Elections have consequences, a term all too familiar in today’s polarized political landscape. The stakes have never been higher for conservatives and law-abiding gun owners as we weather attack after attack on liberty and the ability to take personal responsibility for our safety and that of our loved ones. With the gravity of the matter at hand and the significance of ramifications should we fail, we must ask if we are truly doing our part to secure a brighter future for tomorrow.
George Allen Urmston, CEO of Battle Tested Equipment (BTE), an Arizona-based defense, commercial and OEM manufacturer of armored vehicles, firearms, parts and accessories asked himself this question and responded by creating Shoot The Vote, an organization dedicated to urging hunters, shooters and everyday gun owners to get registered and vote to protect the Second Amendment. Teaming up with American Majority Action, the organization provides resources that make the process easier than ever, from registration and absentee materials to ballot tracking and getting involved to ensure others do the same.
In The Beginning
Urmston’s efforts to educate and get involved began before his inception of Shoot The Vote. Speaking with him, I get the impression that they took root long before. In addition to BTE, he owns the North Phoenix store, Cave Creek Guns, where during the 2020 Covid pandemic he experienced the industry-wide influx of new shooters and gun owners flocking to make their first firearms purchases. Urmston used this opportunity to educate customers about their Second Amendment rights, provided them with voter registration materials and even scheduled an instructor to teach firearm safety to new gun owners at no extra cost to them.

Fast forward to the 80th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 2024. Urmston, a longtime Trump family friend, was speaking with the 45th President when it was brought to his attention that a great number of hunters and gun owners simply don’t vote. Many are not even registered. Shocking as this might sound, Urmston did his research and discovered yet again that the former president knows what he is talking about. Based on his research, Urmston uncovered a number of states in which hunters and gun owners were, by their own hand, not being represented at the ballot box.
Speaking with Urmston, he cited the following states, and the number of hunters and gun owners not even registered to vote.
Arizona: 133,000
Georgia: 351,000
Michigan: 371,000
Missouri: 282,000
Montana: 52,000
Nevada: 60,000
North Carolina: 370,000
Pennsylvania: 515,000
Virginia: 277,000
Wisconson: 339,000
In his home state of Arizona, Urmston discovered unsettling statistics that further cemented his commitment to get more involved. In 2020, there were 130,000 more Republicans registered to vote in the state than Democrats, a number that should have swayed election results despite certain “voting irregularities.” Urmston also found that over 350,000 registered Republicans did not vote in the state’s 2022 midterm elections, many of them hunters and gun owners, accounting for approximately 30% of the 1.1 million absentee ballots sent out in Maricopa County
In light of the numbers, it is natural to ask, “why?” The answer, however, is about what you would expect in this climate, with conservatives overwhelmingly citing a lack of trust in the government and an underlying feeling that their votes don’t count. It is no secret that many Americans question the integrity of elections these days, and certainly, events and “irregularities” have taken place that would give rise to such thoughts and concerns.
The Response
In response to this, Shoot the Vote has organized resources and materials aimed at making an impact by means of sheer numbers, with the intent to drive broad-based pro-2A victories. Their website, shootthevote.org states, “A large portion of those who didn’t vote are gun owners, hunters, shooters. Don’t just cry about them coming for our Second Amendment. Do something about it.”
Shortly after the July 13th assassination attempt on former President and current Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump, Breitbart News reported Trump’s comments, stating that the assassination attempt against him did not alter his conviction when it comes to the Second Amendment. Trump has observed that Americans use guns for hunting and sporting purposes, but stressed the main reason people need guns is “for protection.” This sentiment was echoed by Urmston who conveyed that his personal conversations with President Trump indicated an invigorated re-commitment to the Second Amendment, one that we should expect to see play out in his next term, should Trump and gun owners prevail.
In our conversation, Urmston makes clear that a motto he lives by is “Esse quam videri,” a Latin term meaning “To be, rather than to seem,” which strikes me as appropriate as I learn more about his efforts and motivations. His disposition embodies the spirit of the faithful and patriotic American working hard to make a difference for future generations. With deep respect for the sacrifices made for this country, Urmston’s shootthevote.org states, “Your Grandfather didn’t sleep in a foxhole in a far away land clutching a picture of your Grandmother so you would surrender your guns.” I know he is right about this, and I also know that we can do more to educate and motivate Americans from all walks of life to embrace the freedoms that made this country great and will make it great again. Perhaps Urmston said it best, “Together we can make the 2024 election too big to rig.”
what, no mealy-mouthed, history proven, bigoted azzhat diatribes?
… you’re happy just to be first to post? congratulations then, deb.
Only your own mealy-mouthed, history proven, bigoted azzhat diatribe, it appears.
Paul, you must be new here.
In Deb’s favorite screech,
I’ll 2nd Unicorn, so no Paul not only him.
“Too big to rig”
This one needs to be an absolute blowout for both Trump/Vance AND all down ballot races, particularly the House and Senate to put Marxist Democrats in their place. Registering a lot of new hunters and gun owners should convince Republicans they are on the right side of we the people too! Frankly, I have been a gun owner for over 60 years and have voted in every election where I was eligible and have had no problems. During this time I have seen my state turn from blue to deep red.
It goes way beyond “hunter’s(fudds?)& gun oners”. Even in ILLannoy republicans could win statewide if they bothered to vote. But they don’t. It will be interesting if the number’s of R votes goes up. Black folks in Chee-ca-go have gotten royally screwed by the ruling class lately what with illegals getting preference & the heavy handed enforcement on the Westside Dim convention. A sea change? If they steal this election all he!! is going to break loose! Even in Chiraq debbie downer🙄
Proves an observation I made decades ago. The elites and their lackeys don’t trust their own people. It’s why they give preferential treatment to those who are not from where they came from, in the names of fairness and equity.
if you are a gun owner, 2A supporter and you vote democrat then you deserve what you get.
“Too big to rig”
The past week I’ve been surrounded by geriatrics that I can sum up as:
-be pro gun
-be anti war
-be pro American industry
-be pro family
-be skeptical of the EV push and fuel restrictions
Still voting for Harris because ??????.
I don’t get it. I really don’t get how they can spent half an hour complaining about all the things she and the Democrats at large are doing and plan to do then say they’re still voting for them. This is the sort of nihilist acceleration stuff I’d expect to see on 4chan not at the senior center during their exercise time.
It’s a lot like a woman who is abused by her husband/partner and still goes back for more. It’s all they know and change is more terrifying than taking the beating they are getting. Besides they believe if they just stay around long enough and try harder things will get better. I’ve witnessed the behavior more times than I care to mention and democrats are no different.
“Still voting for Harris because ??????”
Fear of rednecks? Or being seen as a redneck? AKA as “screw you, Daddy”…
A lot of the old people still think they’re voting for JFK when they vote democrat. They paid attention to the world up to their twenties. Had kids and stopped paying attention. Now that they’re in their 60’s, 70’s and older they think they can just pick up where they left off and nothing is any different than it was fifty years ago.
“-be skeptical of the EV push and fuel restrictions”.
And skeptical they should be. Bidens plan is pure BS and a fraud. In a speech he touted that the multiple billions of dollars in his plan has built around a half million charging stations. Well, people have gone looking behind the scenes and found out that only seven have been ‘supposedly’ built with those funds but it turns out they weren’t.
What happened was these already existed before Bidens plan, then when these funds became available under Bidens plan the companies that built these applied for and got millions in these funds funds and put up a few bollard barricades around their already existing charging stations and the government counted that as ‘building a charging station’.
Plus no one seems to know where the money went that supposedly built “around a half million charging stations” that do not exist.
I know people like that. They’re partisan Democrats. They decided decades ago that this team is good, and the other team is bad. They also believe the propaganda. I’ve said it before. Pravda would be jealous of our propaganda apparatus. Sure, only old people still watch tv. Everyone else uses Big Tech to get their news. Guess who controls that except for X? There’s a reason they’re pissed at Elon.
I mentioned the border/immigration disaster to them. They said it’s Trump’s fault because he told people not to vote for the border bill! There’s a reason they pump out their message 24/7. Many people believe it!
If you don’t vote, you WILL get the government you deserve. So don’t complain about the result.
Shame their aren’t any independent candidates to give a third option.
I have to ask, for those people who still believe the lies about the election being stolen, is there any result you will accept other than a Trump victory?
It sickens me seeing how far our democracy has fallen that this nonsense has any traction.
Seriously, if the election was stolen, then Trump is incompetent because he failed to prevent it, and none of his appointed judges would give his argument the time of day. Also, everyone who supposedly believes in the 2A are cowards who refuse to pick up their guns to defend the Republic.
Or, Trump is a liar and a sore loser.
Even Trump’s own Attorney General, cyber security Director, and the experts the Trump campaign hired all said the election was not stolen.
It seems some folks just can’t grasp the fact Donald Trump has never won a popular vote, except for the ‘vote’ in the jury box…
Y’all are so verbose.
The above posts can be rephrased as: “The victims could not prove it in court, and Orange Man Bad.”
Yep, Al Capone was an outstanding citizen other than tax evasion.
Miner logic: Trump’s “own” FBI claimed he was colluding with Russia, therefore it has to be true.
and it turns out his ‘own’ FBI was lying about that too, ya know, gotta please the democrats.
This has already been exposed as a lie, yet Miner49 obviously not being able to tell the difference between the truth and a lie believes it.
Miner signs in as Shawn then they fellate each other. Yes Miner I know that hardly makes sense until you understand I am telling you to GFY.
“Miner signs in as Shawn then they fellate each other“
Going for that same sex erotic insult again, you just can’t get that stuff out of your mind can you…
That’s weird.
What’s weird is you didn’t deny it and no…it’s pretty disturbing.
Deny what?
These same sex delusions of yours perhaps may indicate a deeper psychosis that you really should address.
No, MajorLiar, WE don’t have a problem with somebody else’s kink. “We” don’t agree with it, nor do we necessarily think it is “right”, but . . . ‘not my circus, not my monkey’. I don’t give a wet fart if you and dacian and jsled want to have a circle jerk, or fellate each other. Your kink; your space.
We DO have a problem with having people like you tell us that we don’t have to simply “tolerate” it (what, you have evidence of large numbers of rednecks and evangelicals burning queers at the stake???), but we have to ‘celebrate’ it (Pride Week being only the most egregious example).
You are an idiot, MajorMistake, so I suppose your idiocy can be overlooked . . . you can’t help being stupid. For the rest of us, the distinction between “It’s not my business what you do in your bedroom . . . just keep it in your bedroom” and “don’t invite my KIDS to a parade where a bunch of deranged perverts are going to dress in kinky clothes and dance suggestively and even (in some cases, don’t even TRY to deny it) perform simulated or even ACTUAL sex acts in public.
I know the difference is too “subtle” for someone as poorly mentally gifted as you, but the rest of us understand it quite well. You’re welcome, numbnuts.
I take it you have no actual response to my argument, so you decided to go the conspiratorial route. You know, just like your dear leader.
It’s a shame that the only argument you can present in his favor paints him as utterly incompetent.
Hey Shaun, where were you after Trump won, and the Dems were saying that he was an illegitimate president because the election was stolen by Putin? You’re just another commiebot trying to provoke a violent reaction.
“the Dems were saying that he was an illegitimate president because the election was stolen“
False equivalence.
Hillary Clinton conceded the election the next day, Donald Trump has never conceded.
“Clinton concedes to Trump: ‘We owe him an open mind’
Hillary Clinton officially conceded the presidential election to Donald Trump, imploring her supporters to follow him as their 45th president.
Hillary Clinton officially conceded the presidential election to Donald Trump, imploring her supporters to follow him as their 45th president. | Getty
11/09/2016 11:56 AM EST
Updated: 11/09/2016 12:58 PM EST
Hillary Clinton delivered an emotional address Wednesday, channeling a devastating loss to encourage her supporters to give President-elect Donald Trump a chance to lead and to inspire them to never give up in what likely marked the sunset of her political career.
Clinton privately conceded the election to Trump in a phone call early Wednesday morning but held off formally doing so before the thousands of supporters who were gathered inside the glass-ceiling Jacob K. Javits Convention Center awaiting election results in the wee hours into Wednesday.“
In 2016 the Democrats did not engineer a ‘fake elector’ scheme to overthrow the government or encourage their supporters to make an assault on the United States Capitol during a joint session of Congress certifying our presidential election under the rules of the United States Constitution.
“Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild.”
Then Hillary spent the next four years claiming that the election was stolen from her, and that Trump was a Putin puppet. That isn’t false equivalence. That’s a fact. She wasn’t the only one doing it. See for yourself. Is your memory that short, or is it that selective, Shaun?
Then Hillary spent the next four years claiming that the election was stolen from her, and that Trump was a Putin puppet. That isn’t false equivalence. That’s a fact. She wasn’t the only one doing it. See for yourself. Is your memory that short, or is it that selective, Shaun?
Miner49er is a dumb as a rock.
He thinks hes making all these great points but is blinded to the false in his own thinking and statements. Typical radical extremist left winger.
“Hillary Clinton officially conceded the presidential election to Donald Trump, imploring her supporters to follow him as their 45th president.”
See, even Democrat Hillary had some common sense and not TDS and supported Trump – unlike you.
She concedes the election then goes on the Spew, MSLSD, CalamityNewsNetwork, AllBsComms, CeeBS, and all the rest of the Dem Pravda Networks and says the election was stolen. Fuck You Miner, if you were serious you might have an audience but you are just a partisan polemic bitch.
Sure, Hillary bitched, who wouldn’t after losing the presidential election. Trump whines all the time about the littlest things so what’s the big deal?
The false equivalence is attempting to equate Hillary’s occasional whining with Donald Trump‘s extensive conspiracies to overthrow our government. He and his co-conspirators organized their fake elector scheme, and crossed state lines, made false statements in court rooms and legislatures, all in the service of their attempted overthrow of our government.
“all in the service of their attempted overthrow of our government.”
100% lie
You obviously have not seen the below yet. Our country is being overthrown by Biden, Harris, and the Democrat party and you are doing your part too traitor. I know its too long fore your flea sized attention span, but try and ya might get a clue about what your beloved marx – ist – soc- a- list communist democrats have been doing to not only all Americans but you too. Yes, I know its too long for your flea like attention span but try.
How sad for you.
MAGA is so proud, now in addition to kid rock and Ted Nugent, they can bask in the endorsement of an unfortunate individual who has admitted a worm ate part of his brain. Bravo
You ignore the actual fact of Donald Trump‘s fake elector conspiracy, an unlawful attempt to subvert the election. And you’ve forgotten trumps attempts to intimidate and force Vice President Pence to violate the Constitution by not certifying the states electoral ballots.
Trump’s January 6 insurrection was his plan B, he sent out his ‘will be wild’ tweet after the White House meeting where homeland security said no, we are not going to use the military to unlawfully seize ballot boxes.
Trump is a fraud, and the election was not stolen. You all know the facts, but you keep up your lies and rumors in a pathetic attempt to subvert the constitution.
The fact is, there’s no merit to any of your claims, as has been proven by multiple investigations, as well as in court.
Your blathering rants will make no difference, the wheels of justice are grinding and with the 34 count felony conviction we’ve made great progress thus far.
“Hillary’s occasional whining”
Watch the video, hypocrite. She whined about it every time she got in front of a camera for the next four years, as did sitting members of Congress and the media.
“She whined about it every time she got in front of a camera“
So what, she annoyed you occasionally.
She didn’t institute the complex conspiracy of fake electors who falsely certified on official documents filed with the National Archives that they were the duly elected electors in their state and signed documents claiming to be properly certified by the State legislature.
Donald Trump publicly called for Mike Pence to violate the constitution, and encouraged his supporters to vilify Mike Pence for failing to obey Donald’s coercion.
Then he ordered his followers to come to the capital on January 6 and directed them to “be wild”, followed by a speech where he repeatedly told them to “march to the Capitol” and “fight”.
Yeah, your snowflake claims of annoyance are a false equivalence to Trump’s substantial plans and actions to subvert the will of the voters and overthrow our country.
None of that was some a complex conspiracy, snowflake. Trump hired lawyers to fight everything within the bounds of the law.
Trump told his followers to be peaceful prior to the riot. Trump is not implicated in that. People always use the words fight in politics. Democrats use it all of the time. It doesn’t neccessarily mean physical violence, and you know that. You’re such a disengenuous person. Did your parents and grandparents raise you to be a liar?
“overthrow our country”
Hahahaha with lawyers?? Wow. You’re something else. You have a lot of nerve calling anyone a snowflake.
“Trump hired lawyers to fight everything within the bounds of the law“
A partial list of just a few of trumps attorneys who are facing serious consequences for their unlawful actions:
“Jenna Ellis: Ellis was charged in Arizona after previously being indicted in Georgia and taking a plea deal in that case, and she took another deal Monday that requires her to provide “truthful, honest, candid, and complete” testimonies after being suspended from practicing law for three years as a result of her Georgia guilty plea. She was also previously censured for violating rules that bar attorneys from engaging in “dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation,” with the attorney admitting in court she had made “misrepresentations” while representing Trump after the election that had a “selfish motive.”
Rudy Giuliani: Giuliani, who led Trump’s post-election efforts, was formally disbarred in New York after previously having his law license suspended. The former New York City mayor has also been criminally charged in Arizona for his role in trying to overturn the 2020 election—where he initially tried to evade being served—after already being charged in Georgia, and he’s also been sued for defamation by voting machine companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic. He was ordered to pay $148 million to Georgia election workers whom he defamed, which resulted in Giuliani declaring bankruptcy.
Kenneth Chesebro: The attorney, who is described as the architect of the Trump campaign’s “fake electors” scheme—in which GOP officials in battleground states submitted false slates of electors to Congress claiming Trump won—was criminally charged in Wisconsin on one count of forgery, after previously being indicted in Georgia, though he took a plea deal right before his case went to trial.
James Troupis: Troupis was also reportedly charged in Wisconsin Tuesday; another Trump attorney who helped organize the false electors scheme, the lawyer had previously avoided criminal charges in other states and settled a civil lawsuit regarding the electors plot in Wisconsin in March.
John Eastman: Eastman was also charged in Arizona, after already being indicted in Georgia and having 11 charges filed against him by counsel for the California State Bar stemming from his efforts to challenge the election results with Trump. A judge recommended in March that Eastman be disbarred and sanctioned $10,000 for his post-election efforts, which the lawyer intends to appeal.“
Where was I? Irritated at home that they were helping to undermine our institutions. Then Trump decided to take it even further.
Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t “win”?
Oh, and don’t think I didn’t notice you had nothing to say about my actual arguments. It must suck knowing that your arguments paint your dear leader out to be incompetent.
“Irritated at home that they were helping to undermine our institutions.”
You mean like when the executive branch ignored a Supreme Court ruling, then threatened to “reform” a coequal branch of government? Nope. You were silent then too. We know what you’re about, Miner 2.0.
“Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t “win”?”
See above, hypocrite.
“Oh, and don’t think I didn’t notice you had nothing to say about my actual arguments.”
I commented on your call to violence, Mr. triple negative.
> You mean like when the executive branch ignored a Supreme Court ruling, then threatened to “reform” a coequal branch of government?
Yes. Although I was far more annoyed by the Supreme Court BS because that seemed to have some traction, and thus had a chance of doing far more damage than Clinton being childish.
In other words, you were wrong again. But thanks for proving me right about you moving the goalposts. And of course, feel free to prove me right again by ignoring your mistake (again).
Although it’s funny that you’re complaining about the Executive Branch ignoring the SC when your dear leader nominated as his VP a guy who outright told Trump to ignore the SC. But let me guess, it’s OK when your guys do it. Kind of like how you and your ilk complained (rightfully IMO) about Obama abusing executive orders, but then threw your lot in with someone who believes in the strong unitary executive.
In what way did I “move the goalposts?” You’re complaining about a former president “undermining our institutions.” I brought up the fact that our CURRENT president is undermining the institution of the Supreme Court. That is absolutely relevant to the discussion, hypocrite, and is not “moving the goalposts.”
If you were truly “annoyed” by it, then you would be talking about that instead of complaining about a former president that apparently did something four or more years ago! Which is more relevant, liar? Think about it. Found the Democrat.
Response to your last TDS paragraph:
Why are you bringing up stuff that I never said, Mr. TDS? Do you want me to debate your long list of grievances with Trump, weirdo? Try to stay on topic for once in your life, Miner.
> In what way did I “move the goalposts?”
You keep making these claims about me, and when they are proven false you move the goalposts so that you never admit you made a mistake. Try to keep up.
Oh, and thanks for proving me right again.
It really is handy how you keep presenting arguments that are easily refuted.
> You’re complaining about a former president “undermining our institutions.”
So are you admitting that your guy lied about the elections being stolen? If not, then that’s clearly more worthy of discussion than the thing we agree on.
> That is absolutely relevant to the discussion
You mean comment section under the article that is talking about how the election was stolen?
> hypocrite
Says the person desperately defending their dear leader with a “whataboutism” argument, while criticizing me for … being on topic.
> If you were truly “annoyed” by it, then you would be talking about that
I have, many times. However, that is not the topic of the article.
> Which is more relevant, liar?
Did you read the article?
> Do you want me to debate your long list of grievances with Trump, weirdo?
You’re the one who brought up undermining the SC.
I’ll take this as your concession. Thanks for tacitly admitting that you don’t actually care about our institutions being undermined as long as your guys are the ones doing it.
> Try to stay on topic for once in your life, Miner.
Says the person who keeps talking about Biden in an article propping up Trump.
Oh, and let’s not forget your conspiratorial BS.
“You keep making these claims about me, and when they are proven false you move the goalposts so that you never admit you made a mistake.”
Ha ha. You never answered the question, slick. In what way did I “move the goalposts” liar?
“So are you admitting that your guy lied about the elections being stolen?”
My opinion on that is irrelevant to the statement you’re responding to, Mr. Strawman. If you’re going to use a different name, then you should make more of an effort to act differently, Miner.
“Says the person desperately defending their dear leader…”
Quote me, in our conversation, where I defended Trump, Mr. Strawman. Dear leader? I love how you’re pretending not to be a partisan Democrat, but you can’t help yourself, liar.
“I have, many times. However, that is not the topic of the article.”
Prove it, liar.
“You’re the one who brought up undermining the SC.”
That was an example to point out your hypocrisy. You’re a partisan Democrat pretending to be something else, but failing miserably at it.
“I’ll take this as your concession.”
You even lie to yourself!
“Oh, and let’s not forget your conspiratorial BS.”
Where was that? Quote me.
> Ha ha. You never answered the question
Your question; “Hey Shaun, where were you after Trump won, and the Dems…”
My answer; “Where was I? Irritated at home that they were helping to undermine our institutions.”
Your question; “You mean like when the executive branch …”
My answer; “Yes. Although I was far more annoyed by the Supreme Court BS because that seemed to have some traction”
You are aware that what you write doesn’t disappear after I read it, right?
Thanks for tacitly admitting that you are a liar.
> My opinion on that is irrelevant to the statement you’re responding to, Mr. Strawman.
Whatever you say, Mr. Coward.
> Quote me, in our conversation, where I defended Trump
Quote me in this conversation where I proved myself a Democrat, Mr. Hypocrite.
I’ll wait for you to admit that Trump lied about the election. After all, it’s an objective fact, so if you aren’t desperately defending him it shouldn’t be a big deal to admit to it.
> Prove it, liar.
Title; “Shoot The Vote Urges Gun Owners To Make 2024 ‘Too Big to Rig'”
> That was an example to point out your hypocrisy.
Thanks again for admitting that I am right.
After all, I passed your “standard” but as I expected, you refuse to acknowledge your mistake.
> Where was that? Quote me.
How many times now have you accused me of being someone else with zero evidence?
> Ha ha. You never answered the question
Your question; “Hey Shaun, where were you after Trump won, and the Dems…”
My answer; “Where was I? Irritated at home that they were helping to undermine our institutions.”
Your question; “You mean like when the executive branch …”
My answer; “Yes. Although I was far more annoyed by the Supreme Court BS because that seemed to have some traction”
You are aware that what you write doesn’t disappear after I read it, right?
Thanks for tacitly admitting that you are a liar.
> My opinion on that is irrelevant to the statement you’re responding to, Mr. Strawman.
Let me guess, you want to prop up this argument;
> Quote me, in our conversation, where I defended Trump
However, your lack of answer is itself answer enough,
Oh, and feel free to quote me in this conversation where I proved myself a Democrat. Hypocrite.
> Prove it
Title; “Shoot The Vote Urges Gun Owners To Make 2024 ‘Too Big to Rig’”
> That was an example to point out your hypocrisy.
Thanks again for admitting that I am right.
After all, I passed your “standard” but as I expected, you refuse to acknowledge your mistake.
> Where was that? Quote me.
How many times now have you accused me of being someone else with zero evidence?
> Ha ha. You never answered the question
Your question; “Hey Shaun, where were you after Trump won, and the Dems…”
My answer; “Where was I? Irritated at home that they were helping to undermine our institutions.”
Your question; “You mean like when the executive branch …”
My answer; “Yes. Although I was far more annoyed by the Supreme Court BS because that seemed to have some traction”
You are aware that what you write doesn’t disappear after I read it, right?
> My opinion on that is irrelevant to the statement you’re responding to
Let me guess, you want to prop up this argument;
> Quote me, in our conversation, where I defended Trump
However, your lack of answer is itself answer enough.
Oh, and feel free to quote me in this conversation where I proved myself a Democrat.
> Prove it
Title; “Shoot The Vote Urges Gun Owners To Make 2024 ‘Too Big to Rig’”
> That was an example to point out your hypocrisy.
Thanks again for admitting that I am right.
After all, I passed your “standard” but as I expected, you refuse to acknowledge your mistake.
> Where was that? Quote me.
How many times now have you accused me of being someone else with zero evidence?
“…it’s funny that you’re complaining about the Executive Branch ignoring the SC…”
You don’t get it. I was pointing out your hypocrisy. Work on your reading comprehension, Miner. Reread the conversation from the beginning. You would fail fifth grade reading comprehension tests.
I accept your concession.
My claims clearly aren’t hypocritical, even by your own standards. But your TDS clearly doesn’t allow you to see how silly you are being.
“I accept your concession.”
That wasn’t even remotely a concession, but you’re welcome to continue lying to yourself.
Again, I answered your question about the SC in a way that you can’t call hypocritical, yet you keep doing it. Why?
Well, I already said it; Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t “win”?
Thanks again for proving me right, I accept your concession.
Here’s what we know about you, Shaun. Your first comment was crying about “how far our democracy has fallen.” I won’t even touch how silly that comment is, on it’s face. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that no one talks like that these days except extreme partisan Democrats. The rest of that comment is complaining about Trump, calling him names, and telling 2A supporters that they’re cowards unless they start shooting people.
Then, it just so happens that Miner is there to immediately agree with you. Then you proceed to do your best Miner49er impression, complete with constant straw man arguments, changing the subject, and crying about Trump. Two things are very obvious: 1) You’re a highly partisan Democrat, and 2) You’re Miner49er playing pretend. You would think, as often as you lie, that you would be better at it.
Therefore, saying that Joe Biden annoyed you by dismissing the Supreme Court because it was convenient in that moment holds no water because there is no proof of that. It isn’t just that there isn’t any proof. Every bit of evidence that you have provided with your words paints the exact opposite picture. So, no, you didn’t answer that question. All you’ve done is cry about Trump nonstop, and you expect people to believe that you feel the exact same way about Biden. Yeah, right. Why do you have to lie, Miner? Are you that insecure? You should try having an honest conversation someday.
Finally, you keep using a word that doesn’t mean what you think it means. Your assignment for the day is to look up the definitions of concede and concession. Just in case you’re too slow to take a hint, read this very slowly after you look up the definitions: I concede nothing.
> I won’t even touch how silly that comment is, on it’s face.
Oh? Because you’re defending Trump, who is lying about the election being stolen.
if you believe his lies then you should agree our Democracy is in bad shape, and if you don’t then you should also believe that our democracy is in bad shape.
> What matters is that no one talks like that these days except extreme partisan Democrats.
Prove it.
> Therefore, saying that Joe Biden annoyed you by dismissing the Supreme Court because it was convenient in that moment holds no water because there is no proof of that.
Thanks again for proving me right; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
I accept your concession.
You partisans really are predictable.
“Then, it just so happens that Miner is there to immediately agree with you“
Divine Providence, doncha know.
“You’re Miner49er playing pretend“
More of your empty claims, you make these statements without any proof and then act as if you are infallible and your words are the Gospel truth.
Empty claims like this are why you folks lost in 60 courtrooms.
As far as playing pretend, that would be your vice presidential candidate JP Mandel, who is really rocking that little black dress with the blonde wig.
Is that a string of pearls or…
No, I don’t have to believe that “our democracy is in bad shape.” Democracy isn’t capitalized by the way. I think we need serious election law reforms so that citizens will be confident in the results. It would be easy to do, but democrats fight it every step of the way, including laws specifically designed to keep non-citizens from voting. Now why would anyone be against that?
“Prove it.”
All you have to do is exist in the current political environment to understand that. Democrats talk like that every single day. No one used to talk like that until Trump won. It became a left-wing talking point. Of course you know this.
All you say is thanks for proving me right, and I accept your concession. I literally told you that I concede nothing. I did not prove you right. You don’t understand how language works. You should have looked it up.
> No, I don’t have to believe that “our democracy is in bad shape.”
Then you’re calling Trump a liar. Thanks for admitting that I am right.
> All you have to do is exist in the current political environment to understand that.
In other words, you have zero evidence. Much like your beloved leader when he pretended that the election was stolen.
> No one used to talk like that until Trump won.
You are either extremely young or just plain ignorant. Democratic backsliding is a trend that has been noted for decades.
> I literally told you that I concede nothing.
Then you should stop proving me right; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
Of course, you could end this by acting like a reasonable human being and stop pretending that I think things that I objectively don’t. But, since you’re not the type to act that way, thanks again, I accept your concession.
”In other words, you have zero evidence.”
TDS sufferers aren’t political moderates. Nice try, liar. It’s common knowledge for anyone paying attention to modern politics that “threat to democracy” has been a consistent talking point of the Left for eight years. Here’s a video since you insist on proof, as if you don’t know what I’m talking about, which would mean that you’re either dense or disingenuous.
> TDS sufferers aren’t political moderates.
Nope. Which is why you and your ilk are partisans.
As for me, I never claimed to be a “moderate”. However, I am certainly more moderate than an extremist pro-Trump supporter like yourself.
> It’s common knowledge for anyone paying attention to modern politics that “threat to democracy” has been a consistent talking point of the Left for eight years.
But it wasn’t invented in that time, nor are they the only ones who use it.
Case in point, the right often (correctly to a degree IMO) claims that things like cancel culture, identity politics, and even things like China are threats to democracy.
In fact, I decided to look to see if I could find a Republican who used the term against China. And look what I found, John Ratcliffe, the former Director of National Intelligence under Trump, who said; “The People’s Republic of China poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II.”
However, you’ll note that I never actually used the term “threat to democracy”. You did.
Shall I call you a Democrat?
I accept your concession.
The 2020 election WAS stolen.
No, I don’t believe the endlessly chanted mantra from the leftist media, which I now include Fox, stating otherwise.
So go fuck yourself.
And yes, too big to rig is entirely appropriate.
Yes Punisher it was stolen and the courts didn’t want to challenge it because they knew it would be a giant fucking shit show. Shame on them for not helping to save our Republic when they had the chance.
The dems tried to kill my President Trump. The only plan that they hatched was for the Administrative SS to be so totally incompetent that even an idiot like Crooks could do the deed. By the Grace of God that didn’t happen so they had to, “shades of Paul Ryan” push Biden off a cliff. Nobody is complaining about it because “it was the right thing to do”. If you don’t understand the depths that the democrat party will go to, to hold on to power by now then you never will. Paper Ballots! Voter ID! Same Day Voting unless you are serving over seas.
“The dems tried to kill my President Trump. The only plan that they hatched was for the Administrative SS to be so totally incompetent“
I thought yesterday was tinfoil Thursday?
“an idiot like Crooks“
You mean the registered republican?
“You mean the registered republican?”
To be clear, in his own words in discovered writings … he registered as a means to counter vote against Trump. Not to forget that he also actually donated money to Bidens election campaign.
But of course, in your zeal for propaganda to please your masters, to you its “You mean the registered republican?”
Get a clue moron, and learn what context means.
But but .40 Cal! Crooks wore a Demolitia T-Shirt as he walked through the venue! He was obviously one of us!
“in his own words in discovered writings … he registered as a means to counter vote against Trump“
I look forward to reading the quote you provide regarding this claim.
I don’t know about that. But there is other evidence that he was anti-Trump, other than, you know, trying to murder him.
The “he’s a republican” is the same sort of op the media ran with Comey, et al even though Comey admitted that he was a Hillary supporter. Only idiots (Democrats) fall for that.
Would-be Donald Trump assassin Thomas Crooks became “smug and arrogant” in class whenever students talked politics — and questioned why a classmate would support Trump, according to a former classmate.
That’s a NYPost article with a video of a classmate. It’s also on MSN. You can find it with a search. Links go to moderation now.
Nope, you’re trying that same ‘move the goal post’ bullshit again.
Now you say some interview with “former classmates”…
That wasn’t your claim, what you actually claimed was:
“in his own words in discovered writings … he registered as a means to counter vote against Trump“
And you still haven’t provided any evidence to back up your assertion, you just switch to a different story, another one without any names or links or source documents.
Meanwhile, in other news, soon push will come to shove in an actual court of law:
“J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk named in cyberbullying suit filed by Olympic boxer Imane Khelif
The Algerian athlete spent much of the 2024 Olympics in Paris at the center of a dispute about her gender eligibility that reverberated around the world.
Aug. 14, 2024, 9:46 AM EDT / Source: Variety
By Variety
J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk have both been named in a criminal complaint filed to French authorities over alleged “acts of aggravated cyber harassment” against Algerian boxer and newly crowned Olympic champion Imane Khelif.
Nabil Boudi, the Paris-based attorney of Khelif, confirmed to Variety that both figures were mentioned in the body of the complaint, posted to the anti-online hatred center of the Paris Prosecutor’s Office on Friday.
In a statement sent to Variety, the Paris Prosecutor’s Office (National Center for the Fight Against Online Hatred), confirmed it received the complaint filed by Khelif and announced that an investigation had been launched. “On Aug. 13, (The National Center for the Fight Against Online Hatred) contacted the OCLCH (Central Office for the Fight Against Crimes Against Humanity and Hate Crimes) to conduct an investigation into the counts of cyber harassment due to gender, public insult because of gender, public incitement to discrimination and public insult because of origin.”
“Nope, you’re trying that same ‘move the goal post’ bullshit again.”
Oops. You forgot to use the Shaun name, Miner. It’s weird how you guys sound like the same person. Why would that be? And as Shaun, you complained about a conversation I had with Miner days ago. Oops again. You’re terrible at this.
““in his own words in discovered writings … he registered as a means to counter vote against Trump“
No, that’s what .40 cal said. I brought up the NYP article. Try rereading and starting again. You shouldn’t have cheated your way through the fifth grade.
Dude, you’ve offered no proof that you aren’t also 40 ounce, we all know the truth.
How shameful of you.
Except that we usually post at different times of the day. We sound like completely different people. We have completely different posting styles. But yeah, other than that, sure, I’m everyone here except possum and Shaun. The only reason I’m not possum is because I’ve temporarily retired the name.
Stop trying to cover for your lack of reading comprehension skills, Miner.
It was one of your link in screen name visiting him so you tell us glowie.
“Except that we usually post at different times of the day. We sound like completely different people. We have completely different posting styles“
That’s just confirmation, that’s exactly what you would do if you were attempting to differentiate the two “personalities’.
This exchange illustrates how one can easily post any claim without evidence.
That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Punisher, just to be clear I’m not talking about you when I say “If you don’t understand the depths that the democrat party will go to, to hold on to power by now then you never will”.
Right, because the guys who ended Roe and handed Trump broad immunity, are shy about controversy. /s
> The dems tried to kill my President Trump. The only plan that they hatched was for the Administrative SS to be so totally incompetent that even an idiot like Crooks could do the deed.
Another claim with zero evidence, but with the lovely advantage of blaming your enemies for all your problems.
Isn’t it interesting how these kinds of arguments paint the commenter out to be a … victim. That is, a poor precious little snowflake that needs the protection of a big strong organization. You know, kind of like how Republicans used to make fun of Democrats.
Then why haven’t you picked up a rifle yet? Are you too much of a coward to protect the Republic? If so, then I guess you might as well not vote. After all, the election will just be stolen anyway, right?
And even if somehow a Republican could win, why would anyone vote for Trump? After all, he talked about the election being stolen in 2016. He had 4 years to fix the “issue” and according to you, he failed.
But what am I saying? Logic doesn’t come into this.
Trump, the guy who happily sold out the 2A community, and can’t even string together a coherent argument about guns is obviously the only person we are allowed to support, right?
Why believe any election results ever? A bunch of representatives of the power apparatus coming out and stating the results are a certain way doesn’t mean they are and even if they are how they got that way may not be unsullied and pure.
For over 200 years this government has lied about plenty. For thousands of years the governments of the world have lied a out plenty.
It would be rare and quite anomalous if an election was actually on the up and up.
You know who else was a government official? Donald Trump.
I guess that means you put as little weight on anything he says as you do on our elections, right?
Surely you aren’t making that kind of argument but exempting a former President of the US, right?
Trump has zero evidence to support his claim that the election was stolen. And he had 4 years in the most powerful position in the country to prepare to either prevent it from happening or at least prepare enough infrastructure to prove his claims.
If you argue that his claims are true, then you are also calling him incompetent. That’s all there is to it.
You seem to be suffering from TDS.
They’re all lying all the time about winning, losing, waring, saving, creating, destroying. Nothing they say or do is honest or true. Never has been.
Thanks for admitting that Trump is a liar, and therefore what I wrote about him isn’t wrong.
Odd that you would accuse me of “TDS” when you fully acknowledge that Trump is a liar.
Why is that odd? I say they’re all lying all the time and every cretin in any political position needs to die.
You’re focused on orange man bad like he’s special or different.
You gonna concede that Biden, Harris, Pelosi and the rest of them are lying scumbags as well or is it only Trump?
Shaun (Miner 2.0) is a partisan Democrat. He obviously isn’t interested in the truth, only pointing out “Orange Man Bad!
Wow. I’m focused on Trump on an article talking about Trump, and pretending that his lies about the election are true. Who could fathom why I would do such a thing?
I’ll take it a step further. Politicians in general are liars. They vary somewhat in quantity and quality, but they all lie, mislead, and generally abuse the truth.
However, this is a topic that props up Trump’s lies about the election being stolen, which he has zero evidence for. Now are you ready to call out Trump directly, or are you just going to keep fence sitting as a way of avoiding calling out the guy, I expect, you want to support?
That’s the thing. I would have far more … respect I guess, if people who support Trump’s lies would just admit that they don’t care about election integrity, they just want their guy to win, no matter how.
I despise authoritarians, but at least then they would be honest.
Watch this video. Then call out Hillary, Joe Biden, Kamala, previously sitting members of Congress, and the media, for claiming that the 2016 election was stolen, hacked, etc. Why wasn’t that a threat to democracy? Where were you? Gee, I wonder. It’s almost like some people are partisans.
I understand your TDS makes you desperate to defend Trump, but even if their words were equal to your group’s much more significant acts;
That doesn’t mean Trump isn’t a liar.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
I think it’s telling that despite your desperation, the best you can try and do is make your guy out to be just as bad as your enemies.
So tell me, if Trump is no better than Biden, why should I vote for him?
“I say they’re all lying all the time and every cretin in any political position needs to die.“
That’s just the typical conservative cop-out.
And I’m impressed by the jovial way you advocate for the killing of other people, bravo! (insert slow clap sound sample here)
Y’all don’t give a shit about the constitution, your wannabe dictator has already called for its termination and none of you denounced his anti-American demand:
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”
So much for your sworn oath, you ‘uphold and support’ the constitution by terminating it when it is convenient for your political fortunes.
Your perfidy is why you will lose, it’s all too obvious to the American voters.
Donald Trump has never won the popular vote, except in the jury box.
“Why wasn’t that a threat to democracy?“
Because all they did was whine, bitch and moan about losing the election, which is a typical response and does not involve an overthrow of the government.
The Democrats did not institute 60 court cases in an attempt to change the outcome, much less execute a wide ranging fake elector conspiracy that involved falsely perpetrating a fraud on the citizens of the United States.
Really, if you can’t differentiate between those two different situations…
“The Democrats did not institute 60 court cases…”
Oh no! People are using the legal system to dispute something! Threat to democracy! *screams at sky* Noooo!
“People are using the legal system to dispute something!“
I have no problem with people petitioning the government for a redress of grievances, but when the Supreme Court of the United States dismissed trumps claims Donald turned his attention to an extra-judicial conspiracy in his attempt to overthrow our government.
Your whole premise is that Hillary Clinton disputed the election just like Donald Trump, but that’s a false equivalence. Hillary Clinton did not pursue 60 court cases in an attempt to reverse the results and she certainly did not engage in a multistate conspiracy to perpetrate a fraud, she didn’t intimidate and attempt to coerce the Vice President to violate the constitution by failing to certify the state electoral ballots either.
So, you would have NO PROBLEM with reasonable measure to insure voter and ballot integrity?? And the integrity of the actual vote count?
Cool!!! Now explain to me why the Dimocrat party is consistently, across the country, opposed EVERY election integrity measure or legislation proposed. PLEASE, as a gift to me, answer with “Requiring ID is RACIST!” – that way I would get a chortle before I had to deal with the “substance” of whatever argument you propose to make.
It surprises me not in the slightest that a racist/Leftist/fascist would resort to the (implied) argument that . . . “them POC are just too lazy and dumb to get an ID”. Would it impact your thinking AT ALL to know that polls (MANY polls) show that most African-Americans SUPPORT requiring voter ID???
Nah, I didn’t think so.
It depends on what you call “reasonable”. And let’s remember, this is a gun rights blog, so attempting to slip that kind of comment by is very interesting. As is your inference that I am a Democrat because I don’t kowtow to your glorious leader.
As for me, I don’t think Voter ID laws are a big deal, especially if there were proper reforms. For example, it can be a pain to change your name on your ID (depending on the state), which is obviously an issue for women. Clean up those kinds of issues, and it doesn’t really matter.
So, are you going to admit that you are wrong about me? Or are you going to do like the other person and keep shifting the goalposts?
He’s right about you. You’re asking us to take your word for these things that are convenient in the moment. Yet, your words paint the picture of a highly partisan Democrat with TDS, not some independent moderate. Besides, we all know it’s you, Miner. I’m embarrassed for you at this point.
“Besides, we all know it’s you, Miner.“
This is just so fascinating, I’m continually entertained by you folks.
I have no connection with Shaun or Sean or Shawn or whoever, and I have never posted on TTAG under any other name.
It’s just another of your empty claims, for which you are never willing to bear the burden of proof.
I’ve laid out the evidence. And you just made another comment above where you sound exactly like Shaun. You’re terrible at this, Miner/Shaun. It’s weird how you two are the only guys on this page that sound like the same person.
“I’ve laid out the evidence“
Amazing, you don’t seem to understand your claims are not evidence.
Very revealing, I think this explains many things, from your blind acceptance of trump’s bullshit claims about the election to your unquestioning acceptance of claims made in various religious texts.
The Bible is not evidence, the Bible is the claim. We have yet to see any evidence for the existence of any particular deity, much less an old white guy floating in the clouds
After many conversations with you, it’s clear you don’t understand the nature of evidence.
No, Miner. The claim is that you’re the same person. The evidence is why anyone would make that claim. This conversation has nothing to do with religion. You had to bring your anti-Christian bigotry into it, didn’t you? You bigots can’t help it.
“No, Miner. The claim is that you’re the same person“
Yes, that is the claim you’ve made and now you have the burden of proving your claim. Otherwise it’s just empty speech.
A claim should only be accepted when sufficient evidence has been presented to warrant belief. Just making the claim won’t do.
In an attempt to understand your irrational thought process considering claims and evidence, I drew a parallel with a similar belief structure you have exhibited on the subject of religion.
Again, a claim is not evidence and has no intrinsic merit in and of itself.
Why yes, I am asking you to take my word that my beliefs are my beliefs. Otherwise, all you have to go on are your own paranoid fantasies. But I guess to someone like you it’s more convenient to ignore petty things like facts and basic logic.
That’s why you are so determined to defend a guy who you tacitly call incompetent.
Oh, and thanks for continuing to prove me right by ignoring your mistakes.
“But I guess to someone like you it’s more convenient to ignore petty things like facts and basic logic.”
Does logic dictate that I take you at your word, or that I notice the meaning of your words? I am using logic. Logic does not equal blind trust. Your behavior is clearly that of an extremely partisan Democrat. You’re asking us to believe two things that a moderate independent or Republican would believe. Those two things were convenient for you in that moment. You haven’t shown any evidence that you would believe those two things. I looked at the facts, and logically concluded that you’re a partisan Democrat.
“Oh, and thanks for continuing to prove me right by ignoring your mistakes.”
And thanks for my concession, right lol? You need to look up lots of words. You don’t understand basic language.
It’s wild that you and Miner are here at the same time, again!
Considering you have zero evidence to support your claims beyond your own partisan nonsense, yeah, logic does dictate you take me at my word about what I believe. And if you don’t, then how can you make any kind of argument about what I say?
You could just as easily dismiss my arguments about Trump as a lie, but instead;
> Your behavior is clearly that of an extremely partisan Democrat.
You mean aside from all the things you arbitrarily dismissed because they don’t fit into your narrative.
> You haven’t shown any evidence that you would believe those two things.
You mean aside from me saying it?
I guess that means I don’t have to take you at your word, right?
> And thanks for my concession, right lol?
Yup; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
Thanks again for proving me right.
“Considering you have zero evidence to support your claims beyond your own partisan nonsense, yeah, logic does dictate you take me at my word about what I believe.”
You have another word to look up. Logic does not mean taking someone at their word. I have plenty of evidence which I have laid out. You can ignore that, and live in a fantasy world of your making if you wish.
“You mean aside from all the things you arbitrarily dismissed because they don’t fit into your narrative.”
Here is what I dismissed. I dismissed the two things that happened to be super convenient for you to believe. They were: 1) That you were upset at Joe Biden for dismissing the SC and threatening to reform them, and 2) that you don’t think voter ID laws are a big deal.
You don’t regularly comment under the Shaun name. You usually use Miner49er. Even if we ignore Miner’s long history of being a partisan, “Shaun” has no real history here to check. This is suddenly your favorite website, huh? All we have to really go on is this page. On this page, you have proven yourself to be a stereotypical TDS sufferer. The only times you pretended to be a moderate were highly convenient for you, in that moment. So using facts and logic, we can all see that you’re FOS. You’re a terrible liar.
And again, I never proved you right or conceded anything. I never have, and I never will, so drop the childish talk.
Still no evidence to prove your case. I accept your concession.
> I dismissed the two things that happened to be super convenient for you to believe.
You mean inconvenient for your narrative.
> You don’t regularly comment under the Shaun name. You usually use Miner49er.
Another claim you have zero evidence to support.
> And again, I never proved you right or conceded anything.
Oh? Then what about this; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
If you don’t concede, then you should stop proving me right.
I accept your concession.
”Oh? Then what about this; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
Wow. I never said that. You said that. You can’t even keep your story straight.
I don’t have a narrative to push. I merely used facts and logic. Anyone can read this page and see that two people here are unhinged when it comes to Trump and “our democracy.” That would be you/Miner.
You look like a child saying I accept your concession every time.
If you don’t have a narrative to push, why are you so obsessed with pretending I don’t think that Voter ID laws are a big deal?
We both know the answer. You are a Trump supporter, and you want to paint me as an “other” as a way of dismissing my arguments without addressing them. Of course, the fact that I am just more ideologically consistent than people with TDS like yourself sticks in your craw, so you insist on lying about what I believe.
Which is, of course, exactly what I said would happen; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
Thanks again for admitting that I am right.
I accept your concession.
You painted yourself as an other with your: “It sickens me seeing how far our democracy has fallen” statement, along with your Orange Man Bad rants, along with your attempt to goad people into violence. Normal people don’t talk like that. Moderates certainly don’t talk like that. It’s apparent to everyone here exactly what you are. You’re waving red flags all over the place.
You painted yourself with your compulsion to defend your beloved leader by making me out to be an “other” and then lying about my beliefs when you were proven wrong.
A sensible human being would never have fallen so easily for this trap; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
But being the extreme partisan bootlicker that you are, you feel the need to keep defending your nonsense.
I accept your concession.
You’re lying about my beliefs. I’m not an extreme partisan. I criticize republicans about as much as anyone here, other than you/Miner. Heck, I voted for Obama. Unlike you, I have a verified history of saying these things on this site for years. So you are, without a doubt, 100% wrong about that. You aren’t half as clever as you think you are. Thank you for proving that!
I’m glad you’re finally admitting that you’re playing games. You’re a very disingenuous person, not to mention childish. And what kind of person tries to get people to pick up guns and start shooting other people? You’re a giant red flag. /discussion
> You’re lying about my beliefs.
And why should I believe that when all the “evidence” says otherwise?
You “act” every bit the part of a fanatical Trump supporter who is “pretending” to be a “moderate”.
> I criticize republicans about as much as anyone here
Well isn’t that … convenient? Especially in this particular moment.
> You’re a very disingenuous person, not to mention childish.
Says the person who keeps lying about what I believe because they can’t admit that they made a mistake.
Thanks again for proving me right; “Now that I showed that you are wrong, are you going to change your tune? Or, like your beloved leader, are you just going to try to change the rules because you didn’t ‘win’?”
> And what kind of person tries to get people to pick up guns and start shooting other people?
So you don’t believe that the purpose of the 2A is to protect against a tyrannical government? If Trump is right, then the Republic has fallen.
But of course, you and I both know that your beloved leader is a liar. The difference is, you are in too deep to admit it. I OTOH call out people, like yourself, who supposedly support the 2A while also supporting a guy who is undermining our institutions by pretending that the election was stolen because he lost.
The fact that I can call out both sides is evidence that I am not a partisan. You ignore what I say because it is inconvenient to your narrative. Instead, you’re doing everything in your power to avoid the central discussion, because you have no answer for the points I raised.
Hence, why I accept your concession.
“It depends on what you call “reasonable”. ”
OK, so let’s find out if you’re commenting in good faith, or just a lying, propagandizing sh*tbag, like MajorLiar. I actually laid out some basics, if you were paying attention, but for you, I’ll make it simple:
1. ONE DAY of voting – if you’re too lazy to get your @$$ to the polls on voting day, why should the rest of us accommodate you?? Yes, permit absentee or other written ballots for people who have justifiable inability to get to the polls – on-duty cops, firefighters, oil rig workers, EMT/paramedic personnel, deployed soldiers, ER doctors, etc. – subject to (i) a written request for an absentee ballot, signed by the voter-to-be, verification of registration, proof of citizenship, and (ii) the vote has to be in by Election Day. I would (as much as I HATE government intervention in our lives) even be willing to have remote poll workers who could go to hospitals, hospices, etc. to provide ballots, verify registration and ID, and take the signed ballot back to the polling place.
2. EVERYONE shows a picture ID, PERIOD. If people are poor, I have no problem with a mandate that states provide picture ID for free for those who legitimately can’t afford it (and MOST already do). I would even be amenable to accepting such things as student IDs, or certainly military IDs, subject (in ALL cases) to certain requirements – proof of citizenship, picture, address (and it BETTER match the voter registration rolls).
3. SAME DAY COUNT. The polls close, the ballots start getting counted with poll watchers to monitor the count – including allowing any party/candidate to have a watcher present, and allow them to film (so long as they didn’t take or record personal information about any voter or their vote). “Oh, it’s getting late! We’re going to knock off and start back up again, in the morning.” Oh, I’M SORRY, is ooo wittle self need nappy time???? Grow the F*CK up! I’ve work 36 hours straight, MANY times. Either you do the damn job, or we find someone who can. Vote counting ALL conducted on camera, to create a record (again, blocking any personal information of actual voters).
4. PAPER BALLOTS, signed by the voter. All voters checked against voter registration lists, and if a duplicate is found, NEITHER vote is counted unless one can be confirmed as “real”.
5. Voter registration rolls purged at least annually (cross-checked against ‘vital records’ for deaths, moves, etc.). Votes per precinct checked against ACTUAL NUMBERS of registered voters. All paper ballots maintained for possible questioning and evidence until at least the next general election.
6. NO “electioneering” in the poll area (and certainly not by poll workers!!!) – like, oh, say . . . the Black Panthers, or BLM/Antifa (the Panthers, historically AND recently, and BLM since it was formed).
7. All poll workers, poll watchers, vote counters, etc. have to verify their identity (same as the voters), residence in the precinct, and swear an oath to discharge their duty faithfully and impartially . . . and be subject to criminal penalties if they don’t (and local DAs required to prosecute cases if there is credible evidence).
If you object to ANY of that, you are showing your true colors (red). As I said, a MAJORITY of blacks surveyed (MULTIPLE surveys have confirmed this) SUPPORT required voter ID. People need ID to get government services, (ironically) to get into the DNC, to buy booze, to fly, to register their kids for school, to buy insurance, get a driver’s license, buy a car, rent a car, get a mortgage (and in most cases, to rent an apartment) – this whole “po’ pipo can’t get ID” nonsense is bullsh*t, of the purest ray serene. Po’ pipo do ALL of those things, on the daily. Asking EVERYONE to provide ID when they vote is NOT an unreasonable requirement.
Somehow, however, the Dimocrat/Leftist/fascists seem to oppose EVERY ONE of those reforms I listed, and do it repeatedly, all across the country. I would say, “Curious, that”, but it isn’t curious at all. We know EXACTLY why the Dimocrat/Leftist/fascists want to mess with voting integrity; they are following one of their icons, Stalin, because they know it’s who counts the vote that matters.
So, are you actually commenting in good faith, or are you just an @$$hole troll, as you appear to be??? What is “problematic” in what I outlined, and why??
I’m writing this section before reading the rest. Here’s my prediction, you’re mostly going to present of bunch of minor changes that will make voting more irritating but not fundamentally improve on transparency or anything else.
In fact, you’re probably going to support some rather inane ideas like requiring people to put their names on ballots, thus opening people up to reprisals for their votes, and making bribery for votes useful. I don’t know why that idea has become such a popular topic nowadays, but I dearly hope it isn’t the worst case scenario.
> I actually laid out some basics
Not to me.
> ONE DAY of voting
Are you going to support a national holiday for voting? Because that’s the absolute minimum to make that even remotely workable.
However, I don’t see how this makes anything better. It’s much easier to just vote whenever you have the time over 2 weeks or whatever.
I’m guessing your concerned about the length of time maybe giving people more of a chance to alter the ballots, but doing it all on one day would require a massive expansion in the number of voting places, poll workers, and everything else related. And of course, that vastly increases the chances of a bad actor getting involved, thus making it a moot point.
Remember, about 9 million people cast early ballots in the last Presidential election in Texas, and less than 2 million on the day of. Meaning, we’ll need 5 times as much of everything, and it’s still going to be a pain.
Also, much like with gun rights, we don’t ban people from doing things because some bad actor might do something bad at some point. You need to show how it is a legitimate threat before you start restricting people from doing things.
Trump supporters have yet to show that voter fraud is a significant issue.
> EVERYONE shows a picture ID, PERIOD.
I already talked about this to you.
Don’t complain about me not reading every post you have made when you don’t even read what I posted to you.
This, again, is something that doesn’t make a difference.
The votes are going to be the same whether they are counted now or in 6 hours. And if you’re going to complain about the possibility of manipulation, this doesn’t change that possibility.
Manipulation can happen at any point. The procedures between all of this are what matters.
> “Oh, it’s getting late! We’re going to knock off and start back up again, in the morning.” Oh, I’M SORRY, is ooo wittle self need nappy time???? Grow the F*CK up! I’ve work 36 hours straight, MANY times. Either you do the damn job, or we find someone who can.
I think this is actually a very, very telling comment.
You claim that you want to improve vote integrity, but you also want vote counters to work beyond a time frame where they could be reasonably expected to do their jobs at peak (or at least relatively high) performance.
Working 36 hours straight is a terrible idea, and your management should have been under scrutiny for that.
> Vote counting ALL conducted on camera, to create a record
This actually would change things but only to a limited degree (because there isn’t significant fraud).
However, electronic voting would do the same thing, but you want to throw that out for fears of manipulation. But, that can also happen with video (AI video editing is getting better by the day), while at the same time vastly expanding the amount of everything involved in voting, thus making it all more complex and difficult to watch over. So it quickly becomes a moot point.
Again, the procedures between all of this are what matters.
> PAPER BALLOTS, signed by the voter.
So you want to slow down the voting process, and introduce more issues due to people making mistakes on ballots.
AND, you want to require basically everyone to do this on the same day.
AND, you want to create a paper trail for bad actors to take their frustrations out on people who didn’t vote for their guy and give more of an incentive for bribery.
> Voter registration rolls purged at least annually
So you want to introduce more paperwork, possibly multiple times per year. Great.
> NO “electioneering” in the poll area
That’s already a thing in Texas, and I assume everywhere else.
Unless you’re talking about something petty like a poll worker wearing a political T-Shirt, which makes me roll my eyes at the pettiness of it but feel free to whine about it.
And I think it’s very telling that you called out left wing groups, but not right-wing ones.
> All poll workers, poll watchers, vote counters, etc. have to verify their identity
Already a thing.
> If you object to ANY of that, you are showing your true colors (red).
As are you; “Unless we each conform, unless we obey orders, unless we follow our leaders blindly, there is no possible way we can remain free.” -Frank Burns
> As I said, a MAJORITY of blacks surveyed (MULTIPLE surveys have confirmed this) SUPPORT required voter ID.
And? A majority of blacks support a lot of things that you undoubtedly don’t support.
And I already said my piece on Voter ID laws.
> We know EXACTLY why the Dimocrat/Leftist/fascists want to mess with voting integrity
Because we live in a hyper partisan country where everyone is expected to march in lock step behind their particular thought leaders and everyone is expected to treat everything that comes from the “other side” as coming from the devil himself?
> they are following one of their icons, Stalin, because they know it’s who counts the vote that matters.
Oh. So, march in lock-step behind your thought leaders or you’re a communist. Got it.
That quote is looking more and more relevant, and it makes me sad that Frank Burns is becoming less of a parody and more of a straight up depiction.
> are you just an @$$hole troll, as you appear to be???
And what exactly is your logic for calling me a troll? You know, beyond the fact that I don’t kowtow to your beloved leader? That is, the same leader who didn’t do any of this in his four years in office.
> What is “problematic” in what I outlined, and why??
The big problem is that most of what you wrote isn’t going to do anything beyond making voting more annoying.
And let me make this clear, I’m from Texas. A Republican state with a very Republican government. We haven’t implemented most of what you said, and it’s not even up for discussion.
If Texas isn’t doing all of this, what do you think that says about your preemptive dismissal of anyone who disagrees with you?
As a final prediction, you’re going to ignore my arguments, and just insult me because I probably won’t toe your extremely specific line. And when that happens, you will be tacitly acknowledging that you don’t have the ability to counter what I said, and therefore you will be conceding to my arguments.
Please, prove me wrong.
I’m writing this section before reading the rest. Here’s my prediction, you’re mostly going to present of bunch of minor changes that will make voting more irritating but not fundamentally improve on transparency or anything else.
In fact, you’re probably going to support some rather inane ideas like requiring people to put their names on ballots, thus opening people up to reprisals for their votes, and making bribery for votes useful. I don’t know why that idea has become such a popular topic nowadays, but I dearly hope it isn’t the worst case scenario.
> ONE DAY of voting
Are you going to support a national holiday for voting? Because that’s the absolute minimum to make that even remotely workable.
However, I don’t see how this makes anything better. I’m guessing your concerned about the length of time maybe giving people more of a chance to alter the ballots, but doing it all on one day would require a massive expansion in the number of voting places, poll workers, and everything else related. And of course, that vastly increases the chances of a bad actor getting involved, thus making it a moot point.
Remember, about 9 million people cast early ballots in the last Presidential election in Texas, and less than 2 million on the day of. Meaning, we’ll need 5 times as much of everything, and it’s still going to be a pain.
Also, much like with gun rights, we don’t ban people from doing things because some bad actor might do something bad at some point. You need to show how it is a legitimate threat before you start restricting people from doing things.
> EVERYONE shows a picture ID, PERIOD.
I already talked about this to you. Don’t complain about me not reading every post you have made when you don’t even read what I posted to you.
This, again, is something that doesn’t make a difference.
The votes are going to be the same whether they are counted now or in 6 hours. And if you’re going to complain about the possibility of manipulation, that can happen at any point. The procedures between all of this are what matters.
> “Oh, it’s getting late! We’re going to knock off and start back up again, in the morning.” Oh, I’M SORRY, is ooo wittle self need nappy time????
I think this is actually a very, very telling comment. You claim that you want to improve vote integrity, but you also want vote counters to work beyond a time frame where they could be reasonably expected to do their jobs at high performance.
> Vote counting ALL conducted on camera, to create a record
This would change things but only to a limited degree (because there isn’t significant fraud).
However, electronic voting would do the same thing, but you want to throw that out for fears of manipulation. But, that can also happen with video (AI video editing is getting better by the day), while at the same time vastly expanding the amount of everything involved in voting, thus making it all more complex and difficult to watch over. So it quickly becomes a moot point.
> PAPER BALLOTS, signed by the voter.
So you want to slow down the voting process, and introduce more issues due to people making mistakes on ballots.
AND, you want to require basically everyone to do this on the same day.
AND, you want to create a paper trail for bad actors to take their frustrations out on people who didn’t vote for their guy and give more of an incentive for bribery.
> Voter registration rolls purged at least annually
So you want to introduce more paperwork, possibly multiple times per year. Great.
> NO “electioneering” in the poll area
That’s already a thing in Texas, and I assume everywhere else. Unless you’re talking about something petty like a poll worker wearing a political T-Shirt.
> All poll workers, poll watchers, vote counters, etc. have to verify their identity
Already a thing.
> If you object to ANY of that, you are showing your true colors (red).
As are you; “Unless we each conform, unless we obey orders, unless we follow our leaders blindly, there is no possible way we can remain free.” -Frank Burns
> We know EXACTLY why the Dimocrat/Leftist/fascists want to mess with voting integrity
Because we live in a hyper partisan country where everyone is expected to march in lock step behind their particular thought leaders and everyone is expected to treat everything that comes from the “other side” as coming from the devil himself?
> they are following one of their icons, Stalin, because they know it’s who counts the vote that matters.
Oh. So, march in lock-step behind your thought leaders or you’re a communist. Got it.
> What is “problematic” in what I outlined, and why??
The big problem is that most of what you wrote isn’t going to do anything beyond making voting more annoying.
And let me make this clear, I’m from Texas. A Republican state with a very Republican government. We haven’t implemented most of what you said, and it’s not even up for discussion. If Texas isn’t doing all of this, what do you think that says about your preemptive dismissal of anyone who disagrees with you?
As a final prediction, you’re going to ignore my arguments, and just insult me because I probably won’t toe your extremely specific line. And when that happens, you will be tacitly acknowledging that you don’t have the ability to counter what I said, and therefore you will be conceding to my arguments.
Please, prove me wrong.
BTW, I have seen some actually good ideas for improving vote integrity, including universally integrating electronic voting machines that also print out a ballot to be verified by the voter.
That would provide a verifiable backup that, with proper procedures, would be very difficult to fake. And it would do that without making voting more annoying (assuming the machines are well made and integrated obviously).
So don’t pretend I’m not in favor of anything, your ideas are just centered on making voting more annoying for fear that somewhere in vastness of a national election, someone who isn’t supposed to may be voting. And let me remind you that a similar fear drives people to support many gun control measures.
As I said elsewhere, often when your type insults me it’s because I’m just more ideologically consistent than you are.
I don’t support artificially limiting the ability to exercise rights because someone, somewhere, may one day theoretically do something I don’t like with them.
Show me a clear reason to believe that making voting more annoying is necessary to protect the integrity of the right. You know, something beyond your personal thought leader whining about losing an election.
Lol #okcommie
So, you either support Trump’s lies about the election or you are a communist.
Even putting aside the completely unconnected nature of those two things, Trump is far from a bastion of economic liberalism and he has been seen praising people like Xi, Kim Jong Un, and Putin.
This kind of extremism from you actually does a lot of my work for me. Thanks.
Lol no just testing responses but in this case if the shoe fits.
Thanks again for proving your absurd extremism.
Little better, if you are going to post nonsensical gibberish it is best to keep it short and not waste everyone’s time in communicating that you are retarded.
Says the person who is calling people communists because they don’t support Trump’s lies about the election.
Tell you what, why don’t you provide an academic definition that would support your claim that only communists would disagree with Trump’s lies about the election.
When you fail to provide one, you have two choices.
1. You can act like a sensible human being and admit that you were being stupid for acting like this, and apologize for being a troll.
2. You are tacitly admitting that I am right about everything, and everything you said before, and will say beyond this, is just you confirming that I am right.
And since I know your type well, let me preemptively thank you for tacitly agreeing with everything I wrote, including my claim that your beloved leader is incompetent.
Getting back into that word salad territory again. And it was more your r3ddit style of posting that earned you the initial commie title your continued posting throughout this section is what confirmed it especially with your disingenuous attempts at gotchas. Don’t really care if you are another of Minor’s sock puppet attempts at consensus cracking but you really are getting into Josh Sleds niche.
Thanks for confirming that I am right.
It really is a shame that you’ve hitched your wagon to someone you know is incompetent.
Hopefully the GOP can recover and feature a candidate who can string together even a basic policy proposal without meandering through half a dozen irrelevant diatribes.
Methinks the commie doth protest too much. Good luck with your narrative but even Dacian built a more believable one.
Thanks again for admitting that I am not a communist, and Trump is incompetent.
A commie by any other name would oppress and gaslight just the same. And holy fuck if you think Trump is incompetent I can’t wait to see how you see Harris turn out.
Says the person pretending the election was stolen because their guy didn’t win. Or at least you were before you tacitly admitted that was all a lie. Thanks again.
Oh, and Harris is also incompetent. I know you people love to pretend the world is a binary, but that’s your own bias speaking.
However, Harris does have this over Trump. At least she didn’t try stand by and watch while her supporters raided the capitol to stop the certification of a legal election.
Thanks again for your concession.
As a whole gun owners who say they value their Second Amendment Civil right are their own worst enemy. I still talk to those who rage on “but mah bump stock” and I reply well them vote for Harris and them “not votin” and I say “OK, so your helping Harris, good luck with that”. Beyond that a very small percentage contribute to any Second Amendment support organization.
Anyone who owns a gun and doesn’t vote is a perverted chickenshit.
Convicted felons excepted, maybe…
Speaking of convicts…no sign of possum lately?
Poor bastard dodged F-150s most of his life. Got pissed about being “moderated” on everything and decided to retire to his den (underground bunker) and work full-time on hes phased array neutron blaster. I expect to hear from
– or about – him sometime after the elections.
Walmart stopped making Dr Thunder in the 3 liter bottles. So he’s out of luck on the phased array neutron blaster, sadly.
If there is such a thing as cosmic justice, he’s won an F150 in a raffle, and is out getting reparations.
Of course, if there were cosmic justice, the face of a girl who used to go skinny-dipping with me would flash across the sky any time somebody said “wow, nice knockers”.
okay, I’ll try and oblige – – –
” Tulsi Gabbard “
I got news for ya… the Democrats have rigged it already. They have, through their intentionally insecure border and by using secretive ‘immigrant’ NGO’s funded with U.S. citizen tax dollars funneled through the United Nations, managed to get multiple thousands of non-citizens and illegal-immigrant non-citizens registered to vote in the upcoming presidential election.
Multiple states are discovering these in the thousands on their voter registration roles and are removing them, but they might not get all of them in time to keep them from showing up to vote. In the mean while, in Blue states these NGO’s keep piling them onto the voter registration roles and even offering short classes on how to vote and to vote democrat. Plus these NGO’s keep trying to exploit other states systems weaknesses to get as many as possible on their voter registration roles.
“multiple thousands of non-citizens and illegal-immigrant non-citizens registered to vote in the upcoming presidential election“
Well, that’s quite the assertion.
So Rudy, do you have even one name?
Several states have lots of names, their efforts have been in the news and available by searches, and heck, even New York Hochul beamed proudly in the news about how they were being added to the voter registration rolls and was behind it 100%. Have you been living under a rock? Oh nope, I’ll retract that question, you have been living in your left wing fantasy world with TDS. But once again without any real understanding or knowledge you jump right into discussion for which you are are a complete moron and then you cherry pick out of context to make you feel all warm n fuzzy thinking you made a valid point when what you really did was make you look like the clown you are. You did not read the rest and understand, you read what your confirmation biased wanted you to read and once again, ignored context like you usually do by cherry picking… yep ya did, typical radical extremist left wing traitor confirmation bias and not knowing what context means and confirmation bias Miner49er.
That sure is a lot of text just to say you don’t have any names.
Not one name to substantiate your claim.
Now do you understand why Trump and his minions lost all 60 court cases?
“Rusty Bowers says Giuliani told him: ‘We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence’
BY BRETT SAMUELS 06/21/22 02:02 PM ET
Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) on Tuesday said he repeatedly pressed Rudy Giuliani for proof of his claims of election fraud after the 2020 election, but added that Giuliani failed to produce any.
“My recollection, he said, ‘We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence,’” Bowers told the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack at Tuesday’s hearing.“
Jose bitch, one of them is named Jose.
OH, PULEEZE, MajorIdiot!!! Put that shite where the sun don’t shine. I will ask you ONE MORE TIME – tell me the case where ANY claim of election fraud, miscounting, irregularity, etc. in the 2020 Presidential election was ruled NOT to have a factual basis after (i) a full evidentiary hearing, with both parties represented and allowed to present, and cross-examine, witnesses, and (ii) was not decided on “procedural” or “standing” grounds.
I won’t bother to wait for your response, since THERE WEREN’T ANY!!!! You are become deranged in your pathetic, partisan defense of, not just your inept, stupid candidates, but your deranged ‘world view’.
Just keep f*ckin’ that chicken, MajorMistake.
Lamprey, you are the one claiming the election was stolen, you are the one who bears the burden of proof.
Show your hand, post the evidence you have to back up your claim of a stolen election.
Once again, MajorMistake, you are a liar. I have NEVER said the “election was stolen” – not ONCE. What I HAVE said, and will continue to say, is that there is OVERWHELMING evidence of electoral shenanigans and malfeasance. I don’t know, and YOU don’t know, whether the results of that actually altered the outcome. What I have said, and INTENDED to say was that our election system and rules GUARANTEE a questionable outcome. No ID, mail-in ballots (with signature verification not required or ignored), vote counts for precincts not being even CLOSE to actual registered voter lists, registered voters with phony addresses, an “Election Day” that now lasts WEEKS in many areas, illegal aliens being regularly registered to vote (absolute FACT in California – I personally witnessed it at a California DMV office, so SUCK IT, MajorLiar). And it is a FACT that the Dimocrat Leftist/fascist party is opposing EVERY attempt at election integrity. Y U so scared of clean elections, MajorCoward??
And still not one name…
Just empty claims, as usual.
Nice try FBI
And another day without one single name from the millions of illegal immigrant votes y’all are claiming.
Again, a claim is not evidence.
And a claim should not be believed until sufficient credible evidence is presented to warrant belief.
Did you miss the NPC update re Georgia? Your media is on the yeah it happens but it’s not enough to change the results phase now. Still forgot to turn off your identifier when you do your coordinated posting but good job having the r3ddit style posting for the sock puppet.
Shooting the vote…Just not from the rooftop. That’s a democrat tactic.
“Shooting the vote“
Just what is the Republicans’ plan, let’s math this out:
‘Shooting the vote’ + R = Shooting the voteR!
Looks like the Republicans have a plan, that’s why they’re trying to stop vote by mail and early voting, they will miss their chance for shooting the voter.
I don’t think Pelosi is going to let him win in November.
LOL – As long as she doesn’t run out of toilet paper…
I’d say Trump would have more of an issue with the toilet paper shortage like we had under his administration, and he’s flushing 10 or 15 times so…
Yeah, you would definitely say that. You’d also say “No crisis at the border”, just like she did. In what other ways are you parallel with her? Charmin?
Now tell us it’s Trump fault, lol.
She will unless her opponents go to the pols and vote against her.
History clearly shows the following. No matter how difficult it might seem to retain rights it is oh so much more difficult to regain rights lost. That is something that unregistered voters really need to think about. If you aren’t registered to vote, you cannot vote. Voting in favor of pro gun rights candidates and or against anti gun rights candidates is one way to defend your constitutional rights, which sad to note, are in constant need of defense.
People, including gun owners, who shirk their civic duty to understand the issues and vote wisely, deserve to live in a totalitarian country. We’re halfway there already!
Yeah Wray, ….. you must not have noticed the “Dead End” sign you drove past a way’s back?
There are suppossedly 100million gunowners in the US. That should make it impossible to rig.
But it doesn’t; won’t.
And the reason those 100 million gun owners won’t vote for Trump is because they’re rational adults who understand voting on the single issue of gun rights is a bad idea for the country.
Trump’s actions on bump stocks, pistol races, his statements on red flag laws and “I think we should take the guns first and worry about due process later” show he is no friend of American gun owners.
He’s just paying them lip service to get their vote, and then discard them like a used rubber.
Oh wait, they’re against contraceptives so I guess that’s a bad metaphor…
The answer is to elect Democrats, then hold their feet to the fire on gun rights. Republicans won’t listen to the people, but Democrats will.
Lol best joke you ever told.
“The answer is to elect Democrats, then hold their feet to the fire on gun rights. Republicans won’t listen to the people, but Democrats will.”
WOW!!!! That is some weapons-grade projection and lying, right there!!! Now, I AGREE that the ‘Republicans’ (at least most of the elected ones) don’t listen to the people. The statement that the Dimocrat/Leftist/fascists DO listen to the people is risible NONSENSE, else Senile Joe would still be the Dimocrat candidate. How many delegates did Kamal-toe get in 2020????? How many primary voters voted for HER as candidate for President, specifically, in 2024??? Oh, that’s right, ZERO!
The OVERWHELMING majority of Americans, in poll after poll, oppose student loan forgiveness, SCOTUS, and NUMEROUS Courts of Appeal, have ruled it illegal and unconstitutional (it is BOTH), but Biden is “going to do it, anyway”. The overwhelming majority of Americans surveyed, INCLUDING blacks and Hispanics, favor closing the border to illegal immigration – and Lyin’ Joe’s “toughest ever” border control bill WOULDN’T EVEN KICK IN until we hit 5,000 illegal entries PER DAY, for five days straight.
Your lies are so full of holes, you should sell you narrative as a strainer – although it wouldn’t strain out much, being so full of holes (like unto your head, eh?).