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Sandy Hook Elementary School Choir to Perform at Super Bowl

Robert Farago - comments No comments


The Super Bowl is not the place to use pathos to promote civilian disarmament. That is what they’re doing, right? In any case, I sure would like to know the ID of the anonymous donor bankrolling the trip.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Sandy Hook Elementary School Choir to Perform at Super Bowl”

  1. I know they’re singing America the Beautiful, but still, singing at the Super Bowl makes me think of the National Anthem.

    …the land of the free and the home of the brave? (question mark)

  2. Hmmm…

    7.62x54r and 7.62x38r Nagant; WW never heard of those sizes, but Cabella’s is overflowing with ’em.

    A lot of folks at the range make fun o’ my antique Russian stuff, but ‘twould appear that the less traveled road has fewer potholes.

    I get deer with iron sights and very few misses, and at home the pistol is loaded with MS 108s which clock near 1100 FPS. Life is good.


  3. Your reaction is knee-jerk. Carpe Diem. Use this as an opportunity to point out that if there had been armed teachers at the school, this tragedy would not have happened, or not been as severe.

    For people who spend all their time congnizant of the OODA loop, you seem to be overly reactive in precisely the way the master psychologists behind this totalitarian power grab want you to react. Granted that we don’t have the financial or media resources they do, but if we can’t use our training to outwit them, then this movement, and this site, are narcissistic irrelevancies.

    First stage: recast, attack, shame. Second stage: then find out who the anonymous donor is. Maybe. Because it won’t make much of a difference if it’s Soros, Bloomberg, or Vladimir Putin if stage one is not enployed.

    And don’t forget: emotion is much more powerful than logic. Always has been. Always will be.

  4. I hope that a well-funded group puts in a good advertisement that is thought provoking on behalf of those who support safety, and also those who support their second amendment rights.

  5. “It is true that the provisions of the Bill of Rights were designed to meet ancient evils. But they are the same kind of human evils that have emerged from century to century whenever excessive power is sought by the few at the expense of the many.”
    ─ Justice Hugo Black

    Here’s a question if a drug dealer gets arrested should you be punished for his crime?

    If you believe this is what should happen then take yourself to jail.

    Why then should taxes be made higher on ammunition or further restrictions be placed on those who legally own firearms for legal reasons hunting, competitions, or self-defense, mind you LEGAL, for the act of a disturbed individual.
    Criminals don’t and won’t obey the laws current laws on the books need to be enforced and the punishments for those crimes should be heavier. I and many like me have done all the legal bureaucratic paper work and hoop jumping required of US.
    Drug dealers are still dealing, murder is both immoral and illegal and it still happens.
    How about this we raise a tax on politicians who use picture messaging (Anthony D. Weiner) to prevent further misuse of technology by politicians. Call it the Weiner act. Sounds about right only politicians pay for that one though.

  6. Mayor Emanuel. “This has to be about doing what is morally right and not what is financially beneficial to their bottom lines.”

    Doesn’t Mayor Emanuel mean: “This has to be about doing what is morally right and not what is going to be the most politically beneficial to his future?”

  7. Ted Cruz had requested to have an AR-15 disabled or otherwise, and a semi automatic rifle present for the purposes of his talk. This request was denied, despite the fact DiFi did it not days earlier. He used photos instead.
    Even still it was well stated, and makes me think about moving to Texas! 🙂

  8. Fort Bragg? Ain’t that SF territory? My cranial computer ain’t what it once was, but I think that’s where them boys with the funny French hats hang out at.

  9. I have an ear for propaganda. NPR is really the only trustworthy major news outlet we have. They have extremely strict editorial standards and do a lot of old school journalism in the realm of “this is the nuts and bolts of what’s happening and our opinion doesn’t matter”. They are non-profit so they do not stand to benefit from the typical sensationalism. Since their funding depends on bipartisan support in congress and bipartisan support among listeners they have great incentive to be fair. I’ve listened to them for a long time and they are very fact based and will not conjecture beyond what is known. They let people represent themselves. They’ve been quite unbiased in the past regarding gun topics, even giving good coverage and on topic interviews with the author of that Glock book that came out a while ago.

  10. I am sure this was a Gun Free Zone they show everybody in. Nope, don’t want somebody stopping the shooter before the police get there.

  11. The New York LEOs are already trying to weasel out of their culpability: “We’re the implementers,” Hogan said. “We’re not the legislators.”

    Oh, I get it. You’re just following orders. Well, that defense has already been used by guys with prettier uniforms than yours and taller jackboots. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

  12. Between the faker Beyonce, the half-time Costa rant and now this, I WILL NOT be watching the Super Propaganda Bowl.

    And I’ll be writing the NFL to let them know this.

  13. A good pair of tactical scissors should never be overlooked…but when the SHTF for real I break out my red swing line assault stapler! High capacity magazine and all. Take that DHS!

  14. (a-5) The Department is authorized to issue licenses to
    carry a handgun under this Act. A license shall permit the
    licensee to:
    (1) carry a loaded or unloaded handgun on or about his
    or her person, concealed or otherwise;
    (2) keep or carry a loaded or unloaded handgun on or
    about his or her person when in a vehicle; and
    (3) keep a loaded or unloaded handgun openly or
    concealed in a vehicle.

    Does subset (1) imply open carry? What is meant by otherwise. If this meant only concealed, why put in OTHERWISE???

  15. Part of the reason the 7 is hitting below the belt is how many “hunting” riffle hold 10 rounds. Now the hunters are getting effected and it is no longer about “Assault Weapons” it is about the guns they actual own. They forgot they needed to divide the hunters from the sport shooters and hit most Gun Ownership.



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