Jeremy got his hands on a prototype of the Simtek security sensor, and then reviewed the production model when it started to ship. These’re wireless real-time cellular (not WiFi) monitors that alert you of an unauthorized attempt to access your gun or safe. He was a fan (testing of the newest version is underway).

Now Simtek is rebranding their remote security sensors for the firearm market. The new brand is StealthALERT, but they’re the same product with the same features. Here’s their press release . . .

Simtek, a leader in advanced security and valuables monitoring solutions, is excited to announce the rebranding of its security sensor for firearms and safe monitoring. The product will be known as StealthALERT sensor, reflecting its enhanced capabilities and emphasizing its discreet yet powerful nature.

The Simtek StealthALERT sensor represents the future of wireless security sensors, combining cutting edge technology with unmatched performance. It offers real-time monitoring of firearms, valuables, and more, utilizing cellular backed threat detection for reliable monitoring worldwide.

“We are thrilled to introduce Simtek StealthALERT as the new name for our wireless security sensor,” said Brady Simpson, CEO of Simtek. “This rebranding showcases our dedication to delivering advanced security solutions that discreetly blend into any environment while providing robust protection. Simtek StealthALERT perfectly captures the essence of our product’s stealthiness and heightened security.”

With features such as smartphone notifications and advanced 3-IN-1 sensor technology, Simtek StealthALERT provides customers with actionable information in critical moments. Its user-friendly app and easy setup process make it accessible to individuals and businesses seeking enhanced security measures.

Simtek Duo

Simtek remains committed to exceptional customer experience, and the rebranding underscores the company’s focus on refining its product lineup and meeting the evolving needs of customers. The Simtek StealthALERT is available for purchase at the Simtek website and at authorized retailers.


    • We hope to make it more affordable in the future. The higher price is due to the quality of chipsets we use in order to make it the most reliable sensor on the market.

      It’s not for everyone, but customers say it’s one of the most reliable products they’ve used, period. For anyone who wants additional peace of mind that can’t be easily sabotaged. Thanks for checking us out!

      • I had the first version, it was great, no false alarms, although if I opened and closed the safe fast enough, it would not send the alert, which was fine with me.

        But it was 3G, I think, went off the air, and the replacement simply does more than I need and costs more than I want to spend. I have no doubt it’s solid and reliable, but I’d really like a return of the old, updated to 4G or 5G.

        • Hey Felix thanks for being a customer man. We appreciate you.

          Hear you on the cost. We hope to offer discounts in the future. 1st gen was also $150 (unless you were an early customer you may have purchased it for $100). 2nd-gen upgraded to 4G, with temp/humidity and an accelerometer, in addition to other upgrades, so it is all around a better unit. We hope you consider Simtek StealthALERT in the future! Thanks for being a customer Felix

        • It’s not the purchase price as much as the monthly fee. If I were more worried about sneak thieves or traveled a lot and wanted to keep one in a suitcase, it might be worth it.

        • The monthly fee is $4.20 / month or $3.85 monthly if you prepay annually. Less than it costs to shoot a good mag at the range. It uses cellular data so needs the data plan but understand from a principle perspective no one likes a monthly fee. That said it is cancel anytime, for any reason, without penalty. Regardless we appreciate you being a v1 customer and your feedback

        • I must have crossed wires somewhere. I thought the new monthly fee was $12 or $14 or so. I will definitely buy the new one at that price.

          Gadzooks, that sounds like I’m a shill.

  1. if you have a safe with a lot in it, $150 may not be too bad. Since it’s cellular I think you have to pay for a data plan, I guess the cost of the plan would be the question.

    It’s somewhat redundant if you have an alarm system for your residence, unless the concern is more knowing if someone you live with (kids, teens, etc) accessed the safe.

    And I guess there are some use cases as it looks like you could take it with you traveling in case someone is messing with your gear in a car, hotel, etc.

    • Yeah, many people opt not to have an alarm system for the residence, and many of those systems are WIFI only and prone to outages and sabotage (some have cellular backup, but typically only a couple days worth).

      It automatically works wherever there is a 4G connection, anywhere in the world — so it’s great for monitoring storage units, RVs, docked boats, your loadout at the hotel or on the road etc. Most of our customers use it for monitoring the safe or area near the safe at home where the spouse/kids/cleaning people/contractors etc can’t just temporarily unplug the wifi to defeat and gain access to.

      Thanks for checking us out and for the comment. We’re always trying to improve the product and services that we offer.

  2. There may be an arguable solid reason for this, such as for businesses which house weapons or items that need guarding and oversight.

    But for personal/residential? A gadget that sends information over the network, which has never, ever, EV-AH been hacked and surveilled by our overlords?

    Yah, hard pass for me on this.

    • I Haz An Answer For You

      StealthALERT sends the alerts over an encrypted cellular cellular connection. We looked at WIFI (which all other comparable systems use) and unfortunately it is too easily hacked and sabotaged. Just unplug the router…or cut the power to the main panel on the house and now that system is done. Also, even if the overlords were to see the alert, there’s no audio or video being recorded. It’s simply a light/motion/vibration plus temp/humidity and “rough” location. It’s not any PII or super sensitive data. If someone is tapping into ATT or T-Mobile (the sensor is roaming and hooks onto different providers) and trying to hack the encrypted alerts you’re sending, you’ve likely got much bigger problems on your hands.

      • How well does the signal work through a typical gun cabinet vs actual safe? Also what is the typical battery life given limited detection alerts from a rarely opened storage unit?

        • Great question. We chose cellular connectivity specifically because it can penetrate through safes at much better rates than WIFI or BTLE. Most customers can get alerts through their safe. Others choose to string the antenna out the back. If you take a look at this guide you can see the different mounting options:

          Battery life is about 1 year off a single charge, alerting 10x a month. With 2nd-gen, we allow continuous charging — AKA you can keep the sensor plugged in 24/7 with a battery pack or a wall outlet if needed. But, most people simply just charge it once or twice a year depending on how often you use the sensor.

  3. That’s as wonderful device and the price is not a factor for the security it provides. Good going guys👍

  4. Founder,
    Since you’re responding, I have a question. How much signal strength does it need?
    I can generally a word only text (no pics) out, almost never enough signal strength for voice. Would it work?

    • Almost no signal required. If you can push out a text message, this is all it needs. We designed it specifically to operate in low signal environments, like a safe or basement or anywhere there is almost no signal. The amount of signal required to send a simple text message is orders of magnitude less than voice/media. Out of thousands of customers, we’ve only had 1 or 2 cases where the customer had to return due to zero signal. One guy was out in the boonies and basically didn’t have access to internet or even electricity. That said, we offer 30 days no questions asked full refunds. We ultimately only want the product out with someone who is actually going to use it. We don’t want it sitting on a shelf as a paper weight. Here’s a *very old 5 years old video* talking a bit about why we chose cellular. The simple answer is that it operates at extreme reliability compared to wifi and is much more secure and less prone to sabotage. It is also orders of magnitude harder to pull off than a simple WIFI/BTLE system, which is why we’re the only company offering it.

    • Fake news. We did not pay TTAG for this content. TTAG is awesome in that they also like to support American entrepreneurs and businesses. We shipped them a device no questions asked and said “review it honestly” in 2018 and they did just that. We’re doing it again this go around. Anything goes. We stand behind our product and spent the last 6 years with thousands of engineering hours building this out. We don’t contract out any engineering to China OEMs like many other companies do. All engineering in-house. We spend our money on engineering and product development.

      • The best predictor of future behavior is the documented history of past performance.

    • This is not paid content. We ran a press release announcing the rebranding of a product we’d previously reviewed. We identify all sponsored content as such in the byline.

      • Thanks for doing this story. “Firearms” as a subject should be as broad as possible. Knowing the increasing security options is just as important as the 4 safety rules.

  5. If cellular signals can be traced- would this not essentially be akin to a flashing neon sign-like digital homing beacon leading tech-savvy undesirables directly to one’s most prized possessions?

    • Good question. No, for a few reasons. First, it’s only connected to networks for a few seconds while it sends the alerts. Second, the location data it shares with it’s owner is approximate; it’s not GPS so even if someone were to somehow get this data, they would not get a pinpoint location. Third, everything is sent over an encrypted cellular connection on U.S servers on U.S soil. And lastly, if you’ve got someone trying to capture your Simtek cellular signal for the momentary times you’re opening your safe, you have got way bigger problems on your hands. It’s exceptionally easy to hack and defeat WIFI these days, any modern Joe can go on the internet and buy a WIFI hacker/sniffer and intercept packets, take control over routers, and do what they please. You do not hear or see anyone doing any cellular based hacking, it’s next to impossible for all but the most advanced entities. The one big vulnerability would be someone having a cellular jammer. But, since the sensor uses a global roaming simcard on 4G with multiple fallback mechanisms, including falling back to other bands like 2G and even other networks, it would be exceptionally hard for anyone who even knew the exact moment you would open your safe to cellularly jam its signal.

      • Thanks for the reply- it’s very informative. Unfortunately, I’m one of “those guys” who apprehends that anything that connects to the internet cannot be made secure. And since this device communicates with the user’s cell phone- one’s phone becomes the “weak link” connection that gives unauthorized parties information about things you’d prefer to keep private… and secure.

        And as you might have guessed, I’m also one of those guys who only uses my cell phone as a phone, as a camera, and for texting- my computer is the big thing with a monitor and a keyboard that sits on top of my desk. That’s the only place I do any form of “computing”.

        So, I am quite aware that I am not the intended customer for your product… but nonetheless wish you luck in your business endeavor.

  6. @Founder, Simtek

    In a reply to someone else you posted this…

    “We don’t contract out any engineering to China OEMs like many other companies do. All engineering in-house.”

    I’m a little confused over that because on your web site you have on your “about us” page this image used in relation to engineering > > which seems to have one point indicated to be in a China special administrative region known to be home to China engineering and manufacturing OEM’s. But, I admit, things are a little confusing with your map because that region is very close to the borders of other countries so maybe its not clear.

    What is this point location on the map on your company ‘About Us’ page?

  7. We do all of the engineering in-house (and no engineering is done by companies or individuals in China). The map shows that we have people all over the world helping out with Simtek, and there’s not really a point to it other than that. We do build them at a couple factories in Shenzhen, though which is the point you’re seeing. And the other one close by is Malaysia. All the important stuff (engineering and the servers/backend) on US soil, and always will be. Maybe some day the manufacturing costs will come to a point in the US where we can build them here…but at this stage, it would make the unit cost 2-3x more to produce them in the states unfortunately.

  8. This sounds like a device Hunter Jim Shockey could have used. TTAG did a story on him several years ago. When his entire gun safe was stolen out of his rural home.

    It was found weeks later open and empty. I’ll be looking into perhaps getting one.

  9. I went to their website, and it states it is “Designed in USA”, which means to me it is made in China. Is that correct?

    • That’s right; manufactured and assembled over there. Too costly for us to do it here in the USA when we looked at it unfortunately but hope that will change someday. Would be much easier and more streamlined if we did build them here. Was going to be a $400 device at that point.

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