Home » Posts » Shannon Watts Used a Fake Tweet to Libel Virginia Candidate Who Opposes Gun Control

Shannon Watts Used a Fake Tweet to Libel Virginia Candidate Who Opposes Gun Control

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Why do gun control activists have such an aversion to the truth? Oh, wait. Never mind. We know that one already.

The facts simply aren’t on their side. So what’s the Head Hoplophobic Harridan to do when a GOP US House candidate threatens to unseat the compliant Dem who dutifully parrots her anti-gun talking points?

Simple. Lie about the challenger and use the falsehood to defame him while trying to boost your favored candidate at the same time.

As the Washington Free Beacon reports . . .

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts shared a fake photograph to attack GOP congressional hopeful Nick Freitas in a now-deleted Thursday tweet.

Feitas is running against Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger for the seat in Congress from Virginia’s seventh district. And Spanberger just loves her some Moms Demand Action endorsements.

MDA jefe Watts found (ginned up?) a phony tweet from Freitas with an image of a t-shirt design that used the Moms Demand Action logo along surrounded by stick figures in various sexual positions. Then she retweeted the deepfake tweet and tried to use the false claim that Freitas supported the shirt to get her readers — those she hasn’t blocked from her Twitter account yet — to donate to Spanberger’s campaign.

There’s only one problem. The Freitas tweet she used was as phony as a pro-2A Moms Demand Action member…and Watts knew it.

The t-shirt in question was designed by Mom-At-Arms, a Second Amendment rights group, in April 2019. The photoshopped image Watts used showed Freitas promoting the shirt on August 30, 2016. Jill McDaniel, who founded Mom-At-Arms in December 2018, confirmed the shirt did not exist at the time of Freitas’s supposed promotion.

(emphasis added)

That’s because Watts had her attorneys send Mom-At-Arms a cease and desist letter last year, demanding that they stop using the Bloomberg org’s logo as part of the t-shirt design (which Mom-At-Arms did).

But the fake tweet Watts used was dated three years before the t-shirt was created.

So let’s recap, shall we? The t-shirt was created in 2019. Watts had her attorneys shut down production of the t-shirt that same year. Last week Watts used a fake tweet (dated three years before the shirt was made) to damage a candidate who threatens to unseat someone who can reliably be depended upon to spout Moms Demand Action and Everytown talking points.

Just another day in the never-ending effort to take control of the political levers of power and use them to disarm Americans at every opportunity.

Were we shocked that Watts stooped so low? Please. We’re only surprised she was embarrassed enough that she deleted the tweet when she was caught.

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