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SHOT Show Snaps: Red Jacket Firearms and R. Lee Ermey

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These exclusive photos capture most of the Red Jacket Firearms crew stalking the halls of the SHOT show this morning. These pictures also demonstrate why I am not usually called on to take photographs for TTAG, but that’s another story. Make the jump for more, if you dare . . .

‘Business Manager/shop vixen Stephanie Hayden, seen here without buckets of eye shadow and eyeliner, looks surprisingly little like her ‘Made For TV’ persona.

Meanwhile, in a separate ZIP code (but still on the same gargantuan convention floor), R. Lee Ermey fans proved that good taste prevails. Eventually. Factory reps and journos alike were lined up an hour deep, waiting for a picture with the beloved Gunny. Meeting and greeting is hard work; even an iron man like Ermey needs to replenish his dip now and then.

Meanwhile, I’m on the prowl for booth babes, as directed by RF (who’s RTBed). Maybe the quality of the image won’t mean so much . . .

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