Matt Steele nails it, but you should also brush and floss regularly and work on your tennis and bowling games. If you start throwing down all those OFWG insults you’re gonna need street cred, and bowling below 200 isn’t gonna cut it.
Trying to teach “street cred” to a skinny white boy wearing pepto pink ears is fvcking hilarious.
That’s racist – hilariously so.
If Obama had a son, he’d shoot like this!
Ryan probably already does…or at least he does when the camera’s around
Has anyone actually shot like this? I have and it is a surprisingly accurate way to point shoot.
Write an article for TTAG and defend your thesis!
And be sure to follow up an article on how to “throw” the rounds just right so they fly on curved trajectory, Wanted style.
Better yet, film it!
And good luck: I almost didn’t notice that they appear to be shooting at the side of a barn. I doubt they hit it.
This is the Hollywood technique that bad guys use for shooting. How many (dead) enemies of Bond, for example, talk the scene to death when one round, fired while using the sights, would have done the job?
“Omg he turned the gun sideways! Kill shot” from Date Night.
First yell:
“I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”
Then shoot when he’s trying to figure it out.
LongPurple that may be the funniest comment ever written about shooting!
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