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Senator Schumer: Felons and Terrorist Heart 3D Printable Guns

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Sen Chuck Schumer (courtesy nytimes.com)

“Everyone’s seen the movie ‘In The Line of Fire,’” Senator Charles Schumer said, with about as much accuracy as he musters on any issue involving the Second Amendment, “where one of the great bad guys, [played by] John Malkovich, labored at making a gun out of plastic and wood so it could get through metal detectors and he could assassinate the president. But that was only a movie, and just this week, it has become reality. We’re facing a situation where anyone — a felon, a terrorist — can open a gun factory in their garage and the weapons they make will be undetectable. It’s stomach-churning.” In fact, there ought to be a law! ‘Cause only felons and terrorists would produce a gun without federal supervision and regulation! Hey, if they’re not felons before they “print” a plastic gun they will be after—if Chuck gets his way. Anyone remember the original anti-Glock crusade? It’s gonna be like that. Only worse. [Make the jump for the video, as it was auto-playing.]

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Senator Schumer: Felons and Terrorist Heart 3D Printable Guns”

  1. It’s the swansong of patient discussion. The people of the gun are getting fed up with playing by the rules and being spat upon in return. There is a storm on the horizon, and the statists forgot their umbrella.

  2. I assume the firing pin, springs and ammo are still metal and still detectable.

    But, Senator Schumer is and has always been a knee jerk type of politician. The media is pumping the “undetectable” meme just like they did with Glock, and once again it is all BS.

    Looking over at the BBC, all of Europe has their panties in a bunch as well.

    • Note that the firing pin does not have to be made of metal — a hard nylon or even ceramic would work just fine.

      I am having a hard time imagining making a spring out of something other than steel but it is a moot point because steel springs will almost certainly NOT set off a metal detector. And if they did, a loose spring in your pocket is harmless and something that security personnel would not confiscate.

      As for ammunition, I imagine a carbon fiber composite material would work really well for the casing. And remember that a one or two shot “throw away” gun made of non-ferrous materials can be a “muzzleloader” as well. Thus you could simply pack powder and the projectile directly into the barrel. Leave a tiny machined hole for a primer, which would be impossible for security personnel to detect, and you are good to go.

    • My understanding is you can make polymers springs, a striker or pin – I’ll leave that to the the techno experts.

  3. That was a great read. I will be sharing on facebook but i doubt mosf will actually read it. So I will be quoting it as well.

  4. It just boggles chuck schumer’s mind that there is absolutely nothing he can do about it. Statists always think you can just pass a law and it will go away.

    • I’m sure glad this arro-ignoramous Democrat taker is on the other side of the country.

      We already have more than our share here in CA what with DiFi the ultimate extremist grabber and her Democrat brain dead party line follower colleague Boxer, plus all the State extremist grabber legislators and the executive branch takers in the Sacramento Statehouse.

  5. We are inevitably moving in the direction where thoughtcrimes will be punishable by law. Everytime a new threat appears to the Progressive agenda they try to tax it, whack it or jail it. After these various gun bans prove ineffectual at stopping crime, people like Schumer will insist on stringing people up just based on email correspondence, text messages and hearsay. It’s already starting to happen. The 1st Amendment will be gutted as badly as the 2nd Amendment in the name of the “common good.”

  6. I bought one at the NRA show. It comes with a copy of the letter from the BATFE that says the stock….err….wrist-brace is legal. I like mine. It went on easy enough and is comfortable in the “non-conventional” way of using it.

  7. Bad news. I watched Iron Man 3 yesterday with my son. Anyone who shops at Home Depot will be able to produce an entire arsenal of weapons…. mostly nonlethal… but still. I saw it in a movie so it must be true.

    Will Sen Schumer watch the “The Siege” from 1998 when despite the attack by radical Muslims the good guys end up blaming an American war hero for interogation techniques?

  8. What a great article. I kinda got sad, when half way through I remembered he said it was his last column with the paper.
    I hope this person continues to write for somebody…

    He posts some really good arguments on the pro gun side. Some I hadn’t thought of.

  9. You do know there are air guns powerful enough to take down a deer, right? And you should treat these with the full respect of any high powered rifle, right?

    And you do know that modern air rifles come in larger calibers than .177, .20, .22 and possibly .25, right?

    All you youngsters had to learn about Lewis and Clark’s expedition of discovery, but did your taxpayer-paid teachers teach you about the marvelous air rifle that Lewis and Clark took with them?

    Hmpf. I thought not, just as I expected.

    Lewis’ personal Girandoni air rifle is probably the single most important weapon in the history of the United States. Without it, I seriously doubt whether the Lewis & Clark expedition would have made it out to Oregon and back. It could fire about 22 .46 caliber lead balls on one reservoir of air, and had about as much muzzle energy as today’s .45 ACP ball round. At 100 yards, it would completely penetrate a 1″ thick piece of pine board.

    Today, there are several gun makers producing very nice high powered, big bore air rifles capable of taking large game. Google (or Bing, if you don’t want to support the clowns at Google’s political machinations) the term “big bore air rifle.”

  10. This is what the antis don’t get. One punch can incapacitate or kill you. Even if you have been a boxer or punched a lot in the past. I know some BJJ and I know enough that I do not want to get into a hand to hand fight unless it’s the final option. Especially against multiple attackers.

  11. “Precision ammunition….”

    for use in a non-precision gun, ie a semi-auto?

    Yea, that makes sense.

  12. I guess I don’t understand. If there is a new TTAG for knives, why all of the knife posts here? Or is this to promote the new knife blog on the gun blog?

  13. The entire article is outstanding and I strongly recommend that everyone read it in its entirety.

    That article, along with the recent poll of 15,000 law enforcement officers where about 96% agree that gun control will NOT reduce violent crime, should be the cornerstone of all future efforts moving forward.

  14. If I were a felon or a terrorist, I’d rather have a cap’n’ball revolver than that plastic crap. Just saying. There are better, unregulated options out there.

  15. Given that to date exactly one man has made a 3D printed gun I’d have to say statistically 100% of people 3D printing guns are cheeky law students who are federally licensed to do so.

    Any other notion is wishful thinking/pulled out of one’s arse.

    Politicians need to stop trying to look like they are leading when their job is to follow.

  16. A single punch to the head can be devastating as this and many other incidents have proven. Especially so if the victim of the punch is an older person. In this particular case I think situational awareness would have been more important than a gun. And a pepper spray.

  17. Obscure Object of Desire: AG Russell Shopmade California Bowie, with ironwood handle scales. “English” style bowie blade, coffin handled, absolutely beautiful work, only $395! Not exactly a pocket carry knife (8.5″ blade), but it is just what you need for your next sandbar fight.

    And for a good lesson on not giving up in a DGU fight for your life, read the Wikipedia entry for the Vidalia Sandbar Fight:

    “As the duelists turned to leave, Bowie came forward to meet them. Seeing this, Maddox’s friends ran forward to join the group. Cuny, who had previously fought with Crain, is recorded as having called out to him, “Col. Crain, this is a good time to settle our difficulty.” Crain fired, missing Cuny but striking Bowie in the hip and knocking him to the ground. Cuny and Crain then exchanged fire, with Crain sustaining a flesh wound in the arm and Cuny dying from a shot to the chest.

    Bowie, rising to his feet, drew his knife and charged at Crain, who struck him so hard with his empty pistol upon the head that it broke and sent Bowie to his knees. Wright appeared, drew a pistol, and shot at the fallen Bowie, missing. Wright then drew his sword cane and stabbed Bowie in the chest, but the thin blade was deflected by his sternum. As Wright attempted to pull the blade free, Bowie reached up, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down upon the point of his Bowie knife. Wright died instantly, and Bowie, with Wright’s sword still protruding from his chest, was shot again and stabbed by another member of the group. As Bowie stood, pulling the sword cane from his chest, both Blanchard brothers fired at him, and he was struck once in the arm. Bowie spun and cut off part of Alfred’s forearm. Carey fired a second shot at Bowie, but missed. As the brothers fled, Carey was shot and wounded by Major McWhorter.

    The Battle of the Sandbar lasted more than 10 minutes, leaving Samuel Cuny and Norris Wright dead, and another four men—Alfred Blanchard, Carey Blanchard, Robert Crain and Jim Bowie—wounded.”

  18. No Shotgun News for youse. Sorry, at some point the responsibility lies with the community it’s self, and the government who’s mandate is public safety.

  19. Y’know, I liked Biden when as a senator he mopped the latrine with Alberto Gonzalez.

    Now, not so much. :[

    I don’t blame him for the Inquisition burning my spiritual and genetic forebears at the stake.

    Why can he not return the favor and not associate me with A.L. or the Butcher of Batman?

  20. Haha. Schumer is afraid an angry New Yorker is going to jump out at him inside the secure zone with a plastic gun, shout “Sic semper tyrannis,” and shoot him dead.

    Why worry senator? Just leaders have nothing to worry about right?

  21. Schumer, you pile of human poo. You dont give a damn about felons and their, LOL 3D printers. This continued attack on firearm ownership, is about control of the serfs.


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