Popping into the UTG Leapers booth at SHOT Show, I found a lot of new products. Like, a lot. From UTG optics of all sorts to GLOCK- and AR-compatible magazines to a brand new brand, Integrix. Let’s start with the mags…
Yep, that’s a GLOCK 17 with a lot of magazine sticking out the bottom.
It’s a UTG 33-round, windowed 9mm GLOCK-compatible magazine. They also make it in non-window.
Looks good, feels good.
UTG is doing 15- and 17-round GLOCK mags now, too (that’s the non-window 33-round one on the right).
UTG and UTG Pro AR mags, too. This one is a 25-round AR-10/SR-25 magazine.
Similar texture pattern to that windowed GLOCK-fit mag.
Now over to Integrix, these appear to be legitimately high-end optics that are under the Leapers ownership umbrella.
First I grabbed this 3-18×44 FFP and played with the turrets, zoom, diopter, and other adjustments and tried to generally get a feel for it. It absolutely looks, feels, and operates like a high-end scope with sharp turret clicks and smooth, precise fit everywhere else.
The glass, too, appeared extremely bright and clear.
Integrix uses exclusively German and Japanese glass. While that’s as specific as I know, and there are varying grades of glass that come out of those countries, those are the two places for the nicest, best glass in the rifle optics world. This scope very clearly was not running Chinese glass, as it was brighter and sharper than that would be at all zoom levels.
MSRP on the 3-18x is $1,899.97. I believe it’s $1,399 for the 1-8x and $1,599 for the 3-12x, but might be slightly off on that. With “street price” likely coming in a bit lower, these are really solid prices for German and/or Japanese glass optics. TTAG will try to do a thorough review in the next few months.
Back over to UTG and they have all sorts of reflex sights and every other kind of red dot. I checked out a few of the pistol-focused options…
That’s a cute little guy with a tough-looking shroud and a rear sight notch built in.
Slightly larger reflex optic for pistols and carbines.
Okay that’s it from the Leapers booth. They have over 700 SKUs! Check ’em out HERE.