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Pew Research has done some research on American’s new media consumption. It’s full of piercing glimpses into the obvious. Did you know that only eight percent of under 30’s get their news from a newspaper? (Note to our younger readers: a newspaper is a printed publication published daily and updated never, without a search function.) And here’s another shocker: “News audiences also vary widely when it comes to opinions about current issues and topics. For instance, those who describe themselves as supporters of the Tea Party movement make up disproportionately large proportions of the audiences for Limbaugh’s radio show and Fox News opinion programmes. This also is the case for supporters of the NRA (National Rifle Association).” So now you knew.

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  1. "Tea Party movement make up disproportionately large proportions of the audiences for Limbaugh’s radio show and Fox News opinion programmes. This also is the case for supporters of the NRA (National Rifle Association)."

    Yup, I'm guilty as charged.

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