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Shotgun Toilet Paper Showdown! Benelli M4 vs Saiga-12

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments


On Monday we met Lone Star Arms honchos Mike and Christina Rogers at Best of the West in Liberty Hill. That’s where they demo’d their impressive, highly modified Saiga-12 IZ-433 for us, showing us just what the sometimes-maligned AK-patterned semi-auto shotguns are capable of when done up right. Watch this space for a full review next week. In the mean time, Mike took on sharpshot Kirsten Joy Weiss in a TP-blasting smoothbore showdown. Kirsten sported RF’s Benelli M4. Mike shot his upgraded Saiga. Who won? Watch the replay after the jump and you make the call . . .

0 thoughts on “Shotgun Toilet Paper Showdown! Benelli M4 vs Saiga-12”

  1. Ban guns in Staples. See if I care. I don’t shop there and the pro gunners who do can simply boycott them.

    Of all the stores in the world…they choose Staples and Starbucks? Stereotypical soccer moms banning guns in the places they shop. Because they are scared and unwilling to at least hear the other side. We have the same goal here: stop violence. If both sides would leave their egos behind and actually listen to each other, maybe we’d have a solution.

  2. Why would I not be surprised to find out that this guy is a 13-yr spoiled brat living in an upscale liberal neighborhood in Hollywood.

  3. I just use the little green fluorescent green, peel-and-sticks. Except one time at an Isaak Walton range in West Virginia, I used a printed photo of Arnold Schwartzenegger.

  4. This guy is trolling you, and you’re taking the bait. No one in their right mind would engage this guy even if he was serious, yet here’s a relatively respected gun blog engaging him.

    Just stop.

  5. He’s trolling. It’s all incendiary up to the part about “States that were once part of the Confederate States of America will be charged an extra 10% income tax” thing, at which point it becomes laughable.

    If it’s real, then… wow.

  6. There is a group of women I will have to get their official site info..but it is a million moms against gun control my kind of law abiding pro 2nd amendment rights females and an asset to law abiding gun owners everywhere…go pro gun moms!

  7. The two bills are HR1474 and S1149. They have not moved since April 10th and June 12th, and have seven and four co sponsors respectively.

    Among other problems they would hurt the production of plastic bodied magazines because every subcontractor that works with them would need a type 7 FFL.

    Currently the 3.7 ounces of metal can be anywhere in the firearm, such as the barrel. These bills require all plastic receivers to have 3.7 ounces of metal, this would affect many firearm models. This only applies to home made firearms.

  8. Extreme shock ammo,does the trick first round.
    This guy is a perfect reason for conceal carry,cause we are surrounded by scum bums like this guy and his really,really stupid family.


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