. Because you complain the USA has too many people locked up, in its jails and prisons.

    So why are the so-called “logical thinkers” who support a catch and release policy, so surprised???

    I don’t think they are surprised at all. I believe there are libertarians liberals and leftists, who support criminals. Because they hate the justice system more than those civil rights violators.

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