was founded by two concerned NRA Members after the tumultuous members meeting at the NRA annual donvention this past spring.

The organization is advocating for specific reforms at the NRA to help it recover from the internal crisis it is currently facing after years of dysfunction. Save The Second was successful in collecting enough voting member signatures on a petition to add a vote on a bylaw change to create mandatory attendance for directors at future board meetings.  Leaders of the organization are also working with NRA directors to work for other reforms.

Save The Second was planning to attend this week’s board meetings in Alaska, but has pivoted with the organization to the new meeting location in northern Virginia.

The NRA Board meetings will take place this week at the Hilton Washington Dulles Airport hotel in Herndon, Virginia. Any NRA member can attend committee meetings on Thursday and Friday as well as the primary board meeting in Saturday morning, September 14.

Here’s the hotel address:

Hilton Washington Dulles Airport
13869 Park Center Rd.
Herndon, VA 20171

“While I am skeptical of the NRA’s explanation for the venue change, I am excited that more NRA Members will now be able to attend on Saturday morning,” said Rob Pincus, Save the Second board member.

“We will be there to represent concerned American Gun Owners, and we encourage any current NRA member to show up at 7:30 AM to be heard themselves.

“We are also hoping that those concerned about the organization and creating a stronger, more effective NRA for the future will join us Friday from 6pm to 8pm evening at the host hotel to discuss these issues,” Pincus said.

Save The Second has been sharing details of the crisis currently facing the NRA at their website and through social media.


  1. Keep us informed of this, Dan. I’ll be watching.

    Of course, if Trump caves on the UBC and Red Flag issues, will any new NRA leadership be able to do anything. Or want to?

  2. Assign every member an empty can and tell them to bail as fast as possible! Can the “S.S. NRA” be kept afloat? Tune into the next episode!

    • Funny! But when Captain Wayne is steering directly toward the iceberg, we may not be able to bail with sufficient speed.

      Or is he more like Ahab?

  3. The NRA needs a budget policy and a budget watchdog. Too much money in overhead. Execs have too much discretion in how dollars are spent. Every dollar must be accounted for and every expense transparent to the membership.

  4. I am a lifetime legacy member, and was at the membership meeting at Indy. I believe WLP is on course to take our NRA to his grave. I have stopped $upport till he is GONE. There has been NO information to refute the allegations he has been charged with. I work hard for $$$$ to send the NRA. I want my $$ spent conservatively! i still support protection of 2A, but not NRA till transparency.

  5. I am proud to stand with the many NRA members who have taken the responsibility to become aware and continually seek information about what is happening at the NRA.

    Like most politicians/public figures, Wayne probably thinks he’s above the fray and that if he just keeps quiet and this will all blow over. If so, that’s just another bad call on his part.

    I’m a Life Patron member and NRA Instructor, so I’ve spent a lot of time and money supporting the organization. I now toss everything in the recycle bin that comes in the mail, as my money is going to GOA and other 2A organizations that are NO COMPROMISE and actually get things done.

    The NRA needs to support the membership and take action against all the attempts around the country that are trying to infringe on our 2A rights. With so many leaders gone (anyone who challenged or questioned WLP), the NRA is an empty shell, led by a guy in expensive suits.

    I can’t attend this weekend, but hope that those who do will stand strong and represent those of us in the membership that want accountability, transparency and an end to the rampant spending without results.

  6. Danny,

    Are you grinding Pincus’s axe? Is he promising anything if he wins his big civil suit against the very same organization he says he is out to protect? So, as the socialist Democrats are pushing to control everything in America your pushing to limit the strength and influence of the NRA? Nice work.

  7. Wish I’d known earlier…I was off work a majority of this week and could have adjusted it so that I could have flown in and enjoyed inflicting myself on their meetings.

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