“Gunfire erupted at a Denver pot celebration Saturday, injuring two people and scattering a crowd of thousands at a downtown park after they had just marked the first 4/20 counterculture holiday since the state legalized marijuana,” reports. “The man and woman who were shot were expected to survive, and police were looking for one or two suspects, said Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson. Witnesses described a scene in which a jovial atmosphere quickly turned to one of panic just before 5 p.m. Several thought firecrackers were being set off, then a man fell bleeding, his dog also shot . . .

Denver pot festival (

Ian Bay, who was skateboarding through Civic Center Park when shots erupted, said he was listening to music on his headphones when he looked to his right and saw a swarm of hundreds of people running at him. ‘I sort of panicked. I thought I was going through an anxiety thing because so many people were coming after me,’ he said.

Understandable, on lots of levels.


  1. “Rapper Lil’ Flip was performing when the shootings occurred.”

    Yo, yo, yo! That “splains” everything…

  2. No wonder someone wigged out and started shooting. Whoever started shooting was probably so high from the contact buzz they got just from being in the immediate vicinity, seriously look at all that freakin smoke hovering above those people. Its ridiculous that they will allow everyone to wonder around stoned in the middle of the city, but they wont allow anyone to protect themselves with more than ten or however many rounds they are allowed to have now to protect themselves.

      • Drugs affect people differently, me I just giggle and laugh at everything, my old boss turned into furniture and an old co-worker became aggressive and violent.

        • Which is why it is each person’s responsibility to use (or not use) in a safe manner. If you do something harmful to others, you should be held accountable. No need to ban stuff. (Not specifically saying this to you, Gabriel, just putting it out there.)

    • Someone should shoot you so you dont pass stupidity on to the next generation. contact buzz? who the f are you? have you even lived a day in this century? and then you start complaining about the number of bullets you have…effin retard

  3. Holy crap was it foggy that day or is that smoke???

    For all we know a cop there for normal guard duty or checking for something more illegal than pot got super high and started shooting people.

    My god that is a lot of smoke.

    Just holy crap.

  4. Old Bloomberg is licking his chops over this story. Guns, smoking and pot. Think he wants to run for mayor of Denver?

    • Right. I’m sure there’s one out there, but out of the (at least) thousands of pot smokers I’ve met, I’ve never seen one the least inclined to violence. They’re too busy contemplating how to link the Xbox with the vaporizer to make the ‘ultimate reward for finishing a level’ or whatnot.


      • While your typical hippie pot smoker is not violent you have to remember a lot of gansters smoke pot. Being Latino and growing up in a really bad part of town I was around a lot of people like this. I am still friends with some but I don’t hang out with them at all. Anyway, when they smoke they don’t get peaceful at all, it’s as if it has more of an alcohol type of effect on them.

  5. In all the years (20+?) they’ve been doing it (I think as many as ABQ) and now that it’s legal there’s a violent incident?

    • Do you live in ABQ? Everyone here goes to Roosevelt park on 4-20. They have been doing it for years.

  6. Two of the phases I’ve gone through in my life include:
    1.Drinking. A LOT. During that particular time, I got in a lot of physical fights, as did the people I was drinking with. No guns were produced, but this was quite some time ago.
    2.Smoking pot. It was a completely different circle of people, and a completely different mindset. I smoked a bunch of weed, ate a shit ton of junk food, and gained about 40lbs. During that time, I never once saw or participated in a violent act -instigated- by stoners.
    I’m not defending pot smoking, and I haven’t burned down in almost 2 decades. But, I’d much rather hang around a bunch of people high on weed who want nothing more than some pizza than a bunch of drunken frat boys who wanna have a dick measuring contest that’s adjudicated with their fists.

  7. I can see no good coming from legalization of pot. what other things involving new government regulations have done well?

    • I can see no good coming from legalization of guns. What other things involving new government regulations have done well?


      I can see no good coming from legalization of alcohol. What other things involving new government regulations have done well?

      Tell me again where it says in the Constitution that the Federal government has any legitimate way to regulate substances for consumption. The very same document that protects your basic human right to self defense protects the very basic human right to own your body and determine, on your own, what you consume.

      • Yeah but in Modern America I own the medical bills your body incurs hence your body belongs to me, it’s that Social Justice Catch-22

        • If you drink, smoke, eat unhealthily, don’t exercise a proper amount, etc., then you too belong to me as you so rudely say. Modern American and all that, isn’t it? You had best be in perfect medical shape before you use that argument.

        • Don’t smoke dope, and don’t think much of people who do, but by that logic Ensitue the govt can mandate daily exercise and Mcdonalds outings only once a month.

  8. I know weed has its medicinal purposes but just look at the smoke in that photo; that can’t be healthy for anyone to breathe in such a high concentration. Good thing Hickenlooper passed that mag cap bill to prevent things like this from happening *sarc*.

  9. Maybe the stoners will grow up now that it’s legal, but i doubt it. I liken it to underage kids thinking they’re cool because they drink. But as soon as one turns 21 and is allowed to drink whenever, the novelty wears off pretty quick.

  10. Stoners are only violent when someone comes between them and their Doritos. Oh, well. To rephrase Shakespeare in The Taming of the Shrew, “a little pot and soon shot.”

  11. Obviously a right-winger celebrating Hitler’s birthday. They do that, don’tcha know. Learned that from NPR.

  12. Personally I don’t partake myself but I’m 100% for the legalization (and taxation – I have to pay the alcohol tax dammit) of pot, yet somehow I feel a certain sense of schadenfreude.

    That said, I hope everyone is okay and their pain and suffering is a small price to pay for a good war story and scar to prove it.

  13. Damn none of you guys recognized that Richmond PD allows their officers to use 1911’s. its pretty famous for cop gunnies in nor cal. IF you want to carry a 1911 get a job at Richmond PD. They also used to have a pretty cowboy reputation for a ghetto department.

    I also remember Lt Tirona used to visit and indoor range I worked at. Seemed like a nice guy could tell he was into guns even then where we were both young-ens.

      • So, you’re saying that pretty much everything these guys own is so unreliable as to predictably malfunction on a daily basis?

  14. There is more smoke in that picture than a black powder range, or the Knobb Creek machine gun shoot.

  15. Wait, what were we talking about? I can’t feel my feet. Hey man, can I bum some sour patch kids?

  16. The government needs to put a few tons of POISONED Pot, Heroin, and other dope on the streets.

    After a few thousand dope-addict scumbags die the rest would be afraid to buy or use the junk!

      • Nothing wrong with me: I want to rid the world of dope-heads and drunks that threaten me and my family!

        If a member of my family is ever harmed by a drunk or drug user they will not make it to trial.

        • In such an event, you have now shown premeditation for murder. I truly hope you never chance upon such a situation.

    • I don’t support the idea, but it’s been done before: to alcohol supplies during prohibition and to Mexican pot in the 70’s.

    • wow, great idea. people start dying from the pot they buy and everything just magically gets peaceful. if i knew you i’d kill you myself. no one would miss you, not even your precious family

  17. Many people are under the illusion that once you make something legal the the criminals who made their living on the formerly illegal good or service are instantly transformed into fine upstanding law abiding citizens. Would it be so. Fifty years after the end of Prohibition the mob still controlled the wholesale liquor trade. Those of you who expect crime to drop when drugs are legalized are going to be sorely disappointed.

    • Well, there’ll be a whole lot less victimless possession crimes clogging up the system. Oh, and without the ridiculous profits, a whole lot less violent crime too, like when Prohibition was repealed.

      Will there be a drug-money Kennedy equivalent? Probably. Better that than putting up with statist conservatives who are no more than lattr-day Carrie Nations.

      • I suggest you go back and look at a Bruce Kraft post that included a historical graph on US murder rates. The graph shows that murder rate rose rapidly after 1900 with the influx of Russian Jewish and Italian gangsters. The murder rate was already increasing at declining rate during Prohibition. It spiked in the late 1920s, not because of prohibition, but because that is when the national organized crime cartel formed. They were just finishing off the hold outs. The murder rate began its decline before Prohibition ended as the gang wars were settled. The murder rate in the teens and twenties was driven by the war between the Jewish-Italian mob taking over the organized crime business from the Irish mob. During much of this time drugs, prostitution and gambling were legal in many places.

        The high murder rate today is not about drugs. It is about the social disintegration in our urban centers that is a result of a social policy that has led to an increase in out-of-wedlock births and welfare dependency. We are on social path, endorsed by Progressives and their Libertarian stooges to extend social model to the rest of society. Legalizing drugs will not solve the problem of gang driven violence. Just as the lifting of prohibition did not end organized crime in America or the legalization of vice in Nevada did not prevent the mob from running the place.

        Drug legalization is to Libertarians is what gun control is to Progressives.

  18. The cause of the shooting was not the NRA.
    The cause of the shooting was not the THC.

    The cause of the shooting was simply TNB.


    Ian Bay, who was skateboarding through Civic Center Park when shots erupted, said he was listening to music on his headphones when he looked to his right and saw a swarm of hundreds of people running at him.

    “I sort of panicked. I thought I was going through an anxiety thing because so many people were coming after me,” he said.
    You can’t make up anything more hilarious than that…

  20. Is it just me or is anyone a little concerned that they apparently already had arial surveillance of this gathering prior to the shooting? Is it normal to have that kind of surveillance at a gathering of this size or… ?

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