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Been a long time since we’ve done one of these. Today, in Dallas, we are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with the annual Lower Greenville Ave. St. Patrick’s Day parade. Now, of course, the Irish have a long and storied history with guns. So I thought it might be appropriate to pass along a couple of gun-related Irish jokes, in time for St. Paddy’s festivities. So brush up on yer brogue and read on . . .

Kieran O’Connor always slept with his gun under his pillow. Hearing a noise at the foot of the bed, he shot off his big toe.’Thank the Lord I wasn’t sleeping at the other end of the bed,’ Kieran said to his friends in the pub. ‘I would have blown my head off.’

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An old man living alone in South Armagh, whose only son was in Long Kesh Prison, didn’t have anyone to dig his garden for his potatoes.So he wrote to his son about his troubles. The son sent the reply, “For HEAVENS SAKE, don’t dig the garden up, that’s where I buried the guns!”

At 3 AM the next morning, a dozen British soldiers turned up and dug the garden for 3 hours, but didn’t find any guns. Confused, the man wrote to his son telling him
what had happened, asking him “What should I do now”?

The son sent the reply: “NOW plant the potatoes!”

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Man runs out of a West Belfast pub with his arms on fire Police catch him and charge him with having an armalite.

Sure an’ I’ll leave ya with this bit o’ Blarney in the form of a riddle:

Q: What’s Irish and gets left out in the rain?

A: Sure an’ it’s Paddy O’Furniture, dontcha know!




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