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Exeter RI Council Members Face Recall for Concealed Permit Vote

Robert Farago - comments No comments

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Your humble correspondent was there on the fateful night when the Exeter Town Council shirked its responsibility to issue concealed carry permits to residents and punted the job to the RI Attorney General. This they did in front of dozens of townies and an equal amount of concerned NRA members. All of whom were pissed off because RI cities and towns are “shall issue” for the CCW permitting process, whereas the Attorney General’s office operates on a “may issue” basis—despite the RI Constitution’s crystal clarity on gun rights (“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”) The council’s excuse: they didn’t have the resources for the job. In other words, they wanted residents to jump through lots of hoops for their permit and didn’t want to be responsible for the hoopla. The AP reports that Exeterians are fighting back Colorado-style . . .

Election officials in Exeter have begun verifying hundreds of signatures gathered in an effort to recall four town councilors over their proposal to tweak the town’s policy for issuing concealed weapons permits.

Four of five council members supported a proposal that switches the responsibility for issuing the permits from the town clerk to the state attorney general’s office . . .

More than 600 people signed the petitions – 100 more than necessary to prompt a recall election.

The town’s Board of Canvassers began verifying signatures Tuesday.

The recall election would be held this fall.

And heads will roll. Democracy is, occasionally, a very fine thing indeed.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Exeter RI Council Members Face Recall for Concealed Permit Vote”

  1. Patrick – I’m not really sure I’m understanding your second question. In fact, after reading your post a few more times, I couldn’t swear there was another question in there, but I’m going to take a swing at it anyway.

    No, I’m not saying I have the answer. In fact, after a lifetime of studying history, mythology, comparative religion, anthropology, etc., etc., etc., the one thing I’m sure of is that NOBODY has the one, only, pure and true secret of the ages. Certainly not me.

    If someone else thinks they do know the “truth”, that’s dandy. I don’t care. The problem is, too many people who think they’ve found the “truth” become convinced that it is their DUTY to inform everyone else about it. Then, if folks ignore them, all too often the “enlightened ones” decide that they have to “educate” the infidels for their own good, even if they need to torture the “truth” into them.

    If you want to believe that piece of toast is God, fine, I don’t care.
    If you expect seventy-two virgins when you die, I wish you luck, but I don’t care.
    If you think everything is the fault of the Jews, well I’d strongly disagree, but if you kept your madness to yourself, I wouldn’t care.

    Try and understand this – I don’t know the truth – I don’t think you or anyone else does either, but I don’t care if you disagree.

    As soon as you start talking about jihad, crusade, “final solutions”, and all the other forms of murderous “salesmanship” that “idealists” are prone to – I CARE.

  2. I could get one and put it in the drawer next to my Jennings J-22. Of course, that only cost $85.

    Or maybe I’ll just use my new LCR.

  3. Kapo bloomberg and his money will continue to show up,even in gun friendly states, because he knows this is a national issue and not just a local one.

  4. The “SHALL ISSUE” part in RI really means may or might issue if the town or city decides to accept your application. I’m lucky enough to live in a city where our chief respects the 2nd A, and gives everyone a fair chance to obtain a permit. The majority of cities and towns won’t accept any application and you need to hire a lawyer to even be considered for a permit. I found the AG’s office to be very fair and prompt in considering my application and others that I’ve spoken with. RI is by far the most difficult state in New England to obtain a permit, and it’s in the top ten in the country for difficulty in being granted a permit. Our tiny state has about 1 million people and almost 4000 carry permits. I know about a dozen people who carry and the rest won’t apply because they fear being rejected.

  5. … a high speed camera, a watermelon and a dead pig, …

    SHOOT!! A feller could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.

  6. I think its a bad idea to disarm the public or LEOs. I’m not a fan of Gun Free Zones. The last thing we need is for some psycho A-hole (and psycho A-holes are attracted to GFZ’s) to attack a football stadium. The NFL has already gone anti-gun, I bet some of them are just waiting for an incident so they can gloat about how progressive they are for their anti-gun sentiments. i don’t consider the creation of any new class of GFZ to be a good thing.

  7. A bit over an hour north of Austin Keep an 870 by the bed. I raise a few hogs out back, but they’re too valuable to be shooting – you seen the price of bacon in the stores?

  8. I feel just as insulted by the fact that they wouldn’t allow military to carry either. After all well trained is well trained. The only way to change this is to stop voting in these people. Or recall them.

  9. Where are the “pro-gun” libturds pimping their lies about all the “pro-gun” Libiots in America?!!! Come on you leftwing tools, I’ve seen you losers attempt to tell us all that the left is pro-gun & how we need them to keep our gun rights, BWAHAHAHA!!!!!! Never, never, never, ever trust a Democrat to protect your 2A rights.

  10. If I spent three years in prison on such a bum rap, I would pull a terminator when I got out. There would be a lot of dead pigs. Simple as that.


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