Ohio Ordnance Semi Auto M-1919 A-4 in 7.62x51mm with gatling gun crank, tripod and 600 rounds of 147gr, .30 caliber fury


  1. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever seen a BMF Activator on a belt-fed semi-auto before today. But it makes perfect sense, and restores much of the original function (if the intended use is as an area-suppression weapon).

  2. I wish I had the kind of disposable income required to own one of those. I’d even settle for this over the much more expensive “real” one.

  3. Does that shoot spent brass out the bottom ?
    NICE , even if it does .
    You are welcome into my wagon circle anytime if you promise to bring that one and a lot of shooting thingy’s .

  4. Now THAT is some fun, and even semi auto, a great piece representing history.
    I have nothing personal against the AR, and I’m actually really impressed by all the PCCs everybody’s posting, but my tastes have definitely turned to stuff more like this. The STG 44 repro is a definite purchase next year, though I’d love to do the FG42 or the BAR ones, if I had the cash.

  5. That thing is awesome. And a nice break from the boring parade of ARs. How much does a rig like that set you back?

  6. I’m jealous. I’ve had my eye on one of those, yet I have three more years of a college budget. So, essentially no money to budget.

  7. My dream gun. the gatling crank is a great idea.

    Man. Need to get that mad wealth so I can put this in my living room, haha.

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