A suspect is escorted by police outside the Vladislav Ribnikar school in Belgrade, Serbia, Wednesday, May 3, 2023. Serbian police say a teenage boy opened fire at a school in central Belgrade, killing several people and injuring several more. (AP Photo)
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By Jovanna Gec and Dustan Stojanovic, AP

A 13-year-old who opened fire Wednesday at his school in Serbia’s capital drew sketches of classrooms and wrote a list of people he intended to target in a meticulously planned attack, police said. He killed eight fellow students and a school guard before being arrested.

The shooter first killed a guard at the school in central Belgrade and then three students in a hallway, according to senior police official Veselin Milic. He then entered a history classroom — apparently choosing it simply because it was close to the entrance — and opened fire again, Milic said.

The assailant called police himself when the attack was over, though authorities received a call reporting the shooting two minutes earlier.

A father of a student said the shooter entered his daughter’s classroom, firing at her teacher and then her classmates as they ducked under their desks. Most students at the school were able to flee through a back door, according to a local official.

Authorities declared three days of nationwide mourning, starting Friday.

Police identified the shooter as Kosta Kecmanovic, who attended the Vladislav Ribnikar school, where students would typically range in age from 6 to 15.

Kecmanovic carried two guns belonging to his father — at least one a handgun —and four Molotov cocktails, officials said. Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic said the weapons were licensed and kept in a safe but the teen, who had been to shooting ranges, apparently knew the code. The father was also arrested.

It’s not clear how many rounds were fired, but police said the shooter reloaded the handgun at one point.

Police showed reporters a sketch they said he had drawn of classrooms and Milic said he also wrote out a list of children he planned to “liquidate” in the attack that he planned for a month.

In addition to the nine killed, six children and a teacher were also hospitalized.

Local media footage showed a commotion as police removed Kecmanovic, whose head was covered as officers led him to a car. Police sealed off the blocks around the school. Authorities later carried body bags to a waiting van.

Police said they received a call about the shooting at around 8:40 a.m. on the first day that classes resumed after a long weekend for the May 1 holiday.

The student described the shooter as a “quiet guy” who had good grades.

“He was not so open with everybody. Surely I wasn’t expecting this to happen,” she said.

Milan Nedeljkovic, the mayor of the Belgrade area of Vracar where the shooting happened, said that most of the students were taken out a back door of the school.

“We have video surveillance, but now this is a lesson, we need metal detectors too,” he said. “It is a huge tragedy … something like this (happening) in Belgrade. Such a tragedy at an elementary school.”

Four students and a teacher were sent to University hospital, according to the hospital’s director, who said one child and the teacher were in serious condition.

Milan Milosevic, who said his daughter was in a history class when the shooting took place, told N1 television that he rushed to the school when he heard what had happened. He received a call from his daughter who had gotten out of the building and was unharmed.

“He (the shooter) fired first at the teacher and then the children who ducked under the desks,” Milosevic said his daughter told him.

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  1. I didn’t see this reported on the lame stream democrat and gun controlled media. Most likely because it didn’t fit the narrative that “mass shootings only happen in the US.

    • One of the first stories on Newsmax morning show… Just like the Texas shooter this doesn’t fit the story line at the big four…

      • I actually received a pop-up on my e-mail account, referring me to the Yahoo story. Must be a new feature; I’ve never received news notices on my e-mail header.

        • For sure, Prndll. But by the time I saw the pop-up, the story was being covered by other media.

          I have to figure out how to disable that pop-up thingy.

    • Actually, this does fit the narrative that the more firearms, the more shootings.

      “The Small Arms Survey, published on Monday, listed Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo among the top 25 countries when it comes to the estimated rate of civilian firearms possession per 100 people.“

      I can understand why right wing media doesn’t want to cover it, the perpetrator has the wrong skin color so this doesn’t fit the ‘fatherless thug’ narrative.

      But the story is freely available on CNN:

      “Serbia in shock after rare school shooting that left eight children and a security guard dead
      By Rob Picheta, Josh Pennington, Radina Gigova and Amy Croffey, CNN
      Updated 12:43 PM EDT, Wed May 03, 2023
      Police officers block the streets around the Vladislav Ribnikar school in Belgrade, Serbia, Wednesday, May 3, 2023. A teenage boy opened fire early Wednesday in a school in central Belgrade, causing injuries, Serbian police said. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)
      (CNN) A teenage boy opened fire in a school in the Serbian capital of Belgrade just after lessons began on Wednesday morning, killing eight children and a security guard and seriously injuring several others, officials said.“


      • “Actually, this does fit the narrative that the more firearms, the more shootings.”

        Actually, no — no it doesn’t. The article you quoted even states that these shootings are rare in Serbia.

        The “narrative,” whether applied to Serbia or the USA, is wrong.

        narrative — a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values — Merriam Webster

        “I can understand why right wing media doesn’t want to cover it …”

        “Right-wing media?” Is that part of Hillary’s “vast right-wing conspiracy?”

        What conservative outlets are not reporting on the story?

      • Top 25 countries lol. That’s funny.

        Doesn’t Africa own a good majority of countries? 54 I think? So out of the 195, how many are “3rd world” and how many are what you liberals consider “civilized” and worthy of counting for your gun control arguments? Because I’m pretty sure people are so poor in the majority of countries, they would kill for even the most basic of “rights”. Then again, the majority of them probably couldn’t care less about your world politics either. Lastly, what is the one thing protecting those “tribal” countries from having their children kidnapped and indoctrinated? It certainly isn’t the almighty government.

        • how many are what you liberals consider “civilized” and worthy of counting

          Pretty sure membership in the EU is a major criteria, Leaves out Britain so they don’t have to account for all the stabbing and blunt object homicides that go on there in the absence of a proliferation of firearms…

      • I can understand why right wing media doesn’t want to cover it

        You mean the ONLY two left? Been covered since early morning on Newsmax AND OAN…

      • miner. It’s quicker and less work to just say that you’re a paid troll for the fascist left.

        You don’t have to pad the message so thickly.

      • “I can understand why right wing media doesn’t want to cover it, the perpetrator has the wrong skin color so this doesn’t fit the ‘fatherless thug’ narrative.”

        Thank you for acknowledging that one of the primary factors in the increase in crime, is a lack of fathers in the home. I know it’s very difficult for people to admit the truth, who have an irrational and illogical hatred of the traditional family, of one man and one woman.

    • This story is fake as fake can be. In Europe, nobody has guns, nobody needs guns, nobody wants guns.

      Oh, wait. I could be mistaken. Is Serbia one of the “civilized” countries that progressives are always boasting about?

    • It was on the radio here this morning. The opening line was the usual lie, something like “They’re common in the US but school shootings are rare in other places so this is shocking …”

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  2. What are metal detectors going to do? he would just shoot whoever tried to stop him after he set them off. This isn’t a kid sneaking a gun in for general purposes, this was a nut on a mission.

    • woops. forgot to include the quote I was responding to;
      “Milan Nedeljkovic, the mayor of the Belgrade area of Vracar where the shooting happened, said that most of the students were taken out a back door of the school.

      “We have video surveillance, but now this is a lesson, we need metal detectors too,” he said.”

      • That’s why there are basically no school shootings in Britain, but “stuck on stupid” wants to give all the credit to the “no guns” bullshit… Metal detectors, armed security, limited access equals NO school shootings…

        • British schools don’t have armed security, and only a small minority have metal detectors.
          Source: have a child who goes to school in the UK.

      • I don’t understand –

        According to our demented trolls, these attacks *only* happens in the USA, never in the civilized European world…

        • Watch the furious spinning to redefine Serbia as an uncivilized country.

        • Back in the 1990s Serbia was not regarded as a civilized nation or ethnic group.

      • If security is taken remotely seriously having mantraps and/or automatic locking of the entry point beyond the scanner upon alarm would be good options.

        • If you POTG would just learn how to use ‘bullet time’ you wouldn’t NEED all those weapons of war!!

        • you wouldn’t NEED all those weapons of war!!

          Wish I had the disposable income to AFFORD a couple of those “weapons of war”…

  3. Two or three teachers, each with a J-frame, could have ended this. It wouldn’t have taken much. A$$holes like this aren’t expecting any pushback.

  4. But but but it only happens in America! I did notice this 13 year old monster’s papa was arrested🙄

    • And he didn’t use an AR-15.

      I call BS on this entire story. No way this ever happened.

      • another shooting in Serbia?….seem to recall a previous incident awhile back…really bad outcome there….

  5. Race & Ethnic Violence is accelerating in Southeast Europe again.

    This whole Ukraine War has sparked social upheaval in Europe that American Media is censoring out.

      • The German and French Governments are the biggest antagonists in this whole thing. They want Ukraine in the EU for the Natural Resources and Cheap Labor.

        Speaking of France,…….Most of their “Middle Class” can no longer afford to pay taxes. France is about a decade away from having no Tax Base, and that’s why there’s entitlement cuts going on. It’s really so their Government cam have “General Funds”.

  6. Kid was probably an immigrant Chiraq gangbanger with one of those excess black market guns from Indiana… (That’s sarcasm)…

  7. Now of course the Far Right Nut cases will scream “See gun control does not work”. Bullshit! These European Countries have way lower mass murders than we do and we have them just about every day and twice on Sunday.

    Notice that “The Father Was Arrested” and yes he should have been arrested as it was his responsibility to make sure his kid “did not” have access to the safe with guns in it. Again Serbia had mandatory safe storage laws and the majority of time it works and saves lives. No laws are perfect but not to have them is like saying since people commit murder or like to break speed laws we should not have any laws. Yes the Far Right in the U.S. is actually that stupid.

    • “Now of course the Far Right Nut cases will scream “See gun control does not work”.”

      Gun control does not work. (Not even an exclamation point.)

      “No laws are perfect …”

      But gun control laws are worse — They. Do. Not. Work. Period.

      • To the Man with no brains

        quote———But gun control laws are worse — They. Do. Not. Work. Period.———–quote

        The History of European and Asian gun laws shows they work very well as they do not have the every day mass murders the U.S. does. Of course a far right paranoid nut case like yourself is incapable of accepting history or any sane gun control

        Only a nut case would claim no gun control laws work. You really need to see a shrink.

        • dacian
          And your the one wishing you would have bought a machine gunm when you could have.
          Somthing isnt adding up here?

        • Late night at the movie theatre again, asshole?

          Gun control laws Do. Not. Work. It’s proven time and time again.

          What laws would have stopped any of the “mass shootings” that occurred in the US this year? None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Null.

          Only a nut case would deny the evidence that’s shoved in his face — but denial of reality is your strong suit.

          Now shut the frack up and go to work — the theatre patrons are waiting for you to get back in the booth.

        • Red Flag,

          When there was less gun laws on the books, there was less violence. Mass shootings are a recent development that occurred AFTER these “common sense” laws were passed.

          This in itself should show anyone with basic critical thinking skills that these laws have done nothing they were advertised to do.

          Now, tell us the real reasons for increased violence.

          Your the self proclaimed genius, so the answers for you should be simple.

        • Only a nut case would claim no gun control laws work. You really need to see a shrink.

          And you really need to look closer at “gun related crimes” in California, Illinois and NY…

    • Newflash. There is evil in the world that will happen no matter how much you try to legislate it away or purge those you’ve scapegoated into being responsible.

      Your shining path to ut0pia is really the road of bones of your victims.

  8. “The student described the shooter as a “quiet guy” who had good grades.”

    “At home drawing pictures
    Of mountain tops
    With him on top
    Lemon yellow sun
    Arms raised in a V
    And the dead lay in pools of maroon below…”

  9. 4 Molotov Cocktails. Little rascal was serious and just as serious over there may be the price he pays.

  10. But, but creepy Joe Biden say school shooting only happen in America. How can this be?? Did Joe lie to us??? Are there Democrats in Serbia???

    • Our President Biden is incapable of lying.
      How dare you belittle him.
      He stands above the rest, a man of great honor, america and its subjects are very lucky to have him as President

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