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Serpa Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Kat Ainsworth Stevens - comments No comments

This one comes from a guy giving his name using a Latin phrasenonquam non paratus – which roughly translates to “never unprepared.” He says, “I had a request for a photo of the holster I carry my Glock 19 / INFORCE APLc combo in. But I thought that would be boring by itself… Here’s two ways I carry my Glock.”

GLOCK 19. Serpa holster. Discuss.

0 thoughts on “Serpa Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day”

  1. It depends on who you ask. I’ve heard horror stories and good stories.
    I’ve never been witness to either so there ya go.
    I prefer leather myself with a strong affinity for Milt Sparks.

  2. What’s with all these LARPers edc dumps? I think most of these posts are just guys wanting to show off their “kit” . I doubt these people carry all that crap every day….

    • They don’t. All the gear usually shows no signs of wear. Leather changes substantially when carried regularly. Gun slides show wear. These are photo-ops of new stuff. They are the dumbest thing. He doesn’t carry this every day. Also, his Latin is wrong and very poor.

  3. There’s no derp like serpaderp. It works for some handguns, but certainly not for striker fired guns without a heavy double action mode.

  4. I think the Safariland retention holster is a much better idea and much easier to release the retention during a draw without the risk of getting your finger inside the trigger.

  5. This is way too much to go to the grocery store or out to dinner unless he’s going to a Crips/Bloods Convention in SCLA or something.

    A fairly well-known Gomer around here carries a full-sized 1911 plus 7 additional loaded mags on him all the time. He’s about 6’2″, not obese. Not sure what else he has in his pockets and under his idiot photog’s vest (Ayoob- “shoot the guy in the vest first”) but he looks like the Michelin Man to me. I also think if he ever “has the chance” (his words) to use them, some local prosecutor will want to look at charging him with Going Armed With Intent. Not for me.


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