With a nod to TTAG’s Year of PC, I resisted the urge to plaster a snap of an attractive woman at the top of this post. Nick’s reader survey clearly indicated that we needed to tone down the site’s supposedly salacious content to avoid alienating the weaker sex. Did I just say that? I was kidding, I swear. That said (or not), an image of female beauty would probably have been less incendiary than the hunting collage above – at least to those who can’t stand the idea of shooting animals to protect them. Looking at the astronomical prices of the hunts on offer in Dallas, I reckon the hunting industry pours tens of millions of dollars into the African economy. At least fifty dollars of which ends up in locals’ hands (and I ain’t lion). Enjoy the photos after the jump, once it is safe to do so . . .
Oh my goodness…the Rockwall model is beautiful, in a girl next door amazing smile way…which is the most attractive to me…sigh
Oh yeah, I see the smile now, 🙂
The last lady is very attractive as well.
Who am I kidding, they’re all attractive!
Any idea what levergun that gal is toting?
Who’s looking at the gun!
I’m not celebrating this. Uniform reciprocity unfortunately means uniform issuing standards. It would mean states with easier (constitutional) issuing standards would likely have to add more loops to jump through in order to meet the reciprocity standards.
In the great state of Alabama, where we have no training requirement, I suspect we would see something similar to Florida’s requirements.
If adopting a Federal standard, they’d likely start with the state that has the toughest requirements and then make it much, much tougher.
This is just last minute posturing by a spooked bunny of a senator afraid of being “primaried” by Rep. Stockman. Sorry, Cornyn, too little, too late. You had your chance to support Cruz and the conservatives last year when it counted. Some cheezy, 11th hour, go-nowhere reciprocity gimmick isn’t going to cut it.
It’s actually a poor idea, anyway, as other commenters have noted. The states themselves can enter into their own bilateral agreements or, better yet, throw it open unilaterally to universal recognition, as many have done, any time they want. There’s no need for federal involvement whatsoever.
I should add that the only way this bill would pass Constitutional muster would be for it to create a Federal CCW permit, and then say that it’s good in the entirety of the USA. You can shoe horn the reciprocity angle by granting the Federal permit automatically if you have a qualifying State one.
Wasted effort, would rather see factory offered stainless slides than this lame attempt to capture some of the LCP and P3AT market. 380 is crap.
Let’s see a comparison of the Glock-brand Glock 42, an LC380, and a screen door on a submarine! How about a Desert Eagle with a chambering in .22lr?
These are my people. I’m proud to be an Okie not from Muskogee.
#3, #6, and #7, come with me.
John Cornyn is an establishment RINO and running scared. He pushed back against Ted Cruz and is in line with Boehner, McCain, McConnell and Graham. This is a political play since he’s running scared of Steve Stockman this primary. Guns and God in Texas, he’s hitting part one. Seriously, he’s an example of what’s wrong in DC. He voted for defunding Obamacare AFTER he helped kill it. What a two faced scumbag. There is no way this bill will pass nationwide, he’s just getting his name out.
I can see where some may think this is a good idea, but this bill would give even more power to government that it shouldn’t have.
As noted above, having to apply to the state for permission to exercise your right is already further down the path than we should be. This bill would just reaffirm a power that states have wrongfully seized for themselves.
They hate us because they see us as a major obstacle to their progressive goal of eliminating the Constitution. They know that a dictatorship is always preceded by gun confiscation.
We cannot compromise with people who want to destroy our constitutional republic. We have seen what “reasonable gun laws” are like since at least 1968. Anyone who fails to understand what these statists want is either ignorant of history or an idiot. They want to put us on the road to serfdom, with themselves as the aristocracy. “Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
They hate us cause we’re stopping them. They also hate us cause we actually care about the issue so much that we can get thousands of us to show up to a state capitol at a moments notice and we’re fine with the media not taking notice. Meanwhile, they do weeks of preparation and planning for a “protest” and end up having more journalists than “protestors” at their events. This hatred will continue as we will continue to deny all compromise to them until they stop dealing in absolute bad faith. If you’re an anti reading this comment, please understand that as long as your goals include banning any firearm, magazine, accessory or making the process for owning a firearm more difficult and expensive there will be no compromise whatsoever.
One of my favorite memories of the good ole, pre-pc days was in the early ’80’s, at a local Chamber of Commerce business expo, the local Budweiser distributor showed up with a half dozen bikini clad “Budweiser Girls”. It was a real hoot listening to the catty remarks from the rest of the females in attendance. Got some good pictures, too! I tried to paste one here, but could not do it.
See how this works in real life all you absolutist OCD open carry YouTubers?
You get your 15 minutes and ego stroked
and the rest of us lose our rights to CCW.
Heres a clue:
Force the cops to respond to scared shoppers and ehat do you exoect?
Force the mall to consult their lawyers (who get paid to say no) and what do you expect?
Thanks for the write up. McKinney is in my neck of the woods, and I would not call it a small town. However, I definitely will be checking out NTCK’s wares. I’m needing a good holster for my FNX .45, which is not the easiest thing to find.
This is a unique item, but I am very surprised this is being sold and not kept as evidence in some dark locker. This firearm would be the equivalent to one of the firearms found in Lanza’s car after SH going up for auction. Except Bonnie didn’t go to a gun free zone and target children.