Will the last firearms-related company to leave the Golden State please turn out the lights? The latest firm to head for greener — translation: less taxing, less regulating, gun-freindlier — pastures is Shield Tactical. The firearms accessories and training provider announced the move to Shiner, Texas on their Facebook page yesterday . . .
Who didn’t see THIS coming, honestly? 🙂
Shield Tactical is pleased to announce that we are moving our retail division to Shiner, Texas. We are pleased to have neighbors such as TBRC and the Spoetzl Brewery (home of Shiner Beer). Shipping etc will not be substantially affected.
Out training division will remain in CA until the legislature outlaws everything.
And one Texan was only too happy to welcome them to the Lone Star State.
Volunteers to walk PEARL STREET?
Do you REALLY think anyone on Pearl Street has any interest in guns.
Jesus. This is intergalactic headquarters for liberal thought control granola eating PETA fanatics.
We do have rights, but we also have brains. If this is the climate in which we live, we need to be smarter. Meaning, don’t watch a gun review video in a public place! Is it not sinking in to you people that a low profile is the best profile? I don’t like any of this any more than the rest of you, but common sense needs to be applied. I kept quiet about the “this is my rifle” and “I am a gun owner” campaigns, but I think they were unwise. The last election should have shown you that we are in the minority. Wise up and ride it out, it will change. But really, think real hard before being in your face about things. If your face is on the internet with your potentially banned weapon, that is probably not the best thing.
This is all well and good about claiming your rights but I was falsely accused of illegally hunting on some woman’s property, killing, and gutting one of her horses. The story was quite a tall tail but the sheriff still came out, he cleared me but then called the DNR to clear me and then I was detained in a sheriff’s vehicle for 2 hours until the DNR cleared me and then the sheriff threatened to arrest me for wanting the woman arrested for disturbing the hunt and making a false claim against me. Its sometimes just better to shut up and walk away no matter if you are in your rights. BTW, no horses were harmed, only two deer that were down on my side of the property line where I legally shot them.
hhmm wadda ya think, will the break the 75 or so people that showed up in MN for the million moms against gun control??
I am guessing no.. If they offer free stuff maybe, but that is kinda like bribery..
Isn’t gas inching to 4 plus for a gallon I am sure that takes a bigger toll on the lives of many Americans
The progtard indoctrination of NJ is nearly complete. Sounds like the cops acted rationally and professionally.
Location, location, location. When your new neighbors are brewing good beer, you chose well.
he actually always wears ear protection, hes stated this many times. They are specially made and clear so not very visible on film. Like someone stated before he endangers no one but himself.
I know you don’t wanna get hurt just tell me where chef boyardee is!!!!!!
“Walker learned why you never turn your back
on a loaded stove.”
“Treat every appliance like it’s loaded.”
“JJ never was a high caliber cook.”
“The situation went from bad to waffle.”