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The cops’ justification: the wheelchair guy had just thrown a knife. Yes, well, how many knives did he have to throw? And why aren’t the police giving the alleged perp voice commands?

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  1. Lesson learned: never roll up to a gunfight with a knife.

    I can visualize next week’s headline: Police Shoot Quadraplegic for Loitering. Officer says “I thought his iron lung was a bazooka.” Film at 11.

  2. While not justification for shooting in itself, all perps need to be dealt with the “+1 Rule.” If you see one perp, assume there are 2. If you see 2 weapons, assume 3. So if someone throws a knife, expect that he has more.

    I also developed the “-1 Rule.” If I have 2 weapons, assume 1. If I have one defense plan, assume none (it won’t work and I need to develop another….quickly”

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