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America’s political left has been getting plenty of mileage out right wing chatter about opposing not-to-say-overthrowing an over-reaching not-to-say Socialist federal government. The administration’s defenders linked the protest movement with the Republican and the armed militia (a.k.a. domestic terrorists). While it’s mostly a bunch of hooey, I’ve begun to see Republicans clinging to their jobs and their rhetoric through the prism of of liberal paranoia. If you can set aside the nauseating fact that the tit-sucking, earmark loving politicians now sounding the alarm are as culpable as the Obama administration for the Uncle Sam problem, ARE Republicans laying on the anti-government thing a bit thick? Check this from the Pittsburgh re: Senator Rick Santorum’s exhortations at a Tea Party shindig. “”Now it’s a different kind of war. Instead of the Japanese dropping a bomb on Pearl Harbor, Barack Obama has assaulted the soul of America,” he said. “And it’s our watch.” As a sign that he knows he’s stepping over the line, the Senator backpedals furiously . . .

I’m not asking you to charge a beach with guns lined up against you. I’m not asking you to sacrifice anything except for some of your time, some of your energy, and some of your money, to strike a blow for freedom.

Some of your money? Rick just doesn’t get it. But he will. In a non-violent sense, of course.

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  1. I dunno. I generally like Santorum. But if you listen to what the big guys in the conservative talk radio/Fox News are saying (that would be Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and Levin), they are ALL saying that peaceful protest and revolt at the ballot box are the way to go. Glenn Beck, in particular, preaches non-violence on a daily basis. In fact, he signs off his TV show making that point, five days a week. Nor do any of these guys glorify right-wing violence. Oh…wait. There have been NO LEGITIMATE REPORTS of right-wing violence. The tea parties? I’ve been to several. No violence. Period. In fact, the only altercations ever reported at a tea party came from violence committed by the COUNTER-protesters.

    I’ll admit that Santorum’s rhetoric was a little over the top, but I’d say the country has nothing to worry about with the Tea Partiers, if it’s violence that you’re concerned with. On the other hand, I’d say that there are a bunch of members of Congress – on both sides of the aisle – that should start with their retirement planning, ASAP.

  2. Actually, I agree with them talking this way. As for me, it is not hyperbole. I am ready to take the next step IF after the 2010 elections we cannot stop our nation being taken over by socialist traitors. Again, NOT hyperbole. And I believe, not on the part of most others. My friend, this is serious. It’s real. This time is really differant. Obama was elected through a fluke in our national life. While legitimate, the changes are not. Nationalizing GM, part of Chrysler, AIG, and the debt of irresponsible Wall Street Banks are NOT what we should or ought to be doing. If you don’t realize that millions of us will not lay down for this, then look around.

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