Brandon Herrera: Make ATF Great Again. But can you make something great again that was never great in the first place?

Second Amendment advocates, and any liberty-loving American who remembers a better time before the Biden Administration, have been rejoicing since the call of the 2024 election in favor of President Donald Trump. As he is known to do, the President-Elect is wasting no time getting the ball rolling, making cabinet appointments and promising to undo the wrongs of his predecessor as early as his first day on the job. With his return to the Oval Office and seemingly solidified stance on protecting American gun rights, a huge topic of discussion has been the incoming president’s selection of a new Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and how this appointment could reshape the country’s Second Amendment landscape. 

Gun rights groups have already started making requests to President Trump, abolishing the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention being among the first. Unsurprisingly, it looks as if that request has already made its way onto a checklist, as one of President Trump’s goals this time around is to trim some of the proverbial bureaucratic fat. Lawrence Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, seems to agree that a good place to start is where taxpayer dollars are being spent on efforts to erode their own freedom. 

“Nowhere else, within the U.S. government, are taxpayers forced to fund efforts to denigrate their rights protected by the law. This office was established to appease the special-interest gun control lobby and donors,” says Keane. 

Moving forward naturally, we find ourselves on the doorstep of the ATF, where the debate amongst Constitutional conservatives is whether or not to abolish the agency or limit its authority. Under the Biden administration, the ATF has become a heavy-handed anti-gun outfit, targeting gun owners and sellers while attempting to regulate commonly used and owned firearms in defiance of recent United States Supreme Court decisions. While many of these attempts have failed, with courts overruling the ATF’s efforts, the cost of constant litigation is an undue burden on taxpayers. 

Representative Eric Burlison, (R-MO) is no stranger to fighting and beating the anti-gun lobby, having succeeded as a state legislator in changing several Missouri gun laws. He has now set his sights on Washington, planning to propose legislation to end the National Firearms Act and abolish the ATF. While these are sure to be uphill battles, colleagues want to fight alongside him, providing confidence that advances against the anti-gun agenda can be made.

“I think that the odds are good that we at least move the ball,” Burlison said. 

While most of us would love to see a bright neon “out of business” sign on the front door of the ATF, this could be a more nuanced proposition with pitfalls to beware of. Killing the agency off will not address existing anti-gun legislation, therefore shuffling enforcement duties to another agency, likely the FBI, which is an even less attractive outcome. 

“Abolishing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives will not solve the problems. The underlying laws and regulations will still be there and transferred to a bigger and more well funded agency like the FBI with more manpower to enforce them. Be careful for what you wish for,” warns Alan M. Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.

On the other hand, Republicans on Capitol Hill are more confident than ever that their incoming partner in the White House will support efforts to limit the ATF’s power, especially when it comes to the NFA, which governs the purchases of short-barreled rifles and suppressors, making Americans pay a special tax for heavily restricted access to their own rights.

Perhaps some of that confidence can be attributed to a speech at a National Rifle Association convention in Pennsylvania earlier this year where then-presidential candidate Donald Trump made a promise that had to have the pinkos shedding a tear and dying their hair blue. 

“Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day,” Trump said.

A spokesman for the NSSF, Mark Oliva, says the group is eager to see changes at the ATF and in Washington.

“NSSF believes the ATF needs a course correction. The next ATF director should serve the public by dedicating the agency’s resources to targeting, arresting and bringing to justice those criminals who illegally traffic firearms and threaten community safety,” Oliva said.

So, who should be at the helm if the ATF is truly headed for a course correction? I’m glad you asked because I have an endorsement for the position that may make even more liberals follow Ellen DeGeneres and her wife Portia de Rossi’s lead in leaving the United States. That full-throated totally heterosexual endorsement goes to my friend, the “AK Guy” himself, Brandon Herrera, an idea that was recently floated out there, more tongue-in-cheek than actual suggestion, though as I think about, it actually makes sense.. 

Brandon Herrera is a very successful YouTuber whose accomplishments and commitment to the Second Amendment reach far beyond the scope of that anti-American video platform. Brandon is also an accomplished firearm builder and the man responsible for the AK-50, an almost decade-long effort to produce a functional and high-performing .50 caliber AK-based rifle. Brandon also dipped his foot into more official political waters this year, running for Congress in the Texas primaries, and while his presence in the House would have been joyously and disruptively based, I have to admit that seeing him made ATF Director might just be the most epic appointment of all time. 

In a recent video on Brandon’s YouTube channel and covered on TTAG, he acknowledged his public support and pointed out the irony of being made the head of an agency he wishes to abolish. I can see it now. Welcome the new boss, NOT the same as the old … Far from it.

While he feels he would be an unlikely candidate for the position, Brandon’s distaste for the agency might be exactly what President Trump is looking for, as he has been choosing cabinet secretaries critical of the agencies they would run.

“This would be one of the most legendary appointments Donald Trump has ever made,” Herrera says on his YouTube channel. I agree, however, I’ll say it would be among the most legendary appointments of any president ever.


  1. …the irony of being made the head of an agency he wishes to abolish.

    That’s the sort of thing Trump lives for. Herrera could probably withstand scrutiny easier than Hegseth or Gaetz, so why no? It isn’t a far-fetched idea.

    Ultimately, the ATF has to end, just like the Dept of Ed. and just like every “office” added during the Puppet’s tenure. Yes, the FBI would pick up any slack in investigative duties. Saying that’s a bad thing doesn’t make sense. The modern ATF’s existence seems to be an anti-gun organization. That wouldn’t be the FBI’s main goal. The FBI is corrupt because the leadership has been corrupt for a long time. All you can do is clean house, and do better going forward. Electing Trump is only the beginning.

    Be careful for what you wish for,” warns Alan M. Gottlieb

    Does Alan understand that there are federal laws making marijuana illegal? It’s a legal AND enforcement issue. The ATF’s current existence is to be anti-gun. They aren’t just focused on going after gangs or violent criminals. They’re focused on harassing mom and pop gun stores and small time private gun owners. Is the DEA focused on taking out pot users or mom and pop pot stores? We all understand the answer is no, despite the current laws. Wake up Alan.

    • They’re focused on harassing mom and pop gun stores and small time private gun owners.

      And killing airport managers in Little Rock, AR.

      • Or terrorizing the kid, at gun point of a whole swat team, of home FFL’s who did nothing wrong. Or showing up at a lady’s door wanting to come in and refusing to show any idea and terrorizing her and her child. Or showing up armed at peoples homes with an illegal gun registry list demanding to look at their guns, without a warrant. Or showing up at peoples homes with no warrant or cause, and when no one answers the door they try the door to see if its unlocked. Or creating an illegal gun registry record at an FFL during inspection by use of cell phone. Or still recovering guns at crime scenes that came from the ATF storage facilities that were documented as having been previously destroyed. Or convicted criminals that are still ATF agents for some reason throwing their weight around to bully and terrorize people. Or…the list is longggggg and goes on and on and on.

        • The ATF has become nothing but jack booted thugs with badges and guns pretending to be law enforcement to enforce the rules they create.

          There is no other government law enforcement agency that creates rules, calls it law, to make people felons so they can run out to enforce the rule they created at the point of a gun. No law enforcement agency is suppose to have the power to make ‘defacto law’ by rule making then enforce the very ‘defacto law’ rule they created.

          No government law enforcement agency is suppose to have the power to freely interpret existing law as they see fit and give it interpretations that were never intended by congress.

          No government law enforcement agency should have the power to literally, act as though home invaders, and kill a man that committed no crime at all because they self-interpreted a vague and undefined term of ‘in the business’ especially when their victim wasn’t ‘in the business’.

          The ATF has become a rogue agency and criminal enterprise, plain and simple. They are jack booted thugs willing to pull a trigger, bully and terrorize innocent people, ignore the law any time they want, and willing to kill, and then justify it with ” ’cause we say so”.

          The ATF toilet of criminal monster fascists tyranny needs to be flushed, and Dettlebach needs to be the first to go.

    • when was the last time they made an alcohol or tobacco arrest?…these days they seem to be into drug busts which I thought was the DEA’s purview…the truth is this a redundant agency that continues to try to justify their existence…often ending in disaster and embarrassment for the federal government…they simply need to go away

    • duly…You were so sure the election fix was in you wanted to wager on it…You bozo are the one who needs to show TRUMP/VANCE and this forum you won’t fold like a cheap tent and bet on the enemy again…good luck with that.

      • Oh sorry I said something negative about your God Trump.
        Excuse me while I pour dust on my head.

    • Good Idea !!!!!

      Herrera can lead the New Department of Citizen Armament, which doles out used military equipment, for free, to US citizens needing weaponry.

      • What’s running the atf now is incompetent and a disgrace like the rest of the biden/harris circle. I concur about Noir heading the ATF and Mark Smith filling an opening on the USSC…Cutesy time is over.

    • send the regulatory people back to treasury…assign their fire, arson and explosives people to some other federal LE agency and tell the rest to prepare their resumes…we don’t need this agency

  2. Wow it would be really fun to be the director of alchohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives.

  3. Maybe is the Dept of Energy person doesn’t make it through confirmation, we can nominate the Fat Electrician. 🙂

  4. Seems to me that Alan Gottlieb would be a good choice, though he’s far too valuable to the cause in leading the SAF and CCKBA.

  5. If we have to have a director for the ATF, it should be someone who is in favor of guns and not some anti-gun nut. IMNSHO, the ATF should be eliminated. Congress should be making rules and laws, not some unelected bureaucratic agency.

  6. Funny how the “extremist” label so often applies to people with pro-liberty tendencies while those with anti-liberty tendencies never catch that label. Extremist director, please. One that will burn the whole thing down.

  7. Brandon, ATF Director? Oh hell yes! That would be the name of a nationwide chain of liquor stores…..

  8. “Republicans on Capitol Hill are more confident than ever that their incoming partner in the White House will support efforts to limit the ATF’s power, especially when it comes to the NFA” – If so, confidence based on forgetting Trump’s 1st term when the ATF used redefinition to turn bump stocks into machine guns and braced pistols into SBRs.

    • Fair enough though Trump 2.0 does seem different, with a more focused mission. We’ll see how that goes. I’m sure there will be plenty of obstruction coming from the uniparty.

    • their stance often goes which ever way the political winds blow…we don’t need this agency…just get rid of them

  9. Love Brandon, ….this Brandon, not the soul less douche currently desicrating the oval office. It would be any sane American’s dream to have someone head an illegal and unconstitutional organization that he himself abolishes. You can’t make it up!

  10. There is an exceedingly easy solution for the ATF which soon-to-be President Trump can do immediately, legally, and without any cooperation from Congress:

    Regarding all field agents who have or are willing to harass good people, their new assignment is sitting at a desk in a basement hand copying memos in quadruplicate. Of course the stack of memos will be 10 feet high and these newly minted field agent scribes will have to use old-school pencils which require frequent sharpening with old-school pencil sharpeners. (And no erasures allowed–if they make a mistake they have to throw that in the trash and start again on a fresh new sheet of paper.) I can picture them lasting at most two weeks before they quit. And then the agency never gets around to replacing them with new hires.

    • Draft all BATFE agents. Give them two weeks of basic training. Issue them muskets with four rounds of smmo then air drop them into the battle zone of Ukraine.

  11. Tasks for incoming ATF chief:

    Disarm every ATF agent. No guns while on the job. That alone will save lives of gun owners, their families and their dogs .

    Destroy all electronic records illegally obtained and all the paper records they took from FFLs when they closed down. Allow FFLs to destroy their records again after 10 years or whatever it used to be.

    Gun registries are illegal. Fire and prosecute any and all agents engaged in illegal behavior such as building and maintaining an illegal gun registry.

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