Angela Giron, c

Last week, John Morse was the one drawing the voter’s ire in the form of an official recall effort that succeeded following his vote in favor of stricter gun control laws in Colorado. This week, Angela Giron is the one whose recall petition signatures have been ruled A-OK by the Secretary of State kicking off the removal process. She can either step down now (and be replaced by another Democrat chosen by the party) or try to make her case to the voters in a special election. Watch this space.


  1. Run ’em outta’ town on a rail. 😀

    Now if they could only get that done for that gang of thugs in CA. (Boxer, Pelosi, Yee, etc.)

    • Don’t forget the tar. And feathers. I sort of wish that would come around again. It’s a potent message to other potential gun-grabbers.

      In more ancient times, such people would be banished to live outside the village, alone. That really can’t be done anymore, because there’s no “outside” to the village. One just blends into another.

      Nice thought, though. They’d have to build their own shelter out of mud and sticks… DAMN! That IS a nice thought!

  2. I don’t understand Colorado’s protocol whereby the party of the recalled politician can appoint a replacement. It seems obvious to me that if the elected politician did something so egregious to be promptly recalled, the only follow-up action is an election. Otherwise the political party of the recalled politician can simply appoint another loser and the process would continue forever.

    For example … The constituents recalled Angela Giron. So the Democrats appoint Jane Doe to replace her. However, Jane Doe has all the same political views and votes identically to Angela Giron. And the constituents promptly recall Jane Doe. Then the Democrats appoint Angela Giron back to her old position to replace Jane Doe. And the cycle can go on forever.

    • It is silly but this way saves money and one would hope that recall is saved for those with extreme views such as those infringing on the Constitution. Unfortunately there is no shortage of those politicians in CO today.

      Eventually there will be another election so it can’t go on forever and I doubt there’s a repeal vote done until after that point too.

      This will still send a clear message that these views will not be supported any longer and might get some other people tossed then as well.

    • if the seat is vacated before an election is scheduled, the state’s rules allow someone else to be appointed to the position. It is logical . . . and it puts those being appointed on notice with the next election around the corner.

    • I would think a recall is not normally done just because the voters don’t like the person’s politics, that would have been covered in the election.

      If a recall is limited to when the person just goes off el guano loco, then the general political wishes of the people are best served by a replacement of the same party.

      The liberty of the people may be a different story.

    • Them stepping down for the party to keep the seat is admitting they were wrong and have lost the confidence of the voters. Its frankly an open show of cowardice that would draw up the posters for the challenger next cycle. Dems handing down decisions from on high without giving any voice to the people they represent. I dare them to step down. I dare them to go to elections. I think they lose either way.

    • “I don’t understand Colorado’s protocol whereby the party of the recalled politician can appoint a replacement. It seems obvious to me that if the elected politician did something so egregious to be promptly recalled, the only follow-up action is an election.”

      I think I can explain why, but I can’t justify it, of course:

      In the Southwest (and I dispute that much of Colorado is the “Southwest”, but rather the West, period), there are small towns and villages with entrenched Hispanic families have been running the place exactly to their (corrupt) liking for generations. In northern NM and southern CO, sometimes for 6, 8, 10 generations. They dislike “come-heres” and do everything they can to keep them out of office, legal and illegal. Voter fraud can be rampant; if you are a candidate, you know the vote-counters personally, and their families.

      And that, in a nutshell, is the reason behind this utterly corrupt process.

  3. @uncommon_sense – usually, the recall process puts the party on notice enough to back away from whatever issue spawned it.

    IOW – if the Jane Doe took the same stances on the same issues as her predecessor, then the Dems lose the seat in the next election.

    What you’re stating isn’t impossible, but if the people are stirred enough to send someone a pink slip, the party generally cools on the issue a bit.

    • I love the smell of representative government in the morning, not democracy, which, by definition, is 50%, plus one individual. The Founders knew this too well, and were determined to keep democracy out of it.

      “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.” Liberty is one well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” – Benjamin Franklin

      Democracy is the tyranny of the majority. It is to be avoided at all cost.

      Democracy was soldiers in Vietnam “voting” to frag their crazy, incompetent Lieutenant in his tent. It’s not democracy, but sometimes it makes me smile.

  4. Either outcome, she’s forced to face an election or she’s forced to resign, sends a clear message that gun control is unwelcome in Colorado. Third rail, folks.

    • Third rail except in Denver and Boulder, unfortunately. Both of my state legislators were not only proud to vote for this terrible legislation, they were surprised when I wrote them to express my opposition to their point of view. Needless to say, they have pretty safe seats. . .

      So I donate to the recall efforts for Morse and Giron.

      • I know, i live in California. I contact reps, vote and donate money to gun rights group. I’ve probably done more good for others rights than mine. But I keep plugging and hoping.

  5. Elections have consequences. Now, CO has shown that voting records of elected officials also have consequences.

    Unfortunately, as long as Holder stays in place, there don’t seem to be any consequences for appointed Federal officials.

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