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Texas schmexas. A Defensive Gun Use (DGU) is an extremely dangerous event for any law-abiding citizen. Not just in terms of getting shot, stabbed and/or beaten by the bad guy. Also when it comes to staying out of jail. We can’t say this enough: the police are not your friends. The media are not your friends. Your neighbors are not your friends. When you’re looking at the possibility of jail time, your friends are not your friends. You have no friends. What you should have is a lawyer. And sufficient presence of mind to STFU. As far as re-enacting your actions, don’t even think about it until and unless you lawyer tells you to. Hey, where’s Rik Melartin pointing that gun NOW? Warning shot? Desert Eagle stuffed in his pants? Admitting to three “citizens’ arrests”? Melartin may not consider himself a hero, but he is an ill-advised idiot. Learn from his mistakes lest they become yours. [h/t to Ira Wilsker]

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  1. Could be that it’s just the camera angle, but it seemed to me that he had his finger on the trigger at least at the beginning. Probably interested the news people because he sounds a bit like Arnie Schwartzenegger

  2. “The suspect threw up his hands.”

    That’s what happens when you exert yourself immediately after eating a large portion of hands.

  3. Say what you want, but say it politely to the man with the fifty cal Desert Eagle…because at the very least he will chase you down and tackle you.

  4. He should have worn a cape while he was re-enacting his DGU. Good on him for intervening, but you can be the Neighborhood Hero without getting on the news.

  5. My first permit to carry instructor was a prosecutor for 12 years. His advice? “The only words out of your mouth to the police should be ‘I wish to speak with my attorney. I do not consent to any search.'”
    The 20+ year MPD veteran with him? Same advice.
    My refresher-course instructor? Same advice.
    Seemed to be a consensus there . . .

  6. When I was in the Army we trained for this situation, we collapased onto the ground (face up) drew and fired our 1911s. In dry fire training with a living “guard” who was expecting us to “Get Jiggy” the sucess rate was over 90% at a distance of 8 feet and under. The trick is to not collapse onto your holster or gun arm.

  7. Q: How many of his neighbors did he muzzle with that thing during his re-enactment?
    A: Just about all of them.

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