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“Of course, a nicely engraved gun needs something besides the checkered wooden stocks that came on mine,” the self-professed singer, gunslinger, Sheriff and NRA writer blogs at “So I contacted the Gun-Art Company and ordered some carved elephant ivory. The right stock was to have the Masonic square & compass on it, while the left stock was to display the Scottish Rite double eagle. The ivory stocks arrived in due course, and I was surprised to discover that they had mistakenly carved the Mexican eagle & snake on the left panel.” Or did they . . . ?

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  1. While I can appreciate the craftsmanship of a fine engraving job, I myself don’t like the aesthetic. My tastes tend to run toward plain and unadorned. I wouldn’t engrave my framing hammer, why would I engrave my duty pistol?

    • +1 I generally fall into the “it’s a tool” category. Some of the duracoat guns look pretty fresh though, and I can rationalized it by claiming that it’s functional.

  2. For self-defense guns, I would keep custom work to the functional and not the aesthetic which some prosecutor might try to use against you unethically and unfairly in court with trying to portray your character in a negative way. A prosecutor can try and twist almost anything creating a mountain out of a mole hill.

    • In order to defeat prosecutorial bullsh!t, I’ve had cute bunnies engraved on all my firearms. Let them try to use little fluffy bunnies against me. Go ahead, I dare ya.

      • Ralph, thats a great idea! More options are engraved butterflies, rainbows, and peace signs. Maybe roses too. Lets not forget inscriptions such as: make love not war, and cats are people too.

  3. I’m really likin’ the idea of the peace sign. it really says to the prosecution that you’re a peace loving individual, and you’d much rather keep the thing holstered than ever have to use it.

    i wonder how a “Si vis pacem, para bellum” engraving would go over?

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