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Rumor: Leaked Pictures of Ruger’s Forthcoming “American Pistol”

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Ruger is on a roll these days, releasing a new generation of rifles and handguns to meet the demanding demands of modern gun owners. A few years ago Ruger started their roll-out with the American Rifle, a great entry-level hunting gun. Then they moved to the Precision Rifle, this year’s TTAG Reader’s Choice award for Best Rifle of 2015. Now it looks like they’re expanding into the handgun market with a new set of striker fired guns . . .


The pictures were posted by a gun store. They were not accompanied by any announcement from Ruger – indicating that this may have been an unintended leak ahead of their SHOT Show 2016 release. Pricing is rumored to be around $575 which would put these striker fired double stack 9mm (and 45ACP) handguns in direct competition with the GLOCK 19, S&W M&P and the Springfield xD. Model numbers are rumored to be as follows:

  • RUG 8615 (UPC 736676086153)
  • RUG 8607 (UPC 736676086078)
  • RUG 8605 (UPC 736676086054)

I’m betting Ruger will accelerate their official announcement timeline a bit in response to the leak, issuing the press release sooner rather than later. Stay tuned.

0 thoughts on “Rumor: Leaked Pictures of Ruger’s Forthcoming “American Pistol””

  1. $575? WHY?
    The American Rifle is value priced and delivers ~MOA (depending on ammo).
    I’d expect the American Pistol to continue that value pricing tradition….

    • I’d guess that is retail and the real pricing would be around $500. If it’s over $500 I don’t see it doing very well unless it turns out to be fantastic. I see it as a potential FNH/ XDM competitor. Glock guys will be happy with paying more for pretty much the same design for many years to come.

      • SD9VE: $349.00

        Apex trigger and Spring Kit: $55 (shipped, on sale so let’s say $70 in retail or shipped from Apex)

        Total: $410

        Now, what’s the trigger pull going to be like if the SR9 series trigger breaks at ~6.75lbs and the gun retails for $420?

    • Why?
      Because there are a lot of Ruger fanboys, just like there are Glock fanboys and S&W fanboys. It doesn’t need to be cheap to fly off the shelves. As long as it’s priced competitively, people will buy it just because it’s a Ruger.

      • I would be a Ruger fanboy… If this is priced right, and the trigger is at least as good as basically every new Ruger trigger has been then I might be getting one of these. I really dig the look of it.

    • Because a lot of people won’t buy a $300-400 pistol just because it give a perception of poor quality. In Paul Barrett’s “Glock” book he talks about the early marketing days and how Gaston and is main US based salesman set the minimum allowable price about $100-150 higher than it had to be, even though the could have made money selling it for something like $350, because there is a perceived lack of quality at prices that low. Which is completely true, it’s why people pass over S&W M&Ps and Khars every day to buy Glocks and XDms instead despite (in my opinion) both of those latter options being no better (and in some ways worse) than the former.

      That being said, and without having one in my hand, the above pistol looks ugly and cheap. Flame accordingly if you want to.

    • Yes, it’s a Ruger, but they’re going to ask a little more because they’re milking the fact that this is the pistol chosen by .mil to replace the Beretta M9. Just what I heard…

      • Yea im going to call bullshit on this one as well. Where exactly did you get the info this pistol was chosen to replace the M9? You cant just throw something out there like that statement and not have some reference to back it up. Maybe im wrong here, but it has been stated in the past that the Military branches did not find a striker fired platform to be something they wanted in a combat handgun or found to be an optimal choice.

      • Mike Fifer, CEO of Sturm, Ruger & Co. declined to participate in the XM17 competition stating:

        “There’s enormous cause to participate and an extremely low likelihood for any one company of winning it,” he said.

        “If you win it, obviously you’re in the capital receipt for the next 25 years, but I have a feeling competing for it’s going to be a little bit like being hit against a brick wall, and you’ll feel real good when you stop,” he said.

        “The risk factor of putting the huge investment of time, people and money into competing for something that there’s really very low likelihood of winning even if you have a much better product,” he said. “And so those are kind of the pros and cons right there.”

        That said, this gun feels like the result of them toying with the idea of competing. Or, perhaps with all the new offerings they know are about to come out, they’ve decided to get serious in designing a duty pistol to compete with other offerings in the industry.

  2. Looks pretty interesting. That backstrap could be great for fitting it to your hand if they are replaceable. If it came to market with decent sites(not glock style and not plastic) then I bet it would do good for the sub $500 market. The Ruger sr9 has really seemed to do well and it gets nice reviews. Good job Ruger for moving past the old company that was against magazines over 10 round capacity.

  3. They got big and blocky down to a science. OK for 349.00 but if they want to impress at the 500.00 range they need to figure out how to make a decent trigger. The SR triggers suck so bad they make the P95 triggers seem great.

    • So you’re saying you have no experience with any SR trigger. How is that so many online reviews, my friends and personal experience show the SR series triggers to be by far some of the best out of the box factory triggers available?

      If you complained about all the extra lawyered up safeties you’d have a point. Complaining about the trigger on the SRs shows obvious ignorance or inherent bias against Ruger.

      • ^^^Ditto. I have several pistols, two of which are Ruger. I have had several pistols previously, one of which was a Ruger P-85. Of all the pistols I’ve ever owned the SR9c trigger is the best “out of the box” and is only surpassed by my Smith & Wesson 686 in single-action mode.

      • I’ve not fired an SR trigger but have dry fired one, and compared to other unremarkable triggers, the SR trigger is “great”. In the grand scheme of things it’s passable at best, compare it to a PPQ, P320, or VP9, that’s where the bar is set now. Comparing it to a Glock doesn’t work anymore.

  4. Yawn

    Look it is another pistol that more or less copies 2 other pistols on the market. The main difference is this was one costs more.


  5. They won’t be street priced anywhere near that. Ruger MSRP is always priced high. Nice to see another Ruger without all the Lawyer bells and whistles.

    Look forward to some great prices on the older SR series now.

  6. I’m still curious if they’re discontinuing the SR line in favor of these guns. They have a lot going for them and they’re not that old. But they clearly did not take hold in the LE market. Maybe the SRs will become like Smith & Wesson’s SD line?

    • I wouldn’t be surprised. Ruger discontinues stuff all the time. They went from having the SR556 E, SR556VT, standard SR556, and the SR556 carbine to only having the takedown model available now.

      What I could see them doing is continuing to produce the 9E model, which is their budget version of the SR series, disontinuing the rest of the SR handgun series, and rolling out the American Handgun in different calibers.

      It’s a little late to the party, but a lot of people buy Ruger (I’ve got a couple myself). They make good products. How well this gun sells will probably boil down to price, if the street value is around 450-475 it has a good chance of getting a lot of interest, particularly from people just getting into guns, who I’ve noticed tend to lean towards Ruger

    • As far as I can tell, Ruger just needs to drop the external safety to meet the requirements of most police departments. The trigger pull weight is 5-6 pounds, and is probably the best stock polymer pistol triggers I have fired.

      • Best striker fired trigger???? I respect everything is an opinion…….but if you go into any gun store and ask what has the best out of box trigger on a striker fired gun you will almost NEVER hear them say the SR series. I can think of 6-8 striker fired guns right off the top of my head that have better triggers (IMO). PPQ, VP9, P320, FNS, Styer M9, XD, XDM, TP9S, ect. I love Ruger, but the SR line was a dud. It just doesnt have the new and up to date features consumers are looking for. If it did……we wouldnt be reading an article about a new striker fired offering from Ruger. Its a smart move. Ruger took the P series, made some tweaks and changes, put a striker fired trigger on it and called it a new design. Its not. Anyone who is familiar with the P series could feel aspects of that design and feel in the SR’s. It was time for Ruger to put something out new and fresh like this. I think it will do well. I hope it does.

    • Not only did the SR line not take in the LE market, they are far behind many others in the civilian market also. The SR series did extremely poor, period. Why do you think Ruger took the SR, stripped it down even further and dropped the price with the E series. That alone was the writing on the wall the SR series was doing real bad. Its a decent gun. But these new striker fired platforms are getting so good it left that gun in the dust. Plus it was plagued early on with performance issues. Ruger was smart in coming up with something new and fresh. Not just taking a P series pistol, making a couple of cosmetic changes, slapping a striker fired trigger on it and calling it the SR. This was a smart move by Ruger

  7. This thing looks pretty sweet and its looking like they’re making a play at the agency market that they haven’t been a part of. Will they make a play at the upcoming FBI contract that everyone thought was written just for Sig? Could this be a U.S. military contender in the 92 replacement. Ruger sure is looking on the up and up with what they’re putting out and at what price.

  8. They look better than the SR series simply by getting rid of the giant block letters on the slide. I also like what appears to be an ambidexterous slide lock.

    • Ha ha, yeah, I don’t know why I bother reading these ‘new gun’ articles, just makes me frustrated that Kali stopped all new products over technologies that do not exist (specifically micro-stamping)- Vote all Dems out.

    • Isn’t the LC9s pretty much already a direct competitor to the Sheild? Nearly identical overall dimensions, same capacity, what else would make it more comparable?

      • The biggest thing the Shield has going for it (IMO) is that it was designed around .40 S&W and is chambered in both, where the LC9s was built specifically for 9mm. The LC9s when held in hand feels MUCH smaller than the Shield, the grip is narrower and shorter. I believe the barrel is a bit shorter. Not to mention the Ruger has a much much better trigger than the Shield…

  9. Love Ruger revolvers, but so far the LC9 and LC9s are the only pistols I care to own.
    Rhis new Ruger looks better than their current SR9 and SR40 lines. If it doesn’t turn into a R51 fiasco, it might be worth looking into.

  10. Is that a “Read the Owner Manual” engraving I spot on the right side? Never change, Ruger, never change.

    (Nb: I own a Takedown and am always willing to overlook that silliness if the device is well made)

      • That’s one reason why I avoid both Ruger and S&W. Pretty soon the entire gun will be engraved with one giant legal disclaimer. That’s aside from the fact that I find other guns much more appealing. I remember getting a whole lot of trigger slap from that jointed abomination on the M&P. And once the rear sight flew right off a rental Ruger Lc9. The quality just isn’t there. And now this new pistol looks kind of cheap. Not something I’d be eager to check out. Nothing against inexpensive guns, but this one just looks like a cheap toy, not a $400-$500 pistol.

        • Basing your Ruger opinion on an experience from a rental gun is like basing your opinion of a vehicle on a rental car experience. Rental guns are beat to shit and often poorly maintained by a range that just wants to squeeze money from the rental fees. If anything, a gun lasting a few weeks in the rental case says something about how idiot proof and durable that gun is.

        • Ranges that are just that may let their rentals get abused, but most of the places I see have retail areas connected to them. The best way to make a sale is get a rental to be a positive experience.

          If Athena had been able to get a PPQ for rent five months ago, I’d have bought one – who cares about Glock blue label pricing.

  11. Where’s the hammer?!? Where’s the new and improved P95? Am I supposed to get excited about yet another non-Glock brand Glock?

    • Fuck me you are on the money!!! I can buy Glock pistols all day long here in NC for $369-$540 depending on how big and bad you want it. For that money you get a well tested and proven gun with the largest brand specific aftermarket next to the Ruger 10/22. Love them or hate them Glocks are everywhere and so are parts for them. I am ready for a gun company to make a striker fired pistol that’s not supported with comments ending with the words; “just like a Glock.”

      • Glocks for me are a lot like Harleys. Nothing I’d buy myself, but if that’s what you want, you might as well just get the real deal and be done with it.

  12. It looks like it could be a modular chassis type of pistol rather than an evolution of the SR9 series. I don’t see the usually visible serial number plate, but maybe it was photoshopped out. Also absent are the usual exposed frame pins that hold the locking block and fire control group to the frame. The only lateral hole in the frame appears to be for
    the ambidextrous magazine catch. Similar
    to other modular chassis designs it also uses a Sig-style takedown lever which
    could be the only thing actually adhering the frame to the chassis. I could be wrong but these things suggest a modular chassis type pistol to me, a la Sig P320, Beretta Nano, Honor Defense
    Honor Guard.

    My bet is this was developed to compete with the P320 and others for the military MHS contract but Ruger decided to offer it to the public, which is a better way for them to make money anyway.

    • Meh, it’s kind of a Ford vs. GM vs. Dodge thing. I read a funny “truck of the year” type review a few years ago and it had a line to the effect of, “Chevrolet could come out with a new truck that was made out of processed dog feces and lifelong Chevy owners would go out and buy one and the first place they would stop on the way home would be the gas station to buy one of those stickers with Calvin pissing on a Ford logo”.

      In my mind guns are the same. Brand loyalty being what it is, Ruger knows that they probably have plenty of customers would rather die before they bought a Smith and Wesson or a Glock. It doesn’t even have to be good it just has to have the flaming war-bird (or whatever the hell it is) stamped on the grip panels.

  13. Meh-and what’s with Ruger not having any 45’s over 10 rounds(correct me if I’m wrong)? Talk about being slow on the drawing table…plenty of other similar to choose from.

  14. Looks good to me,but then again I am not a gun snob. Hope ruger does well with them. Good to see I am not jaded about new guns like others.

  15. So who are they aiming at with this product? Sheeple who are convinced plastic guns with strikers and unremarkable triggers are as good as it gets?

  16. I don’t get where this fits. Is it above the SR9?

    Either way, the Ruger marketing folks are smarter than I am, so they must have something in mind.


  17. i bet these will sell well if they dont have any problems, but cmon another polymer striker gun, they alredy have 50 different ones you can choose . do something cool.

  18. Just got the ruger newsletter in my email and it said “anything else would be unamerican 12/30/15” so I wonder if that is when they are releasing the American pistol

  19. Looks like that trigger dingus has caught on beyond Glocks. Is the Ruger trigger dingus similarly , ahhh, utility-challenged?

    • Dang, dude, how deep is your cave?

      They’ve been putting those on other guns for several years now, such as various Ruger models, Springfield XD/XDm/XDs, Walther PPS/PPQ, SIG 320, and the Taurus Millennium G2; rifles, too, even .22 rifles.

      Better get used to seeing those trigger-dingus-things floppin’ in the breeze…

    • Reduced slide mass: great way to outrun the mag. With stronger follower spring, it’s more likely to cause feedlip separation if loaded for long.
      Novak sights: vestige of the last century that removes the function to rack the slide singled-handed, with little gained in other aspects.
      Think I’ll buy one to try it out, though.

  20. Hmm, it costs as much or more than the SR series, but looks a billion percent worse. Worse even than the not-so-pretty P series.

    I’ll take a 9E before this. Hell, I’ll take a P95before this.

  21. Ruger has been owning the game the past several years. They come out with what seems like at least one new gun every year that fits a role that their customers have been wanting.

    Now completely off topic but I have a Springfield XD and one mag has given me trouble two range trips in a row. Last round fails to lock slide back about 50% of the time and this time it also failed to eject a casing (not a last round) during this recent range trip. I have only ever had trouble with this one mag. The gun is always clean before I go to the range. SHOULD THIS CAUSE ME CONCERN OR JUST WRITE OFF THAT ONE MAG? Several other mags have worked flawlessly through hundreds of rounds.

    • It’s the mag. A couple years ago my wife bought a Beretta PX4 Storm subcompact and one of the mags would only take 5 rounds. The follower was snagging on the slot for the mag release, so I trimmed it a bit, and now it always drops the slide on the last round. She doesn’t even carry a second magazine and it’s the one without the snick-grip so it’s no big deal at the range, but still, a quarter millimeter strip of plastic is all it takes. Surprising you don’t see more of this sort of thing.

  22. I’m not terribly excited, but will withhold judgment until more reviews are in. As for me, my next gun won’t be a polymer pistol. It’ll be a Sig 229 Legion, custom AR-10 build with an 18″ stainless barrel, or possibly a Smith .500 with a 4″ barrel. That’s not including my 300 BLK pistol build. I’m really ok with hammers in guns, although Ruger marketing could give classes on how to get buyers excited.

  23. Are we reaching the point where the market is saturated with “good” options to the point that it really takes something special to stand out? Kind of like where AR’s were in 2013 or so with scads of small build shops popping up?

    I don’t see anything about this pistol to get excited about because there are probably at least a dozen pistols that meet or exceed the spec on this thing, be it money, weight, thickness, capacity or whatever your preferred mix of the above may be.

    Sig gave us modularity and a great price point for a sig (with a good trigger). H&K brought down their price and gave us a solid striker gun. Walther single handedly raised the bar on what a striker trigger should be. Glock set the standard for ruggedness and established the price point for a polymer service weapon. M&P and XD went after the guys who thought Glocks felt like a 2×4 in the hand or wanted a plastic gun to feel like a 1911. Why would I buy one of these? What would encourage me to abandon my preferred platform and pick up one of these? Are they betting on the take of an election year and a lot of first time gun owners tooling up and putting something that looks similar? It seems more like they’re gunning for would be M&P owners given the spec and likely price point with a trigger that’s conceivably better from the factory. I certainly don’t see any competition dudes picking up one of these as Mags will be like $35-40 and nigh impossible to find initially. Especially with zero holster options out of the gate.

    Probably the most exciting thing to happen given the current offerings on the market would be if Glock were to offer their Service sized and compact sized guns at like $450 or less for gen 3 and $500 for gen 4’s routinely. That’d be fun to see the result as there would be less of a compelling reason to go for that XD or M&P for shoppers where the additional cost is the deciding factor for one “good enough” platform over the other.

    • Great points. Your right. A lot of options out there today. PPQ seems to be the king right now when it comes to best overall package. But there are some people out there that will simply buy because they are die hard Ruger fans and Ruger finally released a gun that can directly compete with the VP9’s, P320’s, Glock’s and PPQ’s. Still a large portion of people out there that also want something thats 100% American made. This gun will appeal to them. I think in the end Ruger was getting beat so badly on the striker fired market they needed to come up with something that would be a little more updated, ergonomic and have a newer design. The SR series was just a P series gun with a striker fired trigger. The SR series was doing so poorly that Ruger tried stripping it down even more and taking the price tag even lower from an already cheap gun with the E series and that just wasnt cutting it either. They needed to step up with something new and exciting. And it looks like they just may have with this thing. Even with the options out there im still gonna give this gun a chance. you never know what you could be missing unless you give it a try. No denying this gun looks fresh and updated for what consumers are going for now days. But i couldnt agree more with the points you made. Its a tough market. I for one am rooting for this gun to make a big splash. I think if any company out there has tried to stay with the ever changing demands from consumers, Ruger has. Plus again, being a 100% American company appeals to lots of folks

      • I get the American thing. Smith is kind of the american darling so to speak. Glock has some GA made pistols now, but I’ve yet to encounter one in the wild.

        The largest point I’m trying to make is “why would someone abandon one polymer striker gun for this platform?” What is unique or better about it to the point where someone would consider rebuying holsters, mags, sights, etc. I think it will definitely be appealing to entrants into the market place,

  24. So im assuming the SR line wasnt cutting it for Ruger??? The SR line of striker fired pistols in my opinion just are not on par with some of the offerings on the market today. Even with a nice price point (375-400) im pretty sure they didnt sell too well, hence this totally new pistol only a few years after they released the SR line up. Not saying the SR is a piss poor pistol. But with just how competitive the striker fired market has become and how unreal some of the ergos and triggers are on some of these striker fired guns (P320, PPQ, VP9, ect), its nice to see Ruger step up their game and put a pistol out that is a direct competitor to these. Cause the SR line up just isn’t on the same level of some of these pistols. No matter how much you try to tell yourself it is because you own it…….its not. Its always been a pistol that people bought because it was usually 100-200 bucks cheaper than the others. Not one you bought because it was a better choice. It was decent at very best. I had a SR9 a few years ago and personally i had several issues with the gun. Had some FTF, FTE, a magazine release issue as well. Overall i felt the trigger was average/below average at best. And the ergos were nothing to write home to Mom about. It was just a P series pistol with a striker fired trigger is all it was really when you get right down to it. I ended up selling it at a loss. But this new pistol looks pretty F’n sweet. Im a huge Ruger fan. Own several (Gp100-5inch, Sp101-2.25 inch, American 30-06, SR1911, Mark II, 10/22), but i have never truthfully thought Ruger put out a really good semi auto pistol (with the exception of the SR1911). Rugers have always been known for great rugged revolvers, reliable and dependable rifles and dominating the .22lr market (Mark’s and 10/22’s). i would gladly try this one out based on the look and ergos thou. lets hope the trigger competes with some of these amazing out of the box strikers out today. If it does, Ill give it a shot.

    • I guess we’ll see in a year how invested Ruger is into it, a big piece of making a gun like this popular is aftermarket support. They need to sell springs and fiddly bits either direct through their website or through places like Midway/Optics Planet. And they need to make 5 mags for every gun made.

  25. I fired the Ruger American Pistol in 9mm this morning. It has a very smooth, yet somewhat lengthy feeling trigger pull. Very easy recoil and very accurate. I carry a Glock 32 in .357SIG and the Ruger feels very similar. The grip is a little less boxy feeling that the Glock and the trigger itself feels almost exactly the same. It specs out slightly larger and heavier than the Glock (even the Gen4 Glock 19, which specs out exactly the same as the 32) but has a very balanced feel. The new barrel “cam” is a mystery to me, as I’ve never heard of it. Immediate put into my mind the recoil buffer in my Star PD45, though I believe it to have nothing in common. I ordered the American pistol today and I pick up a Glock 19 on Monday so I can compare them myself.

  26. This past Saturday (1/16/16) I bought the new Ruger 8605 Pro Duty pistol (9mm). Got it at the gun show for $479.00. Now I’m no expert on handguns though I do have four of them (Ruger SR9, Springfield HD, M&P Shield and a big frame Dan Wesson .357). I’m no commando. I use my guns for home defense and for the fun of shooting at the range. In the last four years or so, I’ve shot somewhere near 5000 rounds as an estimate. I do love target shooting when I get the chance.

    I took the new Ruger to the range today. I shot the first five rounds in a seated position using bench rests just to test the gun itself (at 10 yards) and all five rounds were in the bulls-eye and within an inch of each other. I did this because I have seen times when the adjustable sights on a new gun were off. Not an issue today.

    I then began firing rounds in a standing position like I normally do. My first 15 rounds or so were in line with the bullseye but were low by about an inch and a half and roughly a three inch grouping. I tend to be a bit tight when I first start shooting. Once I loosened up and relaxed, the gun, from an accuracy standpoint, was simply dead on. My last sixty rounds were in an approximate 2″ grouping (at 10 yards). Overall, I shot a 100 rounds.

    The gun is bit heavier than my others and as Jeff of TTAG said there is a bit more recoil than what I expected but nothing unmanageable. I also found the more I shot the gun the less I noticed the recoil.

    The guns comes with three interchangeable inserts for the handle/butt of the gun. I have long fingers and the large insert worked the best for me. The gun felt pretty comfortable in my hand and it seems pretty well balanced.

    In Jeff’s video he also mentioned the following:

    A. The design of the gun rubs the thumb knuckle under the base of the slide. I used the largest insert for the handle and didn’t really have a problem. I did notice a bit of friction like he described but it wasn’t a problem. Then again, I’m a lefty (if that means anything).

    B. He also said the slide, in some cases, will move forward and inject a round into the chamber as you insert the clip. I inserted a clip no less than 10 or 12 times today, sometimes in a more demanding and abrupt fashion, and the slide behaved as designed; not moving forward until you disengaged the slide release. This was not an issue.

    For me, the trigger was a dream….not much travel and little resistance. Felt similar to the PPQ trigger and better than my Springfield XD. Understand folks, I’m not one to shoot a pistol to see how fast I can get a gun to spit out rounds. On average I shoot a round about every two seconds. For me, the trigger was the best I’ve experienced. Something else I also found out that was interesting is how much easier it is to manipulate the slide…not sure yet if that’s a good thing or not. The little port hole designed to be a loaded indicator in daylight seemed fine. It was easy to see when a round was in the chamber.

    As some of you have already mentioned, and I would agree, I think the gun is designed to compete with the Walther PPQ and the H&K VP9. I don’t know if that’s possible, but I can say this: This is the most accurate out of the box gun I’ve ever seen. If you can’t hit the target with this gun, it’s you, not the gun (for me this is almost always true).

    Hope this helps.


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