
“A San Antonio man is not expected to face charges after his [truck] was stolen and a confrontation with the suspected thief ended in fatal gunfire on Wednesday, March 29, police said.” That’s the report from The owner of the truck managed to track down the truck and the suspected thief with the use of an Apple AirTag.

The man’s vehicle was stolen from his Northside home on Wednesday afternoon, police said. But by using an Apple AirTag, he was able to track his truck down to a shopping center on the Southeast Side in the 3200 block of Southeast Military Drive.

The owner reported the theft to the police, but he got there first.

SAPD spokesperson Nick Soliz said the man called police to report his vehicle as stolen, but did not wait for police to arrive before attempting to confront the suspected car thief around 4 p.m.


The truck owner told police the two argued and he thought the suspected thief pulled a gun, which started “a firefight.” Police haven’t confirmed finding the suspected robber’s gun and say the truck owner was the only one to have fired a shot.

The suspected thief…was shot and pronounced dead, Soliz said. His identity has not been released. The car theft victim reportedly stayed at the scene of the shooting, complied with police, and was taken into custody for questioning. The shooter is not expected to face charges, Soliz said, but noted an investigation is ongoing.

This one could still go either way. Texas law states that force can be used to prevent “unlawful interference” with property. That’s a more lenient standard for the use of force that most states allow. Still, if the suspected thief didn’t have a gun, the local prosecutor could file charges against the owner.

Texans are famously protective of their vehicles, particularly pickup trucks. Still, that’s what insurance is for. Getting into an armed confrontation with a possibly armed car thief is a risk that’s probably not worth taking.


  1. Catch a thief, kill a thief. Should not be complicated. The thief was in the guy’s truck, thief is dead. All is good.

    • But we don’t know he was the thief. He could have borrowed the truck from the thief, not knowing it was stolen.

      I’m thinking it could have been handled better.

      • In Texas we call auto theft unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. If you’re in possession of the vehicle you stole it under Texas law.

      • AR. The tweaker that stole that truck is known by his ‘friends’. He shows up with a truck that he did not have that morning with a broken window and a screwdriver sticking out of the ignition who will borrow it?

      • He needed the truck to feed his four starving children, two who are disabled, and one in a wheelchair! Sniff, Sob. And this bourgeois capitalist running dog lackey imperialist wouldn’t be so generous as to give the poor thief their vehicle. This is true s0cial-justice.

        Yes, positively dripping with seething sarcasm for those who think crooks should take anything they want without consequences.

      • Yes, absolutely it COULD have been handled better… best case scenario the thief would have realised God meant it when He declared DO NOT STEAL and left the truck sitting right where the owner had left it.

        Would have been far better for all involved.

        Next best would have been for Mr. Dirtbag tto have quietly yielded up the truck to its owner once he’d been caught up with. But no, greedy thief decided it was HIS truck and to contend for continued possession. He not only lost the truck that was not his, but his scumbag life into the bargain.

        Bet he won’t EVER try stealing anything again…..

    • When someone says “that’s what insurance is for” what they’re saying is that the law abiding should subsidize criminals and their actions.

      • And definitely doesn’t understand how insurance really works.

        Insurance is a cost-benefit analysis of risk. More claims equals more risk and higher premiums. Eventually after too many claims the cost of the insurance will be too expensive to afford, if the insurers even bother to accept the risk.

    • Well, well. I was waiting for TTAG to do this story. As I said before the government will kill you to protect government property, and to keep it from being stolen. But in the world that is preferred by Libertarians Liberals and the Left, you’re not allowed to kill people to protect your private property.

      You’re supposed to let someone take what you own.

      You’re not supposed to defend your only source of transportation. You’re supposed to let a criminal just take it. And then you’re supposed to put up with it. Because you have insurance, that’s what insurance is for.

      And what if I don’t want insurance? Is that not my right to not have insurance? If I own my vehicle outright, then why do I need insurance? Does the government need insurance? Oh, they have the taxpayer to pay for everything correct?

      Since when did having insurance go along with owning and acquiring property in this country???

      Government representatives kill all the time to protect government property. And these Hypocrites are very comfortable with that.

      From 2018
      “Panama City Looter Shot And Killed While Trying to Steal a Police Car”

      • Chris T,

        While I have previously chided you about the whole “hating on libertarians” thing, in this case, you accurately described the attitude of most members of the Libertarian Party (always tempted to put ‘scare quotes’ around that first word) – which is why I am not, and never have been, a member.

        My assertion is that their version of “libertarian” is a pale, sick joke of what “libertarian” actually means. Personal property is actually a thing. While I don’t endorse drug use (and don’t do it, myself), I DO believe that a human has the right to go to Hell their own way. That I disapprove of someone else’s behavior is NOT license to proscribe it.

        • to lamp of diagonies.
          I’m sorry. I’m not referring to you. I am referring to these libertarians who, I think have stolen something that was actually good at one time. I used to admire and like many libertarians. I don’t anymore.

          Libertarians like to say “taxation is theft”. But yet they seem very comfortable with theft happening all the time.
          What I saw happen in the early 2000s was a change in the Libertarian Party or at least libertarian thinking.

          The idea that the government should intervene and save drug addicts from themselves.

          And in the process force people like me thru “theft by taxation” and then use my money to save the lives of people, who purposely put themselves in danger, by using drugs.

          Libertarians have come to believe that their philosophy requires drug addicts to be enabled by the government. This is a complete reversal from what they used to say publicly in the 1990s and earlier.

          Libertarians, or “neo-libertarians,” seem to believe they should be the “white Knights” or they believe the government should, “white Knight” these drug addicts and save them from, the “Darwin Awards” that they rightfully earn with their lifestyle.

          One hundred years ago you didn’t live very long if you were a drug addict. Because our society believed you needed to face the consequences of your actions in this free country of ours.

          I’ve actually come to believe that the divide between conservatives liberals, libertarians, and the left, is religious one. Because the conservative christians believe there are consequences to your actions. And the non-believingers don’t believe there are consequences to negative actions, during life or after death.

          But they expect and demand, and their supporters demand, that “theft through taxation” is used to take care of them. And if the government isn’t providing enough for them. They believe they should be allowed to steal from others to get what they want.

          It’s actually not making the drugs legal that is the problem. It’s making the drug addict Comfortable and allowing them to steal, that is what has destroyed the fabric of society.

  2. 2023 Equivalent of horse thievery, which was a hanging offence. Basically F*k around and find out. It’s never a good idea to be a criminal in Texas. I suggest all current and wannabe criminals move to San Francisco, Seattle, Portland or New York city to ply their trade there, it’s safer for them.

    • that is a wonderful idea. i am going to suggest from now on in stead of jailing felons here at great expense, why not offer them a free one-way bus ticket to a demoncrat-run city. it’s a win-win for everyone.

      • Escape From NY, Escape From LA… How come so many 80’s and 90’s movies turned out to be weirdly accurate predictions of the future?

        Other entries: Running Man and Demolition Man (but probably not Encino Man, though you never know).

    • Send the crooks somewhere where their actions are not only tolerated but almost fully legalized.

      And as for the unwoke residents, they will have to tolerate it or face “cancellation”.

    • You left out Chicongo. There the thief would have already had the drop on the owner as he approached, and Owner would be the deadguy, truck thief long gone.

      I say GOOD ON ‘IM for being proactive and moving to reclaim his property.

  3. His only mistake was calling the police.

    This could have been just another, anonymous carcass found on the street with no evidence to connect said carcass to the rightful owner of the stolen pickup.

    • That’d be a pretty dumbass way to go, because it’s not like there’s cell cameras and security cameras and car dash cameras everywhere…

      You WILL be seen, you WILL be recorded, and you’d better be acting within the law. Shooting someone dead and not reporting it sounds like a VERY good way to get yourself arrested for murder. Act like a criminal, expect to be treated like one.

    • Brother, it isn’t the 1970s anymore. The days of shoot, shovel, and STFU died when so much as one loose hair found at the scene and a dna test could land you in court.

      • so why is it that arrest rates for homicide have dropped to barely half? in spite of all of the security cameras and fancy forensics, police seldom solve a homicide unless it is truly a no brainier.

  4. don’t steal others property.

    “Police haven’t confirmed finding the suspected robber’s gun and say the truck owner was the only one to have fired a shot.”

    this is one of those cases where a sanitized really cheap throw down replica would have come in handy. 😅

    • you mean, a copper throwdown? Like Officer Goines of Houston always had in his cruiser, along with a box of dime bags?

  5. I’ve been following this story since it was first reported. I have not seen any updates since the first reports. Hopefully more information will be coming soon to clarify the open questions.

    It’s an interesting situation for Apple. The technology behind what happened here has many very good applications, not the least of which is the primary purpose of tracking luggage when you travel. I’ve been testing it for a few weeks now, and it’s amazing how easy and accurate it is to track these tags just using the Apple products carried by the general public in a reasonably populated area.

    I suspect Apple would never approve their customers confronting thieves on their own, but recovery of personal property IS one of the stated purposes of the service. They probably never anticipated it being used in Texas. 😉

    • Apple can always brick the person’s devices for non-compliance of some obscure section of the EULA.

    • Followed this with interest. I have an air tag in a backpack in my pickup; being in the backpack has helped me find the tour bus on occasion, and would work if my truck were ever stolen, as well. With same results as here.
      I also have air tags on four dogs’ collars at home. They’re big, expensive dogs, and they ramble my woods and fields at will. It’s reasonably effective, but air tags only work when they come in range of another Apple, and that’s not always the case out in the boonies where I live. I can tell when the one goes visits my kid’s family a mile up the road, though.

    • TFred:
      “I suspect Apple would never approve their customers confronting thieves on their own, but recovery of personal property IS one of the stated purposes of the service. They probably never anticipated it being used in Texas.”

      Which brings up an interesting thought. I wonder if this incident is fodder for a wrongful death lawsuit with Apple as a correspondent.

    • I was going to make a bad joke and say because you’re cheap but that’s not the case anymore. My daughter drives a 3 year old Honda passport with 24k miles. She went on Carvana just to see what they would offer. 35k. Unbelievable.

      • I am cheap. I’m the first to admit it. Money is more important to me than my ego at driving a new car.

        • I dropped the preposterous sum of ten grand on a seven year old van with 130K on it, Nineteen years later I am still driving it, ready to bump the 400K mark, almost nothing dine to it but feed it fuel and tyres. Still runs like a top.It has been hit three tmes, insurance payoffs total a bit more than I paid for the van. Ya think I’m gonna off that thing now> Nah. As long as it keeps running, even with monir fixes, that’s MY ride. And NOBODY would be crazy enough to steal that ugly thing.

  6. Texas law is more complicated than the article suggests. The linked cite to Texas law is to TPC 9.41, but that provision only relates to use of nondeadly force to protect property.

    The correct provision (use of DEADLY force to protect property) is TPC 9.42. Under certain limited circumstances, Texas law allows deadly force to be used:

    (A) to prevent the other’s imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime;  or

    (B) to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property.

    This aspect of state law is unique to Texas.

    Here, it appears that the thief just stole the car (i.e., no carjacking, which would be robbery / aggravated robbery). And the theft was in the afternoon, not “during the nighttime.” So as I read the TPC, section 9.42 doesn’t apply, and thus there’s no legal defense for the use of deadly force to recover a stolen car.

    I suspect the question the authorities are considering is whether, during their confrontation, the thief threatened the car owner with deadly force. If so, that might give the car owner the right to use deadly force to protect himself (TPC 9.32(a)(2)(A)). But if the investigation uncovers, say, security camera footage that disproves the claim that the thief threatened deadly force, I suspect the car owner is in for a rough ride.

    • I think you’re running down the wrong rabbit hole. Every article I’ve read includes a statement to this effect:

      “The truck owner told police the two argued and he thought the suspected thief pulled a gun, which started “a firefight.””

      That takes the protection of property statutes completely off the table.

      • If confronted by police and you have something in your hand such as TV remote they command “Drop it” at gunpoint. The command confuses you, drop what? this? a TV remote? How absurd as you lift your arm up to show them what it is and they open fire. You are dead.
        That has happened many times and case closed. Little boys with toy guns have died that way. They keep feeding us the “They put their lives on the line every day for citizens” and most gobble it up. On the list of dangerous jobs “police officer” was #22. And low pay line is oft repeated but the city I reside in cops make almost $100,000 a year and all benefits, early retirement with pay and keep benefits as well. They have over 400 M-16s as well! You know the ones democrats say do not belong on the streets “weapons of war”.
        And the “they fired first” always works on the public. (Even when no gun was ever found)

  7. filing an insurance claim isn’t going to prevent these scumbags from victimizing more good folks. Lead will. If you train and you have the opportunity to counter-attack you will be doing society a favor if you step up. Or you could step down and do yourself a favor and then try to get to sleep at night wondering if said scumbag has murdered an innocent yet.

  8. Insurance is a big loss on vehicles after depreciation is calculated. Then there is a loss of the interest you paid. If your truck is paid off you lose at least 10 grand on the value then have to buy another truck so you are screwed double.

  9. Can someone who actually knows tell how the ‘Air Tag’ actually works, in detail?

    It obviously isn’t cellular-based. So does it ‘phone home’ to a database when in range of an open wi-fi service? What if the only wi-fi it sees is password-protected (like the vast majority are these days)?

    Can it still connect somehow?

    How does all this work?

    • it reports itself to every apple device with active Bluetooth within range. Apple tracks them all.

      Kind of like certain home internet providers using a partition on customers routers to create wifi networks everywhere for their subscribers.

    • It’s a bluetooth transmitter that sends out a unique ID. iPhones pick up the signal, recognize it as an AirTag, and send the unique ID and the phone’s (anonymized) geolocation to Apple. I’ve heard that Apple has negotiated a deal where the bandwidth doesn’t count against their users, maybe they only do this on phones with unlimited bandwith plans, I dunno. Anyways, Apple logs all the location data and when you launch the tracking app, you see a map with the last known location of the tags associated with your account. The data is a long way from being perfect, but considering the cost of other similar services, what you get for a one-time ~$30 payment is pretty impressive.

    • There are quite a few articles about how they work. This is a pretty good one:

      Key points:

      Trackers use Bluetooth Low Energy, which is separate from “classic Bluetooth” we are familiar with for cell phones and speakers. The low energy aspect allows for long battery life, around a year for most devices.

      Trackers themselves don’t know where they are. They have no GPS, which also extends their battery life. They simply transmit their unique ID for any of the millions of Apple products running the Find My app to pick up. It is the GPS and the network connection on the other side of the BLE connection (an iPhone or iPad, etc.) that reports the location back to the Apple servers.

      From that unique ID,Apple knows who each tracker belongs to, so when you open your own FindMy app on your Apple device, you see the last report from whatever Apple device happened to pick up that tracker ID. It’s not real time in motion, just periodic updates as each “sighting” happens.

      The key to the success of this product is that the detection function is built into the kernel of iOS, and nearly a billion Apple devices across the world are actively listening for, and then reporting on tracker IDs. Individual users can turn it off if they choose to, but it’s “on” by default, so few do. And there’s no reason to, no personal information is shared by the reporting device. The data required for the report is minuscule.

      The FindMy trackers and network is a brilliant combination of two old and boring technologies, GPS and Bluetooth LE, combined together with an encrypted network and back end data servers, to provide an extremely useful and valuable service to the Apple customer base.

      One final note, Apple has licensed the use of their FindMy network to third party tracker manufacturers. At least three already have competing products on the market:

      Eufy, Pebblebee, and Chipolo.

      If you are an Apple user who ever travels with checked bags, or if you carry a book bag or briefcase that could be lost or stolen, I highly recommend picking up a couple or however many you need. Well worth the cost.

      • OK, so, if a thief steals something with an airtag on it and drives away, it has to pass an iOS device before the data moves.

        But it’s nearly impossible today to *not* be near an iOS device of some sort as you move about your day or week?

        It sounds like an innovative piece of tech…

        • Friend of mine is a brilliant man, but somehwat of a ditz when it comes to simple things like “where did I leave my ____________”. He’s got a passel of these things and saves his bacon on an almost daily basis. I simply shrug my shoulders and shake my head. I seems at times he’s always futzing with some “device”. He calls me sometimes when he’s not sure how to check the oil or trans fluid in his older car. Again, I shake my head ahd chuckle. I knew how to do these things forty years before he was born. At least I’ve now got him checking these sorts of things often enough he wont blow up his engine because of running out of fluids .

  10. we should look at it from the thief perspective. He thought his life was worth less than the truck.

    Any criminal should consider the risk and whether they think their lives are of no to little value when they commit crimes where confrontation is likely to one degree or another.

    As far as insurance is concerned, that’s when a stolen vehicle is not recovered. We have every right to find our property and to regain possession of it. We should consider also whether our personal liberty and the liberty of our fellow oeaceable citizens are worth confronting a thief or drag on society a parasite.

    • “Any criminal should consider the risk and whether they think their lives are of no to little value when they commit crimes where confrontation is likely to one degree or another.”

      As I see it, that’s the way it should be. A criminal needs to be afraid their crimes might get their sorry asses shot to death.

      And, that’s the beauty of nationwide constitutional carry, respected everywhere in the US, crime rates will fall. Similar as to how crimes get solved nowadays by the saturation of net-connected video cameras…

  11. Ah yes, Texas. Stealing a truck is an automatic death sentence, because, you know, trucks are people in the Lone Star State.

    • A mans pick-up truck is todays horse and wagon, they used to hang horse thieves… Hell, it might STILL be a capital offense somewhere…

    • The thief thought their life was worth the potential gain and escalated the matter to that level. He chose poorly.

    • “Ah yes, Texas. Stealing a truck is an automatic death sentence, because, you know, trucks are people in the Lone Star State.”

      That’s *exactly* the way it legally is in Florida, if someone is in a vehicle. Florida law makes an occupied motor vehicle the exact same as an occupied home.

      Carjack someone, get shot to death the same was as if it was a home invasion. You will not get charged (usually) 🙂

  12. They used to hang horse thieves, and trucks are the horses of today.
    Lucky this happened in Texas, though. Here in NJ, police would have arrested the car owner if he even thought about drawing his gun on the car thief.

  13. If someone steals my car it wont be long before the cops pull it over. For some reason it’s become a real cop magnet. I ask my son(who used to be a cop) “Is it the bat wings on the back or the NASA stickers on the quarter panels?” He said its probably the NASA stickers, cops hate NASA.
    Or I’m thinking it may be the blazing speed and power that that 2.2 liter motor churns out. Find a good hill and get her up to around 59mph, slam on the brakes and you can smoke all four tires for at least 1/4 of a block. Its been modified. A mechanic said he could fix that but I told him the ABS light only means it’s A Bad SonaBitch.
    Occasionally I see a red oil can light flashing, I think that means your supposed to look up iTunes Wizard of Oz songs. But I ain’t got iTunes.
    And I’ve know idea how many times I’m supposed to check my engine? I mean I start the car up, Check Engine comes on, I shut off the car, pop the hood , yup the engine is still there? Over and over.
    Sometimes I think that car is nutz.

    • an accurate reflection of its owner. Or maybe I have that bass ackwards. I rather suspect YOU are an accurate parody of that bucket of bolts and haywire.

      A “match made in heaven”.

      Your YOOOOGE dispacement of 2.2 litres is amusing… I used to tune the old Volvos, 1.8 litres, to run alll day long at 85 mph and do it whilst sipping only one gallon of petrol each 42 miles, at that speed. And no that was NOT an Imperial Gallon.

      • I used to own cars that would out run the cops, the speedometer went one way and the fuel gauge went the other. 440magnum, headers,750 double pumper holly, fly cut heads and high duration cam with solid lifters, with a High Patrol suspension. Thats the fastest car I’ve owned.
        My 67 390 Ford Galaxy500 built up by my cousin would run 120 in second gear. It made fools out of the po po.
        Those days are long gone just like the 25 cent a gallon gasoline.

    • possum:
      That’s hilarious. However, I don’t get the part about cops hating NASA. I guess I’m a little slow this morning.

  14. This country officially moved away from the concept of individual private property ownership, when the Libertarians Liberals and the Left got prop 47 passed in California.

    To them it’s acceptable to steal. It is better to keep jails and prisons as close to empty as possible.

  15. Details matter. What we don’t know is a lot.

    In the video, the truck is resting against another vehicle. Was the thief attempting to drive over the owner? Did the thief have a gun or realistic appearing weapon?

    It is not accurate to report the situation without reporting the known unknowns.

    • All I know is in this state of Kansas, around this area , if I chased somebody down for stealing my car and they wound up shot by me the only phone I could use is a ” cell phone” and I’d only get to use it when the jailer said I could.
      Oh BTW the last time I got throwed in jail, March 28 2023, I ask for a drink of water cause the shutters faucet wasn’t working. The jailer said sure I will bring you a cup but that never happened. They did take a DNA sample , that was a first.
      The Right To Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed,, ,,,uhhhh sure, whatever.

      • Shutter=shittter. You know the stainless steel frame shitter with no lid and a push me button, busted off faucet. I’m thinking that’s how all them names of the snitches got scratched in the paint. The busted off drink me faucet. I tried scratchin my name but the jailer musta heard it cause he came over that away and I knew from the last time if you scratch your name in the paint you’ll be charged with destruction of county property, even though the jails are privatized. Freedom Liberty and Injustice for all

  16. SA has had an exponential, year over year vehicle theft epidemic going back to at least 2020, so the article really didn’t do a service to the truth here.

    SAPD –does not– do anything more than take a report of stolen vehicles. They do not track them, do not engage for an active theft, nor do they go to investigate. When this guy called SAPD, he was no doubt told “we will take the report” and that’s the extent of SAPDs involvement. So, when he heard this, he no doubt realized that if he wanted his truck back, it was up to him.

    SA is 3 hours from Mexico on a bad traffic day. Why does this matter?

    Because Cartels pay bounties for US trucks and the truck of choice for the contract thieves is the Ford F series from 2014 – current model year. These trucks are COMICALLY easy to break into and the PATS system is fairly simple to hack with the right tools which are currently available for not too much money and up-skilling. The thievs hang out at large malls, hotels near interstates, 35 in particular but I10 as well and can jack an F series in 30 seconds to 2 minutes, alarm notwithstanding. The break in can be done with a multi-tool in less than 3 seconds. The Factory GPS can be disengaged and reset in 5 seconds.

    So almost certainly, this guys truck was jacked on a bounty and ultimately headed for Mexico. Once the thief “had” the truck away from the scene, he probably figured he was Scot-free since the only chance of him getting caught was some small town cop along the route to Mexico. Maybe DPS trooper, but they’re typically occupied with traffic stops for the “operation Lone Star” efforts.

    So yeah, people say let the insurance handle it or let the cops handle it and that is very easy for them to say. But if this guy lost his work truck, his livelihood is at stake. What people outside of Texas don’t realize is that these guys work their asses off for that $100k Super Duty, which easily holds 10 – 30k worth of tools. Even if it’s covered, it won’t be replaced in a day, likely it will take 30-90 days to get all that covered. And it’s quite possibly the only family vehicle. I’m not saying do it or not do it regarding the vehicle track down, I’m just trying point out that there’s a hell of a lot more to this story and the TTAG report than was covered.

  17. Texas is the most vicious uncivilized state in the Union. Even if the suspect was unarmed there is perhaps zero chance the gunslinger truck owner will be charged. In other civilized states you can get the book thrown at you. Look at what happened to George Zimmerman. He phoned the police and then ignored instructions to stay in his car until police arrived. Even worse he was white and the man killed was black which brought racism into the picture. I think if both men had been white or both been black no charges would ever have been filed against Zimmerman.

    The racist and uncivilized state of jackbooted Texas is an entirely different animal. If the robber was black or latino and even unarmed and the Truck owner was white he will be given a medal for gunning down the black man or latino without trial.

    • Man, you are REALLY hung up on “CIVILIZED”… So, what states do YOU consider “civilized” in the UNcivilized world of “CAPITALVANIA”?

      Even worse he was white and the man killed was black which brought racism into the picture. I think if both men had been white or both been black no charges would ever have been filed against Zimmerman.

      Yet in spite of the “racism” Zimmerman WAS arrested, tried and ACQUITED by a racially diverse jury, which is the EXACT opposite of YOUR moronic point…

  18. I don’t care if the truck was running, it is not yours so you leave it be. But thieves are not scared and its high time to change that! I want them to think about a bullet slamming into their skull as they are tooling around with someone else’s sled.
    Before ink prices went way up I printed calling cards which showed a hand gripping a semi-auto pistol and the text said “Be nice to me, try not to piss me off because at my age a life sentence ain’t that long”. Feel free to use that if you’d like.
    Now I gotta go out for my nightly search and this time it is for my 1971 travel trailer. It was my back-up in a crazy real estate market . Stolen March 16 4AM

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