If you’re a farmer there are plenty of reasons to have a handgun on your hip. Predator species harassing you livestock, nuisance invasive critters like feral hogs tearing up your fields…a good sidearm comes in mighty handy. Forney, Texas cattle farmer DB chooses to strap on a Ruger Security Six. Half a dozen rounds (plus the speed loader) of a caliber that will put down or scare off anything he’s likely to come across. That should work.


  1. Those fear hogs are even worse than the feral ones. The .357 mag works well on both. I love my Security Six.

    • I had the Service Six. Fixed sights. It was a very good gun for little money.

    • With Ruger making the “security 9,” and resurrecting the PC carbine to great enthusiasm, I wonder if they are planning on bringing back the Security Six series?

  2. Yup. Ya gotta protect yourself from those fear hogs. Although I think you misspelled Hogg.

    • Hogg isn’t frightening, merely annoying. As is anyone who gives him any attention or credibility.
      I keep thinking a stainless Security Six is the way to go for me, but every time I see a blued one I just can’t help but think “oooooh! Pretty!!”

  3. My mother has a Ruger Security Six Bicentennial 6″ barrel .38. If only the area we lived in had more businesses that allowed open carry.

    • I would think that any farmer or rancher would use/need that many over the course of a normal workday. If anything, I would want at least one blade to be fixed, or at least a much bigger folder.

    • When we farmed, I carried three knives (or rather, a Leatherman and two knives).

      See, there are some situations where you need a knife you don’t mind sticking in some foul substances. Then you need a knife you don’t stick into foul substances. Then you need a knife (a small one, in my case) to clean your fingernails when you wash up (which is frequent when you’re getting into foul stuff).

  4. When I was in the army I bought a stainless, 4″ HB Security Six. It had red insert front sight and white outline rear. Ruger factory target stocks. A great handgun. I foolishly sold it. Ruger should reintroduce it and do away with the GP 100. If I ever see another one I’ll buy it on the spot. So should anyone else.

    • S,R&Co will never dump the GP and go back to the S-6. The GP is stronger and has a more versatile peg grip that can accommodate a wide variety of grip sizes and shapes. They also offer a few with the half under-lug if that’s your hangup.

      • I know, but one can only hope. I like Rugers. Owned an ass load of them over the years. Still own four, or five. Still, the first time I picked up a GP 100 I handed it back and said, “No thanks.”

        • They’re making a pretty wide variety of them these days. I’ve got a 3″ Wiley Clapp (blue) for EDC and a 6″ stainless for home defense. Have the rubber grips with the wood side panels on both and love that grip – Altamont makes several varieties. Also love the front si ght that can literally be swapped in 2 seconds with a paper clip. Anyway, between the Match Champion, the .44 specials and 10mm, there’s a couple 5″ distributor exclusives with the half under-lug… there’s probably something in there you’d like. But those Se curity Sixes will last virtually forever, so maybe you’re not really in the market anyway.

        • “Still, the first time I picked up a GP 100 I handed it back and said, “No thanks.””

          The sheer mass of them makes them easier to shoot for someone recoil-adverse.

          The more the mass, the less the pain and the more the chance they will practice with it…

      • I am strongly leaning towards the GP-100 as my next handgun. Tried out the trigger at the range a few weeks ago and really, really liked it.

      • Usually don’t click on links, but saw Turnbull in there and just had to. Own a MC GP100, that Turnbull version is beautifully. Yes, the grips need to go. A nice set of Mammoth tusk or figured wood grips would set that case hardening off quite nicely.

  5. I have a 6″ stainless security six and a 4″ blue speed six. older than many readers on this site. Great guns, be jealous.

    • I am jealous. Although, I assure you I’m older than those revolvers. I had a chance to pick up a 6″ stainless Security Six for $200 a few years ago. Mint. Should have scarfed it up, but I want the 4″ HB.

  6. I only see two knives, one custom and one with custom scales , the Endura has an almost 4 inch blade ,that’s about the max for many folders .

    Right now I’m in a tank top and gym shorts , laying on the couch and I have two knives .

  7. Years ago I traded off a LLama 9 mm. with $125 bucks and got a Security six, 357 mag, stainless, 6 in. barrel. Shoots like a rifle. Best deal I ever got. If it wasn’t for the boating accident on a trip to Alaska…….

  8. I saw this one ‘rancher’ who looked like Marty from Back To The Future 3, carrying a long barrel six shooter. He was seriously the stupidest looking person I have ever seen, and I used to live in the city….

    This seems practical. The cowpoke (podunk) I saw, seemed like trailer trash. Of course, that’s Montana….

  9. I think that everyone in America should have a service and training year as there last year of high school. everyone would get basic weapons training and at the end of the year you get to choose between keeping a Remington 700 type firearm, a pump shotgun or a revolver such as the one featured.

    • The history of such documents such as our constitution used to require it. For years, a “lord” was required to know how to shoot a bow by the age of 7, and the family was to own a sword. Giving the sword up, or selling it, was a crime. Just look at the history of these documents and their definition of ‘arms’. It’s there for a reason and has been there for millennia.

  10. If you find a used Security Six the ones with a 150 prefix on the serial number are early production. Ruger changed the design of the grip frame in 1975. Then it became hard to find grips for the 150 series. Herrett can probably make a set but they are over $100.

  11. There are a million worse choices for a weapon than a Security Six. My bedside table gun forever.

    • Yes….”.there indeed are a million worse choices for a weapon than a Security Six. My bedside gun forever.”
      Actually this applies to any .357 Magnum revolver (see my letter above). I own and carry myself a 4″
      Smith and Wesson (K-Frame) Model 66 “stainless” .357 Combat Magnum revolver of pre-1982 vintage. It
      has the original Goncalo Alves target grips. I likewise own an S&W Model 19 4″ barrel of same vintage. Both are beautiful classic handguns. Granted they aren’t built as tough as your Ruger Security Six. Yet, considering the majority of ammo fired is .38 Special wad-cutters (148 grain), and sparingly .357 Magnum, preferably 158 and not 125 grain loads, both S&W Model 19 and 66 will outlast several lifetimes. If a person owns a .357 Magnum, as we both do, and is proficient safe and competent with such, then why do they require or need an arsenal? Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing whatsoever amiss with caching an arsenal. But the arms in the gun safe at home won’t be of any good while the person is out hiking in the woods, fishing, camping, hunting: the sidearm carried as a companion to a rifle during deer/elk season, or while out nature watching, gathering wild plums, berries, or mushrooms, or enjoying the great outdoors. This is where a 4″ or 6″ barrel .357 Magnum revolver comes into it’s own. “My bedside gun forever?”. Absolutely! But not necessarily limited to the bedroom or house via the dresser, bureau drawer, or night stand. Also for keeping loaded, accessible, and within instant reach next to sleeping bag in tent, pickup canopy shell, or wherever while camping. In fact, depending on the region cell phone access may be inside a so called “dead zone.” A real example of this is the Gearhart Mountain Wilderness Area situated between Bly (Klamath County) and Paisley (Lake County) in south-eastern Oregon on the Fremont/Winema National
      Forest. Recently I was fishing the Chewaucan River which runs through Paisley at it’s headwaters: Dairy
      Creek. Though I was able to get cell phone reception with my older brother who resides in Klamath Falls,
      Oregon over 100 miles distant, this isn’t necessarily always possible. Fortunately I was wearing holstered
      my own 4″ Smith and Wesson Model 66 on my person. I believe, and rightly so, aside from God’s grace,
      provision, and power of prayer that Model 66 remains basically the “only law, security, and protection” I
      owned and had on my person. This region described gets mighty pitch black dark, isolated, and lonely at
      night. I felt well protected, secured, and safe.

      James A. “Jim” Farmer
      Merrill, Oregon (Klamath County)

  12. Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon: Wednesday, February 10th, 2015
    Letters To The Editor (www.lakecountyexam.com)

    Gun Lesson

    Introduced jointly in 1935 by Smith and Wesson and Winchester, the .357 Magnum, originally designed by Major Doug Wesson, Phil Sharpe: a ballistician, and gun scribe writer Elmer Keith, is now 80. The .357 Magnum, and it’s parent caliber the .38 Special, were formerly the quintessential law enforcement handgun of the 20th century. Since mass conversion from revolvers to semi-automatic pistols commenced in the late 1980’s/ early 1990’s, revolvers seldom appear in cop’s holsters. However, the historic revolver remains laudable.

    Both .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolvers continue to offer versatility for autonomous citizens, including the individual owning one handgun. .38’s and .357’s remain ideal for self defense/ house protection/ concealed carry, and likewise for the great outdoors. Even the .44 Magnum, introduced in 1956, especially in Alaska.

    Classic Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum revolvers included the K-Frame S&W Model 19 and 66 “stainless” .357 Combat Magnum revolvers, and the two heavier N-Frame .357 Magnums: the S&W Model 27 and 28 Highway Patrolman, respectively. Other classic .357 Magnum revolvers, though now discontinued from production, were the Colt Python (the Cadillac of .357’s), Colt’s Trooper Mark III, and Ruger’s Security Six and Blackhawk single action revolver.

    View online “hickok45” and “Larry Vickers and Magnum Revolvers.” Also, “The War on Guns” via http://www.DavidCodrea.com. No. A person owning only a .38 Special or .357 Magnum revolver remains well protected, armed, and secured.

    Remember: No substitute exists for accuracy, reliability, versatility, and safety. With the revolver it’s still “six shots for sure!”

    James A. Farmer, Ashland
    Now a resident of Merrill, Oregon (Klamath County)

  13. I carry my Ruger Security Six when out and about on my 40 acres also. I keep one shotshell under the hammer if I need to dispatch a snake I just roll the cylinder back one. Other than that I have 5 .357 Mag HP that should take care of any other 2 or 4 legged problems.

    I would prefer more rounds but its the most versatile tool to put on my hip.

  14. I picked up a stainless Service Six, in .357 mag. Issued to Milwaukee, WI PD between their model 10’s and Glock 23’s. Only saw about 6 months service. It is an awesome, strong gun. If the SHTF, I would definitely take it along and carry it!

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