Jerrold Nadler new york congressman
Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has become a star chamber whose investigative sights have been set on their political opponents. As part of this effort, Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler of New York has sent a document request to the National Rifle Association. Among other things, House Democrats want to “look into” the pro-gun organization’s support for President Trump during the 2016 campaign, as well as any evidence of Russkies who may be hiding in Fairfax.

This gargantuan fishing expedition will undoubtedly cost the NRA a significant amount of time and money. Which is, of course, the whole point.

The Second Amendment Foundation has come out in support of their fellow pro-RKBA brothers in arms and has issued the following press release:

BELLEVUE, WA – Reports that the National Rifle Association is being engulfed in what one publication described as “a rapidly expanding tangle of congressional investigations” raise an important question that nobody has been asking: Is this a deliberate effort by anti-gun-rights Congressional Democrats to overwhelm the organization’s leadership and prevent NRA from fulfilling its mission to protect the Second Amendment?

That’s what the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are wondering as House Democrats are pressing their gun control agenda.

“According to The Trace, which is funded by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, Congress has launched six investigations of the NRA,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “With Democrats in control of the House, promising to push a full slate of gun control measures, that seems just a little curious.”

Gottlieb, who also chairs the CCRKBA, said it is fair to question an avalanche of investigations involving the NRA at a time when its attention should be focused squarely on renewed efforts to erode the Second Amendment.

“Are these investigations legitimate,” Gottlieb wondered, “or are they a deliberately choreographed attempt to distract the NRA’s focus when it needs to be concentrating on the battle now developing on Capitol Hill?

“We’ve been delighted to work with NRA on a number of efforts,” he continued, “including our successful lawsuits against the 2005 post-Katrina gun grab in New Orleans, the San Francisco gun ban, our joint challenge of Seattle’s attempted parks gun ban and our ongoing federal lawsuit against a gun control initiative in Washington State. So, when we see this kind of congressional onslaught at the same time Beltway anti-gunners are trying to ram through an aggressive gun control agenda, let’s just say our radar is up.”

Gottlieb said that if there are legitimate issues, they need to be explained to the nation’s 100 million gun owners.

“Otherwise,” he observed, “all of this may amount to a lot of smoke and mirrors designed to not simply distract NRA but to discredit it in the eyes of its members, supporters and allies when we all should be working together to defend our fundamental rights at a time when they are under unceasing attack.”

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.


    • this all centers around the allegation the russians used the NRA to funnel about $400,000 to the trump campaign…disguised as a donation…

      • Which is a bullshit claim. Pro and con advocacy groups all are open to foreign based donations. Planned parenthood is. Everytown is.

      • “this all centers around the allegation the russians used the NRA to funnel about $400,000 to the trump campaign…disguised as a donation”

        yeah by bloomberg’s advacy group “TheTrace” which is an arm of the gun control lobby and that lobby itself takes foreign donations. And the number seems closer to $50,000 and all looks legal comprising less than 0.4% of the NRA funding.

        You do realize foreign donors can contribute to Moms, Brady, March for our Lives, Everytown? That they can underwrite Harvard Injury and Bloomberg school studies, right? or that the foundation that gives to those groups can in turn be themselves taking foreign donations?

        Hillary and bills Clinton foundation take tens of millions in foreign donations and does US public affairs issue advocacy.

        The Trace appears to be be whining about money for gun safety training, generally public affairs and issue advocacy not campaign donations as defined by the FEC, nor lobbying as defined by the IRS.

        This is no different from US Greenpeace, Human rights Campaign, ACLU, NAACP, Anti defamation League, the Italian American Foundation, or hundreds of other US issues advocacy groups from taking foreign donations.

        NRA total campaign donations last cycle looks to be about 3% of its budget. that is typical for advocacy/education groups most of whihc have a combined main education group, other effort (training), publishing, general public affairs advocacy with an associated PAC.

        Nadler and the Trace seem to be intentionally trying to misrepresent the law. From a legal perspective: 1) “lobbying” (support or opposition by STAFF of a specific piece of legislation), 2) direct candidate campaign contributions, 3) indirect funding (527), 4) general public policy issues advocacy are all very different things.

        US 501c3 charities and 501c4 non profit associations are able to take 100% of their money from foreign donations and be predominantly or even SOLELY in the business of issues advocacy. In the NRA case taking 0.4% for their charitable or non profit arm — and not their “PAC” arm — is actually probably below the norm for foreign funding of US non profits.

  1. Nadler has been under investigation so many times in NY hes an old hat at this.
    Any requests he makes of anyone or group for information.
    Id tell him to go pound sand…………….

    • The Senate needs to launch a blizzard of investigations into Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff-for-brains, and a host of others. Make all their close associates start to feel some heat.

      But the Repubs won’t.
      Of coarse.

  2. I’d welcome an investigation into the NRA, but knowing the democrats they won’t find or publicize any of the ugly truths and the NRA will just milk it for more money to fund more executive pay.

    • “The report notes that Russian officials discussed having their embassy in Washington participate in the work of courting the NRA. Kremlin officials also discussed preparations for NRA members’ upcoming trip to Moscow. Torshin recommended that someone from President Vladimir Putin’s executive office, meaning the group of people who support his day-to-day activities, meet with the group.”

      It is amazing that Russian agents attended both the NRA convention and the Republican national convention, and were welcomed with open arms by Republican politicians.

      KGB Colonel Putin is an expert at disinformation and propaganda, and he has successfully placed his puppet in office.

      So after all these years it turns out the Republicans are really the communist sympathizers, the fifth columnists who are working from within to destroy America. As Khrushchev said, we will bury you.

  3. Simple solution. The 4th amendment protects the NRA’s right to refuse a subpoena not issued by a court. Sorry demokkommies. No fishing expedition for you.

  4. The NRA was pretty upfront about all of the money it spent on the 2016 election. Yes, it was a lot of money, over all. But not nearly as much as the anti-gun organizations spent. The Republicans, in a “turn about is fair play,” should subpoena Bloomberg and Everytown to see what their political contributions were. And yes, there was a Russian “contributor” who paid for a lifetime membership. I don’t think that that paltry sum had any impact on the election–or the ads that the NRA funded–in the slightest. In fact, one would think that Putin would love to see America disarm, as we would be more susceptible to invasion and conquest. (Not that that would happen,, but it fits the Russian mindset.)

    • well,..can’t have a civil war without guns…something they’d very much like to see happen…

      • Evidence?
        In fact, the further left you are the more likely you are to advocate political violence

  5. Whether you like the NRA or not, we need to stick together. They want to divide and conquer. Everyone should buy and read “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky. It’s the Progressives playbook. Then pass it on to others.

    • I have to agree with you concerning the NRA. We need someone to unite us and take lead.

    • Bully’s don’t respond to anything but their own tactics shoved back in their face. The problem with that is that our side of the legislature is a bunch of gutless do nothings. The NRA, GOA, SAF, FPC etc. should stop wasting their members money trying to influence politicians and start funding militia’s in all 50 states.

      • You can fund your militia yourself, without a middleman skimming off money. The NRA spends about 10% of its revenue on lobbying and less than 1% on 2A lawsuits. 89% of donations to the NRA go somewhere else.

        You also may want to read up on who is the militia. Hint, it is you and your neighbors. Are you really asking another organization to take your money and give it back to you?

        • You can fund your militia yourself, without a middleman skimming off money. The NRA spends about 10% of its revenue on lobbying and less than 1% on 2A lawsuits. 89% of donations to the NRA go somewhere else.

          The NRA spends about 40% of its revenue on lobbying and political contributions. Not 10%.
          In 2016 it spent $59 million:
          In 2018 mid term cycle (which is always less) and after relentless defending attacks on it by Michael Bloomberg’s groups gutting its affinity and corporate donations to it it spent $16 million.

          How are the average of those or, either, 10%? They look to be 40% or so. This is completely normal range large associations that have an interest in a public issue.

          The NRA’s strength — and legitimacy in the debate — is precisely from the fact that it is not a 100% lobbying organization like National Shooting Sports or Bloomberg gun control groups.

          About 1/3 of the NRA revenue and corresponding expenses are teaching gun safety/skills courses.Your claim that NRA expenditures running its massive training programs are all “skimming”? What is your basis for claiming any of that is skimming?

  6. Unless they can prove overwhelming probable cause, tell them to f o . If it comes down to having to release information, redact all names and dates.

  7. We must all hang together; for we will most assuredly, will hang seperately….

    This is abuse of power and petty tyranny unfolding before your eyes..Like the NRA or not…We must all hang together, for this is the other wall we need to build. A wall of gun-owers standing against this foolishness which might cost us all, dearly in the end. This is just the beginning, as they aren’t going stop at the NRA.

    Pay day is tomorrow – I’m cutting a donation check to the NRA and the SAF. I suggest you all do the same…

    • Donating even a dime to the NRA is paying for your own chains. The organization has been, at minimum, complicit in all major gun control laws. It consistently supports privileges to the detriment of unalienable rights.

      I wouldn’t even piss on the NRA to put it out if it was on fire.

      • Ya getting the ammunition registration part from the ’68 gun control act repealed and the the sunsst clause in the ’94 assault weapons ban. How worthless was that huh? Say does bloomberg pay by the hour or by the word?

        • No, he’s just a retard who hasn’t even read Milton. This is what happens when you hand a moron with a grade school education a book on Libertarianism and no guidance.

      • John in Ohio,
        Why are you writing such nonsense?

        I worked for 14 years in DC, four as a staffer in Congress and ten for a major hospital association on health care issues. You are very confused about just how savvy and muscular the NRA is in supporting your Second Amendment rights.

        If not for the NRA the assault rifle ban would not have sunset at all. It would have passed with no sunset and they would still be banned. Instead of 30 million or so ARs we would have the 350,000 estimated in civilian hands at the start of the ban. We would also have UBC and national gun registration

        • The evidence is everywhere. They continue to this day to support a privilege to the detriment of the right.

          Not one fucking thin dime and I’m not alone in that.

    • Yes, cut a check to the NRA. I have heard that Wayne LaPierre’s African safari fund is still a little bit short and Chris Cox really wants to buy another full auto for his safe.

      The NRA spends about 10% of its revenue on lobbying and less than 1% on 2A lawsuits. 89% of donations to the NRA go somewhere else.

      How about donating money to the Firearms Policy Coalition? They are actually fighting the bump stock ban in the courts. Now, before you say, “I don’t care about bump stocks”, realize that this is more than about bump stocks. The government has argued that it can rewrite federal regulations this way due to the Chevron deference. The federal judge seems to agree with that. If this stands, the government can further redefine what “automatic” means and even ban semi-automatic firearms by executive fiat. All thanks to the NRA’s 4D beer pong strategy and President Trump.

      • “The NRA spends about 10% of its revenue on lobbying and less than 1% on 2A lawsuits. 89% of donations to the NRA go somewhere else.”

        You are either very ignorant or simply full of it.GOA spends a about 8% of its revenue lobbying does that mean is people are just wasting money?

        Do you even now that non profits like core 501c4 are LIMITED by law on lobbying? spend over 10% and you get into legal trouble.

        NRA appears to also spend about 8% on lobbying (paid staff promoting or opposing specific legislation , about 35% on non lobbying public policy educational and advocacy (getting its members to contact heir legislators which is NOT “lobbying”) and general 2A promotion, about 30% on COURSES and training from basic pistol to Eddie eagle to YHEC, about 18% on publications like its magazines and PSAs. AS far as court cases that is done by their separate C3 foundation which spends near 100% of its revenue on court case support, not “1%.”

      • The NRA spends about 10% of its revenue on lobbying and less than 1% on 2A lawsuits. 89% of donations to the NRA go somewhere else.

        The NRA spends about 40% of its revenue on lobbying and political contributions. Not 10%.
        In 2016 it spent $59 million:
        In 2018 mid term cycle (which is always less) and after relentless defending attacks on it by Michael Bloomberg’s groups gutting its affinity and corporate donations to it it spent $16 million.
        How are the average of those or, either, 10%? They look to be 40% or so. This is completely normal range large associations that have an interest in a public issue.

        The NRA’s strength — and legitimacy in the debate — is precisely from the fact that it is not a 100% lobbying organization like National Shooting Sports or Bloomberg gun control groups.

        About 1/3 of the NRA revenue and corresponding expenses are teaching gun safety/skills courses.Your claim that NRA expenditures running its massive training programs are all “skimming”? What is your basis for claiming any of that is skimming?

        Blah blah blah support Firearms policy coalition

        That group spends under 22% of its money on lobbying; Where is the rest of it going?

  8. A gaggle of NRA bigwigs have made a hell of a mess out of a stupid misadventure. Going to Russia on an invite to do what exactly? Promote gun rights there? How’s that what we pay them for? What the hell business is it of the NRA to be chumming up the Pals of Putin for any purpose at all?

    These NRA big wigs took this idiotic risk and brought all this ruckus down on the organization out of their own foolishness. It’s like they handed the anti-gunners a big club and are now acting all shocked and dismayed being beaten with it.

    Of course I do not believe any of these rich dudes sold out to the Russian enemy. They just screwed up in spectacular and predictable fashion, and the payment for the screwup comes out of all of us.

    As per usual…………

      • Yet the federal government requires federal workers, contractors and subcontractors to report and get permission for any interaction with Russian government officials due to known counter intelligence intentions and operations by the Russians. This requirement, by the way, started way before President Trump took office.

        Yet every company that handles highly sensitive, export controlled or even classified information trains their employees to NOT DO what the NRA leadership did, as it exposes the employees to counter intelligence operations.

        The fact is that the NRA leadership were fools and got played by the Russians.

        PS: Note that firearms/ammunition themselves, firearms/ammunition designs and firearms training ARE export controlled under ITAR. For example, US-based firearms training schools that knowingly train foreign visitors without having a proper export control license violate US law. Something to think about.

        • ITAR is unconstitutional. I don’t care if half of Spetsnaz shows up at Yager’s training classes. If they pay the money, he has a constitutional right to train them.

        • A classic example of hyperbole. I said nothing about Spetsnaz. Visitors from other countries, such as Canada and the UK, regularly show up at firearms training schools. These visitors not only violate US law, but also the law of their home country. US trainers violate US laws by training them. I am just stating a facts here that are commonly ignored, because people are fools. They can voice their opinion about the constitutionality of laws in the courts when they get charged for violating them because of their own foolish ignorance.

          Does a US firearms trainer have the constitutional right to train a declared enemy of the US?

        • Yet the federal government requires federal workers, contractors and subcontractors to report and get permission for any interaction with Russian government officials due to known counter intelligence intentions and operations by the Russians.

          you are officially a huge liar or deeply ignorant. Less than 1% of federal workers are controls by reporting laws. Non profits in the US are NOT in any way.

          do you think the Clinton foundation, Everytown (which works with foreign groups) are all reporting every time they meet with a Chinese Russian, or Indian official?? Are you saying NAACP reports everytime it meets with some African official?

          do you think ADL ‘reports” to some US government agency every time they meet with Israeli officials? That Italian American associations or Greek American associations do?

          What are you even on about?

        • Visitors from other countries, such as Canada and the UK, regularly show up at firearms training schools. These visitors not only violate US law, but also the law of their home country. US trainers violate US laws by training them.

          @Charlie Foxtrot. You keep lying and demonstrating ignorance. Those course are NOT possession. there is case law since this is no different than gun ranges which routinely rent to tourists and whihc are protected by case law. The vast majority of tourist and other visa holders are 100% legal to go to US firearms training school. The only non-trivial exception is student visa holders.

          Please give an example of a training school that was successful prosecuted for what you claim is a crime?

          As far as foreign money, Chinese companies, European companies, with US subsidiaries can have those subsidiaries create SSF or Hybrid PACS.

          Foreign governments, companies, other entities and citizens can give to a US 501c3 or c4 that is heavily involved in US public policy. It is probably a billion in giving to c3 and c4 organisations every year.

        • Ted, since you do not know what I am talking about, why do you even comment? I said nothing about reporting requirements for non-profits or for other countries, so why do you imply otherwise?

  9. Did the GOP launch investigations like this when the controlled the House? I honestly don’t know the answer. Is this typical political warfare?

    • Of course they didn’t. The GOP refuses to get in the gutter, but always seems to get dragged down there.

  10. Fuck the NRA. Capitulating on bump stocks, background checks – everything.

    Also still waiting for you to say his name – P H I L A N D O C A S T I L E.

    • Fuck the NRA. Capitulating on bump stocks, background checks – everything.
      Also still waiting for you to say his name – P H I L A N D O C A S T I L E.

      You realize the groups and forces attacking the NRA, which you are gleefully helping, want not bumpstock bans, but AR-15 ans, all semi auto bans, bans of all handgun and “may issue” (prove a need) to won any gun at all?

      And the NRA capitulated on background checks? UBC was a slam dunk win until the NRA stopped it.

      Admit it: you would be attacking the NRA if it had taken a different tack on Castille, you would be noting he was stoned, and therefore not a legal carrier.

      • FYI: The bump stock ban, if upheld, may lead to a semi-auto ban.

        The statements made by the government in the bump stock ban regulation and in court filings argue that the government can redefine what a machine gun is as the terms “single function of the trigger” and “automatically” are “ambiguous,” and therefore a prior decision in the Chevron v. Nat. Res. Def. Council case “permits an agency to reasonably define undefined statutory terms.” The federal judge agreed with this in denying a preliminary injunction.

        Yes, President Trump and the NRA may very well handed the anti-gun left a legal tool to ban semi-autos by executive fiat in the future by redefining the term “automatically” to be rather a rate of fire.

        • Bump stocks were around before President Trump took office legally without cheating like the DNC Criminal Organization does every election

  11. If Eric Holder can refuse to comply with a House of Representatives subpoena, the NRA can also refuse.

    The NRA will do what it’s membership tells it to do through their elected board members, not what the Russians want.

    Take all of the money you can get out of Putin and just say thanks for the donation.😁

    • I do believe that the NRA has a number of legal tools available that Eric Holder didn’t. The 4th Amendment comes to mind.

      The NRA leadership is certainly not doing what its membership tells it to do, though. The NRA leadership has its own personal and financial agenda that many NRA members disagree with and were never asked about.

      • The NRA Members, myself included, are more than proud supporters of the organization! They shouldn’t have to fight daily with Oath of Office- sworn, American politicians, over a right to bear arms for Citizens to protect us from tyrannical DNC Traitors! The ones I feel are responsible for mass shootings of Republican Citizens investigated by their bought and paid for FBI!

        • I am an NRA Member myself, yet I do find myself fighting the NRA leadership on things they agree with the anti gun left, such as the ban on bump stocks and red flag laws.

          I also find myself fighting the NRA leadership on things they do that harms other 2A organizations. I am a member of the USCCA, which got thrown out of the NRA Annual Meeting for competing with the NRA Carry Guard insurance.

          I also find myself fighting the NRA leadership on its excessive executive salaries and outright cronyism.

          I also find myself fighting the NRA leadership on folding on a local lawsuit against a gun law in Tennessee.

          So, no, I am not a proud supporter of the NRA, because I do not follow organizations blindly without questioning.

  12. These DNC Politicians are about as anti-America as you can get! They swore an oath to defend and abide by the Constitution and they have committed Treason for knowingly supporting a foreign born candidate for POTUS when they backed Obama!
    We need to investigate the Democrat Socialists of America, and its members, and their rewritten, version of the Constitution!
    You can’t serve two masters, your sworn oath to qualify to hold a political office comes first, and foremost!

  13. Harassing the NRA over the 2nd Amendment by an Oath Sworn Political Office Holder contradicts that Oath!

  14. I don’t see how anyone can logically consider the DNC as a legitimate Political Party in America! They choose illegal immigrants over their Countrymen, they choose Islamic Jihadists over their own Countrymen, and they do more fighting against the Constitution, than supporting it, I as a taxpayer and Citizen of the Divided States of America do not acknowledge the DNC as legitimate!

  15. Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Hussein Obama, Nadler, Holder, Soros, Ayers, HRC, Kerry, Schiff, Jarrett, Rice, Lynch, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and The Ohrs, GO FUCK YOURSELVES!

  16. This division brought to America from Kenyan Born, Barrack Obama, has gotten to the point where the only way to fix this nation is by CWII.
    So I ask you, was the ineligible candidates white-ancestors, that owned slaves, represented by Obama, or was the descendants of slavery that our Forefathers never meant to be included in American Politics better represented? MAGA!

  17. Obama, and his Domestic-Terrorist, friends Eric Holder; SLA-Member, gun runner, for the Symbionese Liberation Army, lol, committed armed bank robberies, one resulting in a life lost, and of course the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst
    Bill Ayers; 1960’s Weather Underground Member, lol, Blew up buildings in the USA in protest of the Vietnam War, kept out of prison by his communist fathers money, but his wife, convicted felon, Bernadine Dorn, served his time! The master mind of the plotted Coup to put his old family friend into the People’s House, the same foreign student, his parents, put through Harvard, that Harvard lists as Kenya Born, and Indonesia Raised, the Coup knowingly supported by the DNC, and further supported HRC, and BHO, rigging their own party’s Presidential nomination election, stealing it from Bernie Sanders! Don’t you think this is more investigation worthy than a non crime of collusion by candidate Trump? Can the adults in American Politics agree?

  18. According to the Ayers, plotted Coup, having HRC becoming POTUS as a false storefront for an Obama third, and possibly fourth term!

  19. I personally prefer CWII, it has to happen every two, or three-hundred years, gets rid of the bad blood! I try almost daily, to pick a fight, with the dregs of society, that is the Criminal -Organization-DNC, but still nothing yet! Their ANTIFA would rather beat down old people and children! Cowards!

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